Chappie 11: Pacing and bad reactions

Jars and planes that keep us together


Himchan sat on their couch watching his friend pace back and forth. They had received a call from Zelo a half an hour ago saying he was going out and would be back, the maknae had hung up too quickly for him to hear an protests. So, for the forty five minutes and now thirty seconds since the maknae had left Bang’s body had become rigid and he had not stopped pacing across the room. He was finally broken from his path when his phone buzzed loudly on the coffee table, lunging across the room unnecessarily he picked up the call shouting into  it a scared Himchan watching.

“Choi Junhong! Where have you been?! If you don’t get your tall as back here and in front of me in the next minute I will shave your head and use your hair as a towel to wipe your blood off the floor when I am done with you!” He roared into the phone hanging up and tossing it a t Himchan. The crease on Yongguk’s forehead grew deeper as he waited death glaring the door, Himchan sure that the door would burst into flames if Zelo did into show up in the next couple of seconds.

Lucckily for the maknae (and the poor door) he showed up forty two second after Bang had received the call. Panting and sweating a bit Zelo stood in front of a raging Bang. “I am so sorry hyung, I( got invited out by-“

“Oh gosh, I am so sorry. We brought him along when we went to visit a friend. He wasn’t seen by anyone but my friend and you don’t have to worry about him.” Ash cut in standing in front of Zelo who was exchanging nervous glances with, both had backed away when Bang had ripped the door open.

The leader stood frozen for a minute processing what she had just said “Him? Who?”

“Oh! It was JR, the leader from Nu’est! We haven’t really seen that much of them, but he is super nice hyung! He showed us all these pretty spots and Eri took a bunch of pictures!” Zelo said cheerfully hoping to see the frown on the leaders face disappear. It deepened as Bang processed this new information.

“You know other idols?” He asked the elder of the sisters.

“Mmh. I run into a lot of people where I usually work, Jong hyun and his group stayed with us one time.” She explained casually, her explanation not helping to erase the now deep frown on Bang Yongguk’s face. Himchan, being ever aware of the leaders moods took his chance to change the subject.

“So, Eri took picture? Would you mind showing us them?” He said cheerfully yanking the leader into their room and inviting the three in the hall to sit in the living room.

Eri smile shyly pulling out her camera, sitting next to Zelo who quickly got comfortable leaning over the small girl. “Well I haven’t really gone through them to see if they are any good, but I guess these should do.” She turned the camera to the two elders who settled for sharing a chair next to Ash who stood watching as her sisters handiwork was admired by the idols.

“Wah, I really like this one with the little kids. The little girl is pushing the little boy in the boat!” Himchan giggled clicking through the tons of photos the girl had taken around the city.

“Hyung, did you see the pictures of us playing?” Zelo asked excited, bouncing on the couch a bit.

“Neh, who took them. They aren’t focused very well.” Bang said as he looked over Himchans shoulder. The two sitting on the couch stiffened visible and looked at Ash for her to react.

Bang noticed their reaction and realized his error, looking to see the girl simply smiling. “I am horrible at taking pictures. You know I am just dreadful with any technology.” She said chuckling, easing the tension for all but himchan who was still looking through the pictures and admiring one of two old men napping together.

“I’m sorry I pulled Zelo away this afternoon.” She said quietly, with a solemn expression. “I understand we worried you.”

“It’s fine, he is safe. But I wish we had known, you had all this fun without us.” Bang said lightly, his face had finally fully relaxed. The whole room radiated calm and comfortable emotions by the time Himchan finished going through the camera files. The sisters excused themselves after that and headed to their own rooms, saying good bye until dinner.

Bang turned his attention to the maknae who was distracted telling Himchan all about his fun day. He took advantage of this to tackle the boy.

“Gah! What are you doing?!” Zelo shouted under Bang who was now sitting on the other face down on the couch boy.

“Punishment for being so disrespectful to your hyung today and going to have fun without us.” He fished through Zelos pockets quickly finding the boys phone.

He unlocked it without a problem and opened the call log. “Look at this Junhong. What does this say?!”

“Uhm. 25 missed calls?”

“Yeah, they are all from my phone or Channies. Now, why did you miss 25 calls?” Bang growled.

“I-it is on vibrate?” the younger says nervously.

“Oh, well it seems ot me you just don’t need a phone. So, I am confiscating it.” Bang declares getting off Zelo.

“What?! But hyung~” He whines “What if I get an important call?”

“I will let you take a call if it is really that important. For now it is no longer your phone though.” Yongguk states clearly, leaving the boy on the couvh to pout as he made his way to the bedroom. The three in the room jumped suddenly when a loud buzzing sound came from the phone Bang had just confiscated.

Zelo’s eye widened as his hyung opened the text message and started to read it out loud.

“Hai  Zelo oppa! Thanks for giving me your number, here is mine! I had fun today, thank you for coming with us! Smiley face. I hope you aren’t in too much trouble. Heehee.” Bang did his best impression of a girls voice causing Zelo to turn crimson and Himchan to roll over the floor laughing. “I am assuming this is your new friend Eri?”

“N-Neh” Zelo stuttered embarrassed to have his hyung prying into his private life.

“Hmm. Mabye I should send her a funny picture of you?” Bang asked pressing some buttons on the phone.

“Oh, hyung. Please no! Please just don’t do anything!” He begged reaching for the phone.

“Hmmm, I will leave your phone alone. IF you can get something for me.” Bang said mischievously, causing a calmer Himchan to scoff and roll his eyes.

“What d-do you want?” Zelo asked warily.

“I want you to go over to their room and find a way to get Ash’s number before we go to dinner.” He said grinning at his ingenious plan.

Meanwhile in the DaeJae room(Oh, gosh I promise not to make them more than the best bromance ever. They just make it so easy…)…

Daehyun, Youngjae and Jongup are all sitting legs crossed on the two beds in the suite. Youngjae cradling a bowl of ice cream and humming to his self with Daehyun next to him scrolling on his now charged phone. Accros from them Jong up is laying on his back staring at the ceiling and listening to music with a bored expression.

“Ugh, I’m so bored!” He moaned rolling onto his stomach. Daehyun looks up at the younger, placing his phone on his lap.

“We could watch TV?” He asked, turning on the set to be greeted by what seemed to be a french dubbing of some movie.

“It’s all in French” Jongup whined as Daehyun switched it off. They sat in silence for another minute.

“I think I’m hungry.” Daehyun announced.

“No, you just want to eat out of boredom.” Youngjae said, now done with his ice cream and joining the other two in their boredom. “Can we play a game?”

“No.” The other two sighed. “I would rather be bored.”

Youngjae pouted and left the two to their boredom curling up and taking a nap on his bed.

Hi Hi! So, this chapter is just filler I guess? Haha, I have no idea. But I did enjoy coming up with the DaeJaeUp scene. I feel like all of them are easily bored and it takes a lot of argueing for them to do anything. xD 

So, I am just going to leave this here. (I obviously do not own it.) Heehee. Himchan gets points for enthusiasm, but Bang gets points for being so awkward.


Thank you so much for the comments! You make my day! Seriously, just instant smiles all around. <3 <3 <3

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.