
What is Love?
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“Soomi,” Baekhyun nervously his lips and took another sip of his drink. The party was nice and everything but there had been something on his mind for quite some time now. His Halloween custom was feeling stuffy as well. “Um… Does Kina has a boyfriend or something?”

He meant it to come out as something casual, as something passing by but it came out so uptight, he wanted to slap himself. Thankfully though, Soomi only shrugged her shoulder and took a sip from her fancy straw.

“She has not mentioned anything regarding that. Besides I think when we were like talking about dates, she said no one has ever, like asked her out on a date before… so like super single. That girl has like zero interest in that sort of thing anyway.”

Baekhyun’s lips twitched on its own and he really had to bite it down. Soomi sighs out aloud after a moment.

“Ugh… the two of us might just turn into two spinsters who live with cats. But I think that’s okay. We can get an apartment and live together.”

Not when I take Kina away… Baekhyun wanted to add but only smiled and nodded.






Sehun watched his wife fold and pack his clothes into a suitcase feeling worse by the minute. They were going to be living apart for the first few weeks of summer break thanks to the ungodly amount of work in the office. His brother had been adamant that he come and live with them for a while.

Kina could have gone with him but she also had her internship in her parent’s office and there was no way she could come with him as their offices were on opposite ends of the city. She was going to be living in her parent’s house for the time being.

“Can’t we just stay here and travel by car? I mean it’s for three weeks. It’s not for three days.” He reasoned again coming to flop himself down on the bean bag in their closet. “Hmmm?”

She sighs at that and pauses her work.

“Oh’s office is even further away from here. You’ll have to drive more than three hours to get there every single time. You’ll be wasting so much time as well as energy if you stay here.”

She chews her lips and continued rummaging through his clothes. Sehun watched with fascination as she threw in his favorite underwear and pajamas.

“Then come with me… Please…” He continued whining hoping to change her mind, “Please, Mrs. Oh. How am I supposed to live without you?”

She only shook her head absentmindedly as she went through his office wears.

“You are my wife for a reason. A wife should be with her husband and vice versa. We shouldn’t be separated… You cannot leave me alone.”

She smiles a little at his attempt as though she was finding it cute rather than taking it seriously.

“Ayah! I am being serious here. You are not leaving me in their house, are you?”

She pauses on her work again and laughed out loud at that.

“You’re so dramatic. I thought I was talking to Jongin Oppa now.”

“OHHHH!” He raised his eyebrows. “What is this? Now you are calling Jongin OPPA? Oppa?”

“It’s not a big deal,” she says smiling at him, “I started addressing him as a professor from the beginning so only ‘Jongin’ seems no-no now.”

Sehun decides to keep quiet and just watched her pack his clothes, frowning now and then and asking him which ones he wanted to wear. This would be the first time living apart from each other since they began living together and obviously, he was unhappy about it.

He understood very well why they were even separating but still he wishes something could be done. He really did not want to part from her.

A sudden thought constricts his throat. What if he were to live permanently away from her? No. He couldn’t even imagine it however as she finishes his and starts on her bag, he gulps down the feeling of unbearable sadness.

“Can you give me a hug?” He stands up and remained in his spot almost afraid about what he just thought about. Kina pauses on her work again and gives a mildly surprised look.

A moment later she comes and gives him a warm hug knocking out all his pain.

Loosening her hold, she looks up to him and gives a small smile that made his heart skipped a beat. “Don’t worry. It’s only for a few days. We can meet on weekends too.”

He does not reply to her but held her close knowing that tomorrow he can’t be with her.


* * *


Interning was harder than it looked. The sweltering heat of summer was getting to all the interns who were given the least equipped office with poor air-conditioning. Baekhyun was grumbling beside her while Taeyong cried sitting at the corner of the office.

Somehow, somehow they found themselves a place in the internship with her when he had found out that she was going to be interning. She would give him his ability to woo anyone for that. He had even come to her house to woo her mother and she had given in. Like Kina, even her mother could not stand hyper-active people for long although her dad did have a field time with Baekhyun.

Soomi had spilled the beans during one of the class when Baekhyun had insisted they sit together and that had to make Baekhyun jump into action. Now Baekhyun was a regular in her house… which she now has to keep coming back to or she thinks he might even follow her to her apartment.

But of course, a week into their interning has made them crazy but thankfully closer than before even if they liked it or not because they were sharing a struggle. Sehun had confined his entire time to the office and even she was running around hers.

She and Baekhyun worked well together. Their thought process and their aim coincidently molded almost too perfectly. If Kina was good with planning, Baekhyun was good at executing. If Kina was good at guessing trends, Baekhyun knew how it should be implemented. Although Baekhyun may not have the best grade, he was quick at his feet and noticed the trends well. He was good with all the latest news and technological issues and was also had a good standing in Social Medias so he became quite indispensable.

Taeyong though was merely following either Kina or Baekhyun around and doing what they tell him to do. So basically he was an intern for the interns. Kina could only wonder how on earth Taeyong get in… Probably Baekhyun magic.

Minah had also got in but was assigned to a different branch owing to the location. Kina wished Minah was here with them though because that would make work a little lighter.

Kina wiped away her sweat and looked over to Baekhyun and Taeyong wondering how they were doing. She squints her eyes and gave a critical look at Baekhyun who had his phone up pointed towards her.

“What are you doing?” She asks lazily making the guy looking at the screen smirk.

“You look funny working. I thought I will document it.”

“That is illegal you know…”

He laughs and coolly puts down his phone, “But you are mi… My friend. My friend. So I think it is okay.”

Sighing out loud and swallowing her retort, Kina goes out to get something cold and leave the adolescent behind only to notice that he also came along.

“Do you like sticking with me so much?” Kina asks clearly annoyed as she watched the vending machine pop her drink. It wasn’t like she cannot see Baekhyun trying to be with her all the time. It was getting annoying really. What did he want?

Baekhyun though seems to freeze a little before abashedly smiling and rolling around on the balls of his feet.

“Don’t you think I am annoying?” She asks taking out the drinks and handing one to Baekhyun who takes it.

“You are. Absolutely.” He nods and takes a huge gulp from the can.

“Geez, being a third wheel is no fun.” Taeyong sighs and goes to take his own drink making Kina laugh. Taeyong was an adorable creature and no matter what he does, it was just plain cute.

He reminded her of a small cute bird for some reason and the fact that he follows either her or Baekhyun made him even cuter.

“Yah~ Stop laughing at him…” Baekhyun whined. “All this time you’ve only smiled when he is around. Do you like him so much?”

“I do. He’s the cutest thing ever!” Kina cooed at Taeyong who was busy showcasing his cute faces at her as Baekhyun scowled even deeper.

“Ugh… There is nothing cute about him. He’s only stupid.”

But Kina was already with Taeyong rubbing his head and telling him to call her Noona although they were the same age. She should adopt him or something.


* * *


“This is modern-day slavery…” Baekhyun cries when he threw down the last file.

“Agreed.” Kina was beside him doing the work together.

At least he got to work with her during this cruel, cruel time.  Taeyong had already passed out somewhere only God knew and cared. Now that it was dark outside, it was just him and her in the office.

“Alright… Now that it is done we should get out of here and do something good. Today is our last day after all.” Baekhyun announces getting up to fetch his things and thinking of the places they could go to.

“I can’t wait to go home and sleep…” She yawns and stretched her tired body making him frown and pout.

“But it’s the last day… Can’t you do something fun for once?” He asks a little disappointed.

“I am a boring piece of a human being. You should find someone to hang out with.”

“But I want to hang out with you.”

Kina keeps quiet at that but stands to arrange her things.

“I’ll take you somewhere nice.” Baekhyun suddenly catches her wrist and dragged her to the elevator. “Come with me.”

“But Baekhyunnnn…” She whines wrestling her hands free from his grip. He lets go but stands as close to her as possible making sure she does not run.

“NOPE. I am not having no for an answer. You will surely love it I swear.”

She sighs hopelessly and Baekhyun whoops inside his mind. She had given in.

The best thing about the internship was perhaps the car rides. Baekhyun had insisted that since they were both in the same locality it would be a waste to ride two cars. Think about the environment! He had exasperated when Kina had looked like she wanted to refuse his offer. She gave in and they had been traversing using his car or her car on an alternative basis. Tonight it was his car.

“Where are we going?” She asks looking at the street outside. “I hope it is nowhere populated. I really don’t want to mingle with humans for tonight.”

“When do you really?” He retorts with a scoff making her throw an annoyed look at him. He could only beam.

“I mean it’s not bad or anything but I like my space.”

“Do you have social anxieties or anything?”

“Mmmm… Not really…”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I can handle them but I prefer being alone.”

“But why? Isn’t it fun to be around others and not alone?”

“I was mostly alone growing up,” She explained looking serious. Baekhyun’s heart thundered knowing Kina was probably opening up to him for the first time! “My grandparents were sweet and dotted on me but they were busy and so were my parents.”

They reached his car and got into it. Upon entering, she literally melts into the seat. “I am so tired.”

“You lived with your grandparents?” He ignored her complaints and continued the conversation. There was no way he was letting go of this opportunity to know her more.

“Hmm…” She affirms his statement but does not continue.

“So you did not live in our neighborhood when you were younger? Is that why I did not know you? Our locality is sort of small so I am just surprised. We usually all go to the same school and stuff like that.”

“Ah…” She says looking out of the window, “I live with them in U province before I moved here for high-school.”

“Which school did you attend then? I don’t think you were in the K High-school.”

“I went to L High-school…”

“Ah…” Baekhyun nods grimly. “That school for snobs?”

She stifled a laugh. “Yeah. That school.”

Baekhyun laughed along with her and started telling tall tales he had heard about her school and she affirming or negating those myths.

Before long they had reached

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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970 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
970 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
970 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
970 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
970 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.