Chapter eleven

Hooligans Paradise.
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      This turned out to be another mission the authorities wanted them to handle. According to the reports, there was some real going on inside an apartment. The people living around there had noticed a few people going in but none had came out for days and strange noises could be heard as though someone was being tortured during the nights. Though the house original belonged to a young mage, a model that had been in the showbiz for three years now, but they hadn't seen her going in or out for four days now, thus they made a call to the authorities. A couple of times, the authorities sent people to investigate but none came back. That was all they knew. Sehun do missions where he didn't ask for specifics. That's why they're called black orbs– a code name the authorities had given them– and why people all sleep better at night. Get the job done, get paid and mostly the authorities would take the credit. But Sehun didn't mind who get the credit as long he could help people and his pack get to live a comfortable life. Whenever the authorities needed them, it was always a hard mission, thus Sehun brought along his best men.  Jimin was at the roof of the opposite building with rifle on standby. Yoongi and Irene were positioned outside, in a place nothing that left the building would escape them.  Sehun and Kris entered the building, getting directed to the tenth floor where an apartment at the very end of the hallway was. Recognition punched through his shields when they stepped off the elevator, sliding through his soul. Junmyeon was waiting for them in the living room, wearing a suit as if it were body armor. He was the only mage Sehun trusted from magic task force, thus he had called the other. "I've put a barrier around the building no one that isn't supposed to can get in or out." Junmyeon said. He nodded a greeting before pointing at Kris. "You stay out here and put your nose in good way.” Kris, who made a quiet gagging sound behind Sehun—most likely from the smell—was all for it. “Too right I will.” because he was a wolf which was he was more sensitive to smells than the other shifters. “Bathroom is over there if you were stupid and ate breakfast.” "Good to see you too Junmyeon." Kris waved a hand, and moving to take a seat on the couch. "I've found a dead body– just like the previous ones in the bedroom, other than that, I didn't feel anyone's presence." Junmyeon told Sehun. "This is the fouth so far in a month." Four bodies in a month? This murder was far too close timing-wise to the last one. The perpetrator, whoever they were, was ramping up their killings. While Sehun didn't know why, he just hoped they would find a clue tonight, anything to help them solve those cases.

Warning: description of mutilated dead body.

As Sehun approached one of the two bedrooms, it suddenly felt as though he was back in time, when he was still a cop. Shaking his head, he paused in the entrance for a minute, taking in the crime scene with sharp eyes. Whoever this model had once been, it was hard to see in the mutilated mess she’d become on her ruined bed. Her torso had been cracked open like a bloody butterfly, organs ripped out of the gaping hole and body chewed on like the last one.  Her left arm was missing up to her elbow with pieces of flesh scattered around the stump. Half her face had been eaten away, along with a good portion of her neck as well. Sehun could see the white vertebrae of her spine through the mess. Her legs were half-gone, stripped down to the bone in areas, as if the demon had peeled away flesh and muscle one layer at a time. She seemed to be dead for at least two days, no wonder the stench was almost unbearable. After years of studying demonology, now with just one look Sehun could tell it was a Beelzebub spawn. Those demons were known to feast on living viscera, it was what they've been dealing with all those years. At least they were easier to deal with than Cheitans. Those were soul eating demons and difficult to track because they were made of smoke, they could only take a form when they've eaten enough souls and when they did, they're ugly to death. If only Sehun had the ability to seal that little crack that the necromancers used to summon demons to the land of the living, things would have been easier. Sehun snapped his head to continue his observation. Blood stained the bedding, having congealed beneath the body where it wasn’t splattered across the white wall and wooden frame of her bed.
The room felt crowded even though only three of them were inside it. Sehun had a feeling it was the hellish taint pressing against his shields that made him uncomfortable. Junmyeon handed him a pair of latex gloves before he stepped inside the bedroom as well. Sehun pulled on the gloves and carefully stepped around numbered evidence tags on the floor–that he suspected those missing cops had managed to place– to reach the body. He prodded at the victim’s ruined face, pulling at her lashes to get a better look at the sign carved into her eyelids. Then he checked the tongue, another sign confirmed they were dealing with the same perpetrator.

End of description.

“I’ve check her soul for any taint." Junmyeon said. " The residual is the same here as with the last body– the photos I sent” Sehun nodded, retreated from the body, carefully making his way out of the bedroom. He stripped off his gloves and deposited them in the portable biohazard bin put next to the door– probably by Junmyeon “I’ll stick around for the cops to get here, just in case.” The message said, Sehun and his team have an hour to take care of things before the actual law enforcements got there. “You think the demon might make a reappearance?” Junmyeon asked, looking around as though expecting to catch a glimpse of said demon. "Or the necromancer?" Sehun let his magic out, searching desperately for any clues around the apartment.“Who knows. Better safe than sorry.” he tapped at the earpiece. "You guys got anything from the outside?" "Negative." Yoongi told him. "Same here." Jimin said and Sehun could almost picture him nodding to himself. "Keep your eyes open." "Copy that." Jimin said. Sehun spent the next ten minutes or so monitoring the house and quietly scrubbed the hellish taint in their surroundings.  Kris stayed out of the way on the living room couch, attention on his phone, a frown on his face.  "Kris relax you're gonna have an aortic infarction." Junmyeon said. "What's that?" His brother asked lifting his head to look at Junmyeon. "I think it's a brain heart attack." Junmyeon shrugged. "I think I've had one already" Kris waved a hand. Sehun stared at his brother, he could see the emotions the other was trying to hide. But there was nothing to be done. Kris would have to get over Chanyeol with time, he'd heard of a person having two mates, but he had never heard where the other mate also had a mate of their own. Their situation was just so complicated, it wouldn't– most likely– work out, his brother and Chanyeol both had to put things aside and move on. Sehun just wanted everyone to be happy. Heaving a sigh, he turned his attention back to the task at hand. Sehun wouldn’t put anything past the necromancers summoning demons to commit murder in this city. But he perpetually felt this was bigger than any of them had thought. "There's someone here!" Kris suddenly said, as he hastily stood up and that was when Sehun felt his magic rippling. It wasn't just someone but someones. ", there's a hidden room." He was already racing behind Kris that had shifted and headed for a secret door. "Junmyeon Hyung you stay here in case something or someone tries to miss our eyes." He didn't wait for Junmyeon to agree as he rushed through the door Kris had just shattered open. The room smelt so much of death, and Sehun had to cover his nose as he looked around. Even having seen more dead bodies than he could count in his life, Sehun eyes still widen at the sight. There were people, six men in uniform–they must be cops sent to investigate– and seven ladies tied up. From the looks of it, they had been torture before being killed, their eyes gone, mouths open, tongues missing. They seemed to be killed by– Sehun intensified the flow of soul power within, spreading it out searching– it was a Cheitan. It was obvious from how their bodies had shrunk, the life force out of them in the most cruel way. And due to that, he couldn't tell if they were shifters, humans or mages. He was right, this wasn't as simple he had thought, because now it showed they were dealing with two different types of demons, probably with the same culprit. He averted his gaze to the only lady that was still alive, also tied up and gagged. Kris was sniffing at the dead bodies and just as Sehun was about to warn him to stop, a commotion came from the living room. Cursing under his breath, he signaled Kris to take care of the still breathing lady, before he made it back to where Junmyeon was. His friend was laying on the floor, holding his belly, there was the smell of blood, that couldn't escape even a human's nose and Sehun realized Junmyeon had been stabbed. He bent over to cast a spell, to quell the bleeding and that was when he caught a figure flashed past him, jumping out of the window, it was extremely fast and was difficult to catch with eye. Using his magical and shifter enhanced vision Sehun instantly realized it was a man. "Jimin he's coming your way." He yelled. He knew Jimin was their best shot, since he was on top of a roof and had the best views. The guy was fast, and he might not probably pass through where Yoongi and Irene were.  "Got him," Jimin said, then ", is that thing human? his speed– oh I think I got something– he dropped something. Irene don't give chase, you can't catch him–" Sehun didn't wait for Jimin to finish speaking, he leaped to his feet and rushed outside, but not before making sure Junmyeon was out of danger, but the water mage didn't stay behind, he was also fast on his heels. "What the was that thing?" He heard his sister said as she shifted back to human form. What answered him was a blinding light, and a magnetic pull. Something was pulling at him, his body was moving on its own accord, unsure why. Sehun didn't realize what he was doing or what was happening until he was in front of the glowing object. Reaching down, he picked up the thing glowing. The moment his hand made contact with it, he felt as though he had been zapped as his magic surged to its fullest almost making it impossible to control, even so Sehun tried to contain it. All of his senses had left him defenseless, Sehun was unable to control it, thus he could only allow the powerful surge in him to broaden. Despite it being daytime, there was darkness around him, overwhelming sensation in his veins, in hid brain– all over his insides. Tightening his grip to stop his body quaking, Sehun gasped for breath. There was unhidden anger burning in him, almost third degree. His blood boiling hotter than a fiery sea. His thoughts were running in a circle like a toy train unable to make sense of most, all he felt at moment was how powerful he was, how he wanted to rule the world, bring everyone to their knees. Become an immortal that no one would dare to defy. The others had their eyes wide as they watched Sehun, green flames surging around him, within him. Though everything around him was green, but for some reason the green iris had disappeared, only redness could be seen. He resembled a crossbreed between an angel and a demon. "Oh God, what's happening? He's on green fire." Yoongi said, wanting to rush over to Sehun, but Irene stopped him.  "You're gonna disintegrate if you go anywhere near him." She warned, hand grasping Yoongi tightly. "I've seen Sehun on fire but this is the first time am seeing green flames, and something tells me this is more dangerous that the usual red flames." "That's right." Junmyeon nodded as he quickly threw a magical shield to protect them. "Even I can't go to him." He glanced at Irene. "What we need is to snap him out of it, or is gonna happen." "And how do you propose we do that?" She asked, eyes never leaving her brother. "Crack the earth." "Huh?" "Crack the earth where the weapon– Sehun is." Junmyeon urged. She didn't need to be told twice. With a wave of her hand, a golden-brown sphere appeared and she directed it to where she wanted it to be. The earth beneath them began to shake violently, and they all had to hold onto something to steady themselves. A rumble accompanied by a tear where Sehun was, did the trick, causing him to drop the thing to the ground. With much difficulty, Sehun blinked out of whatever trance he had been in. The feeling he just experienced was familiar– only stronger, much more stronger. It was similar to that night he saw the flaming saber for the first time or whenever he was in its presence. Suddenly his grandfather's words came back to him and he blinked once again as he gape at the thing on the ground. This was a holy weapon. A very powerful one that could cause endless destruction in the wrong hands. It was the lightning labrys. That could split the sky and earth open with a single strike. There was a piece of clothe beside him and without needing someone to tell him what to do, he reached for it and carefully wrapped the labrys inside. Instantly the glow dimmed and he felt as though something in him had dimmed as well. Like he lost something important, a part of him. He craved to unwrap the clothe, when he heard. "Sehun cast a shielding spell to stop the clothe from slipping. That thing needs to he secured." Junmyeon said as though seeing through Sehun and Sehun did as told. That made it better, he no longer had the urge to unwrap the holy weapon anymore. What the hell just happened? What were those thoughts about? Why would he have such thoughts of ruling the world? That wasn't him, Sehun had never had such thoughts, all he ever wanted was to help people, to protect his family, his pack. Letting out a breath, he rose to his feet and walked to where the others were. His sister was mending the crack she had formulated and Jimin was crouched on the floor, over something. "Jimin what are you doing?" Sehun inquired. Jimin waved a hand for him to come over and Sehun did. "Blood, we've got his blood." Understanding what it meant, Sehun looked at the blood on the ground and hastily conjured a tube. Casting a spell, he gathered the droplets of blood as they rose from the ground. One after the other, they came into the tube with a little magic push.  "This is consider a good thing right?" Irene came to stand next him, watching the tube in his hand. "
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot