Chapter twenty-seven

Hooligans Paradise.
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  "Taehyung!" Yoongi called once more. He was about to jump down but Kai stopped him.  "He's not gonna fall." He said, assuringly. But Yoongi wasn't assured, because the glass walls had shattered and his boyfriend was heading fast toward the opening. It was a sheer drop down. If someone fell, not even a shifter healing ability could save them. Kai was Taehyung brother, Yoongi knew he cared about the Omega and wouldn't intensionally let him fall to his dead. Thus, with his heart in his throat, he watched. Just as Taehyung was about to be washed away, he grabbed onto a pole, without any difficulty. Taehyung swung his body gracefully,  bring himself back inside with the help of the pole, while people continued to fall to their death. It was only then that Yoongi let out a breath, he didn't realized he was holding. "Jimin , you drowned everybody." He grunted, finally landing on the floor when it was safe enough. "You drowned the whole ing team." "Dumbest idea ever. that's crazy." Taehyung complained, now that the things had calm down. He walked over to Yoongi. "Almost killed us, God I hate Jimin from today. That's official." Jennie said,  grabbing onto Valor and continued to up the stairs. "Is everyone okay?" Sehun asked. "Yeah, Jimin almost ing killed us all." Chang Wook complained. "We need a long talk about this later. Park Jimin."Sehun said, he went up the stairs, he was planning to get to the rooftop of the adjacent building where the others were, not too difficult to get airborne. He retrieved a rope from his walking bag, tied one end to the parapet on the rooftop, one end to his waist, grabbed the rope, stepped on the wall path and ‘walked’ down. As he descended to the first window, he hung upside down from the rope, looking at his destination. Taking a deep breath, Sehun swung his body and jumped. His hand catching a pole and he used it to jump up. But just as he stepped into the building, a group of men came at him as though they had been waiting. He acted fast, knowing there was no time to waste, as he kicked at the nearest, banging the man's head to the wall. Then lunged for the next, one hand over the man's mouth, the other arm around his neck, the man fought back– at least he tried to– a grunting sound escaped his lips but he couldn't break free. Sehun was ruthless and with a flick of his arm, he broke the guard’s neck and the body fell limp. Sehun did not hesitate to raise the knife and stab the next person, the sharp blade penetrated the man’s lungs precisely through the diaphragm, the man opened his mouth wide but no sound came out. The men behind him were stunned for half a second, one was about to raise his gun, but Sehun was a step ahead of him and pulled out his gun and fired. Seeing their comrades dying, the others shot at him, but Sehun was fast to dodge, raising his gun in the process. Three shots rang out one after the other and the other men were down. Even with that, he didn't let his guard down, as he continued to move up. It didn't take long for Sehun to find the others at the top, Chang Wook was refusing to get on the zip line, saying he was afraid of hight. Kris was pushing at him, and the two were in a headlock. "What's wrong with you two?" Sehun demanded, stifling a groan. He didn't bother with a response, he just simply pushed the two down, and both screamed as they traveled down on the zip line. "Come on guys, go, go" he said, helping Jennie with the hook. "Oh my god!" Chang Wook was bawling,  clinging tightly to the zip line. It was really funny seeing the always seriously looking bear acting like a child. The others didn't dawdled, making it quick to get down. Sehun and Kai were the last ones, Kai insisted on Sehun to go first, and naturally Sehun as the leader wouldn't listen. He had to lure Kai for a kiss and when the Alpha let his guard down, Sehun mercilessly pushed his boyfriend as he did Chang Wook and Kris. Kai glared at him, but there was nothing he could do about it.  Sehun looked around for a few seconds to make sure no one was left behind, before he followed the others. His ride was graceful and arrived just in time to see Hoseok drove the car to the rendezvous anxiously waiting. When the beta sighted his screaming mate, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But he was relieved, finally the mission was over. *** Without much trepidation, the mission had finally come to a end, all that remained was Sehun and his team to deliver the rescued. Sehun looked at the said rescued. He wanted to see through the man, so he could understand why Junmyeon wanted so bad to save him. According to the unreliable reports, this guy was a criminal, but Junmyeon had insisted he was innocent. Naturally Sehun trusted Junmyeon more. It was because of that trust that he and his team went to great length to free this man. The guy had his head bowed, not saying a word nor looking at the any of them, he seemed clam for someone being taken by strangers.  Unable to help it, Sehun tilted his head. "Aren't you going to ask where we're taking you?" At that, the man raised his face and he shook his head. "No, I know am safe with you." It was only then that Sehun realized he had been mistaken all along. it wasn't a guy but a lady, a very beautiful lady to be precise, with beautiful greenish grey eyes. She was young, probably in her mid twenties. Sehun raised an eyebrow, not allowing his surprise to show on his face. "How can you be sure?" Looking at the lady's eyes, Sehun felt his heart pounding for an unknown reason. There was just something about the lady he couldn't describe. "You went to great length to get me out of confinement. Besides I trust Junmyeon." She shrugged. "You knew he sent us?" Sehun eyes never leaving hers. "I do." The Lady simply said.  "Why were you kept in that place?" "The humans thinks am dangerous." She gave a lazy shrug. "Are you?" Sehun asked seriously, leaning forward, his hands resting on knees.  "You be the judge of that Oh Sehun."The lady said, with a smile. "You know my name?" She rolled her eyes and Sehun swore he saw Aurora in her for a moment and that caused his heartbeat to intensify. "Of course I do. Why do you think I followed you without query? Junmyeon told me all about you." "You seem to be close with Junmyeon." He noted. She nodded. "He's a nice mage, the first to treat me with kindness since I was captured." "For how long have been there?" "Not long. Just over a week." "Why were you taken?" "Isn't that what they do to creatures they don't understand?" "But why brand you a criminal? Have you done something illegal?" At that she laughed. "My mere existence is considered to be illegal here" Narrowing his eyes, Sehun leaned back against Kai, that was sat next to him, observing the lady. The lady regarded them with a look and a smile appeared on her face, as though pleased to see the display of affection. "And why is that? What are you?" Sehun had been trying to see through her soul, but couldn't. It was as if something was preventing him from advancing or like her beginning was inexplicable. The only time he felt something that was with his grandpa. "I am just a harmless regular woman." She raised both hands, appearing to be what she claimed. But Sehun knew it was far from the actuality, the sarcasm wasn't lost to him. No matter how one looked at it, she wasn't a regular woman.  He laughed at the sarcasm. "A harmless woman wouldn't be highly guarded they way you were." She shrugged once again, her eyes going to Jungkook, and she frowned, but then averted her gaze to Sehun. "I can tell you one thing. I think they're Interested in me because I don't have a secondary gender. I am neither an alpha, omega nor a beta." It was only when she mentioned it that Sehun realized he wasn't just unable to see through her but he didn't catch the usual scent any other person should have that indicated their subgenders. "From where I come from this is the norm." She added, noticing the surprised look on their faces."Just male and female." Sehun had never had of such place where subgenders didn't exist. This was his first time seeing and hearing something like this. So naturally it came as a shock to him. "There's one person though. An omega. He's the only one that's different and he had children despite being a male." The fondness in her eyes was evident as she spoke of this person. "But how's it possible?" Sehun asked. Perplexed. "I've never heard of any thing like this. It has been this way for the past thousands of years." Shrugging once again, she lowered her head as though not willing to elaborate.  She seemed to have lots of mysteries. Sehun didn't like it, he didn't like when he couldn't understand something. It was a good thing he wasn't taking her to the pack. Because it meant he would be on high alert for the entire time she would spend there. She suddenly laughed, muttering something under her breath that Sehun didn't seem to catch, even with his sharp senses. He glanced at Kris, communicating with his eyes and his brother shook his head. Strange, even if no one was able to hear her, at least Kris as a wolf shifter should be able to. This was another first. "Where is this place you speak of?" Maybe it did exist, after all they world was broad. She made a gesture of a plane taking off. "Far away from here." Was all she said.  "Are you an alien?" He found himself asking, even though it sounded ridiculous to his own ears. She raised an eyebrow, then grinned and shook her head without a word. Not an alien, then what was she? "Does a place like that really exist?" Sehun looked at her doubtfully. She nodded seriously. "I assure you it does, it's legit– authentic." "What's your name." He decided to ask. Maybe knowing her name would help get some information on her. "Grace." She let out. "First name?" Sehun pressed. "Uhm that could be a little tricky. But I will go with Oh for now." Sehun frowned. "Why Oh?" "It's a lovely name, I love it." Another shrug. Sehun wanted to keep questioning her, but on a second thought, he realized it was pointless, nothing useful was going come out from . Letting out a sigh, he lowered his head in resignation. After all, they wouldn't have anything to do with each other after today.  With that thought, he leaned even more against Kai's body, and the Alpha held him, dropping a kiss to his temple. Sehun sensed Grace's gaze on them, but he didn't bother to acknowledge it as he closed his eyes to take a nap. Arriving at the location, Sehun saw Junmyeon leaning against a car, his husband Yixing was beside him and the two were conversing happily, their expressions full of love for one another. When they noticed them, Junmyeon was the first to move, as he walked over with smile. "Hello Sehun!" Yixing greeted politely, walking closer. "Hey Yixing. It's been awhile." "Yeah, how have you been?" "Good, and you?" "Same. Thanks. Stephen sends his love " He smiled before making over to where Kris was. Junmyeon on the other hand just walk past Sehun, as though the Omega was invisible, heading straight for the lady behind Sehun. Sehun was angry that he wanted to curse Junmyeon and all his ancestors. The ? "Junmyeon." Sehun heard Grace said and he turned to look at the two. "Hello Grace." Junmyeon bowed deeply, he seem unnerved, almost making himself to fall flat. This level of respect that mage showed to the lady confused Sehun. Just who was she? This was the first time Sehun was seeing this type of Junmyeon. The other had always composed himself with dignity, and not even his superiors from magic task force could coax such reaction from the water mage.  More than ever, Sehun was truly curious as to the identity of this woman. Thus he couldn't help but ask."Junmyeon who's she really?" At that Junmyeon straighten his back, turned and smiled at Sehun. "Hey Sehun thanks for the hard work." He was clearly evading the question, Sehun noted. Since that was the case, Sehun wouldn't meddle further, his job had been done, that was what mattered. "I will wire the money to your–" Before the other could finish, Sehun waved him off. "Don't be a stranger. You're my friend, and besides this is the first time you asked for my help. So there's no need for payment." As though having guessed Sehun's response, the water mage nodded, then turned to face the lady again. Bastard! Sehun cursed in his heart. Not even a real thank you, after putting my team in danger to help you. Don't ever show your face to me in the future. Grace suddenly laughed, and Sehun looked to see she was watching him. He had no doubt she had seen through him, after all this woman wasn't ordinary no matter how one looked at it. T
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot