Chappie 1: in the air

Jars and planes that keep us together


Warm stifling air, the buzz of voices and the roar of the engine that keeps you floating prevents you from drifting off to sleep. You glance at your sister, who if you were being honest, looked like she should be in a hospital bed with an IV. Not that she was dying, but the airsickness never went away for her, even in adulthood. She would never say it aloud but her clenched jaw and fists that were a shade of white you did not know the human body could turn told you that she was suffering. After a moment, she realized you were looking at her and she threw you a grimace and on ginger ale through a tiny straw. This is the worst it has been for her for a long time, the medicine she took before each flight had been lost right before they had to get on the plane. She said it would be ‘A-okay’, but obviously she was ready to pass out.

                The subject of your thoughts took a deep breath beside you and stood, motioning towards the bathroom. You nodded and stood with her, deciding that she would probably end up sprawled in the laps of some poor family on vacation, especially with this turbulence. She was surprisingly balanced as she walked, but she still subtly reached behind to you and gripped your hand. You smile, feeling grateful that your sister relied on you a little bit. A crackling voice announced that we are entering more rough patches in French and English then cut off again, you felt the hand gripping yours tighten in what you could guess was frustration.

                You really could not believe her poor luck when It came to this sort of thing, the one time she can’t take something to help her get through the flight you hit storms. To add to her building stress the back bathrooms were locked and you were sent to go through to the other side of the plane. This of course meant you both had to travel (or in her case trudge) through first class. You grew nervous, hoping there would be some attractive guys in that cabin. She walked unhesitant through the curtain and speed to the lavatory as you scanned the seats blushing when you noticed a group of fit looking guys in stylish hoodies and sunglasses, you scoffed in you head ‘They think they are idols or something’. Immediately pushing them low on the list of eligible guys you would want to date from a plane.

                You reach the bathroom and you wait outside as the water runs inside, you study the sketchy ‘idol’ guys. Their group looked big, with about six young guys, a couple of women who looked older and some other older looking guys wearing more business like attire. The whole group looked very tired, which made sense, seeing as you had boarded the plane around 11:30 and it had already been 5 out of six and half hours of your flight. In fact there were not many people awake on the plane, but you immediately noticed one of the guys stirring when the door opened and your sister’s face, looking a bit better, appeared. She stumbled out of the tight space and forward back to our seats.  A sudden jerk of the plane sent you both tumbling forward, down the aisle and into a knot of limbs with your fall cushioned by her.

                You both groaned and the boy who had just woken up hovered above you. He held out a tentative hand, clearly unsure of what to do to help you both. You took his hand and stood grateful, and thanked him, he only bowed his head in return looking down at your still grounded sister who seemed unable to get up at all. You leaned towards her to assess the damage when someone blocked you. Another one of the young men who was previously sleeping, was now bent over you sister. She looks horrible, paler than usual (which is difficult considering she is naturally the color of white sheets), her eyebrows pinched and her body in the fetal position.

“Ash?” You whisper over the stranger who is trying to figure out what is wrong. You realize she must have taken a blow to the stomach. “Hey, Ash. You have to get up. This is a nasty airplane floor.”

You hear her low chuckle and she immediately clenches her jaw and slowly pushes up to a sitting position. Which seems to be all that is manageable in the slightly shaking plane, she looks up at you with dark hooded eyes and seethes out “Ibuprofen, now!

You rush past her and the two strangers and reach you seat, grabbing her bag. Rushing back you hand her the bottle of pills and some water. A momentary glance allows you to take in what seems to be shock on the mysterious strangers. They look familiar, but you would figure it out at a later time. You smile at them and try to look reassuring so they will leave you and Ash alone.

After washing down several pills, she sits for a moment with her eyes closed. Then *Smack* the three of us jump when she smacks her own cheeks and is suddenly on her feet. There is fire in her eyes when she looks at us grinning like a devil. “Thank you Eri, for knocking me in and out of that.”

Glancing over to the two tall strangers she suddenly busts out in fluent Korean. “You speak Korean?”

They both nod making squinty faces and what you assume is a smile under their scarves. Which to be completely honest, it was pretty sketchy how covered up they were. They were clearly hiding something. You open you mouth to ask them why they are dressed so strangely only to be cut off by another crackling announcement.

“This is your captain again. Due to the severe turbulence please stay seated and secured. We will be making an emergency landing, please remain calm and wait for further instructions from the flight crew.” With that flight attendants made their way down the aisles.

You looked at Ash who grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards your seat as the plane bucked almost sending you tumbling. She practically threw you at your seats and you stumbled and sat down before she reached your aisle. As she rushed towards you the plane suddenly dipped and she flew back the direction you had come. There were screams around you as you watched your sister fly through the air and called her name. You tried to leave your seat but an attendant stopped you and kept you safely in your seat. Ash was now out of sight in the first class cabin and you could not see if she was alright or even alive. Panic set in and you began to sob. That is all you did or could do until the plane landed, so you cried to yourself as the air craft shook around you.


{I will be changing the POV from yours to third person every now and then....I hope this isn't awkward for anyone.}


Ash was not a person to be afraid, but the feeling of free fall she was currently experiencing sent tremors of panic through her body. The only thing on the young woman’s mind at the moment is the expression on her sisters face. That expression of fear plastered across Erin’s face triggered something in the woman tumbling through the cabin of the aircraft, in the seconds after she was launched back towards first class she had found something to grab onto. Thinking about making sure her sister would be okay she gripped the object, only to be swept into a seat. Wide black eyes met hers and she was suddenly strapped into the seat next to her savior, the same large mysterious man from before.


He wasn’t expecting their flight to France to be so eventful; in fact the turbulence seemed exciting enough. He had settled down in his seat after the warning and the increase in turbulence when a moment later shouts and horrified screams filled the cabin from the section behind them. He turned to see what the commotion was, when a body tumbled through the air towards the front. He noticed the frantic hands reaching out for something to anchor onto and grabbed them before she passed. He recognized the young woman from before who now gripped his forearms with surprising strength and her eyes tightly closed. Before she was sent flying again, he shoved her into the empty seat next to his and strapped her in.

He searched her for any injuries and satisfied with her lack of injury turned to his companions. Everyone was seated and safe to his relief, it seems the only one unlucky enough to not have made it to their seat was this tragic woman. They all looked surprised by their new seat partner but they had the sense not to ask her any useless questions. He was shook from his thoughts by a small voice “Kamsahmnida”

His head whipped to search a poker face, the shock from her ordeal had worn off her face a bit and there was now a slight blush. She glanced at his surprised face and smiled “Thank you” she repeated in English this time.

“…anieyo, are you okay?” he asked after a few moments. She nodded and smiled slightly, he smiled back and they both sat in awkward silence. The speaker of the plane cracks on again and the captain announced they would be making an emergency landing, they were above solid ground and an evacuation team would all passengers to the nearest airport. She took a deep breath and the plane began its decent, air masks popped down before them.

“Please apply your own mask before assisting another. Apply air mask in front of your seat.” The mechanical voice announced. In a few moments the passengers of the flight had applied their masks, the plane had shakily made its way to the ground and the cabin had gone still in anticipation.

Again the captain’s voice could be heard “Please remain calm and in an orderly fashion exit the plane with you carryon luggage.  Flight attendants will assist you, please be considerate of other passengers.”

 The six companions and Ash stood; she took a look at her savior with his scarf removed. Her eyes widened in immediate recognition. “Waaah! Bang Youngguk” She loud whispered.

The entire group stiffened and stared at their equally shocked leader, waiting to see how he would deal with this situation. The lead rapper stiffly turned his entire body to face her, fearing to see sparkling eyes of a fan girl that would need to be subdued. Instead he was met with eyes filled with panic and the woman had her hands clasped over , removing her hands she began muttering “Oh, oh no. I’m so sorry. Ah, I will be going now. Again. I am sorry.”

With that she disappeared from their sight leaving the group in shock and their leader dumbfounded. In fact the fearsome leader looked guilty if you looked closely, of what he felt guilty of he probably could not tell but it definitely had to do with the stranger who had just run through the crowded cabin.





You desperately called for your sister, trying to get through the crowd. Before you could get very far you are nearly knocked over by what feels like a freight train. You soon realize you are being squashed by the person you were just looking for. The helplessness of not knowing if she was okay vanished and was replaced by overwhelming relief. Suddenly tears and sobs poured from you as you clung to her, you had never been so afraid and panicked in your life.

You had felt alone and afraid, Ash always comforted you when you were scared and the thunderstorm made you paranoid along with watching her disappear from your sight. She held you close and patted your head as the passengers around the two of you pushed past.

“Erin, we need to go now.” She whispered to the shaking bundle of nerves you had turned into. “We need to get off the plane; it’s going to be okay. I am okay.”

Your sister calming you down enough for you to gather your wits, both of you gather your belongings and move towards the exit with your hand gripping hers like a vice. No matter what you did not want to let her go again. People filed towards the only exit one at a time sliding to the ground as rain pounded on the passengers making their hasty exit. Flight attendants stood at the exit direct the passengers to safety and making sure each person went down the slide to the ground safely, though the slide was now much like a water slide.

“Ash, I don’t want to go down.” you whisper to her. Ash turned her head and smiled, “Don’t worry; I will be there at the bottom. Now put on your rain coat and zip your bag.”

Ash prepares to go down, her large coat and hood ready to protect her from what seemed to be whips of water from the sky. Ash looked at you again and smiled before she took her turn, holding her bag close and jumping onto the slide she vanished into the dark rain. You immediately step forward feeling panic again and tears in your eyes, but a strong arm holds you back.

In your ear an unfamiliar voice rumbles “She will be fine. Wait or you might get hurt.”

B-but I c-can’t go. I-I am sc-cared. I need her.” You choke out over sobs you don’t want to release in front of the stranger who is clearly towering over you as he is still holding you back. Before you can say anything else you are whipped around to face the man, he is one of the guys that helped you up when you fell before! He pulls down his scarf and a familiar face is grinning at you.

“Then I will protect you!” He happily declares, in that moment you (and your belongings) are swooped into his arms and he jumps into the rain. It seems like forever before you land on the plastic air filled slide, your arms now thrown around his neck in what Ash named your ‘death grip’ and a scream is trapped in your throat. You both slide, his arms holding you tight against his broad chest; you bury your face against his shoulder hiding from the rain. It is another forever before you both reach the bottom. Once you stop, you are still too afraid to let go, so he stands you up as you rewrap your arms around his torso burying your face into his chest.

Your body shakes a bit while he chuckles at your action and he pats your head and rubs your back in such a comforting way that you come back to your senses a bit. You release him and stare at his now drenched figure; you have to tilt your head far back to see his face from this angle. Towering almost over a foot over you, the young man is visibly smirking down at you. You respond with a weak smile and bow in thanks.

“Kamsahmnida, Zelo-sshi.” You mutter before you try to make your escape to find Ash. Unfortunately for you he had other plans. A firm hand stops you from leaving and his face is filled with a joyful smile.

“Baby!” He shouts pointing at you, your face immediately turning crimson you yank your arm away and scurry away. As you make your escape through the muddy field and crowd you heard his voice shout a loud “Thank you!”


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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.