
What is Love?
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Byun Baekhyun sighed as he ran his hand over the newly dyed hair. Blonde reminded him too much of his ex-girlfriend who he thought he loved. That girl had been his first and she meant a lot to him… but it was not the same for her.

Of course, she did tell him his cockiness and his temper was what made her fall out of love with him, but that did very little to soothe his pain. Just days after their breakup she had been hand in hand with another man.

They had been hooking up, according to some sources prior to their break up and that had been a major blow for his ego. For someone who had been chased by lots of girls, it got into his head that he was the best and that no one will leave him…

What a fool.

Thankfully now as he took a swish of his beer, he bopped his head and swayed his arms to the music he was much better. Soomi’s party was great as usual and Soomi herself was such a sweetheart.

Baekhyun was thankful for her.

Maybe someday he will find someone who will stay and be his home…






Japan is known for its massive bathhouses that have warm, herbal waters or pure mountainous mineral water running. After fooling around in their room a lot more than what they planned, Kina dragged the guy out for a tour or more specifically a soak in the bathhouses.

He had been lying when he said he did not know what to do last night because he clearly knows what he was doing and as embarrassed as she was to admit it, he was good at it.

“Why can’t we just go for a hike to Mt. Fuji instead?” Sehun suggests looking annoyed. Public places were not his thing but Kina was having none of it. They were traveling towards their destination – an Onsen, a spring resort just outside the city. Of course, the normal transport is by bus but the baby was not traveling in one so their specially ordered transport was here.

“I swear you are so spoilt. Public places are not dirty! Besides it is so cold in here I feel like my bones are all freezing.”

“I could warm you up…” Sehun suddenly sits up properly from the lax position he was in. He his lips and pulls her even closer than she already was.

Kina rolls her eyes and flicks his forehead making his pout return.

“Behave!” Her eyes flickered nervously to the chauffeur who was silently driving them. Gosh! This kid was doing more harm than necessary.

They had moved out only after lunch as opposed to the plan Kina had laid out. She was planning to move after breakfast and spend the day there and return by nightfall but now she thinks it’ll be better to have an overnight stay in there.

She was going through the magazine-like flyer of the bathhouse and deciding what to do the moment they get there. There were breathtaking places where they could stroll around but it was the holiday season and she was sure there will be lots of people. Now Sehun was rotten spoilt when it comes to this sort of ‘public’ places. It was not his thing at all.

“Looks like we’re bathing separately…” She mumbles looking at the flyer. Usually, Onsens or natural bathhouses had different places for men and women so naturally, she and Sehun would be separated… just for the baths though. They could rent the room together.

The flyer is rudely snatched from her hands and she looked up in surprise to Sehun who looked furious.

“You expect me to take a bath with several random strangers? Are you kidding me?” He flips the flyer and drops it dramatically while his hands go up to smoothen his hair.

“I am not going. Turn back.”

Kina kept quiet and watched him, contemplating what to do. The chauffeur shifts uncomfortably in his seat waiting for proper instruction.

“Have you ever been to an Onsen before?” She asks calmly.

“Yeah.” He was staring out the window looking mighty pissed. “A private one.”

“You haven’t been to the public one yet?”

He shakes his head and turns to look at him, his pout angry.

“How about this then? We go there and look around. If we don’t like it we will come back ASAP and then we will do whatever you want. No complains”

He looks up and was probably contemplating her options.

“Fine.” He says after some moments. “Fine but you must be with me at all times.”

“Of course Sehun,” Kina smiles and sits down comfortably. “Of course.”

Some hours later, Kina has her eyes happily closed as she soaked in the warm mineral water of the spring. It was the holiday season but when your pockets go deep there was always a proper place to be.

She was in an outdoor pool with water steam covering most of it but it was blissful. The biting cold on the outside mixed well with the soothing warm inside and she felt like she could just melt into it and become one with the waters.

She lets out a little smile at the thought of Sehun whose attitude had come about a 360 change when he reached the place. At first, he was adamant to leave as the place was crowded with people but as they leave the first area into the inner courts, the crowd gradually thinned.

The place was breathtaking and there were just so many options and things to do. His heart and mind were set though only after he noticed a ski-resort and even forgot about her as he went ahead with his skiing. Using this opportunity, she had signed in for the two of them and now it had been a few hours without Sehun but it had been good.

There were only some other older women in her pool but she was in a far corner where people will be lazy to come over. She had walked all over the place enjoying the simple food they offered and taking in the sceneries of the winter wonderland. Their Onsen was situated in a mountain, obviously and it was crazy at how beautiful they had maintained this place.

Suddenly though the peace was disturbed by roars of laughter that was coming just a little away from where she was. Looking over, she saw a huge boulder of stones and she guessed that was the wall to separate men and women.

Giving an annoyed sigh, she wished those bunch of rowdy men will quiet down.

Those men were drunk from the way they were speaking and judging from the voices, they couldn’t be more than 5 of them.

Strings of Japanese were being shouted to each other, one voice seems more familiar than she would like. They had jumped into the water assessing from the splashes, making her frown. Don’t they even have etiquettes? Laughter and more Japanese w

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.