Chapter fourteen

Hooligans Paradise.
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  When Sehun came to, he was back at the pack, laying in his bed. A hand was holding his and comforting weights on his both sides. He didn't need to look to know, because he already smell them. His kids had wrapped themselves around him like a cocoon, had taken it upon themselves to comfort him and scent him even while he was unconscious. Looking to the side, his sister was sat close to him, holding his hand. A natural smile appeared on his face and Irene let out a breath obviously in relief before returning his smile. He wanted to sit up but looking down he realized the kids were fast asleep, thus he decided against it, knowing they must have been watching over him for long without catching any sleep. "You ain't going out alone ever." Came his brother's voice. Sehun rolled his eyes, already expected Kris to make a fuss about the incident. "Happy to see you too hyung." He really was happy to be surrounded by his family. "Who's happy to see you?" Kris scoffed. "Idiot, you could have died out there." Sensing the unusualness in Kris, he turned to his side and he froze at the sight that he was met with. Kris' eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious he had cried."Irene I my need your phone right now." Irene furrowed her brows."What are you going to do?" His sister wondered but still passed the phone over anyway. Taking advantage of the the situation Sehun was quick to take a few shots of his brother's teary face. "Oh Sehun!" Kris realized too late what Sehun had just done. "Delete those photos. You crazy bastard." "Hell no, these are my finest momentos." He giggled. "You know I will never waste such opportunity." Irene laughed, shaking her head at the two. Kris roared and made for the bed where Sehun was laying on. He wanted to snatch the phone but just as he was about to, Sehun casted a spell and the device vanished. "Hey, that's not fair." Kris looked wronged, and he seemed as though he was a minute away from crying again. "Oh my God! Are you gonna cry again?" Sehun barked out a laugh, Jae stirred in the process and Sehun gently rubbed the boy's back. " you!" Kris cursed at him. " you too." "hole." "You love holes. Luhan's especially." Kris made disgusted face at that. "Eww. Don't make me hate it." Irene didn't even bother to meditate, because she knew those two could be like old married couple. After bickering for a while, the two were back to normal in no time. And Sehun pulled his brother into a side hug, careful not crush his cubs. "I'm sorry I made you worry." Kris took a deep in take, nosing at Sehun's shoulder. "You really did. But I understand it's necessary." He smiled against Sehun. "Thanks for not dying, though." Sehun hummed."How long have I been out?" "13 hours." Irene told him. "Kris and I wanted to take you to the replenishing pool but Jungkook said, you're gonna be fine after some rest." "That's a first." "Yeah Jungkook said you used a great amount of your soul power to banish those demons. How many were there exactly?" "A thousand or more maybe. I didn't count." "Do you have any idea why they wanted Dae'in?" Kris pulled back to ask, and with a look one could see how worried he was. Sehun shook his head. "Unfortunately no." "Yoongi says there's this seer that might be able to help– the guy isn't ordinary, he's touched by the gods and his visions came directly from them. But he says the guy's services are cost." Irene told him. Seers selling their services was a norm. It was their way of earning a living and most live the lives of Royalty. In other words they were filthy rich. But that wasn't the point here. "Gods touched seer?" Sehun said. "Is he legit?" Sehun had heard of special seers that could tap into the heavenly realms just like how mages could tap into ley lines. They form a connection with a god or even more than one. Those seers were more powerful and could see a vision more powerful and accurate than any ordinary seers. Seers were rare, but even more so were gods touched seers. If this was true then this seer could help them, not only with Dae's issue but with the murders they've been wanting to solve. "He is." Kris nodded. "Then we'll go see him." "Yeah, recover properly first. Maybe in a couple of days?" Sehun shook his head "That won't do. I am going later in the day." He wanted to go now, if this person could tell why the demons wanted his son, then Sehun didn't want to wait. But he knew his siblings wouldn't agree at the moment. It took a few minutes to exhaust one's soul power but hours or days to recover it. "I am coming with you." Kris said. Sehun nodded at that."How's the pack?" "Everyone's worried about their leader." Kris said with a smile. "Irene did a great job at convincing them or your rooms will be swamping with the whole members." Sehun smiled, he knew he had made them worry. Everyone cared about everyone in this pack, they were all family. "Even Seulgi asked if you're going to be alright." Irene said. "Oh" he nodded. "How's Kai doing?" He glanced at his brother. "He's been quite, stayed in one place. Didn't eat, did nothing through out the day." "I will go see him after training." He needed to exercise his body so he could recover his soul and body energy faster. "Alright, I will go let the others know you're awake." Kris rose to his feet, he reached out to ruffle Sehun's hair before making his way out. Sehun gently extracted himself from his cubs and strode to his closet intending to get out of the jeans he still wore from the day before. "Irene go ask Baekhyun, Chanyeol's mate to meet me in the training section." "Chanyeol's mate?" "Yeah he's the only adult that i doubt knows how to fight. And after what happened yesterday, I want everyone to be prepared, we might not know when or where the demons or any threat will show up again." "Yeah I guess you're right. " Irene agreed. "Will go inform him right away."
  *** "Your stance is wrong Baekhyun, that's not how to throw a knife."Sehun said with smile, reaching out to tap at Baekhyun's belly. He wasn't just correcting the Omega's stance, but was secretly placing a protection barrier around Baekhyun's womb, just like how his grandfather had done to Sehun years ago. The reason was because, Sehun had sensed the presence of another life blooming inside Baekhyun which he was sure as hell the Omega didn't even know about and Sehun wasn't going to be the one to say it first. It was something Baekhyun and his mate needed to figure out themselves. "So your billionaire grandpa gave you the opportunity to form your own pack?" Baekhyun said instead, but he still straighten his back, making the spell easier to wrap around his womb. The Omega had been curiously asking endless questions since the start of their training and Sehun had done his best to answer, solely because he really liked the Omega. "He did." Knowing the ward was a success, he pulled his hand back without any change in his expression. "And I was determined that it wasn’t an opportunity I was going to squander. I started looking for others like me. People who’d been wronged by the pack hierarchy and the government, people who had talents and skills but wanted the chance to make their own choices, choose their own direction in life. When I found those people, I brought them here. We pooled our resources, learning each other’s strengths, and started taking jobs. The jobs other people didn’t want to do or were too lazy to care.” “Where do I fit in this?” Baekhyun said, his eyes on Sehun's hand. Sehun dangled a knife between his fingers, tossing it into the air and catching it by the handle.“Wherever you want Baekhyun.You’re not the first Omega that was used as a breeding machine to arrive here but… you’ll be the first to stay. Most we simply nurse back to health if they need it and hand them on to Namjoon's shelter . They’re not cut out for what we do, usually by virtue of what they’ve been through.” “But you think I’m cut out for whatever it is you need?” "Chanyeol thinks so, and I trust him. Besides, you two are mated, there’s no losing you now without losing him. What we must do next is determine whether you’ll be of any use to us beyond the kitchen and cubs.” Baekhyun flushed at that, feeling a little aggrieved.“You still haven’t told me what you’re training me for.” Sehun turned to face him. “ Firstly, for you to be able to protect yourself, secondly, in case you're needed for a mission. There are times when the work we do means we need people to play certain roles. Often, the best person suited, the person who’d draw the least attention, is an omega. People don’t suspect omegas, they see them as background noise or pretty little things to admire. We might need you to play the part of omega at a party, work tables at a casino, pull drinks at a bar or offices. Places where we need eyes and ears but can’t risk sending in anyone else. An alpha draws eyes. Unfamiliar betas are often viewed with suspicion, but an omega…” “Blends into the scenery.” Baekhyun had felt like that often enough. “With the right clothes, the right style, you can deflect attention. Or, conversely, draw every eye in the room right to you. Depending on the circumstances, either would be useful.” “So you’re going to teach me… how to play a role?” “How to play any role. How to blend in and be unseen so that you can listen to a conversation without anyone noticing. And how to take the attention of a room and hold it, when someone else had a job to do.” “Will I have to… hurt people?” He was looking at the knife still held in Sehun's hands. "Like I've said, we’ll teach you to protect yourself. You won’t always have Chanyeol at your back so you’ll need to be able to handle yourself if things go wrong. Your safety comes first, always. That’s the rule here. The job comes second.” Sehun stepped toward him, his gaze locked on Baekhyun's. “Say it.” “The job comes second,” Baekhyun repeated. “My safety comes first.” “Exactly. We're gonna take it slow. Now, for today’s lesson, let’s talk about movement. One thing you probably don’t know is that Omegas are actually faster than betas and Alphas.” While Sehun talked, he moved the knife from hand to hand, switching from carrying it by the blade to the handle and back. “I’m not talking about out-and-out running. But small movements of our limbs, how we walk. It makes us excellent at sleight of hand.” The knife was gone all of a sudden. “How did you do that?” Baekhyun. Sehun turned his hands over, palms facing the ceiling, and Baekhyun looked up just to see the blade stuck at the ceiling. "Wow! That was amazing, I didn't see the blade going up– you sure you didn't use magic Sehun?" The omega was grinning, and Sehun couldn’t help but grin back. "Nah I didn't, it was just a natural talent that I want you to learn." He pointed at the ceiling and with a wave of his hand a climbing rope appeared. "Now I used magic. I meant it when I say you need to be able to protect yourself. But That doesn’t mean do the impossible, like take on an alpha. It means recognize trouble before it reaches you, break away when someone has got you in their grasp, and escape whatever way you can.” "But I heard you're really strong, stronger than Alphas even. Strongest in the whole pack" "That's because I've trained my off." "Can I be like you?" Sehun laughed. "If you try hard. Even if not as strong as me but can train hard to become like Jimin or Taehyung, those two are way stronger than most Alphas." Baekhyun nodded, he was staring doubtfully up at the climbing rope that s toward the ceiling.“I’ve never been much of a climber,” the omega said. “Imagine there’s an animal shifter snapping at your heels, ”Sehun said. “Or I could turn into a Jaguar and give you a real-life demonstration.” Baekhyun made a face at him but reached out and started to pull himself up. Within seconds Sehun knew he wasn’t going to make it to the top. He just wasn’t that strong, yet. The omega’s face fell when he was forced to come back down, his shoulders sinking with disappointment.“That was a great first try,” Sehun said without missing a beat. “We’ll need to do some strength work to get your upper body used to carrying your weight. And there’s a climbing wall at the back of the house. We’ll put some time in on that too.” “You’re not ashamed that I’m so weak as as part of the pack?” “That’s not weak, you’re normal. You’ve never had any formal training and packs don’t focus on omega for anything beyond aesthetics. Come on, let’s keep going–" His words were cut off by a person walking into the room. Sehun glanced at Seulgi that was stood with her hands crossed over her chest. "Irene says you could use a good fighter to train." Sehun regarded her with a look, then nodded and jerked his head the opposite room." Go there and warm up I will be with you in a minute." "Why can't we fight in here?" "This whole place isn't just a fighting ground Seulgi, keep that in mind." He made a gesture, indicating the training section. "And no I lead by example." She rolled her eyes at him and Sehun promised himself to pay her for that. "Go have some rest Baekhyun. Meet me here tomorrow morning, same time. Yeah?" Baekhyun smiled and nodded. "Thank you Sehun." **** "Alright show me what you've got lady." Irene, Taehyung and Jimin were sat at the side, ready to watch a good fight while Sehun took in Seulgi's semiundressed state. Slightly muscular body beneath a snug black T-shirt. She wasn’t as tall, bulky, or wide as som female Alphas, more sinewy and athletic, but she was well built. Seulgi readied herself, stretching her neck and back. Despite her arrogance, the lady actually had excellent poise. She balanced perfectly on one leg while she pulled the opposite knee up to stretch then swapped and did the same with the other. She bent over and grabbed her ankles with ease then slowly rolled her back to stand upright again. Rotating her shoulders, she shook herself off and hopped on h
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot