Chapter ten

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Sehun felt his knees buckled and he would have hit the floor if not for Kris' hand that stabilized him. "Oh God, he's going to hurt them." He was clawing at Kris' hands, body trembling all over, the fear he felt couldn't be described. It was nothing he had felt before. This was the first time since his cubs were born that they were met with such situation. "Aurora get your brothers away from him." He shouted, hands gripping his brother's Irene paced a few more times and decided to go in, but just as she was about to leap inside Kris stopped her. "Irene don't."  The cheetah turned to Kris with confusion in her Amber eyes. And Sehun himself was confused as to why Kris would stop her, at least she had a better chance saving the kids as a cheetah than him in human form. Sehun wasn't himself, wasn't thinking clearly, fear for his babes had already consumed him wholly, or else he would've thought– seen the many solutions he had. One was; he could simply compel the feral to back off, two; he could cast a spell to stop the man, three; he could use his wind to fling the man away, and four; he could simply walk in, use his unparalleled fighting skills to subdue the man, keep him far away from his kids. But all those needed him to be clear headed for any to be possible and unfortunately Sehun wasn't. "Look, he's not trying to hurt them, he's trying to protect them." Kris said. "P-protect them– from whom?" Sehun asked, his green eyes wide open. "Us," Kris gestured between himself and Irene. " he doesn't know we're their family, but at least he would tell you are. Look closely and you'll see his warning isn't implied to you. Just me and especially Irene that's in shifter form." Hearing that, Sehun forced himself to calm down a little and when he looked again, this time he really saw what his brother meant. True the feral was trying to protect the kids from an unknown cheetah and a person. As the realization dawned on him, Sehun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Hey it's okay. Let us go. That's our family over there. They're not gonna hurt us." Sehun heard Aurora saying as she pushed at the feral's chest. The feral looked down at the girl as she nodded to him. Slowly he pulled himself up and crawled to the back of the room, sat there and watched as the kids stood up and made their way over to Sehun. Sehun let out a breath that had been stuck in his chest the moment his cubs reached him. He pulled them into his arms, rubbing at their scent glands, wanting to make sure they were alright, safe in his arms. He didn't dare spend another minute at the cottage as he quickly led his kids away from there, feeling as though the feral would suddenly pounce and snatch his cubs away. He didn't speak until they back inside the house, in his office. He glanced at the system and surprisingly the feral was still were they left him at the corner of the room, unmoving as though in thoughts.  Sehun tore his gaze away from the man with a little difficulty, taking a deep breath before he began a long session of scolding until he made sure his kids understood how wrong they were. The boys obediently nodded, and they looked truly remorseful while Aurora had a defiance look on her face. "Why that look?" He asked. "He's not a bad person" she defended. Sehun shook his head already feeling a headache coming up. "I never said he's bad– just dangerous." "He's not." The girl insisted. "Aurora what aren't you telling me?" Sehun observed his daughter as he crouched next to her. She shared a brief look with her brothers before averting her gaze and it was enough to confirm that there was more.  "Speak to Papa." He encouraged, reaching to her hair. "I know this might sound absurd but I felt some sort of a connection with him– we all did" she confessed, gesturing at her brothers. Sehun furrowed his brows. How could his kids feel a connection with a stranger? There was no logic in that. Every shifter knew that much. A child could only feel a connection when there was a bond, like familial bond, either with a parent, blood relatives or pack members. The feral had just joined the pack and the kids only met him once. It couldn't be possible unless the feral was related to them. His mind wandered back to the night, those golden grey eyes, could it be– No, Oh Sehun, don't. He shook his head, refusing to think further. It was impossible. He shared a look with Kris and the Alpha shook his head. That's what I thought. Irene had a thoughtful expression on her face. "Sehun could it be–" "No" already guessed what she was about to say, Sehun quickly cut her off. He wouldn't entertainment the idea. No matter how he thought, there wasn't any link between this feral and the other man from that night, expect for their eyes. And many shifters could have similar eye color. It didn't mean anything. Sehun tried to tell himself. But the seed had been planted already, it was only a matter of time before it took root. "Maybe you just happened to like him very much. Aurora, but what you're saying is not what you truly feel." He said, the girl continued to shake her head. "Keep away from him. That's all I asked of you." "Let me meet him one more time to be sure." She grabbed his hands, pleading. Sehun hardened his heart."Not happening." "Please Papa." Sehun glanced at Kris, waving a hand, slightly asking his brother to take over, after all he was Aurora's favorite person and the girl would probably listen to him more.  Then he glanced at his sister. "Irene take the boys with you please. I need to be alone. Send Chanyeol in when he arrives." He stood and made his way out, not daring to look at his daughter more.
**** Baekhyun felt like time kept slowing down and speeding up. One minute he was locked in a mansion, were he was kept as a breeding tool for the Alpha- Alpha couple, the next his owners didn't want him anymore and he was being sold to another couple. Then he was taken, being sperated from his son– the only source of happiness in his life– and might probably never see him again.  On the road to his new owners place, their car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Like a beam of light, an alpha riding a bike appeared and his new owners asked for his help and Baekhyun didn't know how but he had sent a distress signal to the Alpha and then there was a fight. The next thing he registered was his new owners sprawling on the ground unconscious. Wounded. And the back door was yanked open, Baekhyun was pulled out, a jacket being draped over his shoulders. "My name is Park Chanyeol, we seem to be compatible and am gonna take you to a safe place." The Alpha spoke in a soft voice. "I- am Byun Baekhyun." It was true, there was compatibility between them, more stronger than how Baekhyun had been with one of his previous owners. Maybe that was why it had been easy to ask for help and Chanyeol understood in a matter of seconds. "My son, he's at the mansion, where I had been for the past three years. He needs me, I can't leave him there –" "Where? Which pack?" "Lee Min Hoo's" Chanyeol shook his head apologetically. "I won't be able to get him out now, that's a powerful pack. But when things get settled, I promise to get him back." Baekhyun swallow down a sob, as he nodded. Even though he knew the Alpha's words might not mean much, Chanyeol might had only said it, just to keep him calm long enough to leave this place, but Baekhyun hoped, he hoped one day the Alpha would keep his words and get his son back for him. He was staring dumbly at the motorcycle Chanyeol was straddling.“You’ll have to climb on behind me,” the alpha said. "I didn't do much damage, they might wake up any moment." He jerked his head at the two laying on the ground.  Trembling, Baekhyun went to do that, only for the alpha’s jacket to slip off his shoulders and to the ground. He went to pick it up, hearing a growl of frustration before Chanyeol was there, yanking the jacket from his grasp. Despite how the alpha sounded, he was patient as he helped Baekhyun get his arms into the sleeves. The jacket was much too big for him, but it was warm, and it smelled like the Alpha.  Minutes later, he was sitting on the bike behind Chanyeol, clinging tightly to the alpha as they sped along the road while Baekhyun told Chanyeol about himself. The winds whipped against him and he huddled closer to the alpha’s back, using his body to shield himself from the worst of the weather. He didn’t know where they were going and what would happen when he got there, but there was a part of him that didn’t care. He was with the alpha and away from that terrible place that had became his life. And maybe he’d just stepped from frying pan to fire. Or maybe he’d just been saved. Only time would tell. Baekhyun didn’t know how, but he slept on the back of the bike, exhaustion winning out over fear. He woke to a hand shaking him.“Hey, we’re here.”
It was light out, early morning, just after dawn. They were stopped in front of  huge iron gates beside tall stone walls. Chanyeol reached toward the wall and pushed back a few leaves of ivy, revealing an intercom.  He pressed a button and waited.Nothing happened for what seemed like ages, and then a voice spoke.“Yes?” “Sehun, I’m home,” Chanyeol said cheerfully. “What?” the voice said irritably. “You need an invitation?” “I’ve brought a guest,” the alpha said, with a quick glance over his shoulder at Baekhyun. “Guest?” the voice repeated flatly. "The omega,” Chanyeol added. "Jimin didn't tell you?" Baekhyun wasn’t sure, but he thought the alpha looked uncertain, wary, even though his tone was light, almost playful. “You’d best come in then.” The voice cut off and a grinding sound started, the gates opening. Baekhyun was surprised, there was magic rippling around the gates as they slide open.  “Where are we?” he asked as Chanyeol drove them through the gates. The view ahead was obscured by trees. But as they followed the path around a bend, the trees fell away, revealing a majestic building. Like a castle. “Welcome to hooligans paradise,” the alpha said. They pulled up in front of a fountain, and Baekhyun climbed off the back of the bike, his body stiff.“What is this place?” he asked, looking up and up to the top of the building. “My home. And yours too, if things go to plan.” Baekhyun pulled the jacket tighter around himself and sighed. He wasn’t sure what Chanyeol meant by things going to plan, but as someone who constantly failed to measure up to people’s expectations, it didn’t sound good. “Come on, let’s get inside.” The double doors opened before they reached it, a curious shifter peering out at them. “I thought Sehun was joking about a tagalong,” the young man said, eying Baekhyun with suspicion. “He had a rough day yesterday, the cubs caused a little trouble, that's why he's pissed. Adding on you just woke him up at the crack of dawn, though.” Chanyeol seemed to know what the other was saying as he nodded." Jimin told me." He waved a hand. "Nice to see you too, Taehyung. This is Baekhyun.” Baekhyun tried to smile in greeting, but his face felt stiff. He had the urge to stare at his feet and wish the world to swallow him up. It had never worked before, but an omega could hope, couldn’t he? "Sehun wants to see you. Said to put him,” Taehyung jerked his head toward Baekhyun, “in the library.” Taehyung shut the door behind them, locking it securely while Baekhyun looked around, taking in his surroundings. "Baekhyun.” He jerked his attention back to Chanyeol, finding the alpha halfway down the corridor opposite the entrance to where an elevator was. Hurrying to catch up with him, he glanced back toward Taehyung, but the shifter was gone. So much for first impressions.  Baekhyun felt he’d done a good imitation of a fish; mouth opening and closing and not a sound escaping as they stepped out of the lift. They continue to walk down the hall. Chanyeol slowed to a stop and pulled open a heavy door.“In here,” he said, catching Baekhyun by the arm, and pushing him across the threshold.
“I’ll be back soon,” the alpha said before the door shut in his face.  He heard the scrape of a lock but still tried the handle, surprised that they would lock him in. The door didn’t budge. Pivoting slowly around, he found his eyes drawn upward once more. Wow. Everywhere he looked, there were books. Shelves of them. The room was easily three times the height of a normal room, with a balcony on the second level, running right the way around it, containing yet more shelves. Here and there were comfortable looking armchairs, some small tables, a chess table with two seats and a game already in play. There was even a large fireplace with two armchairs and a sofa in front of it and a rug laid out in front of the hearth. It was like something out of a story. A fairytale. And yet the ground felt all too real beneath his feet. He stroll silently around the room, looking at everything, one finger trailing lightly along the edge of the shelves, gliding across the spines of books, there were historical books about magic, mages, shifters and many more educational books. He even risked picking up one of the chess pieces, made of some kind of dark wood, carved in intricate detail. It seemed to be the work of a mage with wood element. From his first impression of Chanyeol, he’d never assumed the alpha was from a pack like this… his pack had money, and with money came status, respect, power. What the hell did Chanyeol want with him, when he could have any omega he wanted? It didn’t make any sense. Or was that not the reason Chanyeol brought him here? Baekhyun asked for help not because he had wanted to burden the Alpha. He thought the Alpha would take him far away and let him find his own way, not to be brought back to the pack. He didn't think this was the safe place Chanyeol meant. As he stood in the library his mind wandered off to his boy. How his son would feel when he realized his nanny– as his owners told his son he was– was gone? Baekhyun had dedicated his last three years in taking care of his son and sometimes the boy would slip up and call him daddy because it was Baekhyun that had been there for him. Would Beomgyu miss him? At least the boy was in a good place, he still had his Alpha father with him. That would do for now, until he find a way to get his boy back. Not allowing himself to think more, he glanced at his hands. He looked particularly grimy, thanks to many hours of travel, not to mention the terror and fear from being separated from his son .  Everything in the library looked just a little too clean, and he was half-afraid to sit anywhere in case he dirtied it. But his legs tired quickly and he soon found himself perched right on the edge of a straight-backed chair, struggling to keep his eyes open and not give into the lure of sleep. He swore his eyes had only been closed for a moment, and yet somehow Chanyeol had managed to sneak in and materialize right in front of him without him noticing. Baekhyun scanned his face, trying to work out from the alpha’s expression if things with Sehun had gone well or not. But Chanyeol face was surprisingly neutral.“Sehun wants t
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot