
What is Love?
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“You have completely lost your mind! Kina is pregnant,” Mrs. Oh shouts at Sehun holding a ladle threateningly. “There is no way I am allowing you to let her travel with you!”

Kina titters a little looking at the pouting boy but shakes her head and quickly returned to her work. With her finals coming to an end in just four months, the workload was just crazy. Besides being pregnant did not help with the classwork.

Thankfully regarding the office, her mother had given her a strict warning not to step a foot in the office or she will never employ her so with that said, she was now housebound. She was glad for that right now because pregnancy apparently did not only involve glowing rather she was starting to face all those hormonal issues such as random breakouts and swelling that Hyorin Unnie was talking about.

As for Sehun, the deal with the Japanese company was now settled and going smoothly so he was venturing out to a small but steady Chinese company that had been around for almost a century. For that he wanted Kina to tag along since Kina already had a Chinese connection and she was fluent in Mandarin all thanks to her grandpapa.

But of course, Mrs. Oh, who was now currently ‘living’ in their home was having none of it. For times like this when she had to finish her assignments and have no time to even cook, she loved that she came over and do everything for her.

“That is why I am telling you,” Sehun argued back, his gestures large. “I’ve already talked with the doctors and they said it was perfectly okay. I think it’ll be great for Kina to get some exposure too… and she’s already agreed to come with me.”

Right. That was the reason why Kina was rushing to finish her assignments when she has three more months to submit them.

Besides, she was itching to move away for some time especially if it was for business. The final year thankfully did not count attendance. The only important thing was if their assignments were submitted on time. Lectures were uploaded daily so they can catch up from home.

It actually has been some days or even a week since she last attended class and to think she only went there to collect books for assignments and with all these assignments, she feels as though she was going crazy so she wanted to go to China with Sehun.

“You two are both crazy! What is something were to happen?” Mrs. Oh shouts again waving the ladle about.

Kina pauses on her typing and looks up to see the mother and son duo.

“It’s completely safe, mom!” Sehun tried to assure her but she only shook her head wildly.

“No…” She seemed greatly determined. “I am not letting Kina leave this grounds until she’s given birth.”

Kina pouts, a little grim at the prospect. Not like she couldn’t go but then if someone’s really unhappy then it does not even feel fulfilling. Sehun also turns to look at her with a sad pout and an annoyed eye-roll to which Kina cracked a smile to.

That evening as they sat for dinner, the air felt a lot thicker than it usually was. Sehun’s mom looked as though she still hadn’t gotten over the issue and it made the couple raise their eyebrows at each other.

Mrs. Oh, as much of a nosy person she was not one to be upset for long. She’ll throw some rage and cool down as soon as her rage was over and started over like that thing never happened, so right now she being quiet was making the couple a little apprehensive.

“Mom?” Kina was the one who called out because Sehun seemed a little too scared although he wouldn’t admit it. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

She had been staring at her food and hadn’t even had a bite. At Kina’s call, she jumped a little and turns to look at her with a somber expression. Kina worriedly turns to look at Sehun who also returns her look with a confused one.

Mrs. Oh then lets out a long sigh and sat up straight. “Kina…” She says and takes her hand. “After your graduation, why don’t you stay at home and take care of children? What would be the use of working in the office? You are working so hard just for that… We already have everything you need and Sehun earns enough…”

Kina naturally frowns at that and turns to Sehun for help. What was she to reply to that? There was NO WAY she would stay at home and be a housewife. A few months of that and she was already going crazy.

“Mom…” Sehun speaks out, his voice firm. “She’s capably enough to do both and besides she is not even there yet… Why worry her about it now?”

“It is imperative that mothers take good care of their children!” His mother snaps and leaves her hand as though greatly annoyed. “You need to give time and attention to children. You are already working and if Kina were to start working as well… What is to happen to the children? I don’t trust nannies or some nonsense. We don’t know how they treat our kids when we are away!”

Kina blinked rapidly at the way she was spouting away seemingly worried but it felt all too personal besides she could feel Sehun getting worked up seated opposite to her.

“Mommy…” She says quickly to stop Sehun from being anymore angry. “We can discuss this after our baby is here. I am still in my second month… We have a long way to go.”

“You don’t understand…” She takes her hand again and squeezes it rather hard. “Children… needs their parents. You… You know better. You grew up without your parents. Sure, you turn out great but it is not the case for everyone…”

Kina bit her lips at that not sure how to continue with this. It seemed as though she had her mind set on letting Kina be a housewife and nothing else.

“I…” Mrs. Oh sighs, her volume lowering considerably. “I nearly lost Seokwon because I was… because I wanted to work.”

She lets go of her hand and rubs her face as though she did not want to relive a memory. “His father and I married young…” At that she takes Sehun’s hand. “We were both ambitious and had so much we wanted to do… But Seokwon came earlier than expected and originally, I had wanted to do something

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.