
What is Love?
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Some people might call her paranoid but Kina was always super aware of how her body functions so when two days after Sehun’s departure to Busan, she woke up with a funny stomach and lurched all her bowels out… she immediately knew something was up.

It, however, took her three days before she began to be suspicious over everything that was happening and before she knew it she had ordered two pregnancy kits only to freak out when they both tested positive.

Of course, like the normal person that she was, she freaked out and had an anxiety attack making her sick not from the pregnancy but from the shock. She had called her mom who thankfully made her know the gem of a husband she had and also about the rewards of motherhood… and how it was natural to feel like that.

It took her another three days before she could completely let it sink in.

“Trust your husband a little more than that, Kina…” Her mother had said when Kina started crying again. Just when she had told Sehun that she did not want a child… now, she was pregnant! She was not ready at all and she was freaking out.

The only times when she was calm was surprisingly when she was talking to Sehun and listening to all the stories he shared.

However, when she began to think about how she needed to tell him the news she begins to freak out. Again and again.

In the past few days with her being alone as well as faced with the dilemma, she also began to see the trust and the amount of it she had for her husband.

To be honest, from the beginning of her marriage up until now, the majority of her time was spent picking up after her husband so it naturally made her feel as though she should be the one they rely on… That did not mean she did not look at Sehun as anything lesser… just that it felt as though she should protect Sehun and not the other way around.

Of course, Sehun was the gentlemen even amongst gentlemen and he was her rock and yet on all major decisions, she frets over it and stresses over it as though Sehun was not there, as though he was not sound enough to make a decision until he walks in and clears everything out every single time.

She had realized with a start that her trust in Sehun had been less… not the kind of trust where she’d feel insecure but the kind of trust where she thinks he cannot run the house.

It was true though… One person cannot run a house until circumstances push them to but a household is built so that they can trust one another and love one another.

And so she decided that she was not going to fret over it, not going to overthink it and let Sehun decide what the best was for them. It had been hard, trying not to think about it but she had to trust him more.

He was right… She was poor in communication.

So right now as she broke the news to her husband, she watched with wild panic what his reaction might be.

The first few days, she did not sleep fretting over it and she had to do all sorts of things to distract herself and it wasn’t until her mother’s lectures and her own eureka moment that she had been able to sleep.

“What?” Sehun asked blinking rapidly and his mouth in a slack.

“I am pregnant.” She replies again with her smile growing even further. To be honest, right now as she blurted out those words to him… it felt as though she was giving him the best gift a human could give to others.

It had been 6 days since she found out that she was pregnant and about 4 since she confirmed it and yet it seemed it was long enough for her to feel a bond with the fetus that was growing inside of her.

Maybe this was God’s way of letting her know about motherhood, the one thing she was trying so hard to run away from.

Sure, it would be scary and full of problems… But the joy that comes along with it? Gosh! It had only been 6 days but she could already feel love coursing through her.

It took almost three minutes for the immobile Sehun to start moving again but when he did, he comes and clasps both her shoulders, a worried frown on his face rather than a happy one she expected.

“Wha-…” He blinks then stutters before he finally exhales loudly and melts her heart with a question. “Are you okay?”

Perhaps it was the pregnancy or it was her… but the question was something she least expected. She thought he would jump with happiness and shout for joy calling everyone and letting them know… but here he was… worried about her.

Why on earth did she not trust this man? How terrible had she been?

Even throughout their ride home, she had been hesitant, she had been scared and it took her a lot to tell him even a piece of news, and right now she felt terrible. So terrible that she began to cry.

How cruel had she been towards him? Gosh. He must have felt bad and blamed himself for the breakdown she had just a month or two back. She was a terrible wife.

She hugs him tightly at that and nods her head.

“I am pregnant, Sehun…” She repeats her words as though he hadn’t heard it but this time… it was almost as if she was telling herself. She was reminding herself that this was their child. It wasn’t just hers or just his… it was theirs and now… this will begin a new chapter.

In the most unlikely scenario, they sit down on the couch almost plastered upon each other, and discussed in soft whispers what they should do.

5 minutes into discussion and having made sure that she was happy, he broke out into the most radiant smile she had ever seen making her feel teary-eyed just looking at it.

“You’re pregnant,” He says with a tone that says he hasn’t quite let it sink it yet, and still it was laced with happiness and pure joy, “and you are okay with it… So eventually we’re going to have a baby…”

He says this two more times all the while absentmindedly playing with her hair before he slumps down into her shoulders and let out the most relieved sigh she had ever heard him sigh before.

“We’re going to have a baby…”

Only after all these, the pictured scenario began to play out where he jumped across the hall and punched the air with pure delight as well as dancing while twirling her around all the while treating her like a queen.

They did not sleep that night as they talked and discussed the whole of the night about their child that was growing in her. The excitement was too much to get a wink of sleep anyway.


* * *


Sehun watched his wife with a tender expression as she shopped for baby things online gushing about how cute every single thing was. It was almost unimaginable how everything had turned out.

Just a week back when she had told him the news, he almost thought that she was making a joke but Kina wasn’t one to make a joke about serious things. Perhaps if he were to rate that night, he would put it up as one of the happiest nights he had ever been.

Gosh! How could he even love someone so much? In all honesty, he had thought that he loved her enough but then she became pregnant and suddenly the love he had for her before seemed a mere speck of what he felt for her now.

And even right now as they sat in their living room with her on his lap and his hands playing with her hairs, he felt love overflowing out of him into her.

Hyorin who was now almost four months pregnant, with her baby bump starting to show was coming tonight for dinner with Jongin to celebrate their pregnancies. Jongin had also screamed with delight when Sehun had called him.

It was perfect… Right now… Everything was blissful.

“Baby mamas, the food’s ready,” Jongin and Sehun had obviously taken the mantel of cooking and doing household chores while the two women rested and chatted about being pregnant. Of course, they had both rolled their eyes at the way the men were behaving but there was no chance they were letting them do anything other than sitting still and looking pretty.

“I can’t believe I have a pregnant student,” Jongin guffawed as soon as Kina had settled down making the latter choke on dry air.

Sehun throws a menacing glare at Jongin who continued laughing while thumbing her back tenderly. She had a child inside of her!

The food seemed to her liking and Sehun couldn’t be prouder. These days, though the morning sickness still persisted, it seemed her appetite has increased. Also, did he mentioned how beautiful she looked these days? Gosh, she was practically glowing.

“I can’t believe how glowy you got,” Hyorin grumbles rubbing her belly as she drank her fruit juice. “My first month was me facing war with acne. I swear I was ready to throw hands when I realized that my period did not come. I thought it was because of that but then I started throwing up and having all the morning sickness… ugh. Terrible. Thankfully now that my first trimester is over… I am no longer facing morning sickness…”

They had already retired into the living room with wine for the men and juices for the ladies with Hyorin telling tales about her pregnancy as Jongin looked at her like she was the world… and yeah… that was pretty much how he looked at Kina too.

Their talks shifted to the future plans for their kids and what they were planning regarding their studies to their names to their fashion… literally every single aspect of their kid’s life. It was honestly such a satisfying talk that by the time bedtime came over, they were all exhausted… particularly

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.