Chappie 6: Sometimes Daehyun like to be a ninja

Jars and planes that keep us together


Every now and then the bus would sway or bounce enough to rattle Zelo from his light sleep. This happened again when the bus had bounced through a pot hole jarring the partial blonde from his nap. When he felt his head knock against the window and body sway, he immediately panicked at the thought of the small girl now curled on his lap slipping off. His arms tighten around her lithe form and he felt her tighten her grip on the front of his shirt. He looked down to her sleeping form and chuckled, “You really are like a little baby bunny, you know.” His light whisper not reaching her in her deep sleep, she simple curled into a tighter ball and rubbed her head against his chest.

He pet her hair affectionately, enjoying the soft silky feeling of the light blonde long hair that had fallen out of a messy pony sometime ago. A slight smile appeared on her face, clearly she was having a good dream. Zelo smiled at the sight “You had better be dreaming about me you unfaithful Baby.” He whispered, “I hope this isn’t the last time we meet.”

Himchan sighed, in worry now no longer feeling satisfaction as reality hit hearing Jello’s faint words for the small girl curled against him. Unfortunately for the cute pair this would probably be the end of their relationship, seeing as the moment they arrived at the airport terminal their parties would have to separate and head towards their own destination. The chances of bumping into the pair of girls again were slim in a country the size of France, especially when the band of idols was planning on travelling.

“Is something wrong hyung?” Jonguuppie ask with his usual innocent doe eyes.

“Nothing too bad just the two band mates that are getting comfortable over there. I worry they might get hurt.” He explained to the younger while looking at Yongguk and Zelo.

“Ah. They look so peaceful. That noona from before, the one that hyung saved, is she the one that gave us the ponchos?” Jongup asked curiously.

“Neh. She seems like a nice girl. It’s too bad we will probably not see those two after today.” He sighed again.

“Mmm.” Jongup hummed agreeing with his hyung’s sentiment. The couples time would be short lived and while Yongguk would probably not even be fazed and pass this off as meeting a new friend, it was Zelo he worried for. The younger boy was currently the girl’s hair and looking at her with sleepy but affectionate eyes. He knew for a fact that Zelo was very limited in his interactions with girls and he had never really dated seriously. But the look in the maknaes eyes sent a gut wrenching feeling through him; it was the same look that he had seen Himchannie give their stylist when he thought no one was looking.

“What can we do? Just let them enjoy their rest, we should be arriving in another hour.” Himchan murmured with a frown.

Jongup just nodded, still disconcerted about how his friend would deal with his feelings once they had to part ways. The dancer took this chance to take out his phone and watch the new Chris Brown video.

“Daehyunie,” Youngjae said, tugging on the sleeve of his fellow vocalist.

“Hmm?” The elder asked clearly tired. Yougjae motioned towards the couples seated across the aisle from them, Zelo cuddling the figure of a sleeping stranger caught Daehyun’s attention immediately.

“Who is she?” He asked Yougjae confused as to why Jeloo was sharing so much skin ship with a fan, why it looked like the rapper was the one excited.

“I don’t know, but I think she is the sister of that girl Yongguk grabbed before. Jello helped her exit the plane before and he insisted on sitting there, they seemed pretty normal at first then when she got up he forced her to sit on his lap , I think to tease the poor girl, and then she just fell asleep.” Youngjae explained what he had observed so far of the two. “I think they like each other, but it’s not like they can do anything about it, neh?”

“Hn, she looks cute. Don’t tell Jello I said that, he looks like he would be the jealous type.” Dae mumbled to his friend who cackled at the thought of the maknae fraking out at the quiet Daehyun.

“Don’t worry. I kind of want to know who those girls are though.” Yougjae said with a side smile.

“Well, is that her sister’s bag?” Daehyun asked pointing at an army green bag stuffed under the seat infront of Zelo.


“Well I will take a look then.” Daehyun smirked. He stealthily crouched over the bag and looked for a sign of identification quietly. He quickly found a wallet in an outer pocket, and wrote down her information on his arm. He quickly stuffed the wallet back in and sat down next to a shocked youngjae.

“You shouldn’t do that you know,: Youngjae said stiffly.

“I know it is wrong to snoop, but I am curious.” Daehyun defended his actions smiking.

“Ani! I was talking about your arm! Manager hyung will yell at you for writing on your self.” Youngjae pouted, “I don’t blame you for being curiou, I am too!”

Daehyun laughed at the chubby bunnies stupid morals, he got things messed up a lot of the time.

“Alright get out your phone and look this up.” Daehyun directed him.

“Can we use your phone? Mine is with manager hyung. He got mad at me in the van for playing games too much.” Youngjae mumbled ashamed of his self.

“Mine is dead.” Daehyun pouted.

“Ugh. Damn.”

“Use mine” Came Jongups voice from in front of them. “It is mostly charged, but you have to tell me everything you find out about those girls. Zelo is my friend…”

“Thanks Jonggie!” Youngjae squealed quietly, grabbing the offered electronic in front of him. He typed the information on Daehyun’s arm into the search bar.

“Hyung, was her license Korean?” Youngjae asked curiously, as he scrolled through.

“Actually that’s the interesting thing. She has an American license and Korean one. Guess what Jonggie?” Daehyun said excitedly.


“She has her motorcycle license too!”

“Really! Woah, she is so cool!” Jongup said excitedly looking at the woman sleeping peacefully. “No wonder she didn’t freak out when she went flying through the plane! She is hardcore.”

“Alright, shut up dance brains.” Youngjae said teasing the younger who was now leaning between his and Himchan’s seat.

“She is the same age as me, she works as an executive consulting chef for XXXXX corp. and has permanent residence in Seoul.” Youngjae told the two, “She moved there a year ago, the younger is her sister and give me a minute.”

He tapped and scrolled for a moment then continued “The younger lives in the U.S., she just graduated third in her class and is going to college for photography. But get this, she has already worked for some of the biggest names in photography. She is pretty incredible; apparently she has won international photography contests. In this article it says she stated that she looks forward to living in Seoul with her older sister after college and traveling the world.”

“Wow! A college student.” Jongup said enviously. “Lucky, I wish I could go to classes like normal too!”

“Stop whining about useless things! That isn’t the important thing here pabo. They live in Korea! Better even, they live in Seoul.” Yougjae said flicking the dancer’s forehead.

“Oh! Hear that Himchannie hyung?!” Jongup asked enthusiastically.

“Hmm. I heard, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are idols and they are normal people. I mean that girl is going to college this fall! How could you look that excited? Don’t any of you tell this information to Yongguk or especially Zelo.” Himchan said firmly. “If Jello thinks there is any hope of seeing this girl again he won’t give up. God knows when she will be moving in with her sister, you read what it said. She is going to college in America first. The travel.”

The group sighed, realizing the new information was more of a burden than a relief. Youngjae cleared the browser and handed the phone back to Jongup with a huff.

“Let’s not talk about this again.” Daehyun mumbled to the group receiving a nod from each before they each looked in a different direction. Pouting he pulled out a sandwich from his bag. It was his favorite with peanut butter and homemade jelly from one of the Babyz.

“Does that have the babyz jelly?” Youngjae asked perking at the sight of the sandwhich.

“mhmm.” Daehyun said nodded around a bite. He broke a bite off and stuffed it in Jae’s mouth, in turn the younger moaned in satisfaction.

“Gosh she makes yummy foods.” Jae said childishly grinning. “I have never even tasted anything like her jams.”

“Hmm. I love it when in the summer, we get those little jars of cherries.” Daehyun adds “The best part is they don’t hurt our throats the way other sugary treats do. I like the little labels too.”

“Neh! They are so nice, I love all the babyz gifts. We have the best fans, I got this key chain from one and I think it’s hand made!” Youngjae rambled dangling the chain with little matokis all in difernt poses. It was very well made and cute.

“I am still hungry” Daehyun grumbled searching through his bag. He finally found what he wanted and pulled out a jar and spoon.

“What is that?” youngjae asked

“Talking about the babyz jam made me hungry. We are on vacation, so we wont get her jam if it comes through the mail. I had to pack what we had in case I got hungry, I’m glad I did now.” He explained to the other opening and scooping the jelly right from the jar.

Youngjae looked angry in that moment “You. You and your insatiable appetite. Hogging all of the jelly to yourself, Yongguk hyung is going to be so mad if finds out you ate a whole jar of his favorite.” Youngjae seethed to his best friend. They bickered for the remaining ride.

Oh gosh, I got really excited to see your comments! Thank you! <3 <3

So, I don't know about this chapter, I hope I depict the members well. I hope you enjoy :)

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.