
What is Love?
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Soomi couldn’t help but be worried at the faraway look on her friend’s face. They were celebrating her birthday and everyone close to her was here.

She had laughed aloud when her friends found out that it was not going to be a huge party like she always threw but actually a small gathering between their groups of friends.

It was a sweet gathering with the best of her friends coming to celebrate the day with her and she couldn’t ask for more. However, at the moment she was a little concerned over her puppy-like friend who was not in his usual cheery get-up.

It looked like he was going through another heartbreak but then Kina and he seemed to be closer than ever before. Even right now, he was talking to Kina with the same level of admiration in his eyes but there was a tint of defeat to it.

What happened exactly? Did he went ahead with his confession and she rejected it? Knowing Kina though, she thinks maybe he did confess but she did not perhaps know about it.

As much as she adores Kina and thinks she can do better, she couldn’t agree that they’d be one heck of a cute couple. Also, she sort of understands Baekhyun and his crushing issues. Perhaps she needs a push?

But then it was Kina. She might have figured out everything and just simply choosing to ignore it or she was just oblivious to it. This girl was hard to read, hard to figure out… and yet Baekhyun seems to do that plainly.

Minah calls out Kina from across the room to help with the cooking because Minah has zero ideas, it was actually Junmyeon and Kyoungsoo in the kitchen and she was just a messenger. Kina nods her head and stands up to get to the kitchen and the whole time, Baekhyun’s eyes trailed with her as though aching to be near her but choosing not to.

What the happened?

If it was before their summer break, Baekhyun would have obviously have followed her to the kitchen knowing Kina hardly come to spend time with them so any meetup, he would be clingier than a koala but right now, she watched Baekhyun look at his phone with a bored expression and thinks perhaps something has gone terribly wrong.

She had to find out.







Jongin and Chanyeol had been talking for almost 30 minutes in neutral ground aka Kina’s and Sehun’s apartment. Sehun had been pacing about for about as long, with Kina watching him on their balcony while the bully and victim talked inside.

Frankly, Sehun was more worried about this predicament than Jongin was. While Jongin looked uncomfortable, he actually looked forward to this meeting with Chanyeol. He was ready to leave behind the past and Sehun could only salute him for that.

“You think he’s okay? Hyorin Noona's coming, isn’t she?” He asked feeling even antsier than ever.

Hyorin was Jongin’s girlfriend and she had said she would come over in some time since she was caught up in some work. Kina stands and rubs Sehun’s shoulders to calm him down and he immediately melts into her embrace.

“They’re not adolescence anymore, Sehun,” Kina smiled at him, trying to assure him. “Uncle is truly sorry… You were the one who set this up.”

“I know…” Sehun whines as he buried himself deeper into her neck. “It’s just… it’s just that whenever Jongin was alone with Chanyeol, he would be heavily traumatized. I’m just… It’s probably old wounds acting up.”

Kina’s heart constricts again at the thought of what Jongin went through but lets out an air of relief when she sees them smiling at each other through the glass door.

“Don’t worry,” She rubbed his back, “They are smiling and talking to each other amiably.”

“They are?” Sehun lets out a sigh and leaves her embrace to see them. “Oh. They are.”

He continues to plaster himself on the glass door and watch them like a creepy stalker while Kina played with his hair giggling at his state. Such a protective husband to Jongin. She should be jealous.

She lets go of his hair to sit down however he whines at the loss of contact making Kina sigh. When will this baby ever grow up?

“Pat me!” He says turning around with his pouty face, “I am full of anxiety right now.”

She lets out an unbelievable chuckle and comes to continue with her patting despite her arms aching because he was freaking tall.

He smiles happily at that and continues watching them narrating everything they did to her like a football commentator.

A few moments passed when the door-bell rang, indicating the arrival of the main boy’s girlfriend and Sehun literally looked like he had his tail wagging.

There was a reason why he was waiting for her so excitedly. Sehun knew Hyorin was older than Chanyeol by a year so that means she had the upper hand.

Kina really did not know how that even makes sense but now as she strides in with a pointed look at Chanyeol who shrinks a little, Kina understood.

Ah! Age and experience do play a role in life.

Later on, when the whole party was eating their dinner, Kina knew her heart was full watching Jongin and Sehun at ease in her uncle’s company. What more could she ask for right now?

Apparently, Hyorin and Chanyeol already knew each other through work but not casually, they were strictly business however, Chanyeol was intimated by Hyorin and it was hilarious.

Looks like her mom finally found a partner.

“Oppa, can you pass me the salt please?” Kina loved soups and Jongin had lovingly made soup for them however it needed a little salt.

The dinner made a dramatic turn though when all four hands, including Hyorin, stretched out to pass her the salt. Of course, Chanyeol and Sehun started growling at each of them and Kina knew the peaceful evening was too good to be true.

Then they decided to watch a movie and this time too, minus Jongin wanted to cuddle with her, and movie night turned into a massive headache of 3 people fighting while Kina had a great time with Jongin on the balcony talking about the evening and laughing over it.

Summer break was now officially over which also meant some time away from Sehun who had been extra clingy after that evening and also after she started taking birth control bills.

She needed a break from the break.


* * *


College came like a whirlwind and with their third year almost done, everyone was sort of edged. Only one year to go before they are thrown into the world of sharks.

Minah seemed tenser and tenser every single day making their group sigh. She was studying even more than before and Junmyeon was losing his mind. Kina shook her head sadly when they launch into another one of their massive fights in the college ground making the other friends retreat to safety. When they fight, they really go all out regardless of their place or time owing to Junmyeon being quite the alpha male as well as Minah’s unwillingness to bow.

“Uuuuhhhh…” Soomi shudders looking at them from their grassy spot. “Look at them go. Minah’s arms are going to be detached from her body from the way she is flailing it and Junmyeon might lose some of his wisdom teeth from the way he grinds them.”

The others sigh sadly. “I wish they would listen to us too…”

“Okay. Enough of that couple dispute.” Jimin scowls and chomped on her nuts that Kyoungsoo was holding for her. “Shall we hang out tonight? Please. I need a vent to let out all the studying I’ve been doing. I feel like Minah now.”

Soomi looked at Jimin like she was a freaking genius. “We got to do that! Everyone, sleepover at my house except one of those two.”

Kina winces at that. Crap! Sehun will be attending a dinner and she needs to be there to send him off as well as be there when he comes back and-

“Judging from Kina’s face… it’s a no.” Kyoungsoo smirks tossing an almond in the air and catching it with his mouth. Jimin marveled at that and soon they started competing who can catch more.

Kina quickly replaces her frown with a smile looking at the scary face Soomi was sending in her direction. Sehun probably won’t feel bad, right?

“Can I join late? I have some work to do-”

“You would actually come?” It was Jimin who had expressed that as a cashew nut hit her on her brows making her wince but she did not pay attention to that. “You’re not backing out as usual? What the ?”

Soomi cheered loudly making everyone look in their direction as Kina rolls her eyes at her friends.

“Bring your hot uncle along,” She adds as she cheered making Kina laugh as she face-palms. What was she going to do with all her friends?


* * *


Sehun was not okay with it, of course pouting to glory and giving her the cold shoulders.

“Sehun…” She calls out sighing in desperation. “It’s just one night. With my friends!”

Sehun turns to the other side as though checking his reflection. He was leaving in some minutes and looked dashing in his suit and tie. He looked every bit a gentleman except for the pout on his face.

“I mean they have multiple sleepovers and I am always missing them so I thought I will join this time because you are also going out for dinner.”

Sehun rolls his eyes. “You go sleep with your friends and leave me all alone… Go. Go.”

He takes his wallet and

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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961 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
961 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
961 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
961 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
961 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.