
What is Love?
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Jungook jumped a little at the bloody scream that had erupted just somewhere near the place where they were playing basketball. He and his friends rushed to where they had heard the scream but before they could reach, he saw a group of people running around in every direction away from the sole girl that stood there with a nonchalant look.

Wasn't that the new girl they had been bullying the whole week? What on earth did she do to make all those people literally ran for their lives?

He and his friends watched her for sometime before most of them, bored that they was no more drama, jogged back to the court.

Jungook though stood there for sometime watching the girl slowly walk away as though nothing ever happened.

Okay? Now he was curious.

It was only later on through many laughs that he discovered she had pulled out a snake from her bag to scare off her bullies. No one in their right mind will dare to bully her now.






“This is my favorite spot,” Kina gestured awkwardly to the place in front of them. “I used to hang out here all the time…”

Sehun turned to look at the place and nodded at its beauty as though trying to confirm it to her but the frown on his brows remained. They had been walking around the entire manor and the places around it with Kina acting as the tour guide but since that kiss, Kina had refused to look into his eyes and she was walking with a distance of a meter between them at least.

Did his kiss offend her? Did she hate him now? Why wouldn’t she say anything other than what the place was all about? It bothered him… in a very bad way. Finally, unable to stand it any longer, he grabbed her hands and ignoring her squeak and led her to a bench that was there. The steam was flowing merrily just a stone throw away from their feet and from there; Sehun could see the sun setting. But all that did not matter now… He needed to confront Kina.

“Did I do something wrong?” He asks worried and apprehensive. He couldn’t have his wife hating him especially since he liked her plenty.

She squirmed a little at that as she continued avoiding his gaze and looking down at her feet.

“Kina… You got to tell me when you don’t like something! I am not a mind-reader. Unless you tell me… I wouldn’t know. If I offended you… or-or you don’t like something, you got to tell me.” Sometimes it slipped his mind that Kina was only a baby and that he was way older than her. She needed to be looked after carefully.

“I…” She began but seem to have forgotten what to say before she lets out a huff of air and looked up at him with the usual stern look at her face but as soon as her eyes met with his, her entire demeanor changed and she melted into a puddle of shyness, avoiding his gaze while her face flamed red. Sehun would have laughed at her if it was not in such a situation but his heart pounded inside heavily at the sight of Kina being so shy. How many sides of her is he yet to see?

“I am just shy okay!” She suddenly barked at him, flailing her arms everywhere as though he did something very wrong, “That-That was my first kiss okay and like… It was so sudden and … I-I,” she stops and gestured her hands wildly trying to say something but nothing came.

“You don’t want me to do it again?” Sehun fills her in, his lips unintentionally lifting. He could live with it, her being shy about it and that he was the first person to touch her lips… and hopefully the last. At his question, she stopped flailing her arms and turn to look at him, her face still a shade of tomato.

“I-I… Um…”

“Okay, Kina…” Sehun smiled at her reassuringly. “I won’t kiss you like that again… and only when you like it.”


* * *


Kina kicked a stone angrily as she walked around the manor all alone. They have had their dinner and wanting some air from all the stuff in her head, was walking around the familiar area.

Sehun had been an extreme gentleman… that he was from the beginning, but today he was being even more gentlemanly and it had shaken her heart more than before. Gosh! She was being so dramatic.

But anyhow when he had confronted her before, he had promised that he wouldn’t kiss her like that again and that was what made her angry.

She had liked the kiss very much although she was too shy to admit that. It had been her first kiss and this was the first time a man showered her with so much attention and that man happened to be her husband so she adored it. She had loved the kiss and she had wanted to tell him that but nothing came out of and he had misunderstood it.

Now he thinks that she hated the kiss and that he wouldn’t kiss her again. What if he never kisses her again? In all honesty, she wanted to kiss him… again… a lot of times actually. It did take her by surprise no kidding and her emotions were all over the place after that making it impossible for her to look at him without feeling like dying so she had avoided looking at him to save herself the embarrassment but now look at where it led her to.

Sehun had become relaxed after the talk and she had tried to look relaxed as well. The dinner was grand and nice with the talks temporarily taking her out of the kiss trance but now that she was all alone she could only picture how Sehun looked and how his lips felt when he was kissing her.

Screaming internally, she kicked a rock and let out a deep breath. Her grandpapa's death anniversary was coming the day after and she, coming back after many years must be focused on that more than a simple kiss.

UGH! Now her mind was back to the kiss.


* * *


She walked out of the shower finally calm and happy. It was okay… He had said they’ll take things slowly and honestly she doubts she’ll be able to handle any more drama. Sitting down in front of her dresser after wearing her pajama, she begins to do her skin routine, her mind on happy things… like the kiss. Her heart probably stopped when he leaned down and pecked her on the lips that she had stopped functioning for some good time but then he had leaned down again and kissed her… a full-on kiss. She watched herself smile stupidly in the mirror and stopped the creepy grin. Goodness gracious, she was turning into some imbecile, was she not? Huffing a loud sigh she pouted angrily at herself for being so weak.

“What happened to all the single life till 40?” Kina smiled softly at that and watched herself in the mirror. This was the room she had grew up in and this was the place where she told herself not to get married, not knowing about the betrothal until she was 40 or more. But now just some years later she was not just married but already been married for a year.

She gives a small smile and turned serious. Was her life going to be this way now? What was she supposed to do after her universities, could she go on living all the plans she has made for her life? Was she just supposed to sit at home and bear them children?

She liked her life right now, no doubt about it. Sehun was an amazing person and she couldn’t ask for more and honestly, she couldn’t imagine a life without him now. All the plans in her head included him and he had become a huge part of her life.

Shaking her head a little she picked up her hairdryer when Sehun marched in. The audacity of him to come in without knocking. For a moment he simply stared at her with a blank face and if she did not know better, she would assume he did not know her.

Then he strode to her, his face serious and still blank scaring her a little. But then he swivels her chair towards him making a loud dragging sound and placing his hands on both the armrests, bends down till their faces were only a foot apart before breaking into a pained expression. Kina scowled. What on earth happened?

“What is wrong Sehun? Are you sick somewhere?” She asks, placing her hands on his forehead but he shook his head before looking into her eyes.

“No, you just look so cute in that SpongeBob pajamas I could eat you up,” Then he looked panicked, “Crap! Did I just say that out loud?”

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Kina smack his forehead and pushed him up before turning back to get the hairdryer.

“My grandpa brought this for me but he bought three sizes too big… I am glad I can finally wear it.” He stood there watching as she her dryer.

“Let me help you with that,” Snatching the noisy dryer, Sehun expertly begins to dry her hair making her sigh in contentment. This was nice.

But nice things do not last long because Sehun began to play with her hair swishing it dramatically and laughing at it, enjoying it much more than he should. She rolled her eyes and took the dryer from the man-child and put it away. At least he finished the work.

“Uhhhhhh!” She lets out a loud groan as she stood up from the chair and stretched. She was exhausted.

“Tired?” Sehun nonchalantly climbed up her bed and watched her as she stares at him in surprise. Speaking of which, the guest room arranged for him was downstairs. What was he doing here?

“What are you doing, not going to sleep now?” She asks as she walked to the other side and fluffed her pillow. She wanted to sleep already.

Sehun was already on the other side, face down on the pillow. Now that she looked properly, he was already in his pajamas that she had packed for him. “I am tired.” His voice came out muffled “but I can’t sleep.”

I can sleep and I want to sleep, Kina wanted to tell him and chase him out of the room but there was something so pitiable about his entire stance that she bit her lip and stayed quiet. He always sleeps late so his brain must still be awake even though his body is tired.

Sighing and rolling her eyes, she kept quiet and thought about what she should do. She was damn tired and this was her bed but it felt too much to sleep when he was there… just some feet away. She was still sort of shy after the kiss and she might turn into another shade of tomato when she comes close to his proximity.

“What happened? Aren’t you tired?” He had turned his face towards her and her heart skipped a beat looking at him. His hair was all over the place and his eyes were slightly hooded indicating his tiredness. Looking away from him, Kina hoped her face was not red. This guy seriously has no idea what he could make her feel.

Sehun patted the bed and look up at her hopefully. It looked like a baby asking his mother for candy. Closing the lights, Sehun might forget to do that when he goes away, she awkwardly climbs into her bed hoping Sehun will scoot but when she had settled down instead of scooting over he comes closer to her and hugs her stomach while letting out a huge, dramatic sigh. His minty breath reached her and she almost shivered.

But then he chuckles, the low chuckle that rumbled from his chest unto her hands that was pressed upon it.

“I told you I won’t do anything to you…” He nuzzled her shoulders. “So just relax and sleep.”

That was sort of impossible when her brain and her heart were working extra hard right now… but she has to relax or she wouldn’t sleep.

“Did you had a good day?” He asks making Kina look over to him. He had his eyes closed, his head on her shoulders, and his nose on her neck. Her eyes traveled to his lips and she remembers the kiss all too vividly. She shuddered a little and she prayed he did not notice but it seemed he did because he pulled her closer making her sleep on her side too with her face buried inside his chest. Kina smiled albeit herself when she is attacked by his natural scent and felt his hands protectively cover her.

She nods not wanting to speak anymore.

“Me too…” His voice was now sleepy and low. “I think I had one of the best days in my life…”

His word ended with a whisper and Kina was about to wish him goodnight when he suddenly loosed his grip on her and looked at her.

“I want to kiss you goodnight right now but I am afraid you’ll stop talking to me.” He says, his lips turning into a lazy smile.

She freezes up again and all the voices in my heard began to scold her.

“I thought about it…” She said just when Sehun was about to pull her back in. He stops and looks at her, “… and um… I,” she fisted his shirt in embarrassment and ducked her face unto his chest again. “I liked kissing you.” Her words were spoken in mumbles and hurriedly as her legs curled up. Her whole body was cringing and she thought how she was about to die when Sehun gently grabs her chin, comes down, and kisses her.

Her embarrassment all flew out of the window as she savored his s

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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970 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
970 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
970 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
970 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
970 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.