
What is Love?
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Sehun watched his wife snarl at the stack of love letters that he had received from his students. When she had leisurely walked into his office, he was surprised but knew something was up but who knew she was here for this purpose.

He wanted to coo at her and tell her that being jealous was the cutest thing ever and that he was dying with feels but with the frown on her forehead, Sehun thought he would enjoy this moment for some more time.

He goes over and hugs her from behind as she goes over one of the letters before dumping them into the bin. Honestly, Sehun could give any less about these so-called love letters. Some students keep dropping them through his door and he simply picks them up and throws them at a spare basket feeling too bad to discard them directly. He plans to read them someday at least, before throwing it away although that someday would never come.

“These students are really creative,” Kina sighs exasperatedly as though she was trying to be angry but can’t. “I mean read this one.”

She says and shows him a piece. “This is a fine piece of literature and she’s wonderfully captured your beauty.”

She pouts a little. “I probably can never do that.”

Sehun chuckles into her ears and bites it making her whine. She was really ticklish.

However, they both tenses up the next moment when a knock came. “Sir? Are you in there?”

“Crap!” Sehun curses quietly and watched his wife freak out. “Go and hide inside my desk. I’ll lead whoever it is away and you escape in the meanwhile.”

Kina moved without a pause and Sehun cleaned up the mess she made.

"Yup. Give me a moment," He calls out and briskly walked towards the door hoping to lead away whoever it was.

It was a student who had come for some work related to their department. He smiled a little as he turns around to close the door. Who knew it’d be thrilling… knowing that his wife was hiding inside his desk.

God. He needed to stop thinking or he’ll be in hell.




Sehun embraced his wife and kissed her all over her face not ignoring her tired countenance.

“My poor little baby,” He exclaimed once he caught hold of her. God. He missed her so much! “I’ve missed you so much!”

They were inside her car which Sehun drove to pick her up. Taking his car would be announcing that they were married so he had driven hers. But it was hard because he had been dying to see her and to think he could only hold her once she was inside made it so annoying. He could only wish they were at home so he could hold her properly.

“How was the camp?” It was nightfall already so by the time they were cruising on the highway she was already nodding off. Sehun could only smile fondly at that. “Are you very tired?”

She yawns and nods her head. His heart thunders a little when she takes off her seat belt, comes over, takes hold of his arm, and placed her head on his shoulders.

“Hey, that’s dangerous,” Sehun chuckled feeling all warm because Kina was not one to initiate much skin-ship. If she was doing this, she probably missed him a lot. “My baby missed me?”

She nods again making his heart flutter. Once she was tired she stops talking and all her actions turn sloppy. It was her drunk state, but she turns into this adorable baby so he was not complaining. He smiled merrily, humming to the radio as they drove home.

Taking her luggage in one hand and the owner in the other, he leads both safely into the apartment and literally squishes her tight before capturing her lips hungrily.

She giggles lazily into his kiss and Sehun literally stops himself from going further because god he missed that giggle.

“I’ve arranged a warm bath for you. Let me just go check on it.” Sehun takes her to their room and she starts to undress sloppily. He goes into the bathroom and turns on the warm water hoping it will be the perfect temperature for her.

“Thank you…” she mumbles when she settles into the warm water all and beautiful. Sehun wished he could join her but decides to make her something instead. She was tired and hungry after all.

“You are welcome.” He kisses her temple, “Just take the bath and I’ll make something for you okay?”

She nods and relaxes into her bath making Sehun happy. Their apartment suddenly seems to be vibrating with love once again. He happily threw the food into the microwave and haphazardly cleaned up the mess of the kitchen he had made the last few days knowing she will have his head.

He hums merrily and frowns when Kina does not appear as he was expecting.

“Kina?” She was taking longer than her usual time. “Kina?”

He frowns feeling a little worried when there was no response from her side. It probably had been more than an hour and she was still inside the bathroom.

“KINA?” He barged into the bathroom, his heart beating wildly. What had happened? She was not one to take long baths. Worse scenarios flash through his mind and he held his breath at his wild thoughts. No way, no way.

 He lets out an air of relief though when he finds Kina sound asleep on the bathtub, her head leaning on her arm at the side of the tub.

“My gosh, Kina,” he mutters exhaling deeply and kneeling down to her level. “You worried me there for a second.”

She was done cleaning herself but had probably decided to soak for some time and must have slept off. Chuckling and kissing the top of her head, he picks her up and had a tough time drying her up while she slipped off and on consciousness.

For a light sleeper, she must have been tired as to be sleeping away like this. But finally, she was dry as a bone so he dressed her up and tucked her in.

Finally, she was back in his arms and in his bed. His perfect pillow was back in his hold. He can finally sleep happily tonight.

Sehun sighed in annoyance when the microwaved binged signaling that the food he warmed up was done. Kina was already dead to the world so there was no need for the food anymore although she needed it, she needed sleep more.

Groaning out loud, he goes and turns off everything in the kitchen, the doors, and comes to his baby who immediately curled up into him. He sighs heavily and kissed every part of her face and neck he could get access to and pulling her impossibly close, he drifted off to sleep.


* * *


Kina narrated the entire three days camping experience to her husband as they cuddled on the couch after their heavy brunch and heavy cleaning.

She giggled explaining how their group finally won at one thing on the last day but Sehun was still frowning.

“Would you stop thinking about Baekhyun?” Kina comes up and gives him a peck on his lips. “I’m jealous that he’s more on your mind than me.”

Sehun rolls his eyes and kisses her back.

“Anyway, I bought some pebbles from there. They were so pretty and everything-”

“You feel bad for him, don’t you?” Sehun interrupts her making her stop her rambles. She had been trying to divert her attention elsewhere and not focus on the guilt that was killing her.

Since that night, she had been unable to sleep no wonder she slept like dead last night. She had known about how Baekhyun felt for her… albeit finding out about it a little late. She had overheard Baekhyun and Taeyong talk about her.

It had been a surprise for her, no doubt because Baekhyun seemed to like cute girls… those girls with bubbly characters and adorable faces… like Soomi. She had a gist but thought she was being conceited. She had let it out therefore about the fact that she was already taken but it seemed he was still willing to wait for her.

What did she do? She did not do anything to give him hope, did she? What if everything had been her fault?

“He’s a good kid,” Kina sighs burying herself deeper into his hug. “I feel as though it is unfair for him to… spare me his feelings… especially after what happened to his last girlfriend.”

Sehun sighs and nods his head. He knew everything about Baekhyun… at least as much as she knows. They share everything after all.

“Jongin called me up last night and told me that Baekhyun seems to… be really heartbroken.” Sehun gulps as he told her that. She knows he did not want her to feel even worse.

She rubs her face and groans. “I just left him there like that, Sehun… I could have been kinder, but I thought if I was I would only be leading him on… You should have seen his face.”

She felt her lips wobble a little as his broken expression flashed through her mind. She had been the cause of that. Sehun shushes her and gently patted her hair down.

“It’s okay… you did the right thing.” He cooed at her, “it’s okay.”


* * *


Jongin only sighed loudly as he watched Baekhyun zoned out. It had been like that for the past week.

However, he was still talking to Kina acting as though he does not remember . Kina had told him that Baekhyun does not recall that night but he would bet his cooking skills that Baekhyun remembers it to the dot.

But as much as Jongin wishes to be suspicious and dislike that guy, he couldn’t. Not after seeing him broken like that.

For real though, he did not think Baekhyun was that much into Kina. He had wept his heart out – for hours! Jongin had taken him to his cabin and waited for him to calm down but he just wouldn’t until he was knocked out.

To think that a young boy could get his heart broken like that. Ah! Young people. Baekhyun reminded him of himself, unfortunately. He and his bad luck with girls until Hyeri happened.

The bad thing about this is that after what had transpired that night, it seemed as though Baekhyun had become even more resilient.

He seemed to have backed off after summer break from Kina but after camp, after all those heart-wrenching cries, he seems to be closer to her than before.

It puzzled him. Why on earth was the guy so bend on breaking his own heart over and over again? Wasn’t once enough?

Even Kina

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.