Chapter six

Hooligans Paradise.
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    Sehun watched the files, they were a pile of them, more than a hundred, but only a handful were placed in front of him– according to his grandfather, those few were the pack's backbone and the others would come in later. He didn't argue and concentrated on the few the old man had given him to take a look at. They were mostly shifters, of different subgenders. The first file was of an Alpha. "Min Yoongi, shifter, Tabby Tiger, a former NIS agent, turned feral and murdered his wife and cub. Labeled as most dangerous by the feral house?" He lifted his head to look at the old man, not understanding why he would include such a dangerous shifter in the pack. "Are you trying to bring someone that will murder us all?" He subconsciously placed a hand on his belly, and his cubs kicked out in response. "He was wrongly accused, I assure you." His grandfather waved a hand with a smile. "Just like you were–coerce" he didn't need the man to explain further, Sehun understood Yoongi had also offended the people he wasn't supposed to. Thus he nodded and moved to the next file. Kris on the other hand had his brows creased together and he seemed to be deeply in thought as he took Yoongi's file from Sehun. "Hyung what's wrong?" Sehun asked. Kris shook his head. "Nothing, he just seems familiar." He shrugged. "I might be mistaken." He gestured at Sehun to carry on. Sehun hummed, and when he got to the next file, Irene came to stand next to him."Wow this one's handsome." Kris leaned over to take a look as well a low appreciative whistle escaped his mouth. "Yeah he's hot as hell, look at that blond hair, I wouldn't mind spending my weekends in a close door and do it all night– days long with this hottie." Sehun snorted at his brother's remark. How could he have forgotten what type of a beast his brother was, especially when it came to hot guys. "Pack Chanyeol, Alpha, shifter polar bear– a gangster. Seriously grandpa?" Once again he pinned the old man with narrowed eyes. Mr. Lee rubbed his temple, as though exasperated. "He's important, good with weapons. His gang didn't know his worth, he was banished because the leader made a nasty comment about his Omega baby brother and Chanyeol went berserk, almost killed the leader, he's currently laying low. I did a thorough calculation." The old man tapped a finger on the files. "Protective hyung!" Irene commented, looking at her own brother. "Just like my Oppa." Sehun smiled at his sister before turning to face the old man."What If they don't want to join the pack?" "We would have to convince them." "How are we going to do that? Force them?" "We won't force anyone. We'll give them a choice to join the pack or not. They know the danger out there." He finished with a shrug."I am sure they'll make a wise choice." The next file was an omega, a mage. "This Kim Seokjin is a Mage," Irene was the one that pointed out. "He's the best healer Mage. Good with what he does." Sehun furrowed his brows, not because he doubted his grandfather's words but because–"he looks familiar–" Kris laughed "I was wondering when you'd notice. He's Namjoon's mate." Kris told him "Namjoon as in Junmyeon's brother?" "That's right." Sehun had met Namjoon a few times and had only meet Seokjin once. The two seemed to be very much in love. "He's happily married with a child why would he leave his pack- his family to join ours?" Sehun wondered. "He will." The old man said, and he seemed so sure that Sehun couldn't find it in himself to argue. He moved to the next file. "Kim Taehyung? Assassin?" "Retired!" "Still, how can we bring an assassin in our midst? Even a retired one?" He glared at his grandfather. “We take our chances where we find them,” the old man said simply. “I’m getting tired of toiling away in the dark, fighting for a future that seems to get more distant every year.” That Sehun couldn't argue with that. "Trust me on this Sehun. I will never put the pack– my family in harm's way." The old man continued. "I did things with great consideration. These people are the best." Sehun believed him and once again lowered his head to look at the next file. "He looks delicate. Looks like a typical Omega" He said once he saw the picture. Sehun didn't mean it as an offense, but this guy really did look like a docile Omega, how Omegas were supposed to be, unlike Sehun that was tall, broad and muscular, if not for his scent he could pass for an alpha. "Ah don't let his appearance fool you, he's a feisty little thing. And could turn any Alpha to a broken mess." Mr. Lee said, and the fondness in his eyes was evident. "When in Battle, he doesn't hide behind an alpha, instead he's usually at the front line, and protect his team." "Park Jimin, formerly in military, dismissed from duty because he went into heat and killed two Alpha's that tried to get close to him. Good with rifles, has unparalleled marksmanship– never missed his target" Sehun smiled, now understanding why his grandfather seemed fond of Jimin. "I like this guy already." He continued to look at the file. " Jimin's motto; You could take a soldier out of war, but you couldn’t take the war out of the soldier." He read out loud. "I love this young man." His grandfather said with a smile, tapping on Jimin's profile."truly a worthy soldier." "He's Chanyeol's baby brother!" Jungkook said, leaning forward to take a closer look." And quite Pretty." "Ah did Jungkook just complimented someone?" Sehun taunted, winking at the alpha. Jungkook blushed, and refused to say a word to encourage Sehun's teases. "Park Chanyeol's brother" Irene said, and she laughed. "Like for real? How ironic. One is a gangster and the other was in the military?" It was only when his sister pointed it out that Sehun realized it was quite ironic. "Yes, but Jimin's whereabouts are unknown, however we could track him when we get his brother." Mr. Lee said. After a while of reading through the files, Sehun looked up at the old man and asked."So what next?" As though waiting to hear those words, the old man smiled. "Now your first mission is to break out Min Yoongi."
  **** The plan was simple, set a fire in the most isolated part of the building at night– which happened to be the food storage, a place where they knew the guards wouldn't dare to neglect and let it burn, they would have to minimize the damage, and hopefully most of the guards would rush over to douse the fire. Then next was Jungkook using his ability to shape shift into one of the high ranking guards and sneak in to the security room to disable the alarm and unlock the cells and let the ferals out. That way even when the fire had been put out, the guards would be distracted, have their hands full to bother with Sehun and his team, and wouldn't realize what had happened until they were long out of the place. Kris would be out waiting on standby, with a special device that would tell if Sehun had encounter danger and Kris would immediately come to his rescue. While Sehun would get Yoongi, use a magical shield– to protect them both– and get the target out. Everything went as planned, until the last part where it was time to get the target and leave, only he didn't expect Min Yoongi to resist. Though the Alpha didn't bother to ask why he was being rescued or think this might be some sort of a trap, he agreed to follow Sehun on one condition. Sehun was getting impatient, he had spent almost ten minutes trying to convince the Alpha and time was running out, they didn't plan to spend much long in the feral house, and from the looks of things, the guards were already subduing the ferals Sehun's team had let out and this Yoongi guy was as stubborn as the hardest rock in a desert. He refused to budge no matter how Sehun tried. "I'm not leaving her in this hole" Yoongi made himself clear, casually leaning against the wall, his eyes fixated on Sehun's belly. "If I am going, Jennie is coming with me, that's it. Take it or leave it." Sehun was hesitant because she wasn't part of the plan, his grandfather didn't mention her and he hadn't seen her file either. They didn't know who she was or anything about her. He rubbed his temple, not at all trying to hide his exasperation. "That's it?" He asked and the tiger shifter nodded. Looking at the girl beside Yoongi that the latter had insisted on taking on with, Sehun didn't have any choice but to agree. "Alright" he waved them over, casting a spell and a dome like shield appeared over their heads, rapidly covering their whole persons. "Let's move." He glanced out, and cast another spell to hide them from any human eyes just in case. One couldn't be too careful. And they ran. "Why are there two?" Kris asked, the moment Sehun and the said two reached the car that was hidden in the bushes behind the feral house. "He Insisted only coming only when she's included." He shrugged. "Let's move." Jungkook, now back to hide his usual appearance said, opening the door for Sehun and helped him inside. "You're okay?" He asked looking at Sehun that had a hand on his belly. Sehun curtly nodded, he only allowed himself to breath properly when they were out of there, out on the way, when he was certain no one was coming after them, and wouldn't take long until they reach their destination. It was then that Kris turned around to look properly at the shifters they had rescued, his sharp eyes widened in recognition. "Yoongi hyung? It's really you." He laughed and the said man that had his head down looked up and his own eyes widened as well. "Kris Wu." He said with a smile that Sehun didn't know the cold looking tiger was capable of. "You knew each other?" Sehun thought he knew all of Kris' friends. "Yeah, Yoongi used to be my senior and close friend during high school. We lost contact after Yoongi graduated and went back to Daegu. I can't believe it's really you."  Sehun remember Kris telling him about a friend that moved to Daegu, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At that time he was in middle school and hardly come in contact with his brother's friends. "It's nice to see you again Kris." Yoongi said, the slight tension Sehun noticed in him was no where to be found. The two began to chat like old time friends– which they were– reminiscing about the past, until they reached the castle. Mr. Lee must have sensed them because he had lower the wards to let them in. "!" Sehun heard Yoongi said, and turned slightly to see the alpha taking in his surrounding with wide awe-struck eyes. Irene was pacing anxiously when they entered, and she ran to her brother immediately her eyes landed on him, engulfing him into a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're back safe. I was so worried. You're taking me with you next time." "I am fine." He assured her, and rubbed his hand against her scent glands. She returned the gesture, scent-marking him for a while and Sehun allowed her. He knew she needed the reassurance. After a while, he patted her back, smiled, before he went to report to the old man that was lounging in his office. "Sehun!" His grandfather stood up, reaching to Sehun's belly and smiled when he felt the babes moved against his palm. "Look at you three already recognized this Old man, huh?" He grinned. "How did it go? Sehun didn't beat around the bush as he explained the unexpected situation. Mr. Lee showed a surprise expression at first then he smiled. "It is okay to have her around?" Sehun asked. Confused. "Yes Sehun it's perfect. You killed two birds with one stone." It turned out Jennie was also supposed to be part of the pack, but not this early. Her file was in the other pile he hadn't read yet. Mr. Lee didn't expect her to be in a feral house, he thought her to be in a fight house instead. According to his plans she would be in the next batch of people to join the pack. Hearing his grandfather's words, Sehun let out a sigh of relief. He didn't wish to mess up on his very first mission and he was glad he didn't. "Even if she wasn't part of it, as long as Yoongi wanted her to be, then she would be. Because he is a good judge of character. It's one of his many skills. You did a great job my dear." The two left the room and headed downstairs, their newly pack members were at the dinning, wolfing down several dishes as though it was the first time they ever had a meal. "They don't feed them well in those kind of places, especially the feral house." That explained a lot. After they had their fill, the shifters– Yoongi began to ask questions. Sehun noted Jennie wasn't a talker, she only nod or shook her head to whatever was said to her. And Yoongi also shared his story and Jennie's. As it was written in the file, he was a federal agent, had a wife, and cub, until one morning he woke up and realized his family had been murdered by a tiger shifter and blood was all over his body seeming as if he was the one that murdered them.  And the police chose that very moment to knock on his door. When he tried to resist due to grief, they put him down with a strong tranquilizer. Long story short, they found his DNA on both his wife and cub, he had no idea why he wasn't killed but instead declared mentally unstable and sent to a feral house. He had been there for over a year before Jennie was brought in. A vulnerable looking girl, that was also a tiger shifter like himself, and immediately Yoongi took her under his wings, treated her like his kid sister. Jennie was a normal girl that lost her mom when she was young, and only had a dad and brother to take care of her. By the time she turned sixteen, she was unfortunately sold off by her beta brother that was afraid she was going to take away the pack leader's position because she was an alpha. Afraid that his secret would be discovered by their Dad, her brother took away their dad's beast core but kept him alive as an ordinary human, usurping the leader's position instantly. A year later her dad died due to the grief of losing his daughter. She was taken from fight house to another for three years, until one day she lost it when she saw her brother– among the parton – during a fight. She broke out of the fighting cell in her shifter from, gave the bastard what he deserved– killed him and the end result was that she was almost put to death, but a mysterious young lady saved her and she was sent to a feral house where she spent two years there until tonight. "I am sorry about that. No one ever has to experience what you both experienced." Kris said, placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "I am already numb Kris. Helpless, unable to fight back, to seek justice for my family. I feel like a Beast without its claws and fangs. Like I've been trapped in a cage, unable to be let out." He let out a sigh. "Now you have a chance. As long as you're willing, you'll be let out of that cage you've been trapped in for long" Kris patted his shoulder. "This is what we're trying to achieve, to seek justice for shifters, to help them out of a gray area, accept them and help each other to become stronger. That's why we needed people like you, those that have experience, use what you're good at to help other Shifters." "What Kris said is right. We need people like you in the pack, if you're willing to join us." Mr. Lee concluded, looking at Yoongi expectantly. "Are you kidding me? Of course we will, my sister and I have no where to go, you accepting us is the greatest favor anyone had done to us." "Don't think of this as a favor, You've earned your place in the pack, I am sure your future contribu
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot