Chapter twenty-nine

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Sehun roared, his call echoing through the trees, a warning to the demons that he would tear each and every one of them apart if they dared lay a hand on Dae'in. He summoned the power within him, channeling it through his body, the heat spreading until a white glowing light emitted from his eyes and body. He had only to brush near a demon with his light and it would crumble to dust. With another fierce roar, he sounded the attack. His team began fighting, each one with a unique skill. Whatever happened to Dae'in, it was horrifying enough to send Sehun speeding off without a second thought to where he was or the danger he was running toward.   The six of them charged, shooting and leaping into the ocean of demons, all while maintaining a perimeter around Dae'in. Sehun would not allow them to hurt him. Sehun would not lose his son at the hands of demons. A wave of foul creatures gurgled up putrid poison, their stench irritating Sehun's nostrils and their screeching resounding through the forests around them. Their razor-sharp claws scraped at the earth as they crawled, scurried, and hobbled toward Dae'in. The dark demons were a particular worry. "The bastards has wings and they dragged Jungkook to the ground. But Dae is unharmed, Jungkook took most of the fall." Chanyeol assured, and Sehun sighed in relief when saw Dae was okay, securely in Jungkook's arms. His boy must have been startled by the fall. Sehun I want to fight them but they're avoiding me. Kai told him through their bond, he sounded frustrated. Sehun looked to where Kai was and true, the demons were avoiding him like a plague, at same time blocking his way to where Dae'in was. As though they knew they couldn't take the boy if Kai were to be close to him instead of Jungkook. Kai looked furious, he roared trying to catch a demon with his claws, but the damned creature was quick to scram way. Helpless, Sehun shook his head at Kai.
Leave this to me. he said. I will try to make way for you so can get close to Dae'in. Do you think they will let you? Sehun would have rolled his eyes if he could. He swiped his claws at another demon, slaughtering it. They don't have to, I will make them. "Sehun why aren't you using your full power to banish them all?" Jimin wondered, as he ran past the Jaguar. "Because he's saving his strength idiot." Yoongi said. "Remember how he gets when used that much amount of energy?" "Oh that makes sense." Jimin agreed, he no longer asked as he continued to kill demons with his unparalleled marksmanship. What Yoongi said was right. Because knowing he might not be able to hold on after using a great amount of energy, Sehun decided to save that part as the fatal blow. He needed to be sure the there weren't more demons lurking in the dark, waiting to attack when he was at his weakest and couldn't fend them off. It would be a huge headache for his team, after all Sehun was like an atomic bomb to the demons. For now he would continue to fight, not daring to use lot of soul power. Jungkook kept Dae'in away from clawing demons, skirting their rotting limbs as they attempted to get nearer. A tide of demons rose, its shadow washing over the two. Kai come now. Sehun sped toward them and skidded to a halt. He braced himself as Kai leaped and bounded off Sehun's back to give himself the height needed to eradicate the wave of demons from its center, catching one of the dark demons with a twist of his body in midair. Kai landed on his paws and he was able to destroy the foul beasts circling Dae'in. Jungkook was very resourceful. Despite his lack of weapons, he found ways to outmaneuver any approaching demons, at one point leading a hoard straight to Sehun or Kai for them to pounce on and destroy. Sehun noticed that the more powerful leviathans tend to approach Kai unwillingly as though drawn to something they couldn't resist, while the lesser ones tend to avoid him. With Dae in his arms, Jungkook used himself as bait to lead the demons straight to their destruction. It was a risky maneuver but it worked. Lesser demons weren’t very bright and Jungkook made full use of this knowledge. Kai used a tree as leverage, soaring through the air and twisting to swipe at another dark demon, its companion narrowly missing his claws and hurtling toward Jungkook. Jungkook didn’t hesitate. He leaped out of the way, but not before the demon clawed at his arm– no Dae's arm. The boy let out a sharp cry that broke Sehun's heart to the core. Dae! "You ing piece of . You dare hurt my boy?" Yoongi shouted, shooting madly at the demons. He was really furious. " hyung, you're gonna end up killing us all at this rate." Jimin said, narrowly dodging a stray bullet from Yoongi. Kris was already beside the boy, crouching next to him. "Sehun hurry it's poisoned." His brother said anxiously. Sehun swiftly dispatched the foul creature and rushed over to his son, who sat up in Jungkook's lap as the others surrounded him, shooting at any demon that dared to come over. He in a sharp breath, shifting to human form as he held on to Dae'in arm. "Are you all right?" “I’m fine Papa. Just a scratch. It burns, though.” Sehun observed his skin torn where the demon caught him. The small gash was quickly turning black around the edges. Sehun shifted back to his Jaguar form, and at it, the foul stench and burn enough to make his eyes water.“What are you doing papa?" "He's Removing the poison. Hold still." Jungkook said, Dae smiled and gave Sehun a scratch behind his ear, causing him to purr. "Ah I am relieved, he's–" Kris' eyes went wide, a shadow casting over them.“Sehun!” Kris shoved Sehun with a strength Sehun didn’t know his brother possessed. Sehun went rolling. He jumped to his paws in time to see a demon slash at Kris, its claws catching him across his stomach and chest. "Uncle Kris!" "Kris?" Hyung no! Kris fell onto his back, spurting and coughing up blood, his hand covering his wounds as blood seeped through the shredded shirt. Oh Gods no. Sehun's fury rose from within his very depths as he stood over his brother's broken and bleeding body. It was a primal rage he had never felt before, one that threatened to tear him apart from the inside out unless released. Sehun's roar shook the trees. His fur bristled and he called upon his out most power to free the rage demanding vengeance. A bright white ring of lightning burst from him with a deafening boom. It swept through the forest all around them, consuming and obliterating any darkness in sight and beyond, its force knocking over trees and shooting leaves in all directions. The demons screeched pitifully before bursting into ashes. Sehun had destroyed them all Kris' soft whisper caught his ear and Sehun quickly returned to human form. He pulled Kris into his arms and ran a trembling hand over his head. "Hyung, stay with me. You're gonna be alright." Sehun himself was weak, almost at the moment of passing out after using a great amount of his soul energy, but he didn't dare. He stubbornly held onto his consciousness, as he used the last of his energy to cleanse and heal the worst of Kris' injury. "Sehun there's one survivor." Chanyeol said, angrily his body was shaking and it was clear he was holding back not to rush over and take Kris away form Sehun. Chanyeol's gun was aimed to kill the damned creature. "Am gonna–" "No" Sehun said weakly, his actions– cleansing the hellish poison in Kris– never ceasing. "Don't kill it, capture it, we're taking it with us. For questioning." Sehun didn't care how the demon survived his light blast, but since it did, he was going to make good use of it. Sehun sighed when he felt Kai's presence beside him, a hand coming to wrap around him. **** Stepping out of the infirmary, Sehun leaned against a wall, eyes on his bloody hands. Kris was out of danger, he would recover in no time thanks to Sehun acting fast to cleanse his injuries of hellish taint and remove the poison. And with his regenerative ability the injuries had healed, all that remained was for Kris to sleep the tiredness away which he was doing at the moment. Even so, Sehun couldn't shake off the feeling of fear, he had felt for almost losing his brother. This was the first time in his adult life he was met such circumstance.  Kris would be fine. Sehun heard in his mind. Though Kai wasn't nearby but because of how strong their bond was they're able to communicate as though they were face to face. I know. Sehun sent back, with a smile. And how you feeling? Energetic. Logically Sehun was supposed to be exhausted, laying in a half coma state due to the extreme use of his soul energy. But surprisingly, Sehun was able to stand now because he was able to tap into Kai's energy and replenished his own. It was accidental, when Kai touched him wanting to comfort him, Sehun realized his energy was recovering fast, and when Kai removed his hands, he began to feel a wave of dizziness. As realization dawned on him, he grabbed onto the Alpha and in no time, Sehun was able to get up, on his own and walked. The most amazing part was that Kai didn't feel anything, no weakness or pain. It was like he had an endless resource to feed Sehun, which the Omega readily accepted. How are the kids? Sleeping, Oh that's good. I will be heading to the basement. Kai hummed. I will come find you in a while. With a sigh, Sehun turned around, intending to go to the basement, where the demon they had captured was detained. But at that moment, Daniel came rushing toward Sehun, and before Sehun could speak, he was enveloped in a tight embrace. The beta had informed Sehun prior to this visit, thus Sehun wasn't surprised to see him suddenly. A sob broke out of the beta and Sehun rubbed his friend's back soothingly. "I was so scared when I watched the news– God You have no idea". He whispered, body trembling. "I am fine, every is fine." Sehun continued to soothe him. He knew Daniel was a very sensitive person that cared deeply for his friends. "I am so glad you're alright." He pulled back, wiped his tears, flushing in embarrassment. "How's Kai? Is he alright?" Sehun nodded. "He's fine." "And hyung?" "Resting." Daniel let out a breath, dropping his head on Sehun's shoulder. "I hate that things keeps happening to you and I am powerless– useless, unable to make it better" Sehun the beta's hair. "It's not your fault, nor your job to make it better. I appreciate the concern, knowing you care, it's enough." More tears ran down the human's face soaking Sehun's shirt."Do you have an idea who would have been responsible." He lifted his eyes to look at Sehun. Sehun shook his head."No, but we brought back a demon that I believe is related to everything, I  intend to get answers form it." "A demon?" Daniel had surprise, mixed with fear written on his face. "Is it okay to bring it to the pack?" "It's just one demon." Sehun shrugged. "What if it called its friends? Won't the pack be in danger?" "It can't. I've made sure it wouldn't be able to communicate with the outside world." "Can it even talk?" Daniel wondered, eyes blown wide. "It can, it's an intelligent one. Besides Jungkook knows demon language he's going to translate for me." "let's go I want to see it too." The beta suddenly said. "You sure?" Sehun asked. Daniel nodded firmly. "Yes, I want to see the damned creature that dared to hurt my friends." With a shrug, Sehun led the way without more words. The hideous creature was trapped inside a horizontal glass cell that Irene had used a binding spell it to bind it to the earth, no matter how it tried it couldn't escape. It turned its sharp eyes at them the moment they stepped inside the room and Sehun could see the intelligence in those dark orbs. Beside Sehun, Daniel let out a shriek, covering his face in fear. Sehun had expected such a reaction, thus he gently rubbed the beta's back. "It can't hurt you." He assured before turning his attention to the demon as he closed in on it. Seeing Sehun approached, the demon began to make strange noises, shaking its head from side to to side, backing off as though afraid Sehun was going to harm it. It was understandable for it react that way, after all Sehun had the power to banish it to hell or even end its life with just a little flow of his soul energy. The creature was trashing madly, looking for an escape, when it didn't find any, it changed tactic.  It began chewing on itself– literally devouring itself and in no time its arm was gone. Scared that the demon would succeed in taking its own life before he got his answers, Sehun acted fast. Banging his hand on the glass to the get demon's attention, Sehun quickly casted a strong spell to gag its mouth. But it didn't stop, it continued to trash, shaking its head fast. Knowing it wouldn't be able to do any more harm to itself, Sehun turned around to see a frightened Daniel, leaning against the wall as though wishing for the wall to open so he could hide or escape."Oh my god what the hell was that? It was eating itself." "Yeah, I think it doesn't want to speak. Or probably scared of me?" He said a little unsure, because when the demon saw him during the fight, it didn't act this strongly. He glanced at the demon that had now settled down, without more trashing, it looked resigned, probably knowing it wouldn't be able to escape its fate. "Are we ready to begin?" Came Kai's voice, and Sehun turned to see the man walking into the room with Jungkook following closely behind. "Hi you must be Daniel." Kai greeted, with a smile. "Yes, I've heard a lot about."  He extended a hand toward Kai, and the Alpha accept it, but his smile froze, instead he had a sudden frown on his face as he pulled away from the handshake. "Ah are you alright?"The beta didn't seem to notice Kai's frown as he smiled warmly at the Alpha Kai hummed, the smile retuning to his face in no time. "Sorry I zoned out for a moment." He said and Daniel awkwardly dropped his hand. "But it's lovely meeting you Daniel. I've also heard a lot about you." Daniel grinned at that. "The pleasure is mine." Sehun wordlessly watched the two from the side, trying to figure out what just happened. Unable to help himself, he asked. Kai is something wrong? Kai snapped his head to look at Sehun. What? Are you serious or playing dumb? Oh. I– Kai trailed off, glancing briefly at the beta, before letting out a sigh. 'Nothing's wrong'. he walked over, wrapping a hand around Sehun's waist."So we're starting now?" Sehun didn't pursue the matter, he knew Kai would tell him if there was a need for Sehun to know, thus he nodded. "I don't wanna wait anymore." Jungkook greeted Daniel before coming to stand close to Sehun, his silver eyes closely observing the caged demon. "I can't be in here any longer. I am gonna go meet
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot