Chapter thirty-three

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Sehun cursed his luck. He had no choice but to stand in place and he could feel all eyes on him.  With his heart threatening to beat out of his chest, Sehun braced himself and slowly turned around to face the queen that was now stood behind him, her golden grey eyes assessing him from head to toe, brows furrowed as though in confusion. Now that she was close, Sehun could scent his mate on her. No doubt she was Kai's mom. Her nose twitched as she took in his scent just as Sehun took in hers. With wide eyes, she brought a shaky hand to touch his face. Sehun felt the urge to lean into her touch. It was tender, motherly. Something he had missed since his mother's death. "You smell like Kai." She said. Confused. "Why do you smell like him?" Sehun mumbled the word mate under his breath, but he didn't think she would catch it. "Mate?" She whispered, head tilted. "You're Kai's mate?" Sehun didn't know whether to nod or deny, he simply gazed at her wordlessly. "Are you?" Her hand went down to touch his neck, where his mating mark should be if Sehun hadn't concealed it with a little magic. Jungkook had warned him not to openly show his mating tattoo. It would raise eyebrows, and those that didn't know what he was would know he was special, an ultra Omega. It wasn't certain how people would react to knowledge, maybe another crazy person would want to get their hands on Sehun. And as it was, they already had a lot to look out for. Calling more attention to themselves wasn't the best choice. As her fingers came in contact with his hidden mark, Sehun resisted the growl– a reaction his Jaguar thought the best to fend off the hand intending to touch their mating mark. The Jaguar was pacing inside him and the restlessness of his animal was making his skin crawl– he could only close his eyes and allowed the woman to caress his neck. "You don't have a bite mark but you carry my son's scent in abundance." Sehun opened and closed his mouth, not sure how to respond. But luckily for him, he didn't have to because at the moment a shout caught Hyoyeon's attention from behind. He followed her line of sight, and his eyes widen when he saw the trees moving to encage four men that were foolish enough to try an escape. Sehun was having problems articulating around his quickly drying tongue, and realized it was because his mouth was hanging open. He snapped it shut. The king– Kai's dad was responsible for trapping the four men attempting to escape. He did so effortlessly with just a flick of his fingers as the woods answered to his call. It was obvious he was a powerful mage with wood element. Wood mages were similar to earth mages, they could both call to the nature and bend it to their will. The only difference was that: earth mages could also manipulate the earth, like causing earthquakes and volcanoes which the wood mages couldn't. Dear Gods, wood element. Now the answer to why his son Dae'in was also a wood mage came to light. Sehun had wondered for a long time where his son had gotten that ability. But it seemed he inherited it from his grandfather. Oh ! His cubs were the grandkids of the King. They were truly royals and even though he knew that fact, it didn't stop Sehun from reeling and almost losing his composure. "Ah those ers dared!" Hyoyeon cursed, glaring at the encaged men. Sehun never expected the queen to have a foul month and the thought almost made him laugh if the situation had allowed it. "They're all yours daughter." The king said nodding at Taeyeon. With a satisfied smile he rounded to face his wife, his eyes landing on Sehun in the process and they widen a fraction. "You're the leader of hooligans, aren't you?" He didn't give Sehun time to respond, because he was already walking over, his hand extended. "It's a pleasure to finally meet–" his words died in his throat, the smile was replaced by a frown when he got close enough to catch Sehun's scent. "I smell Kai on you. Why do I smell Kai on you?" Okay it's happening. Sehun mused. This was the moment where he get rejected by the in laws. And fear gripped his insides, at the thought of living a life without his mate. Sehun didn't even realize he was hyperventilation, until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's already breath." Hyoyeon said. "Relax, no one is gonna harm you." It was the king that spoke. Great! He was having a panic attack, something he had never once had. And the in laws were helping him through it. It was so embarrassing that he wished the earth would swallow him whole. So much for first impression. "That's it. You're doing great." Hyoyeon said, rubbing his back soothingly. It took Sehun a while to regain his composure and by the time he did he realized his team were stood beside him, looking worried and skeptical at same time. The NIS agents were no longer around, they had taken the captured men away, only the Kims remained, including Taeyeon that was also looking at him with concern. "Are you alright?" Taeyeon asked, and she looked similar to Kai, especially with her golden grey eyes that were blown wide  "I am okay." He rasped out, Hyoyeon was still holding him as though afraid he might collapse, which was probably true. He waited to catch his breath before he politely pulled himself away from the woman, making sure he wasn't being rude. "Thank you, your majesty!" He dipped his head deeply. "It's a small world. I can't believe I met you that day at Minseok's club, if only we both knew." Taeyeon let out a sigh. "anyway it's still good to know now." Sehun could only nod. "So you're the Sehun?" Hyoyeon asked instead. Not sure what she meant, Sehun nodded nevertheless. "I've heard a lot of good things about you. My mate admires you greatly." She told him. Sehun looked over to the king that still had a frown on his face. "Thank you your majesty!" Heechul nodded. "Minseok had told Taeyeon how you took them in, saving Kai's life when then those–." He trailed off, and the sadness in his tone wasn't hidden. Sehun could understand how he must feel to almost lose his son. He was also a dad after all that loved his cubs dearly. "And tonight it was also thanks to you that we are able to learn the truth– the whole nation now knows the truth. We owe you greatly for this. There's no word to describe our gratitude." "I did what I had to do." Sehun said humbly. "You knew Minseok?" He couldn't help his curiosity. "Oh yes I knew him since he was a little boy." Heechul said. "He once warned me about my youngest son being taken. But I never took him seriously back then." He shook his head. "It was only after the incident that i managed to keep everything about my kids a secret. That's why not many knew the royal kids." "Thank you for telling me." "You're a fine young man Oh Sehun, whoever gets to be your mate will be a damn lucky person" Heechul said, patting Sehun's shoulder. You wouldn't be saying so if you know I am bonded to your son. Sehun dissed. "Thank you." He said out, and he felt Kris holding his hand when it began to shake. "So tell me are my sons doing well? Did Kai remember us?" "Yes, they both are. And Kai has just recently regain his memories of you all." He glanced around the Kims. Taeyeon smiled."that's good." "I want to meet them so bad, it's been years."Hyoyeon said, leaning heavily against her husband as though it was hard to keep herself upright and Heechul instantly wrapped his arm around her."How do you have Kai's scent? I mean it's not the type incited by close proximity. It's more than that." Sehun lowered his head. He couldn't dare say how. "I think it's best if Kai explain that." The Kims shared a look between themselves and they seemed to be having some sort of silent conversation. The three nodded simultaneously and didn't press on the matter which Sehun was grateful for. "Can you take us to them?" Taeyeon said, her eyes pleading. And Sehun could see how much she was trying to keep her excitement in check. "Now?" "Of course." He made a gesture for Yoongi to get the car. He wanted to be back home and see how Kai was doing. They ride to the pack was spent in silence. Sehun wanted to speak with his team, but because of Taeyeon's– that had decided to ride with them– presence he couldn't, afraid he might slip up and say the wrong thing or any of s would. Sehun wasn't the only one that wanted to say something, Kris was itching to talk to him as well, if the way he kept glancing at Sehun, and how he was fidgeting were any indications. They endured though until they finally arrived at the pack. Kris dragged Sehun to the side while the Kims were busy, watching the mansion with awe faces. "Are you alright?" Was the first thing his brother asked. Sehun glanced at the Kims and heaved a sigh. "I'll live through. Hopefully." "You think they're gonna reject you as Kai's mate?" Kris eyes darted to the Kims as well. Sehun nodded. "They're royals hyung. Kai's the crown prince. That would one day lead the county. And I am just a lowly pack leader, with–" "Stop." Kris held a hand to stop him, chuckling in amusement and Sehun glared because it wasn't funny. "And relax." He placed both hands on Sehun's shoulders. "Everything will be fine, believe in yourself hunnie. No one wouldn't want a person like you as a part of their family. They might be royals but you're incredible." Sehun couldn't help but giggle. "You say that because I am your brother." "I mean it Sehun. How many ultra Omega, black Jaguar, level 12th mage are there in existence? None. It's just you brother. There's no one like you. Sehun opened his mouth to protest, but was stopped when Taeyeon called him from behind. He let out another sigh before turning to lead them into the house. A sense of anticipation hung in the air around the Kims. He knew they were in anticipation to see Kai and Taehyung. He wouldn't let them wait anymore. Sehun was glad the Kims decided to come at such a time when almost all the pack members were in their beds. It would be overwhelming for the members to see the president/King and queen in the pack when most of them didn't know Kai and Taehyung were princes. Hoseok and Chang Wook said goodnight as they waved and headed to their rooms. Kris and Yoongi decided to tag along and Sehun was glad to have his brothers present. They took the elevator to the top floor, that led to Sehun's wing. "Wow this place is huge." Heechul nodded to his wife and the queen smiled in agreement. "So beautiful." He smiled warmly, but Sehun could see the slight tremble in his body. "How many members are in the pack?" "Almost 300 Sir." Yoongi was the one that supplied. "Wah so many." Sehun knew the king was nervous, thus he was striking a conversation. But he didn't call him out on it. He didn't dare. "This way" he pushed the room open and stepped in. Despite himself, Sehun found himself smiling at the sight of Kai, the cubs and Taehyung cuddling in bed. They looked so adorable that he was itching to take a photo. He heard a sharp gasp from Hyoyeon and Kai chose that moment to blink his eyes open. "Sehun? Are you back?" He said, clearly not fully awake. "I am back." Sehun replied, stalking over. "Come join us." Kai opened his arms in invitation. Yeah Kai was definitely not fully awake or he wouldn't have missed the other scents. Sehun glanced nervously at the Kims. "They're people here to see you." He quickly said. Gods he was being such a . "People?" At that Kai pushed into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes with both hands. When his hands dropped, he sat properly and looked behind Sehun. His breath got caught up in his throat, eyes widening at the sight of his family. "Mom? Dad? Nonna?" He whispered in disbelief and shook his head as though to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Hyoyeon was the first to move, she trudged forward as Kai jumped to his feet. "Oh my God! Kai!" She placed a hand on his shoulder, running it down his body as if to make sure it was real. "My boy." "Mom!" Kai let out, lifting a shaky hand to touch his mom's face. "Mom!" He chanted over and over again, tears gathering in his eyes, but he refused to blink them away, as if fearing if he did everything would disappear. Hyoyeon pulled him into her arms, letting out a loud sob, and Kai let out a sob of his own. The way they held each other and cried made tears to form in not just Sehun's eyes but Kris and Yoongi's as well. It was heartwarming. "Mom Taemin is dead, I –." Kai let out a cry, unable to continue. "We know, Kai." She said, running a her fingers though his hair. "You knew?" Kai pulled back to ask. "We found his body, dumped near Han river. He was given a proper burial." "I killed him Mom, they made me do it. I had to end his suffering." In a shaky voice, he recounted what had happened, what had turned him feral as tears continued to stream down his face. Hyoyeon cupped his face, her own tears flowing down. "Then don't blame yourself. You did what you had to do. You saved other lives Kai." "He was my friend, like a brother." "We all loved him, he was a sweet boy." Hyoyeon pulled him into her arms. "Let go of the guilt Kai. Taemin will never hold it against you." Kai cried heart wrenchingly and his mom held him, soothed him, until all he let out were long sighs. No one interrupted the two. "Now that I remember, I have to go help the other fighters. I have to make those trainers pay for everything." He tightened his hold around his mom's small frame. "It's okay. The fight house belonged to big bang and as we speak, it's being infiltrated by my agents. The bastards will pay for what they've done. All those poor fighters will be back where they belong. If they don't have families to return to, they will be sent to a safe house. More are being built, your father and I will make sure they get their lives back in tracks." She told him. "All will be well Kai. I promise." Kai nodded, and for the first time in two days, he smiled. "Oh God, I miss you so much." "Missed you too my boy." Hyoyeon smiled back. Heechul watched them for a moment with a smile as well. He wanted to hold his son too, that much was obvious, yet he didn't Interrupt the mother and son pair. Instead he moved to stand at the edge of the bed where Taehyung was laying, silently watching him. Sehun wasn't sure how Heechul could tell it was his son that he hadn't seen in decades. But well he believed as a parent Heechul was supposed to know. "You've grown to be a handsome young man Tae-Tae." He whispered. Taehyung's nose twitched, probably from being watched or the scents he might or might not recognized. Shifters were sensitive creatures. Opening his eyes, he blinked a few times as looked at the man hovering over him with a tilt of his head. "Tae!" Taeyeon said, her hand hovering as If to touch her brother, but wasn't sure if she should. Sehun didn't even realize when she reached the bed. Last he remember she was stood by the door watching her mom and Kai. Taehyung narrowed his eyes, then gently extracted himself from the cubs before he stood. His eyes darted to Kai and Hyoyeon that were still locked in an embrace. And that was when it seemed to register who they were. With wide eyes, he extended his hands, and not a moment later, both Heechul and Taeyeon clasped each of his hands. The three closed their eyes, breathing in deep, as they snuggle close to Taehyung in some sort of ritual .It was weird to say the least, unlike how Kai and Taehyung recognized each other. Sehun wondered what they were doing, but then he heard. they're recognizing Taehyung as family and Taehyung is doing the same. Remember how I did with Jae'in? That thing the Kims could do? Kai told him. Ah now that it was pointed out, it made sense. Sehun averted his gaze from the trio to see Hyoyeon and Kai breaking the hug. Hyoye
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot