
What is Love?
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Yeri watched the handsome man walked through the tampon section again engrossed in checking every brand that was in there while frowning at his phone screen.

Perhaps he was here to buy it for his girlfriend or sister or some woman in his life. Being a part-timer in the store has made her seen many people but she supposes she had never seen a man look so at ease at the tampon section like this one.

Normally when a male comes to this section, they are red in the face and just take the first one and storms out but this man had already checked the entire shelf three times and was yet to acknowledge all the giggles the girls who come there was giving him.

She sighs dreamily at him and decides to help the poor man out.

“Hello sir,” She walks up to him and as he turns to look at her, she is almost knocked out by how handsome the man is. Her eyes of course slowly trailed towards his left finger which was already banded. “Can I be of assistance to you? Are you looking for anything in particular?”

Of course, this hunk of a man was married.

He smiles gratefully at her and she hoped she was not drooling. How was it that a handsome man was also such a sweetheart? It isn’t known. Where are all these good men hiding from her?

“I am looking for this L Brand. My wife says I need to get this one.” He showed her his phone where a text message showed the particular brand his ‘Wifey <3’ wanted. God, how did he get even cuter?

His wife. How lucky was his wife? Yeri thinks she had seen enough people in love but she clearly had not yet met this guy. The moment he simply mentions his wife, his eyes twinkled like some fireworks in New-Year’s night.

She was jealous.

“Ah yes,” Yeri led him forward to a different section. “The brand is over this side so maybe you missed it.”

Leaning down she takes the packet out and gives it to him. “Is this the one?”

His face lights up even more seeing that his quest had come to an end as he took the packet and examined it.

“This is the one,” His eyes disappeared behind the crescent as he smiled at her. As a normal human being, her heart all burst at that sight. “Thank you so much, Miss-” His eyes trailed to her name tag. “Yeri!”

Damn it. She probably going to dream about him for the next three months.






Kina sighs and curled up against Sehun’s warm body as he read his book. Being his last year in college, he was trying to give his best. After this year he was returning to work in the company.

But with all these, his attention was always on his books, his laptop, and his iPad making Kina sulk. Does he remember he has a wife?

She was on her period and was feeling extra needy wanting attention. Besides the rain pouring outside was not helping her. Spring was perfectly sunny but it also brought about some rain spells so right now as it rained she felt the need for a cuddle while listening to the pitter-patter.





Sehun threw a lazy glance at her then decided to toss his arms around her, supporting her neck as he continued his reading. She pouts a little at the lack of attention but then before she could call him once more, he began her shoulders slowly, almost unconsciously like telling her he was there and that he knew it.

She smiles deciding to keep quiet. This was her passionate husband and she loved it. At times he would just be darn lazy that she would bash him up with a pillow because honestly, he should be doing something with his time but at times like this when he devotes his time to doing something he loved, it was endearing. Besides he looks hot and it was a sight to behold.

“Why are you smiling?” He suddenly asks, making her look up at him. He too had a small smile gracing his face and a soft look on his eyes.

“Please tell me you were thinking about me. You are not allowed to smile on any other thing,” He turns serious at that but his eyes gave away his endearment.

“I was…” She says turning equally serious, “I was thinking about how amazing you are when you are passionate about your work.”

He says nothing but only stare at her as though he was trying to process what she said. He took a long pause and lets out a breath.

“I am going to miss teaching…” He confessed in a whisper making Kina’s heart thud at his fallen countenance.

She placed a hand on his cheek making him rest on it heaving a sad sigh.

“I know…” She whispers back and smiled, “I’ve never seen you more alive than when you are teaching.”

“I know that I was going to go back to work but I really wanted to try out teaching,” Sehun says laying down properly, pulling her closer. “Since High-school I enjoyed standing in front of my peers and explaining things to them and watch them with satisfaction as they understand what I tell them. Jongin and I always fought to represent the group if we were ever in the same group and we were such rivals if we were in different groups.”

He gives a small chuckle at the memory, making her smile wider. “It is so different in the company…”

“I always had to intern there every summer break and it was terrible… always sitting behind the desk… I did not want to be there. If I were to go back now, I would have my own office but there is no difference…”

Kina sighed sadly looking at the faraway look on her husband’s eyes. His hands came up to her cheeks making her feel so loved.

“I’m sorry…” She says feeling more down than usual. “It’s because of our ties that you have to return.”

He chuckles at that and kisses her forehead making her sadness melt like ice-cream on a sunny day.

“I’ll not be angry even if I had to give up everything for you…”

Kina couldn’t help but scowl at that, a sudden protectiveness bursting inside of her.

“There is no way I’ll let you give up anything.” She said holding his hand that was her cheek. “I too have to join the company and I’ll work twice as hard so that you can continue teaching…”

Sehun’s eyes brightened hearing that and he lets out a peal of full-on laughter making her smile but also mad.

“What? You don’t believe me?”

He had now rolled away clutching his belly, laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Kina pouted and using a pillow began beating him up.

“I will show you. Just wait. I will show you!”

She was going to show him that this little girl was going to save his from the dreaded company even though he was laughing at her.

Someday. For sure.


* * *


“My wife is the cutest thing ever…” Sehun followed his proclamation with a chuckle, shaking his head while his chopsticks waved in the air.

Jongin rolled his eyes. That was the fourth proclamation and to think Sehun usually proclaimed things when he was drunk not when he was sober.

“Did you drank something before coming to class?” Jongin asks before shoving a big piece of chicken to his starving mouth. “You are acting like you are drunk almost the whole day.”

“Did you know what she told me last night?”

“Oh gosh not TMI okay. She is my student and my little sister-”

Sehun looked scandalized at that and comes forward to flick his forehead. Jongin threw his hands up in the air in surrender knowing he had perhaps crossed the line. Sehun was NOT a physical person so when he comes to even flick his forehead that was a punch for some.

“Okay… Sorry. Tell me what she told you last night.”

Sehun rolls his eyes and folded his hands glaring at him before softening and going back to being all smiley. Jongin swore he was going to get whiplash from his mood swings.

“She said she would work hard and get me out of office when she is done with college,” Sehun chuckled at that thought, shaking his head even more. Jongin wondered how he is not down with a headache.

“She looked so determined you don’t know how much I wanted to laugh but had to control.”

Jongin gave him a pointed look. Sehun was terrible at controlling his laughter.

“Okay fine. I laughed. I laughed out loud at her and she got so mad so now she said she will prove it to me.”

Jongin pondered over it and a wave of appreciation flooded him. He knew about Sehun’s hatred for office work because every summer breaks he looked dead.

“You know… Kina might just save you from office.” Jongin nods his head as he gave Sehun a serious look. “She is a bright girl and also headstrong when she needs to. I feel like working in a company will release her wings.”

Sehun threw one of his eyebrows up at that almost asking him if he was being serious or joking.

“Just look at her…” Jongin put down his chopstick and started explaining, per usual his actions mirroring his words. “She has a way with people. People are charmed and naturally draws to her although she does not even try. Besides she is a natural leader, heck we all know how much of a lost puppy you are around her.”

Sehun seemed dazed, his lips a little parted as he stared at their lunch. He was thinking.

“Yeah… She’d be great no doubt but I-” Sehun sighs and aggressively ruffled his hair. “I don’t want her to work in such a place like that. I don’t know whether she would like it or hate it as I do. I feel like it might just clip off the free wing that she has.”

Jongin lets out a little laugh and assured Sehun. “You know Kina walks out of the classroom when the lecture is boring. You think she’d stay there if she hated it?”

Sehun seemed a little relief at that but then tenses up.

“Kina does WHAT? Aish! That girl!”


* * *


Kina’s heart dropped to her legs and came back up only to stop in .

What did he just call her? Wife-what? Did he perhaps find out about her relationship with Sehun and was doing this to blackmail her or something? But Baekhyun doesn’t seem to be the type to do that.

But that was what Sehun had saved her as in his phone. Did he by any chance saw that?

Baekhyun had bid her goodbye like any other day. Their cars were always parked side-by-side so naturally, they were the last person each other sees before they departed… Unless something came up.

But today as he got into his car, he shouted his goodbye with a cheeky touch to it.

“Bye wifey!”

That was the reason she was still zoning out in her car without turning on her engine. This was the las

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.