
What is Love?
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Jessica knew the Ohs were good-looking people, however, that does not lessen her surprise at how good looking the younger one was.

Oh Sehun was a serious looker. If the older Ohs were good looking, it seems as though the youngest got the trophy.

From what she had seen so far, he looked grumpier than his older brother but less stern than their father. He was not much of a talker, mostly staying at the sidelines and talking to his brother or being on his phone.

The only time he smiled brightly was when he was on his phone who she assumes, was his wife based on his banded finger.

Of course, all the good ones are always taken.

He was much like his father when it comes to character. Quiet and brooding, does not necessarily talk much but seemed chummy with close ones. He seemed hardworking as well with his head buried in his files and phone or pad. However, his grumpy nature does stand out. It felt as though he does not want to be here at all!

Jessica giggled along with her colleagues as they gossiped about how adorable the Ohs look with their favorite kid of all time, Jason.

Jason was a split image of his dad but had the characteristics of his uncle. That little kid could glare and throw daggers with his gazes alone but that did not stop the women from cooing at him. How adorable. Especially at times during company dinners when he will accompany his dad wearing his cute tuxedos.

“I would kill to have a kid like Jason,” Yuri comments tittering. “Ugh. Jiyeong Unnie is super lucky to be married into their family. I just wonder what Junior Oh’s wife is like. I heard she’s the phantom Lee.”

“Phantom Lee?” Jessica perked up, “Isn’t that the infamous daughter of the Lee Banking?”

“Yeah,” Taeyong butted in, “But they are yet to officially announce their relationship, right?”

“Everyone sorts of know about their ‘marriage’,” Jessica says with her quoted fingers, “but we still don’t know for sure if they’re actually married or just engaged.”

“Man…” Taeyeon  her lips, “if that man was still in the market.”

The three girls burst out laughing at that but stop themselves as they were still in the company taking a break.

“I hope your boyfriend doesn’t hear that,” Yuri wiped a laughing tear, “my husband is tired of hearing me talk about the new handsome ‘Oh’.”

“But for sure,” Taeyeon replies with laughter, “He doesn’t seem to be a man that’ll settle for anything less than perfection.”




“You Economics people really have a knack of all these stupid things every single month,” Sehun grumbled to Jongin as they sweat it out in the gym.

He only laughs at that. “You’re just angry that we take Kina away from you.”

“Well duh…”

“Just chill man. It’s only 3 days minus the two days of traversing.” Jongin stops his machine and takes a breather making the younger follow.

They both chuck down water and huffs aloud before Sehun begins.

“Do you think I will be an overbearing husband if I told Kina to stay away from Baekhyun?”

Jongin looked over to him with a surprised look. After their summer break, Baekhyun had been so quiet that he almost did not notice him.

“W-why?” Jongin asked, his lips nervously. He did not even know why he was nervous.

“I don’t know man,” Sehun sighs and lifts a dumbbell. “That kid seems to… seem to like Kina a lot more than necessary.”

So he noticed, Jongin thoughtfully mused over it.

“You told Kina to stay away from Kyoungsoo straight up. Why’s this any different?”

The younger guy rolls his eyes as though Jongin had spewed some nonsense, “We all know I was not being serious. With this kid, I am serious. I don’t want to be an old crouch telling her who to be friends with and who not to be friends with… But I am kind of uneasy.”

They exercised in silence for a while before Sehun spoke again. “During my free hour yesterday, at the teacher’s lounge your HOD was proclaiming to everyone that Kina and Baekhyun will make an excellent couple. I nearly punched that old man straight to hell… What does he even know about the couple? That man is more single than Leonardo da Vinci.”

Jongin winces at that and refrained from saying that nearly every teacher in the economics department thought so too. Baekhyun and Kina did compliment each other well…

“Kina thinks Baekhyun’s all high and mighty. Praises him now and then about the kid having a mature outlook despite being immature sometimes.”

Jongin’s lips twitched a little looking at the fuming male in front of him. For Kina to be praising Baekhyun, that kid sure worked his off to impress her. He would give it to him.

“Why are you not saying anything? That kid’s always prancing around you. It feels as though all the males in the college have eyes on Kina. I don’t even know anymore. Should I let her start wearing some gory looking costumes daily? But then that’ll only make her cuter… ugh.”

Jongin decides to laugh out loud at that. Sehun really should understand that Kina was a force to be reckoned with…

But he already had the heart of the force.


* * *


Kina lets out a loud shriek as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Some seconds later some fumbling and cursing are heard and there emerged at the door of the bathroom Sehun in all of his glory with bleary eyes and bed hair. He looked panicked as he tried to gauge what was wrong that made her scream like so.

“What on earth are all these Sehun?” She asks looking back at the mirror and pointing at the base of her neck down to her chest where gazillions of hickeys were branded all over it. Maybe not a gazillion but at least a dozen.

Sehun grunts like he could care any less at that and comes to hug her from behind, going right back to sleep with his head on her shoulder. She sighs in annoyance and tugs a clump of his hair to wake him up. He whines but looks at their reflection in the mirror.

“Sehun you know very well that I am going to the camp in some hours and now all of my neck is covered in… in these! I have to pack all over again to cover this nonsense!”

“Are you calling that nonsense? Those are the signs of my love.” Sehun squints at her from the mirror, his chin at the top of her head. Then he smirks. “Besides those are not the only ones.”

His hands comes down and parted her bathrobe making her gasp again.

“You even put it on my stomach? What on good jellyfishes? When did you even… Never mind… I swear you need to stop doing all of these when I fall asleep.” She says feeling utterly defeated. “I look like I have some disease.”

Sehun gives out an evil chuckle his eyes lingering on her exposed body parts while his lips. “It’s not my fault that you sleep like dead every time we are done. Besides, I got to mark my girl before letting her out in the wilderness. Who knows what’s in there?”

She lets out a scoff. “What are you? A werewolf?”

“Maybe…” He mumbles, his lips already on her neck while his hands going everywhere.

“No. Sehun… I got so much to do.” She says lazily as she moved to get her toiletries. She groans a little at the soreness between her legs when she moved, making the guy stiffen behind her.

“Was I rough last night?” He asks genuinely concerned making her blush a little but she did not answer as she goes ahead to start brushing.

He was rough last night.

She also gave him his brush making him grunt in annoyance but he took it and start brushing not at all frazzled by his ness.

He followed her everywhere from that moment onward not even bothered to get dressed and she had to force him to wear something at least. He hangs on to her like a koala even when she was packing turtle necks, thank goodness it was colder now so she wouldn’t be too obvious. She huffs aloud though when Sehun hung on to her even when she started cooking.

It was a hassle but then he was whining that she was leaving in just a few hours so he should be allowed skin-ship with his wife. The fact that he was sleepy also made it even harder because he was leaning on her quite literally, his hands on some places it shouldn’t normally be and so she had to give in and take him to bed.

Thankfully he was gentle this time around but the smile on his face was probably everything she needed. After all, she was also going to miss him… even if it was only for five or four days.


* * *


Seulgi frowns at Baekhyun who had not taken his eyes off a certain girl seated far away from their booth. They were riding the train to their campsite. Once they reach their station, two buses will pick them up and ferry them to their camping ground.

“Go and sit with her,” She rolled her eyes at him, “At the way you are staring at her, you’ll burn holes into her head.”

She couldn’t understand this guy. Baekhyun had been her friend since year one and she knows, heck everyone knows about his open crush on Kina. He had become close with her but now he was suddenly choosing to sit with them instead of her…

“Did you get rejected or something?” Seulgi took a sip of her cold tea and lets out a largely satisfied burp. Baekhyun, Taeyong, and Lucas as well as Joy were seated with them.

They all grimaced but said nothing knowing Seulgi to be shameless when it comes to burping.

“I miss her…” Taeyong was the one who spoke up, pouting in all his glory as he too turns to look at Kina. Seulgi threw him a disgusted look knowing the other guy has some mommy issues or attachment with Kina owing to the girl spoiling him at every possible chance.

Baekhyun though says nothing and turns to look out of the window making all of them pensive. This guy was not one to be quiet. He was loud unless he was going through another heartbreak.

But even the last time, he was not like this. The last time he was complaining or whining or just wanting to move on… but this time, he seemed tired.

The others look at each other and decided to be quiet knowing it would be best not to say anything anymore.

They keep quiet for about some minutes before launching into talks and loud laughter ignoring the guy who kept stealing glances at the other girl.

Anyhow they reached much quicker than expected. Seulgi raised her eyebrows as she watched Baekhyun make a beeline towards Kina as he helps her drag the bags to the bus.

There was nothing out of ordinary in their relationship. In fact, they seem even closer than before so why on earth was Baekhyun so down? Maybe it had nothing to do with Kina after all.

“Ugh… Look at him all smiley now.” Seulgi took another sip from her bottle and scamper into the other bus knowing she’ll throw up if she continues to watch Baekhyun being all sappy with Kina.


* * *


Kina was seated with Jongin and that was no surprise. The professors usually mingled with students and sit with them on journeys such as this one. He had been sitting with another group of students on the train.

Now that Professor Jongin was here, she could catch up with him. It had been some time after their summer break that they got together.

“It has been so long since we sat together and gossiped.” Kina chuckled at him while he nods.

“I’ve got lots of snacks for us too. M

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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961 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
961 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
961 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.