
What is Love?
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The morning air was delightful but the girl standing in front of him was perhaps more delightful. It was incredibly rare for a vegetable vendor like him to see a young woman come to buy their vegetables so early in the morning lest stop and discuss it.

As a young man himself who had recently just started on this business, he was happy to see that even the younger generation was into it.

“Which pepper is spicier? I am utterly lost when it comes to peppers and chilies.”

She could not be older than 20 and was perhaps a college student. She was tall and so pretty.

“You don’t eat spicy food?”

The best thing perhaps was that she came by often and get vegetables from his cart. Their farmers market had the freshest vegetables in this neighborhood but he could easily say he sold some of the best vegetables and she seems to know it.

“No. I can’t tolerate spice at all.” She says with an embarrassed laugh, “but my husband loves them so I need to know all about peppers and spice and stuff.”

His smile probably faltered hearing that. Husband? Maybe she was one of those people who looked younger than they were.

He begins to explain and she listens with morbid fascination. It still delighted him to know that she was quite interested in all these. She married one lucky guy.

She gingerly picked up a jalapeno and her gaze softened at that as though that thing reminded her of her husband.

“Can you get me some of these?”

He wished he was married to someone like her.





Sehun pressed his lips in a straight line feeling utterly bitter. The party was over with the infamous Park Chanyeol crashing into it. People thought it was a nice thing but he would suggest otherwise. As per usual he had no regard for what others were doing.

He should have seen this coming. This Park Loey was the uncle he had heard so much about. Jongin had rushed off with his girlfriend uneasily making Sehun feel a pang of anger course through him again.

He was married to a woman who had the same blood as this vermin and for some reason that made his skin itch. He hated that feeling, a feeling of annoyance for being so dumb and stupid, and not seeing what was right in front of him. He had been focused on Kina and Kina alone. She was the heiress to the giant Banking system throughout Korea but she also had some shares in the Park Food Production thanks to her Grandpapa.

He watched with gritted teeth as the tall, lanky guy held on to his wife like she was his from the moment they had met. Another pang of anger coursed through him when the tall guy plants a big kiss on his wife’s forehead forcing him to move from the corner to where they were.

Loey or Chanyeol or whatever he was kept holding his wife and for a lot of reason, he did not want Chanyeol anywhere near her.

Upon reaching them, Sehun yanks her to his side surprising everyone in there.

“OH RIGHT! SEHUN!” Mr. Lee expressed hollering loudly. “Chanyeol you are yet to meet your Nephew-in-law! Meet Oh Sehun and Sehun meet Chanyeol.”

Park Chanyeol’s bright face visibly darkens seeing him and his expression turned a little hostile. All the anger that he had stored towards this guy suddenly erupted and he pulled Kina away from everyone.

“We’re going home.” He tells her when she resisted him.

“What’s going on?” He pulled her again and they were walking away much to the surprise of the older members present. Her father was asking what was wrong as her mother looked at them with a frown.

“I am not fond of that uncle of yours.” He says quietly so that only she could hear. Thankfully she follows without complaints anymore.

A moment of silence followed and he turns to look at her. Her frown was prominent as she pressed her lips in a line as though trying to analyze what was happening but she was still following him to the garage.

“Is he who I think he is?” She gave him a questioning look when they reached his car.

“Let’s talk when we are out of here. I don’t want to be near him.”

“Is… Is that why Jongin ran away?” There was a tremble in her voice when she sat down in the passenger’s seat as he took his seat as well.

Sehun sighs aloud and rubbed his face. “Yeah… That is Loey. Our famous bully.”

He watched her as he turns his car on. She had her fist clenched and her expression taut. She looked angry.

“You know…” She says breaking the heavy silence when they stopped at a red light, “I was bullied too… In high-school.”

Sehun felt a pang of pain coursing through him at this piece of news. That pain in some seconds turned into anger.

“Who dare-”

“But not for long,” She says cutting him off, “but it felt terrible being subjected like that. It was humiliating and terrible. So I know what it feels like… I can’t believe my uncle will be a bully… much less to you and Professor Kim.”

A wave of love washed over him for his wife all over again. She was not blindly siding with her uncle or him but she seemed to understand the situation extremely well. What on earth did he do to deserve such a wife?

“Thank you…” He says, stepping on the gas making her turn to look at him again, “for understanding me. I thought you’d be angry at me.”

She lets out a huff. “There’s always a reason for everything… And you never get angry so I knew there must be a reason.”

Silence came down upon them again and it was peaceful. Sehun felt elated knowing that he had her by his side and that assured him more than anything in this world. He had not even trusted Sekwon when he said he will do something but right now when Kina simply said she did not like bullying, it made him feel overjoyed- like he could finally defeat the dreaded Loey.

“Haven’t you two met though, when you were younger? You two seemed close at the photos.” She turns to look at him with a frown.

“Oh yes...” Sehun remembered that right now. “I never knew it was Chanyeol. He only went by the name Loey and we hated him too much to even get a background check on him." He stared ahead with his mouth agape not believing he had met with Chanyeol when they were younger. Whose two were different entities!

"Maannn... That is crazy. I met him when he was young but they are like two completely different people.”

“Yeah… I heard from Grandmamma that Oppa went through rigorous dieting when he was about 11 or 12 making her so worried. She thought Oppa was going to stop growing because he was not eating but he shot up like a bamboo.”

“Is he really your uncle though? I mean your mom is already 49 but he is…”

“He’s probably 33 or something. He was a late child so he was spoiled rotten not only by grandpapa and grandmamma but even mom. She was like a mother to him… I guess even more than to me. I guess that is why he turned out that way.”

Sehun simply hums to acknowledge that.

“I wonder what happened to him to bully Jongin… Do you know why?”

“Bullies don’t have a reason!” He snaps angrily, not at her but the thought of Loey. “There was absolutely no reason. We never even went near him. One day he turned up and started bullying us.”

“He was in high-school man when he started bullying us.” Sehun begins, complaining about this for the millionth time to his wife. She knew this story by heart already but he went on feeling too raw to keep it all inside. “We still don’t know why.”

“Maybe he had a reason… or not.” She says rubbing her lips. “He’s my uncle you know… It will be bad if you two have such a tire relationship. I will try to talk to him regarding this matter and hope for the best.”

Sehun wanted to complain. There was no way he was going to be good to this bully no matter the reason. No way.

But then he turns to peek at his wife who looked worried and tired, his consciousness irked him to try… at least try.


* * *


She lets out an annoyed sigh. She had left her car in her house and came back with Sehun. She couldn’t possibly go with Sehun although if she tells him, he will only shrug his shoulders and tell her to come with him.

She will have to take the bus and after class go and collect her car. Ugh. So tiresome.

But then she supposes she could go and meet her uncle although a huge part of her churned at the thought of her wonderful uncle being a bully. But then again there was a thought in her mind that told her it was not so surprising.

But then... He must be different now, right? He was only in high-school and during high-school people normally do stupid things. But then again though, she knows her uncle. He was reckless and demanded everything he wanted and when he doesn’t, he will throw a fit until he gets it.

What if Jongin did something that was not what Oppa wanted?

Maybe she can dig out the reason and bring peace to the bad blood that was between them. Besides she knows that Chanyeol will never apologize. He never does.

Clicking her tongue disappointedly she walks over to Sehun who was still sleeping and wakes him up while getting ready for classes.

“I’m leaving to catch the bus,” She says taking her stuff and walking out.

“What happened to your car?” He asks as he sat down for his breakfast.

She huffs while tying her shoe-laces.

“Someone dragged me away yesterday night so I have to go and collect my car today.”

He lets out a lazy chuckle at that and continued eating breakfast.

“So no matter what I say you’ll still go and catch the bus, won’t you?” He asks taking a bite at his oats and strawberry pancake.

“Yup.” She chirped a reply standing up and arranging her bag.

“Fine. See you later.”

“Remember to wear what I laid out for you… Bye!” She hollers and opens her door.

“Baby?” He suddenly calls out and comes to hug her. When did he get here? “Have a good day.” He plants a big smack on her forehead, “And thank you for the meal.”

She let her heart drum steadily as he leans down to give her a peck on the lips.

“Damn it. Stop being so cheesy in the morning!” She says but tiptoes to kiss him back and then leaves in a hurry while the topless professor laughs while watching her get to the elevator, waving like an excited little kid.

God. Husband or child?

On another note today’s weather was beautiful.


* * *


Baekhyun was sort of let down when Kina did not pick up her phone although he had called her up for more than 5 times this morning so that they could carpool as he had said. Was she avoiding him? But then when he reached the campus, he noticed the empty spot where her car usually was and noting that she is always here before him, he thought that perhaps she was sick or something.

She was in the class though so he marched up to her and sat next to her.

“Oh hi, Baekhyun.” She smiles at him disarmingly as though she had not ignored all his calls. It made him momentarily forget his disappointment and had to shake his head to recall it.

“I called you up so many times this morning. Why did you not pick it up?” He asks her with an involuntary pout forming. For once he had woken up early even though he was such a lazy and got ready as soon as possible shocking his dear mother. He was really looking forward to her although she did not say anything like an okay to his idea. But still.

She bites her lips at that scrunching her pretty face while slapping her forehead. “I left my phone at home!”

Baekhyun pouts at that.

“So why did you not pick up?”

“Um… I usually live with my cousins as my parents are seldom home so… yeah. Even yesterday I left and went away? Yeah.”

She seemed to be questioning herself more than answering him and he had to let out an air of amused annoyance. This was Kina anyway.

“So you mean to say you left your phone at home? What about your car? I did not see it this morning.”

“Yeah. Even my car.”

“Who the leaves her car and phone randomly like that?” It was now his turn to slap his forehead as the girl chuckled. Only Kina would do something like that.

“Sooo… does that mean you will go home and take it today?” He asks feeling a little hopeful. She simply nods her head while her hand grazed the potted plant on her desk. She still had that Aloe Vera plant.

“Cool. I’ll drive you then. You can’t say no.”

She turns to look at him and seems to contemplate as her expression followed suit. He chuckles at that and bopped her nose making her grimace.

“I don’t want to trouble you though.”

“Trouble?” This time he lets out a real air of annoyance through his nose. “How is it trouble when I am going home the same way as yours?”

She contemplates some more, almost scowling. “I mean… yeah… But are you sure I won’t be in your way? I mean there is always the bus.”

“No. You are coming with me.” He says with a tone of finality as he rose from his seat to head to the back. He knew she would argue some more so he scurries off as quickly as his legs would take and bit back a smile that was growing.

Okay. It was going to be a good day after all.


* * *


She was uncomfortable. Especially when she was sitting at the back of his car along with his group of friends. Apparently, they were all going the same way and always hitch his car so. They were mostly her classmates and she talks to them but right now she wanted to just get out and get into the bus.

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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969 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
969 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
969 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
969 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
969 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.