Chapter nineteen

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Walking into the room with a small towel in hand, Luhan made for the bathroom. He just got his beaten by Taehyung, again. Taehyung was just unparalleled when it came to swordsmanship. Even though Luhan had been training for years and he could say he was almost at the point of being a professional, he still hadn't been able win against Taehyung. That was how good the other was with sword. No scratch that, Taehyung was good with any weapon Luhan had ever known existed. The only ones that were superior to Taehyung in some aspect was Sehun and Jimin when it came to guns. Though Taehyung was slightly inferior in marksmanship compared to Jimin or Sehun, he could still rank the third. And Luhan wanted to be like him, hence why, a day would not pass without him spending time in the training section. He abruptly halted in tracks just when he was about to enter the bathroom at the sight of Kris. His mate was sat on their bed, hands folded and seemed to be deeply in thought. Luhan didn't expect to find the other here at the this time of the day. With Sehun's attention divided between Kai and his cubs, Kris was the one mostly managing the pack now. "Honey?" Luhan approached, tossing the towel on the floor, and the moment he reached Kris the smell of vinegar hit his nose, which indicated Kris was troubled "What happened?" He sat next to Kris, reaching out to hold his hands. It was only then that Kris snapped his head up, he was started for a moment before he smiled. However the smile was different, Luhan could tell it didn't reach his eyes. "You're done?" His husband asked. Luhan nodded. "Why are you here?" "I am in our rooms, why do you even need to ask?" Kris said, with a chuckle. "Yes but usually you'll be busy at this time, unless something's bothering you." Kris shook his head. "Nothing is bothering me. I was just taking a break." "From what?" "Work." Luhan shook his head. He didn't believe Kris, because he knew when the other was telling the truth and now wasn't one of those times. He tried to think of all the events that occurred this morning, wanting to decipher anything that could have upset his mate. "Talk to me Kris. I know something happens–" he stopped mid-sentense when something clicked on his mind, the only possibility of why Kris was troubled. "Oh my god, could it be it was because of Baekhyun's–" Kris hastily pulled his hands away."No" he didn't give him the chance to finish that sentence and it was all the confirmation Luhan needed. "Oh Kris." Luhan said softly. "It's alright." Today the news of Baekhyun's pregnancy was known to the whole pack. Chanyeol had been going around, giving out sweets in celebration– an Indian custom he had adopted– for the happy occasion. It was rare to see Chanyeol happy, Luhan hadn't seen that expression ever since he joined the pack, until today. And Luhan knew quite well he had been the reason for the Alpha's gloominess all those past years. It didn't take long to learn about Chanyeol's feelings for Kris, hence why he never smiled since Kris took a mate. And Luhan also knew Kris felt the same way. It was just that one trip (when Kris saved Luhan) that changed their lives, perhaps Kris and Chanyeol would have ended up together, happy if it wasn't for him. Though Kris had tried to hide his feelings, but how could Luhan not know? They were bonded, sharing their emotions and sometimes even their thoughts. It was impossible not to know.  Just because he never said anything about it didn't mean he was oblivious. He had been watching Kris closely since the moment Chanyeol brought Baekhyun home. He could see the changes in his mate: smiling more than he should, almost unnecessarily, just so he could hide what he actually felt. Letting out a breath, Luhan reached for his mate's hands again and held them close to his chest, a small smile on his face as he opened his heart for Kris to feel, and see through. "It's alright" He repeated gently, hoping Kris would feel his sincerity. "I know, I can feel it. And it's really alright." Kris shook his head vigorously, as though loathing to accept that fact. He made attempt to pull away but this time Luhan didn't let him. "No Luhan. Don't say it." "Hey!" Luhan hooked an arm around Kris' neck, pulling the Alpha to inhale his scent, wanting to soothe him.  "I am right here. Knowing doesn't change the way i feel about you." He was telling the truth Though at first there wasn't love between them, it was just compatibility. However he had fallen in love with Kris a few months after their mating. And he knew, had felt it, Kris loved him as well. It was just that Kris also loved another person. In the beginning Luhan was unable to accept it, later it became reluctance, then learned to live with it, and gradually he learned to accept. It wasn't Kris' fault he loved another other than him. It was a matter of the heart that couldn't be helped. Luhan understood. He really did and wanted his husband to know he did. Kris shook in his embrace, he was sobbing. Something Luhan had only seen once when their daughter was born. That was different though, it was happy tears. But now it was due to several emotions, and guilt was the most prominent. Luhan could feel it. He rubbed Kris back gently. He didn't speak again nor move from his position, he allowed Kris to cry all he wanted. It was only a moment later, when Kris' sobs had subsided that he lifted the Alpha's head to look into his eyes. "Since when?" Kris asked in small voice. "A few months after our mating." "I am sorry." Kris' face contoured as though he was about to cry again. "I am really sorry." "You don't have anything to apologize for." "I do, a lot Luhan. You don't deserve this. You deserve better. Someone that could be completely devoted to you." "I would never change you for the world. I love you Kris. You know I do. " "And I love you too." "I know." He smiled. "There's nothing wrong with how you're feeling. You just found out that the man you have feelings for is going to be a dad to–" "I am happy for him." "I know you are. But you can't help the bitterness. It's a natural reaction." At that Kris didn't object. He nodded as he pulled Luhan onto his lap, hugging him close. "I don't know what to do, I am trying to get over him but it's proven to be harder than I thought." "It's okay. You don't have to do anything. One thing I know is that you can't force yourself to love or not love– Is he your first love?" Kris ducked his head, clearly embarrassed. "Nah he wasn't." "Oh" Luhan was now curious. "Who was it then?" "Sehun." "What?" Luhan's eyes almost fell off. " Are we talking about the same person here?" Kris laughed softly. "We are. I know it's hard to believe but I used to have a crush on him. And it was all because I refused to accept him as my brother. Back then when we were kids– up until middle school, I used to have this fantasy of marrying him someday." He shook his head with a smile. "But as we grew that feeling changed, I finally saw things– him differently, and accepted him as my brother, thus it became brotherly love and protectiveness." Luhan nodded in understanding, it was always difficult to accept an adopted sibling when one had been the only child for years. "Letting Sehun go was easy, because he was already my brother. But Chanyeol is different, letting him go will be letting go a part of my heart." Luhan was shocked by that revelation. Kris seem to be deeply in love with Chanyeol. "Kris are you two compatible?" Luhan had heard of Alphas being compatible. Though rare but it wasn't impossible. In some cases when the compatibility rate was higher than 90%, one of those Alphas could even carry a child, while in most cases they would have to rely on adoption or surrogacy. Not just that but he had known some people to have two mates. Kris nodded. "We are. 65%" Luhan gasped. "Kris for Alpha pairs that's a lot." Kris closed his eyes for a brief moment. "I know it is. But there's nothing to be done about it." Luhan shook his head. "There is." He said and Kris opened his eyes to look at him. "You can be with him Chanyeol if you really wants to, as long as Baekhyun Is okay with it." "What?" Kris abruptly stood up as though having been struck by lightning, causing Luhan to land on the bed. "Do you even know what you're saying?" "I do." Kris backed away, he didn't stop until his back met with the wall. "No Luhan. I can't do that." "Why?" He let out a bitter laugh. "Are we seriously having this conversation?" Luhan shrugged. Kris shook his head firmly. "Don't ever bring this up. My love for him will fade with time. There's no need for such outrageous suggestion." "What If it didn't?" "Then my bad. I will have to deal with it." He scrubbed both hands on his face. "Jesus you must be crazy to even think about such thing.' Luhan only gazed at him. He knew and understood his husband. Despite his strong feeling, Kris was a man of morality, he would never cheat on his mate or entertain the idea of someone cheating on their mate because of him, not to speak of being the object of infidelity. It was one of the many reasons Luhan loved his man and was willing to share him if that would make him happy. "I mean it Luhan. Let's not talk about this ever." Resigned, Luhan nodded wordlessly. He didn't wish to cause more trouble to his mate's already troubled heart.  ****


Sehun should have known that they’d gotten off a little too easy in Kai's transition from the cottage to the main house. Yesterday, when Sehun was free, they stayed within his rooms, Kai sleeping a lot and pacing when he was awake. Sehun managed to distract him now and then, but he knew Kai wanted some time outside.“How about we go for a walk?” he suggested as they ate breakfast. Kai looked up from the food he was chewing on.“Outside?” “Yeah. Fresh air, a chance to stretch your legs. We can show you some of the house on the way out. There’s so much you haven’t seen.” Kai seemed cautiously eager though a little on edge with the four shifters escorting them downstairs. They took a detour through the kitchen, Sehun snagging a couple of oranges for them to eat while they walked. They were in the corridor leading to the back entrance when things started to go wrong. Though Sehun had made it known that they would be going outside, and people had been asked to keep out of their way, evidently the message hadn’t reached everyone. As they got in sight of the door, it swung open, and a group of laughing children armed with water balloons ran inside, shouting and screaming as they threw them at each other. One of them misjudged their throw, sending the balloon sailing toward Sehun. A second later, he was slammed against the wall as Kai moved to shield him. He grabbed for the alpha.“They’re just kids, just playing. There’s no danger.” Chang Wook and the other surrounded them, moving the kids on into the house. Kai's muscles were tense under Sehun's hands, his breaths coming quick and fast, his eyes tracking every movement around him. "Kai, everything’s okay. Just try and—”The alpha jerked under his touch, his whole body shuddering, and Sehun knew what was happening. “No, Kai. Stay calm, stay with me. Don’t—” But it was too late, he’d already started to change. Chang Wook grabbed Sehun by the arm and yanked him out of the way as the others moved back, giving him a wide berth. “, this was a bad plan,” his bodyguard said. “We moved too quickly.” Sehun couldn’t tear his eyes from Kai, watching as the man's clothes ripped off, making way for the predator. In less than a minute, a huge lion– that could match Sehun's Jaguar in size–with snowy white fur was stood magnificently. Sehun's heart hamm
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740 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot