Chapter forty-three

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Groaning, Sehun rubbed at his temple, then cast a glance at the long cue in front of them. Beside him Irene grumbled, rubbing her nearly fullterm belly. And Sehun couldn't help but glare at her. It was all her fault, she had dragged him out of bed, barely awake, just to get a snack her baby decided it suddenly wanted. It wasn't fair, Seulgi was the one supposed to be with her mate, taking the long cue, after all she was the one that impregnated his sister. But the she-alpha was in the pack house, helping out with the new buildings for their latest additional members, while Sehun, Irene and the cubs had spent the night in the Blue House. A lot of people had been coming forward wanting to join hooligans paradise, when it became known they had been the ones to lead the war, and it was due to their resources that the war was won. The pack had been registered and hooligans were now legit, with an honorary award.Thanks to Heechul. With hooligans recognition, information on how it was ran because public, which promoted more people rushing to join. Despite the enthusiasm, Sehun didn't just accept anyone into the pack, especially now knowing 8 out of 10 of those wanting to join was due to the benefits that came with being hooligans pack member. Namely the free accommodation, the fixed allowance each member get at the end of every month and other benefits. "It looks like we're not getting home anytime soon." Irene said, causing Sehun to glare at her harder, which she rolled her eyes to. It had been almost a month since the war, almost a month since Sehun found out about his lineage. When he had told Irene the truth, she had been shocked, which was expected. But then she had surprised him, when she threw her arms around him, saying it didn't matter what he was, she didn't care. As far as she was concerned Sehun was her brother. They had laid in the same womb– even if not made from the same essence– put to bed by the same woman, and bonded since they were kid. Most importantly he spelled family. That was all that mattered. "Do you think that whatever they says you are would have any impact on me? I don't care what they say, I don't care if the heavenly emperor decrees it; it will never stop– you from being exactly what you are." She looked him in the eye before adding. "My precious Oppa, always and forever." Sehun had been anxious on how Irene would take it, fearing things might change. It turned out his worries were unfounded. And was truly relieved, because he didn't want things to change between them as well. She was his baby sister, and that was a fact that would never change as well, and he took very seriously. The cubs too were shocked speechless, when Sehun had told them, that it took them almost a week to process, and another week to accept and come to terms with the situation. But Dae'in on the other hand didn't have much of a reaction, it was as though it didn't surprise him. Sehun presumed the boy already knew or had suspected it. Form there the cubs, came to find the situation amusing, Jae'in especially liked to taunt Irene by addressing her as his niece, demanding she call him uncle and the cheetah would roll her eyes, but would indulgently do as the boy asked. When Jae'in wasn't terrorizing the Blue House or the pack, he would be in the company of Wei Ying, or the heavenly emperor, asking them questions as though there wouldn't be a tomorrow and the immortals seemed to enjoy Jae's company just as much. Aurora on the hand. When she wasn't inventing new of her fashion trends, liked to spend her time with the gods too, she had found a friend and fellow fashionista in Grace. While Dae'in's favorite god was Lan Zhan. And the immortal took it upon himself to teach and train the little seer on how to master his powers. Sehun didn't know how it was made possible, but the flaming saber had been used to make a door– permanent portal inside the pack, which allowed the cubs, to travel freely between heavenly and mortal realms as though moving from a room to another. So far only Sehun's cubs, Irene, and Eunhyuk could use the portal, it wouldn't work when others tried. Sehun thought it had something to do with them being related to the heavenly royals. Even though Sehun had never used the portal he didn't stop his cubs from using it. A person that stood in front of Sehun, turned to look at them, probably attracted by Irene's grumbles. "Eh you're a shifter." The man said, with eyes full of awe and more people turned to look at them. "And she's pregnant." Another regarded with a warm smile. "Come, you should go first, It wouldn't be acceptable to keep a pregnant woman standing for long." The first guy said, giving up his space for them. "Are you her mate?" He asked looking at Sehun expectantly. Sehun forgave the man's insensibility and shook his head. "I am her brother." "Oh, sorry, that was rude of me to assume." The man bowed deeply in apology. "It's fine." Sehun hummed. More and more people, gave up their space, and before Sehun knew it, they were the first ones in the line. This had become most Shifters fate since the war. Because during the war, while some mages and majority of the human population hid, many shifters had came forward to fight regardless of strength, putting their lives on the line to keep the humans safe. For that people started to respect and see shifters differently. "Eh isn't he Oh Sehun Sehun?" Someone said, Gods not again. Sehun groaned inwardly, but didn't make a comment. It had been happening a lot, Sehun was once again a celebrity, and as much as he despised it, there was nothing he could do about it or stop his rapidly rising fame. He should have altered his appearance before coming out. Unfortunately it was too late already. "Eh now that you mentioned, I just realized he truly is Oh Sehun. How could I missed it." A lady bemoaned, sounding so frustrated as though she had missed something very essential in her life. "He's still as handsome." Another gushed, bouncing on his feet. "So freaking handsome." The beta added with love filled eyes. "Can we please take a selfie with you?" Pretending not hear, Sehun concentrated on buying Irene her snacks. The vendor was watching him with a wide grin and dreamy eyes. "Are you single?" She asked, eyes going to his neck. Luckily Sehun had concealed his crown tattoo. And the human's nose wasn't strong enough to pick up his unique mated scent. "Are you kidding me? How can such a fine man be single?" An elderly man said, glaring menacingly at the vendor "Of course he's mated. He has two different scents mixed on him." The elder must be a shifter to notice, without seeing a mating bite to back up his claim. "Oh," the vendor said, unable to hide her disappointment, as she passed Sehun the snacks. "I am your fan. Oh Sehun, I've been for years." Someone tapped Sehun on the shoulder. "Please I wanna take a photo with you." Resting the urge to roll his eyes and unable to ignore them any longer, he turned with a polite smile that didn't quite reach his heart, and let them took all the selfies they wanted. It took more time that necessary, but Sehun and Irene managed to get away from the crowd. Making their way down the street, Sehun was once again stopped by a group of humans and mages wanting to take a photo with him. The royal security detail walking not very far away made a move to stop the people but Sehun shook his head subtly and instantly they stayed where they were. Hyoyeon had insisted he take with him a few. Sehun had of course protested. "I know you're very capable of protecting yourself and Irene. But you're a royal Sehun. It's like protocol. Even though no one knew you're Kai's mate. So please let me do the only thing I could for you." She had said with a sweet smile, that Sehun couldn't help but agree. True, outside the Blue House and his pack Sehun wasn't known as the prince consort. And he planned on keeping it that way. He was already dealing with people as it was and didn't wish to add more stress, more attention to himself. All of the nation knew Kai was mated, Kai had made sure to make it clear he wasn't up for catch especially when many celebrities, chaebols and even common people began to openly show interest in wanting to be the the royal consort. But no one knew who the supposed mate was, Sehun was glad Kai and the Kims supported his decision to say under the radar. Unlike how Yoongi had chosen to be known as the youngest prince's mate, same as Jessica. But still, information had surfaced about Sehun as hooligans pack leader. People knew he was related to the only black Jaguar in existence, Mr. Lee– thanks to his grandpa/brother's stunts when Wei Ying was injured during the battle. That part Grace never saw the need to remove from the people's mind. Though some of the smart ones had began piecing things together, when Kai uploaded a photo of  the cubs in shifter form a week ago. They had pointed out how Aurora was a black Jaguar, and Dae'in something in between, a Jaguar and a lion. And some even pointed out how Aurora looked like Sehun in human form, and were speculating Sehun was the prince consort. No matter how he tried, he hadn't been able to convince Heechul to keep the cubs away form the public. Unlike in the past, now Heechul had promised himself never to hide the existence of the royal family, not after everything he went through. He believed if something were to happen again, the people knowing the royals would help more than being unaware of their existence. Sehun understood where he was coming from even if he didn't have to like it. Some entertainment agencies already had their eyes on Aurora and Jae'in. They wanted the cubs to sign a contract with them, Aurora, immediately to become a child model and actor, while Jae'in in a few years to train as a singer. But of course both Sehun and Kai had refused. Maybe in the future if it was what the cubs wanted. But not now. He just didn't want his cubs to be at the center of attention at such young age, even though he knew he couldn't keep them hidden forever. He wanted them to have a normal childhood. Someone tugged on his shirt, and he snapped out of his thoughts to see Irene, making a smiley gesture, subtly jerking her head to remind him he was with his fans, taking selfies. Some, out of politeness asked Irene to join, which the cheetah waved off, saying she was sensible to flashes, while she winked at Sehun, urging him. "Here wear this!" His sister passed him over a face mask that Sehun suspected she had recently conjured when they were finally able to get moving. "It would help get us to the ice cream shop faster without needing to stop every five or so steps." It did work, no one recognized him with half his face covered. "Thanks that's very thoughtful of you." She rubbed her hand down her belly– the action causing Sehun to looked at his own belly– while munching on her food. "So when would he come again?" She suddenly asked. "Who?" "You know who I am talking about." She glared at him but there was no venom in her amber eyes. He did. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had came to see him three times since the war, but each time Sehun gave them the cold shoulders, he wasn't still ready to accept them. Yet deep down he was itching to know Wei Ying and Lan Zhan better. Itching to close that vast chasm laying between them. His parents were doing their best to breach the gap. If his calculations were accurate, the immortals should be here by tomorrow or the next. And secretly Sehun was anticipating their arrival. "How am I supposed to know?" He said instead, feigning disinterest. Irene laughed, shaking her head. "You could have fooled me If I didn't know you better." She rubbed at her belly once again, something she had been doing a lot. Shrugging, once again Sehun couldn't help but glanced at his slightly bloated belly that had been easily hidden by his shirt. He brought a hand to discreetly touch the life growing inside him, and a natural smile appeared on his face. It had been a huge shock, when Sehun found out he was pregnant. Nothing had guaranteed he was, no morning sickness, dizziness, like it had been with the triplets. The moment he discern something wasn't as it should be, was when his notable abs began to disappear as he grew thick in the middle. Coupled with how he suddenly began to sleep a lot no matter the place or time, which was unusual. What drove him to seek out Seokjin was how Kai would wake up each morning for days laying his head on Sehun's stomach as though listening to a child's heartbeat. He knew Alphas– especially shifters did that when their mate was expecting. However he hadn't been able to feel the life in him, like he could with other pregnant shifters. Reluctantly, he made a trip to the infirmary and had Seokjin give him a thorough check up. And he confirmed it in less than ten minutes. Confused as to why it was different, Sehun asked Seokjin. According to the doctor, it was nothing to worry about, the pregnancy was different because now he had Kai, and share a mating bond. Hence the lack of morning sickness and any other discomfort that came with being pregnant. But that still didn't explain the reason why he hadn't felt the baby until it was confirmed. He got his answer not long after. It turned out he had conceived during his heat. But due to the long term use of the chip, it didn't go as it should, until Sehun's awakening– the fact that he was a giver of life– boosted the process. Normally fertilization happened when a cell successfully met an egg cell.Once fertilization took place, this newly fertilized cell was called a zygote. From there, the zygote would move down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. The zygote then burrowed into the uterus lining, where it would go through a process to become an embryo and developing into a fetus. Kai's was able to fertilize Sehun's egg, but the zygote wasn't able to do more than that. Wei Ying was the one that enthusiastically explained to Sehun during his second visit, unable to hide his joy at the prospect of more grandchildren. Sehun had been scared as much he was elated, which promoted him to inquire if the baby was at risk. Wei Ying had assured him, his womb had been cured of the little damage it had sustained. If it couldn't even lodge the zygote to become a fetus, Sehun doubted the damage was minor. But he didn't have to worry about the massiveness of the damage. All was well. Because now few weeks later, he could perceive the growing life inside of him. For the first time in his life, Sehun was delighted to be a god, a giver of life. Without his awakening, he didn't know what would have happened. If at all he would be able to carry a child again. A vibration from his pocket had him snapping out of his thoughts. He pulled his phone to see a message from Mr. Lee, asking him to come to the pack along with Irene, immediately. Seeing the message had something in Sehun dropped. He knew what it meant. "Who is it?" Irene asked, her voice full of worry probably from the expression Sehun wore. "You have this look on your face and it makes me curious." "It's grandpa." He whispered. "Oh" she made a sound, head lowering. "It's time already it seems." Wordlessly, Sehun nodded. His grandpa/brother had discussed with them, he would be going on a journey, a journey that would probably take years, and wasn't sure when he would return. Sehun understood, Eunhyuk needed to find DongHae. And sitting around in one place likely wouldn't bring the man to his doorstep. Still Sehun didn't want him to leave, but asking Mr. Lee not to would be selfish of him. Though Grace had assured Eunhyuk, DongHae had finally been reincarnated, and she was so certain Eunhyuk's search wouldn't go in vain this time, but she didn't say precisely where to look. Sehun just hoped it wouldn't take long. Another beeped had him checking his phone. This time it was a text from Yoongi. Sehun smiled despite himself. "If I don't know better I would say you have multiple personalities." His sister snickered. "One minute you're sad, the next you're smiling– seem happy." "Of course I am. We just got an additional member to our pack." Sehun gave her a look. "Oh good really? Lisa has given birth?" Lisa was the only one due at th
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot