Chapter thirty-nine

Hooligans Paradise.
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  A hand came to rest on Sehun's shoulder and gently squeezed, but he couldn't take his eyes off Kai to bother with whomever it was. Eyes narrowing, Sehun shook his head."No" he said. "That's my mate, and he's no demon ." He was certain if what Samael said was true, Sehun would have known. He looked desperately into Kai's eyes, searching for anything that would prove him right. It couldn't be, Sehun would have felt it. Their bond was real. Samael was spurting nonsense."Kai this isn't you." Samael laughed, "Of course not. Like I said, he's my father." The way he spoke, Sehun knew the bastard was toying with him. "I- I don't understand, how did Kai became your father, he's... He's–" "By the demons!" Samael laughed once again, cutting Sehun off."You thought Kai is my biological dad? Like he is to your cubs? Omo! That's not what I meant, ah no wonder you reacted so strongly. Allow me to explain." With a dramatic flourish, Samael gestured at Kai. "During the great war, when crown prince Wei Ying banished my father to hell, there was a split in his soul, and that fragment had remained in the mortal realm," "You're saying there's a part of your father in my mate?" "Yes" "I don't understand. How's that even possible?" "A few of things made this possible as of right now," Samael pointed at the blood moon. "One: With the blood moon comes less Ying energy, meaning no ying and yang balance in mortal realm. Second; was all thanks to Kai's excessive yang energy that father was fully able to take control over Kai's body. But he was fighter, even with father's soul fragment it hadn't been easy to full control. And yes did I mention he has father's blood coursing through him? Well now I did. With the soul fragment and father's blood, it gave him leverage to control demons like you would to shifters. Of course father wouldn't have that, not when he's close to achieving his goal and he knew Kai would try to stop it." He shrugged. "Most importantly father needed a vessel." "What are talking about? Apart from the so called soul fragment, Kai also has Demon blood?" It was Hyoyeon that asked, she sounded terrified. "Yup." Samael bobbed his head like an excited child. "You see one of Heechul's ancestors is realted to my Dad, and don't ask me who because I have no idea. But what I do know is that, whomever has the blood, will be able to awaken the soul. The blood is usually dormant and only became active after every millennial. And Kai by chance happens to be the one lucky one to have my father's active blood, thus the soul awakened. But fret not, none of your kids has it. Now you understand the reason behind his excessive yang energy and his ability to control demons came from his blood. It means we're somehow related right? And Kai is part demon." He clapped his hands as though complimented himself for a job well done. "No, you share nothing with my son." Heechul said through gritted teeth. "I don't know how the demon was able to get to Kai, but Kai is my son, my flesh and blood. He's no demon." "Accept it or not, Kai has father's blood and soul." The demon said. "Though how Kai was able to mate a god is lost to me." He added with a frown, eyes on Sehun. "You know demons and gods don't mix, they're Arch enemies." "God? What are talking about?" Sehun asked, not following. Well nothing seemed to be making any sense. He allowed himself to look around. It seemed the people from other universes and his pack members weren't affected by the red dome Samael had erected. Those trapped inside didn't seem to hear or see what was happening outside the dome. Beside Sehun was redhead, and he once again gave Sehun's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You don't know?" Samael said. Sehun snapped his head to the demon."Know what?" His heart hammered for some reason unknown. "You really don't know?" The bastard repeated. "What the are you talking about?" Redhead shouted. "Speak clearly. Or don't altogether." Instead of responding Samael giggled, until Kai turned to glare at him. "Stop messing around." "Yes father." He lowered his head respectfully. "Well the thing is Sehun, you're a god. I thought you knew with all the–" he gestured at Sehun's neck. "Crown tattoo." "Impossible!" It was Mr. Lee that spoke. "Lies!" "I am no God." Sehun managed to say, glancing at his grandpa. "Grandpa would know If I am." And the old man nodded. "No love, that's not your grandfather. He's your Hyung, Yaguar's second born. And you're Yaguar's youngest son. Which makes you my nephew." Sehun's eyes searched his grandpa's. One look at his grandpa, was enough to know this was also news to him. He really didn't know. He was as shocked as Sehun was. Mr. Lee had a deep frown and seemed to be in thought. "Why do think you're chosen to rule the heaven?" The demon continued. "Because I am a descant of Yaguar– Wei Ying." He said, but even to his own ears he didn't sound so sure. He shook his head before adding "I am no God." He didn't know how he came to become the next generation of heavenly crown prince, but Sehun was sure of one thing. He was no God. He had his parents, that gave birth to him and his sister." I was born and raised in this realm, I have a sister she–" "Your godhood had been repressed – though it flared one time when your grandmother, the empress visited earth, but she had quickly subdued it." He shrugged. "So believe it or not Sehun you're truly a God." "No" Sehun shook his head. "I don't believe you." He really didn't. Though Sehun didn't know what the demon wanted to achieve by saying that, probably Samael was trying to distract him– them by spurting nonsense.Kai being the Demon's lord descendant was more convincing, because he had seen proof of it –not that Sehun had actually accepted it it. But him being a god? That was absurd. Shrugging once again, Samael grinned. "Suit yourself." He glanced at Kai, and the other gave a curt nod as though in agreement. "Now where was I? Ah" he pointed at Kai. "But he wasn't father's first choice, the little lion– Jae'in was, because surprisingly he also have plenty amount of yang energy, which could allow the dormant demonic blood to be active even without the fragment of soul that Kai already has. Father thought taking over the boy would make you more cooperative. But you see papa Kai here couldn't see his son being taken, thus he willingly offered to be father's vessel. And isn't that wonderful?" "No, if your father had been influencing Kai, I would have known." Sehun said with a stubborn shake of his head. He refused to accept it, accept that his mate had a demon soul in him– even though it didn't and wouldn't change how he felt about Kai. Demon or not, Kai was his mate and Sehun loved him dearly. "Those headaches,"Samael tapped at his temple. "While you're busy feeling the pain, father was communicating with Kai. And now Sehun you'll have to fight your mate, and probably kill each other. Don't let his sacrifice go in vain." His face crumbled as though genuinely sad. Sehun nearly lost his cool, at the thought of such cruelty. It wasn't fair. How was he supposed to fight the man he loved, the man he promised to protect. How could he stand against his mate? The very man he had ever fallen in love with. In the past he never cared about such thing, but now after finding Kai and knowing what it was like to be with him, Sehun didn't want a live without his mate. It would surely feel like his whole world had ended. Better to never know such a thing than to experience it and have it torn away. He wasn’t sure he could withstand the despair if it came to pass. "Or you could stop this by offering your son Dae'in as the finally sacrifice." The demon said, grinning. This was pure cruelty, how was he supposed to chose between his mate and son. "Kai you can fight this, take control please. I can't–" "You have to Sehun. Chose, your son or a your lover boy?" Everything was too much for Sehun. How was he too keep a clear head in all this? Take deep breath, Sehun you're stronger than you think. Do not let him get to you. Mr. Lee sent. Sehun tried, he really did, but couldn't pretend to be unaffected."Why are you doing this?" He screamed at Samael. "What have I ever done to you?" "Must I have a reason to fulfill my father's wish?" Samael asked. Blink roared, causing everyone to look at her. She was shaking her head, as she looked into Sehun's eyes. "He's lying." Redhead whispered. "Tell him why" "You think so?" Samael raised an eyebrow, his eyes on the dragon. Blink didn't acknowledge him, she was looking at Sehun, not her peer but Sehun as though willing him to be strong. "He wants to destroy your bloodline. Because it was your family the heavenly emperor and his son that banished his father." Redhead told him. "What does it have to do with me?" Sehun said, feeling wronged. "I don't even know the emperor, nor any god. Why would I be the one to suffer?" He snapped, and felt redhead winced, taking his hand off Sehun's shoulder. ", you burned me." Redhead cursed under his breath. "Sorry" he said, but didn't put his heart into the apology. Sehun didn't need to glance at himself to know he was in flames. It happened when he was unstable and now was just a perfect timing. He wanted to shift and banish those demons, but without Kai to fill him endless amount of energy, he couldn't do it. "Well it has everything to do with you." Samael shrugged, pointing at the sky.. "I have to use you to get to them. "My father has served our clan for centuries of unparalleled prosperity. And you are my golden parachute Sehun. So you're damn well jumping out of the plane with me. I will not fail within the sight of success." "You think your father is the only one who's cut down In his prime? You're all just gonna have to learn to sit on your regrets and pain, until it turns into a dull persistent ache. The way I do it, the way everyone does it" "I don't have any regrets Sehun. I am just trying to make my people happy." "No you're trying to fit in. In a world you feel you don't belong." Redhead offered, and shrugged when Sehun glanced at him. "Aish I hate you and your telepathic demigod of a dragon." Samael made an unhappy sound. "But you're right. When a demon sees me they see a man, a wanna be demon and when a human sees me they see an abomination. They hate me." "Then why the do you wanna die for a world that doesn't give a about you?" Samael laughed, doubling over as he did. "You think I am gonna die here?" He laughed some more. "You have either overestimated yourselves or underestimated me." Redhead frowned. "I know his plan. He doesn't just wants to conquer your world and kill the Gods, but most importantly he wants the demons to get back to heaven." He whispered only enough for Sehun to hear. "He believes it's their right. Fallen or not." Sehun took a sharp intake. "You're crazy. Samael." "As If it matters what you think of me" Samael said "Let me tell you a story. " He made general gesture. "There are different type of clans in the heaven. Eons ago, the former heavenly emperor married my grandma from a nice clan. She bore him a child, The one true heir." He pointed at Kai. "But then a different clan offered him another wife as a concubine. He took her and she bore a child as well, your grandfather. When the children came of age, sudden news was heard that the emperor decided to make his second son the heir. "Due to that my grandma's clan were outraged, and started causing trouble in the realm. They were given a warning to stop but didn't, they wanted to deliberately provoke the emperor. And it worked, they emperor become furious, and put the clan leader to a trail. But he didn't expect the clan leader to challenge the him. But of course it didn't work. Challenging a sovereign required great power. "When the clan leader failed, the emperor took away his godhood, had him killed, along with the whole of his clan to set an example to anyone who might dare to challenge him in the future. He only spared my father– his son and my grandma, his wife. But she took her own life unable to live with the fact that her whole clan had been wiped out. "For thousands of years father contained his resentment for his dad and his promise to avenge his mother and her clan. He only acted when his younger brother took the throne. Can you believe it? The old emperor actually bypassed my dad, with the excuse he wasn't fit to rule. How cruel." He shook his head. "But who would sit and watch what's rightfully theirs being taken? So of course father didn't. He gathered all the clans that had been offended by the emperor at some point and led the rebellion against his father and brother. The old emperor met his demise, when father absorbed his godhood to make himself stronger so he could take on his exceptionally strong brother. With the army of rebels supporting father, he was certain to succeed but then your dad Wei Ying had to interfere. In the end Wei Ying banished them to the depths of earth. So you see it has everything to do with you Oh Sehun." "Why not take the war to heaven only and leave the mortals out of it?" Redhead said, shrugging when Sehun gave him a look. "Where will be the fun in that?" "You're a sick bastard." Sehun said. "Not the first time hearing it." The bastard grinned. "Prepare yourselves. The veil is falling and it will empty all of its demons unto the earth. I still need a few things to bring father and my brothers here." "So you're really gonna free demon the lord?" Kris asked, coming to stand beside Sehun. "Eh isn't the demon lord in the middle sea?" Samael scoffed. "My father is the demon King. I thought you knew your demonology? The demon lord as you called him isn't my father, he was a servant in my father's palace and manged to escape hell, joined with a necromancer and gain a bit of power and is still in the middle sea were Lan Zhan had trapped him. The real demon King was once a god, still trapped in the depth of hell where Sehun's daddy banished him. And you know what? That hadn't been enough, they built him a special prison at the heart of hell, where it weakens his power every day for centuries because they feared my father's power. Your people are cowards." He snarled, crazily. "It's only a part of father's awareness in your mate. And I intend to use it to bring father here, fully. So Sehun hand over the little seer." Sehun's body shook, along with his organs. He wasn't about to give up his son to be used as a sacrifice, he rather die before it happened. "You know quite well I can't do that." Samael sighed, rubbed his temple before he continued."Alright, for the sake of the friendship we once shared I will give you a more simpler option, just give me the last piece and you can save both your son and mate. And don't even try to deny it. I know you have the last piece, if nothing," he waved around. "The other yous being here gave it away." Sehun subconsciously glanced at the dagger tucked in his pants. To be honest, he was genuinely considering the option, if that would keep his son and mate safe. But it would also mean putting the lives of many on the line. Conflicted, Sehun grabbed a fistful of his hair. "That's right Sehun, give me the weapon and you can have your mate back." Samael pressed, a glee in his eyes. "No Sehun don't listen to him. You have to be strong." Heechul said, with a firm shake of his head "Kai wouldn't want that. He wouldn't want to be the reason the world is doomed." "Tell me how is this any different? The demon king has taken control of his body." "At least Kai is still in there somehow. But If the king is released along with the other fallen, we don't necessarily have the power to put them back." Heechul was right and that really got to Sehun."Please, Kai I know you're in there. Come back to me." Sehun sobbed. "Daniel please don't make me choose." Samael laughed. "There was never a Daniel Sehun. It's been Samael all along. Aish you keep forgetting that." "Enough!" Kai bellowed, slamming his le
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot