Hangover Soup

What is Love?
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"Sehun," Sekwon was staring at him with a worried look. "Are you okay? I've been calling you for the last minute. Something bothering you?"

"It's that bastard Loey Park again. He does not stop bullying Jongin as though he did something bad to him. I swear I will punch him up some day. That bastard is so full of himself. Just because Jongin is not rich he keeps on picking him. God! WHO does he think he is?"


"Yeah... You wouldn't know him. He's our senior in school. A bastard."

"And he bullies only Jongin?"

"Yeah. He knows Jongin is a scholarship student and for that reason alone he keeps making fun of him and no matter what I say he does not stop. Jongin's very worried."

Sekwon sighs and bit his lips, thinking.

"I could arrange something for Jongin."

"Like what?"

"I could talk to this Loey guy."

Sehun snorts. "If talking could make sense to that pig than he would have changed a long time back."

"I hope he does not do anything to you?"

"Oh he knows about me so he does not dare lay hands on me... God. I hate him so much."

"What can I do than?"

"I don't know... Bankrupt them? The Park whatever... I think they do Food Production."

"We already have ties with them Sehun..."

"WHAT? No way!"

"I am not really sure  but I don't know or think there is any Loey in Park Food Production."

"Whatever. He is an . He is already in highschool but comes over to our Middle School to bully Jongin. Where is his head? That pig."

"Let's see what I can do. Just don't be rash."


Hangover soup  

Jongin paced to and fro in his friend’s sitting room feeling absolutely traumatized.

“I can’t believe this. The clues had all been there all along. How could I not see?” He mumbled to himself as Kina eyed him wearily from her seat. She was seated at the couch with Sehun on her lap who had adamantly refused to let her go.

But then Jongin supposed if he was in Sehun’s place he wouldn’t want to let her go either. WHatt? What is he thinking? Okay… He needs to straighten up some things first thing first.

“I can’t believe I was having a mini-crush over my best-friend’s wife,” He mumbled again, this time even lower and full of guilt.

“So, let me rephrase what you told me again,” He comes forward, his words finally clear and his hands vividly mirroring his every words. “Your grandparents put you two together when both their children turned out to be males and you got married right when you turned 18 and before you knew anything about each other including being student and teacher.”

“Yes sir,” Kina drawled lazily her eyes hooded probably tired of answering the same thing again and again but he was too shaken to notice.

“Goodness! The coffee, the assignment, the peaches… Ugh! It all adds up. Why on earth did I not see it?”

He turns to look at the duo again. Kina was now looking at the sleeping man on her lap and frowning while he slept on peacefully. They looked close and at ease with one another, almost like any regular husband and wife. They were regular husband and wife. What was he even saying? Darn… He was jealous. Not at Sehun, mind everyone… Just the relationship.

He comes over and seats right opposite to them making Kina clear and look away from him. She was probably uncomfortable.

“So are you saying that you are a chaebol as well?” He got straight to the point, no need to beat around it.

She clears again, studied her fingers, gave him a little glance and nods her head. How could she still be so adorable even with a grown man sleeping like a pig on her lap?

“I wouldn’t have guessed it because you’re so… just…” He coughs lightly, not knowing how to put it lightly, “Just…”

“Average?” She finishes him though looking amused. She seemed like herself at the moment with a twinkle in her eyes.

“I was raised by my grandparents in a farm,” She shrugs. “I did not grow up with the um… whatever it is.”

“Ah…” He scratches his head feeling very much like Sehun. What was he supposed to reply to that?

“It is late. You can take over Sehun’s bed. We can just leave him here.” She says as a matter-of-factly pointing to a room which as probably Sehun’s. Was she suggesting him to stay over?

“I told him not to drink so much,” She grumbles like an old lady looking at the man on her lap.

“I’ll just… Go?” Jongin seriously has never felt this loss of what to do. He always knew what he wanted and acted upon it.  But on this very night he wanted to stay here and he also felt like he should get out. But then here she was, inviting him to stay over. Might as well. “Or I’ll just take his room.”

She looked like she was about to smile but she did not. “I hope we can trust you with this,” She suddenly says solemnly. “We had no idea and I even dropped his class that I wanted to take. I wouldn’t want to be the reason he loses his job.”

It’s not like you all will face any problem even if he does, he wanted to say but decides to nod. Just because they were born privileged does not mean they all abused it.

Carefully and slowly, she replaces herself with a pillow and stretches.

“You went somewhere?” He couldn’t help but ask looking at her attire. She looked dressed, although nothing fancy just… different as in different from her usual classroom clothes.

“Oh… Soomi has a party at her house.” She replies with a shrug and leads him to Sehun’s room. For a moment, he lets out an air of relief. They have different rooms.

“Just…” She puts her lips in a tight line reminding him of Sehun, “Let me know if you need anything and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be there, in my room.” She points to the other door.

One time they are in class and now they were going to sleep under the same roof. Ah! So weird. Shuddering to himself, Jongin disappears into the room.

“You dumbo,” She was saying but he heard it clearly. Some rustling came and he was sure she was putting blankets on his friend. Sehun’s voice came but it was all incoherent which made the wife giggle in the most un-Kina way.

“Stupid baby,” that was the last thing he hears her say before her footsteps disappeared into her room.

Jongin listened to the quietness of the house and sighs. It was not like he had any major feelings for Kina considering it was only a simple crush and that was not a sin, but knowing that she was someone else’s and that too his best-friend gave him a feeling of being punched on the stomach.

It wasn’t like he had envisioned any future with her either. He just had a small crush, an infatuation no big deal. Tomorrow when he wakes up, everything will be brand new and it will all be good.

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.