Chapter twelve.

Hooligans Paradise.
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Standing in front the tomb for the second time this week, Sehun stared at the man laying in it. It was yet another day when he was missing his grandfather and decided to come see him. The old man looked calm, peaceful as though he was having a lovely dream. And the surprising thing was that he looked a couple of decades younger, which Sehun didn't know how he manged to do that. It was like sleeping in the tomb was reversing his aging. Was that why he was younger than he should? And what type of cultivation method was his grandfather using? Still wondering, Sehun used his fingers to caress the top of the tomb, a sigh leaving his lips as he decided to say what he intended. The old man had said he would hear Sehun even though he wouldn't be able to respond. "I wish you were here." He pressed his forehead against the cold surface of the glass. "Things would have been easier. I have so many questions and I don't know who's gonna provide me with answers." He lifted his head to look at the new holy weapon he had sealed next to the flaming saber. It had been difficult not to reach out for the flaming saber– without the glass barrier– when Sehun had opened it to place the other weapon beside it– he was able to feel its powerful effect. Like it was begging him to pick it up. "I've obtained another weapon a few days back. Grandpa, I felt what you meant– its power was immense, like it was feeding off my mana, at same time feeding its own into my body. Only you could understand what it meant." He continued to run a hand over the tomb." Now it's remaining just one more part to make it complete." He looked away from the weapon. "I hope I find it before it falls into the wrong hands. Yet I am afraid of assembling them all– I fear I won't be able to control myself and it might corrupt me. I want to know why and how i was able to activate it." His mind wandered back to that morning he held the labrys, but hastily shook himself out of that thought. He didn't want to even think about it, what he had felt that day. "About that feral I told you about, do think he could really be my fated mate? Seokjin gave a diagnosis, he thinks there's a 90 percent chance of us being fated. True he makes me feel things I've never felt before but the idea of mating  scares me– the cubs, do think he will accept them? Love them as though they were his own?" Naturally no response. The old man was motionless. But Sehun didn't mind "I can never accept anyone that won't accept and love my children. They're my whole world, my everything." He smiled. "Have ever thanked you for prompting me to keep them?" He chuckled, shaking his head a little. "I bet I didn't. Thanks old man. Really." He learned to drop a kiss on the tomb and he could imagine his grandfather ruffling his hair affectionately. "Speaking of mate, Irene had found her fated mate, her name's Seulgi. I am not sure what to do. If to trust Seulgi or not– Yoongi doesn't seem to like her and your know what it meant – but I know she wouldn't hurt my sister. Right now I am still keeping her away from the rest of the pack even though I know Irene doesn't like that. I have to think about the pack too right? She might probably be dangerous." He let out a breath. "I will interrogate her one last time today and then let her out." He shrugged. "Somethings can't be avoided no matter how hard one tries. You taught me that much. What will happen would happen. So am gonna let things happen the way they're supposed to. I will keep helping that feral and let my sister take her chances with her mate." He could imagine the old man's smile and Sehun found himself smiling as well. "Yeah that's what am gonna do." He said resolutely. "Gotta go now, will come see you again soon." With that he glanced at the holy weapons one last time before making his way out. Just as he stepped out of the secret chamber, his cellphone rang and Sehun checked to see Junmyeon's name on the screen. "Hyung!"  "Hey Sehun, listen I just got home from NFS." Sehun straighten his back subconsciously. He had been anticipating news from Junmyeon for the past few days and now it was finally here. "Yes, go on." A sigh came from the other side and Sehun had a feeling he wouldn't like what he was about to hear. "We've got nothing on that sample Sehun." "What do you mean nothing?" "Nothing" Junmyeon emphasized. "Like the owner of the blood didn't exist in this world, nothing could identify him, neither with magical equipment nor science. At first Yixing thought there was something wrong with the machines and asked a friend from the research center if he could use their lab. Yet it gave him the same results." He said. "I even got our director to help but but still he couldn't find anything." Sehun let out a breath, leaning heavily against the door. The director of magic force task was a powerful 13th level earth mage, and earth mages were known for having the ability to track or identify things, living and none. And since the director couldn't find anything about the guy then Sehun doubted anyone could.  "how is it possible? He bled Which means he exists." Once again meeting with a dead end, Sehun was reluctant to accept the outcome. He hated this. Hated being powerless and being at the mercy of others. "I don't know Sehun. But I think he used a forbidden technic on himself that would prevent us from knowing who he is." "Even so, an earth mage should be able to find something, anything." "What do you supposed we do?" "I don't know but we're not gonna give up." "You're right. We're not gonna give up. That's something that's not in our dictionary." Junmyeon agreed. "I will do whatever I can to find the er." Sehun nodded. "Good, I will send the money to your account." "Nah, no need to do that." Sehun was confused, because even though Junmyeon was his friend he never did anything for free. "Why?" Junmyeon chuckled. "I just feel like I didn't do much this time and is undeserving to get paid." "Hyung you came to the crime scene when I asked you to, that–" "Don't worry, there will be more chances to drain you in the future." Sehun couldn't help but laugh and Junmyeon joined him.
**** More and more, Sehun found himself watching the feral on the camera. Sometimes, their guest seemed aware that it was there, staring into it for long moments, other times he studiously ignored it. He wasn’t sure the feral had made the connection between Sehun and the camera, not like he associated Sehun with the food.  After the first near disaster with the basin, the alpha seemed to understand what he wanted and each time he visited with the basin, the feral washed himself down with the sponge. It took Sehun showing him again to get him to do more than just swipe twice across his chest, but whatever action Sehun did, the alpha always followed, especially when there was fruit to be had. Sehun got up early one morning, checking the camera quickly before breakfast. He froze at what he saw, wincing and cursing. There was blood, all over the alpha’s hand and the wall. How and why he wasn’t sure though he suspected it had something to do with the violent nightmares he and the others had observed. They tended to be worse around dawn.  Skipping breakfast, he instead gathered some supplies and the usual food, knowing today would either be a giant step forward or half a dozen steps back.  The alpha wasn’t outside to meet him like he usually was. Too early, Sehun guessed, plus the wind was blowing his scent away from the cottage, not toward it. He made sure to stamp loudly on the ground as he walked, not liking the idea of catching the alpha unawares. When he got close enough to see the cottage door, he spotted the curious and cautious eyes staring out at him from the dim inside of the cottage.  The feral made no move to come out, even when Sehun called to him, preferring to stay just inside. It might have been the injury making the alpha more cautious or maybe whatever nightmare he’d had. Sehun knew all about nightmares, about how hard it could be to shake them off even in the light of day. “I see you hurt your hand,” he tried, setting some of his things down. “I thought you might like to clean up a bit. Those chains won't allow you to heal on your own” The feral continued to watch him, not moving closer or further away. Sehun knew Kris would not approve of his next action, but hell, the alpha wasn’t there, and Sehun was the one in charge. If he wanted to make a stupid decision, that was his right. “If you won’t come to me, then I guess I’ll have to come to you.” He waited but there was no response. “I’m going to come closer now,” he warned and started walking again, past where he usually sat, past the point where he knew the chain wouldn’t reach. Still, the feral didn’t move, watching and almost… waiting, for him. When he neared the door, the alpha’s eyes disappeared back into the shadows of the cottage. “It’s just me,” he said softly. “It’s just Sehun. I’ve brought food, and water, and fruit. All for you. And some stuff to clean your hand up.” He half-expected the alpha to rush him, to burst through the door. He’d be on top of him in a second and Sehun would be sweet out of luck. But he got as far as the door without anything happening, sinking to his knees, and waiting for his eyes to adjust. He knew there was someone watching the camera, ready and waiting to call help to Sehun's side even though he didn't need it. The feral was hunched by the far wall, his eyes narrowed, his teeth bared. He growled, low in his throat.“Nice to see you, too,” Sehun said simply. “I know I’m a little early, but I wasn’t sure if that wound on your hand could wait. Do you want to start with some food?” He wasn’t expecting a response and just did what he always did, ping his bag and pulling out the cooked meat. There was the slightest change in the alpha as he scented the food from across the room. Sehun figured his best bet was to get the feral eating and try to deal with his arm while he was distracted. He just hope that the feral would be as welcoming as he had been with the kids when they touched him.“Here.”  He tossed the ham bone across the room so that it landed just in front of him. The alpha looked at it for a long moment, reaching out a foot and nudging it like it might bite him. When nothing happened, he grabbed it with his uninjured hand and dragged it toward him, leaning down and sniffing it carefully, his eyes never leaving Sehun.“It’s good,” Sehun confirmed. “We had some for dinner last night with veggies." The alpha wasn’t much impressed by vegetables, though Sehun kept trying.The shifter’s hunger finally won out over his caution and he bent his head to eat. Sehun started talking again.“I’m going to come closer, take a look at that wound on your hand. It looks nasty.” It did. He suspected a broken finger or two. Maybe even a fractured wrist. From the blood on the wall, he guessed the feral had banged it over and over at full force. That was the only way he could see him managing to do that much damage. Even though he’d have preferred to have his hands free, he thought it better to have the rest of the food with him for when the alpha finished the ham. Slowly, he inched his way across the floor, pushing and dragging the supplies with him, never getting to his feet. The feral would feel safer if they were both on the same level. He got a few cautious looks and one half-hearted growl, but the alpha’s attention was much more taken with the ham than with Sehun. And then he was right there, sitting within arm’s reach. Up close, he could see his pitiful attempts to get the alpha to bathe himself were not even close to removing the layers of dirt caked on him. He’d have liked to get him into a bath, let him soak away all that dirt and grime. But, considering how much trouble they were having with the basin, a bath was off the table, for now. He was close enough to get a good look at the injured hand. Definitely some broken, dislocated fingers. The wrist was swollen too. If not for the magical chains, he’d have mostly healed already, though the dislocated fingers would have needed some help either way. Reaching into the basin, he soaked the washcloth and wrung it out, showing it to the alpha.“I need to clean your hand before I bind it. Okay?” The feral looked up from his food at the question, but Sehun didn’t think his words were getting through. He reached toward the alpha’s hand, and the alpha growled, moving it out of reach.“Don’t be like that,” Sehun chided softly. “I can see it’s hurting you, and I can heal you. Let me help. Let me stop the pain. Please.” He knew it was all in the tone of his voice and not the content of his words, so he tried the gentle, cajoling tone he used on frightened, hurt shifters. He reached for the alpha’s hand again. This time, he stayed still, watching Sehun reach closely. Sehun was anticipating being batted away by force or even thrown across the room, but he got within an inch of the alpha’s hand before he pulled it out of reach again. “Come on. That’s no good. If you let me look at it, let me touch it, I can make it so it doesn’t hurt anymore. Wouldn’t that be good?” it felt like coaxing a child. There was a look of deep confusion on the feral's face like he was struggling to understand Sehun's words. Something got through, clearly, as the alpha leaned in slowly, holding his hand out toward him. He moved forward cautiously, expecting the alpha to pull away or push back. But he held still as Sehun's hand lightly touched his.“That’s it,” he encouraged. “That’s the way.” He held up the damp cloth. “We’ll start with getting rid of all this blood then I will use magic to heal the wound. It might sting a little, so don’t freak out on me, okay?” He got to work, knowing that even as gentle as he was being, it had to hurt. But the alpha remained stoic. If he was in pain, he wasn’t showing it. His eyes were focused intently on Sehun's hands, following his every movement. It seemed part suspicion, part curiosity. Sehun made sure to go slo
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot