Chapter forty-two

Hooligans Paradise.
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Feeling the power thumping inside of him, Sehun took a deep steady breath. It was unlike anything he ever experienced before. He felt as though he could carry the whole earth on his shoulder and do laps around the milky way without getting tired. The power was different. In the most amazing, good way. As a shifter his senses were superior. But what he was sensing right now was as though his shifter senses had amplified a hundred times. He could hear every little movement, every little sound, every breath. Though he should be overwhelmed, and oversensitive. But surprisingly, he wasn't. Every thing felt right. He felt so powerful. Like he could conquer the world and– Yes, let's do that, you're the most powerful, you deserve to rule the galaxies. A voice echoed in his head. "The weapons will try to influence you, do not let them. You're the master. Not the other way around." Wei Ying told him. Oh that was what it was. Sehun remembered his first encounter with the second holy weapon. At that time it tired, Sehun didn't feel confident he could conquer the world, but now he really did. Knew he could if he wanted it, and it was kind of terrifying. He didn't want to conquer the world though, he wanted to do something else– Sehun glanced at the immortal close by. Wei Ying was leaning against his husband, his complexion was ashen and Sehun didn't like it. He should be looking healthy."Why would you forge such a weapon?" Rising to his feet, he walked over, and placed a hand on Wei Ying's chest. "I appreciate the concern but i am fine, really. Father had already healed me." Wei Ying waved a weak hand, with a smile. That wasn't it. He wasn't healed, just less Ill. There was a damage in Wei Ying's chest, a hallow area where it shouldn't be. Something should be there to fill it up. Sehun wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but just knew what he had to do.Without a word, Sehun allowed a part of his newly found magic into Wei Ying. "And yes it was a mistake from my part, during the forging I neglected to purify the elements of the dying star. And by the time I remembered I was supposed to, it was already too late. I couldn't purify it after the forging was completed or it would have been damaged and it took me seven days and nights to complete it. Thus I added my life essence to suppress it." Wei Ying added. "As well make it recognize me as its master." "A dying star?" Sehun frowned. Wei Ying went on."A dying star is the most greedy element in the universe. It wants what it can and cannot have,"  then he gasped, body trembling as a part of his chest began to glow, little by little until his chest was covered in brightness. "What is he doing?" Grace asked, both she and emperor came to stand next to Sehun. "Impossible, not even I could–" the emperor began but abruptly stopped. "He's a giver of life." He breathed out in utter disbelief. To Sehun's ears it was as though he was yelling. Sehun didn't stop what he was doing, until he was certain the damage in Wei Ying had been repaired. And he could see Wei Ying's ashen complexion leaving him. A healthy glow was starting to replace what used to be the color of sickly skin. Just within few seconds, and already he was healing like he was supposed to be and starting to glow with health. It didn't take long for his skin to gain back its normal glowy complexion. "There has not been one in millions of cycle." Grace said in shock. Satisfied with his handy work, he looked at the emperor and empress that had their eyes blown wide. "What does that mean?" The gods were looking at him oddly, there eyes filled with joy, as though a rain had arrived after years of drought. "You just gave your father his core back." Grace told him. "A giver of life Is an immortal born into the royal family after certain cycles. It should not be possible to have one in this generation. The last giver of life was your great great grandmother." She said. "As the name suggests, a giver of life could revive anything, be it the dead or anything organic that had been lost." The words weren't making much sense, but Sehun nodded nevertheless. One thing he understood and was glad about was that he was able to revive Wei Ying's core, that he lost in the process of saving Sehun. "You're truly special my boy." Wei Ying said voice filled with pride. "You just gave me what should have been impossible to have without years of cultivation." He suddenly pulled Sehun into his arms, muttering his gratitude. Sehun didn't hug him back, but he allowed himself to he hugged. He wasn't kidding when he said, he wasn't going to forgive Wei Ying easily. "So your Jaguar is back then?" Wei Ying nodded, pulling back to smile at Sehun. "It is. And so much more." "Good, now I don't owe you anything, we're even. I have given you back what you lost because of me" he knew he sounded cold– detached, and it wasn't what he meant deep down. But the elder didn't need to know that. Wei Ying would have to work hard. The smile on Wei Ying's face fell. He looked sad. And when Sehun pried into his head, what he saw almost knocked him off his feet. The raw guilt, regret of his actions, and love the he felt for Sehun. Wei Ying rather live without his core, his eternal life, and give up his right to the heavenly throne. So he could spend the little time he could if Sehun would let him or just once look at him the way a son would look at his father. Wei Ying glanced at his husband seeking comfort and Lan Zhan pulled him into his side, dropping a kiss to his forehead, his eyes boring into Sehun's, almost pleading. But of course Sehun pretended not to notice. "There will never be debts between us Sehun. What I did was what a father would do." Wei Ying said, his eyes glassy. Sehun knew that much, he knew his father didn't save him because he wanted Sehun to owe him or something. "Now focus, you're still going to end this battle."Wei Ying averted his gaze to look past Sehun. "You'll know what to do, follow your instincts." He added eyes still refusing to look at Sehun as though the mere sight of him would cause the immortal a psychological breakdown. Instead of responding, Sehun forced back the emotions threatening to consume him, pulled himself out of Wei Ying's head as he allowed his eyes to roam around the still silent battlefield. Everyone had their eyes on him, each with different expression on their faces. Mostly with fear, just like the remaining demons. The fallen were looking at him overt fear. Yes they should be afraid of him. With the new power inside of him, he could crush them with a mere lift of his hands. He glanced at the said hands, they were slightly glowing, just like the rest of his body. Wei Ying had been right, Sehun knew what he was supposed to do and how to do it. He used his awareness to call forth the weapons that had been scattered on the ground and could feel them vibrating answering his call. With his eyes he followed the location it came from. The demon king was struggling to hold onto all three weapons, as they buzzed vigorously, one slipped from his hand, coaxing a curse word out of him. The buzzing could be heard even from where Sehun was stood. It was as though the weapons and the demon king were having a fierce battle of their own. It was almost funny how the demon king tried to hold onto them, when the weapons clearly wanted out of his hands. Observing the demon king, Sehun noticed something he had missed earlier. There was a half desolated space where the Demon's core should be. The demonic core was there, however not wholly, as though the half was skillfully taken out. Even with his enhanced thinking, It took him a while to understand the whole situation and the paradox that had Sehun mentally scratching his head had been unraveled. The holy weapon didn't recognize Wei Ying when he was stabbed with it, because the demon king had sacrificed half of his core power to make it temporarily deemed him the master instead. And now it seemed the influence had worn off, consequently the battle between the three weapons and the demon king. But what gave Sehun a shudder was that; even with a half core the demon king was still powerful. When he realized the weapons wouldn't cooperate, the demon king spew a series of curses. In the process, he angrily threw the remaining two to the ground, and used a hand to hold them down– preventing any movement, while he used his other hand to slam the earth hard. Before Sehun or anyone could react, the earth that had been repaired during his awakening, had split open, as more demons crawled out in frenzy, as though there was an endless source of them. These particular demons were more vicious than any of the ones they had fought– save for the fallen. He knew their type. They weren't regular Demons, but uniquely bred for destruction. In no time another battle was yet to begin. But Sehun wasn't worried, he knew he could handle them. Alone. "They have to die and the barrier be sealed for good. Or else they will keep coming back, earlier your awakening had eliminated the former wave, and now a different, stronger bred took their place. As you know, only in Jaguar form you can turn them to ashes, and you'll have to be in human form to seal them off. One at a time." Wei Ying explained. Sehun hummed, his eyes narrowed as he took in the demons, snapping their jaws eager to have something in their mouths. "Then I will have to do both." Just as he felt his Jaguar ready to surface, a loud roar had him stoping his shift. He looked at the direction of where it came from and his breath hitched at the sight of his mate in lion form. Kai nearly unhinged his jaw as his mouth opened wide, a commanding roar escaping. The demons immediately stopped advancing and took a few steps back. "Kai!" Sehun called, dashing toward his mate, eager to know it was real, his mate was alright. But instead of his mate meeting him halfway like he had expected, Kai hastily took a step back, almost tripping to get away from Sehun, as though afraid. Confused and hurt, Sehun stopped in tracks, looking at his mate. "Kai?" He asked, then took another step forward. "Though your awakening had triggered your mate to wake up– brought him back from the brink of death. But You're a god, and he's part Demon, getting any close would hurt your mate, if not kill him." "But I've seen the immortals being close to the demons, their mere presence didn't kill them." "This is different Sehun, you're bonded to him." As if on cue, Kai began to whimper, his body shivering as though feeling cold, while making pained sounds. The demons under Kai's command got free and charged. "How can I stop it?" Sehun asked, panicked. "Take a few steps away. Any further would harm him greatly." Lan Zhan told him. Horrified at the thought of his very being was hurting his mate, Sehun hastily stepped back. The result was instant. Kai got back to his feet and roared again, causing the demons to stop their attacks. Even the fallen seemed to be affected, they whined, head bowing in submission. Kai didn't bother with them, instead he took off into the field, Sehun was curious to know what he was doing, but he didn't dare follow, lest he caused his mate harm. He got his answer soon enough. Anywhere Kai stepped a paw at, the demons within a mile radius would fall to the ground, clawing at their stomach, neck or any other vital organ. They were taking their own lives. Literally. "No, no you imp, you can't. You're supposed to be dead, I made sure of it" the demon king, shouted, abandoning the holy weapons to follow Kai with his gaze. "I am in control, you are merely a fraction of me. How is that possible?" No one knew what he was talking about. Sehun sure as hell didn't. At some part of the battlefield, the demons had turned against each other, killing the next Demon next to them. And it was all Kai's doing. Now more than ever Sehun understood why the demon king didn't want his mate active. No one doing a thing. Some even crossed their arms as they just stood there, gawking at the scene. Their expression was clear to read. Where had Kai been all along? When he could simply do something like this and save them all the trouble. Sehun felt pride and love for his mate. He had almost forgotten what he was supposed to be doing regarding the spear. He didn't notice when Kai ran toward him– the demon king. What he did notice was Kai snapping his jaw, tearing a chunk of flesh from the demon King's leg. The latter howled in pain, instantly abandoning his human form in favor of his Demonic form. Pushing Kai away, the demon rose to his feet, wings spread out, while Kai charged again. When the demon king brought a clawed hand to attack the lion, Sehun reacted. He pushed forward, speeding, until he was in between the demon king and his mate. He called out to the weapons desperately. The holy weapons answered his call, in no less than a second, they appeared in his hand, joining to become the spear once again. When it came in contact with him, his body shook. Not just that, but the air shifted, the sky shook simultaneously, lightening splitting up, like a promise of a thunder storm. He felt an immense amount of energy coursing though him, adding to his already substantial flow of vitality. The power was too much and Sehun feared he couldn't hold it, felt like he was about to implode. Ignoring the discomfort, Sehun willed it to change shape. While using it to cut off the hand intending to hurt his mate. Knowing his mate was safe, Sehun tried to suppress the weapon. At first it trashed, refusing to listen to him, it took more effort to tune it down. This time the demon king screamed like a dying animal, scrambling to get away from Sehun. Leaving the demon to his agony, Sehun took a deep measured breath. That had been close, if he were a second too late, Kai would have been– A whimper had him snapping his attention to Kai, that had lowered onto the ground, convulsing, a bright searing light engulfed him. "Kai!" Frantically he jumped back, keeping a safe distance between Kai and himself. But still it didn't seem to lessen Kai's pain, nor the holy light wrapped around him.Panicked, he searched for his fathers, knowing the others would know what was happening. Sure enough, Wei Ying walked over to Kai, casting a spell and creating a dome like barrier around the lion. It was only then that Kai stilled, hiding his face in his paws, while letting out heavy sighs. "What happened?" Sehun asked, glancing between Kai and Wei Ying, he was having difficulty where to keep his eyes, he never wanted to take his eyes off Kai, while at same time didn't want to miss anything informative from Wei Ying. Wei Ying had crouched, observing Kai. He had a frown that had Sehun's heart hammering in fear. It took a while before he said."Due to the fragment of demonic soul and blood in Kai– and now that you've made close contact, it is burning Kai from the inside out. Your mating bond is rejecting him. I didn't see this coming." Sehun felt as though a cold bucket of water had been dumped on him. He shivered involuntary. That couldn't be happening."No," he shook his head. "There has to be a way to stop it." "Well there is, but you wouldn't like it." Wei Ying told him eyes never leaving Kai. "If it would help Kai safe and keep our bond intact, then I am willing to try." He couldn't live without Kai, without their bond. That wasn't an option. Sehun would give up anything and everything to have Kai as his mate. Sharing a look with the emperor, Grace reached to hold Sehun's hand with motherly tenderness. "It's going to hurt him. But the only way is to eradicate the fragment of soul in him complete. Without it, the blood would be dormant and your bond would remain. But he would lose the ability to control demons." Sehun glanced at his mate, his heart aching. This wasn't something he could decide on his own. Especially without a bond, he wouldn't know if Kai wanted his powers taken from him and he wouldn't be selfish to take it away without Kai's consent no matter how much he wanted to have his mate. Kai lifted his head weakly and their eyes met, as though trying to communicate but couldn't. "I can't decide for him no matter how much I want to keep our bond" Sehun admitted out loud. "Then ask him, the longer it takes the harder it would be" Grace said. "How? Our bond–" "You do not need a bond to see through his mind Sehun. You're a god, will it and it shall happen." She leaned closer to his ear. "Just like how you saw through your father's head. Do not worry, I will not tell him you did that." She winked, Oh, oh. "Will it really work? I mean will Kai really be free of the demon king?" He needed to know, "I am not hundred percent certain, it might kill him or probably wouldn't." She said truthful. Sehun glared at her, wishing he could curse at the woman for ever so casually saying something like that. The response he got from her was a smile. "Do not over think things, if something happens you can easily revive him." Sehun still didn't know how to feel about being the giver of life. Such power shouldn't be given to anyone, god or not. Having the power to kill and revive could corrupt the purest soul, would make one think he was the top of the universe. He shook  those thoughts away, shutting his eyes, as he pushed his awareness Into Kai. He needed to try. Without Kai to hold them off, the demons were attacking in frenzy, and were surrounding Sehun, but he didn't bother with them, the heavenly royals were there and knew how important what he was about to was, he knew they would have his back. Sure enough, somewhere close by, Sehun picked up Mr. Lee trying to keep the demons away from where Sehun was. The older Jaguar had shifted back to human and was floating above Sehun as he spread out a green light around Sehun. Then sent another toward the demons. The light from the spell lit up the crowd of demons and pushed them back several meters. Sehun didn't know how he was able to see with his eyes closed, but it was truly happening, it was as though he was living inside every person right now. If he wished he would be able to tell what was happening around him. "Eunhyuk-ah you would not be able to hold out for long. You've already exhausted yourself from shifting." Lan Zhan said, Bichen tightening in his hand. His eyes were fixed on the figure floating in the center."Let me take over and you should take a break." "No! Sehun is busy and needed to be protected, you should take care of the fallen. I can handle this." Mr. Lee's eyes were like green frost and lightning. He gritted his teeth and pushed more energy into the spell. "Eunhyuk-ah, your barrier is weakening, it will only last for the time
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot