FRESHMEN: Bacon and Eggs

What is Love?
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Bacon and Eggs


"Hi..." She was standing in front of his door with a very business-like smile as though she was there to sell something. He stepped aside and lets her in. She bowed her head to thank him, her smile never ceasing as she comes in with her suitcases.

"So where is my room?" She asks her eyes wide and curious. He couldn't help but notice her youthfulness.

Giving a little cough realizing that he had taken some seconds longer than necessary, Sehun gestures and leads her to a room which was bare safe for a bed, a table and a chair.

"This is your room." He announces as he goes ahead and opens the window to let the air in. He should have done this in advance.

"It's quite nice." She says looking around, not knowing what to say anymore. They both stood there, awkwardness filling the space.

"You can um..." He scratched his head trying to come up with something to say, "You can put your clothes there and um... the bathroom is by that door and if you need anything we can go… shopping. I guess."

"Sure. Thank you." She says, her hand swinging awkwardly before stepping ahead nervously to open the closet door. "I'll, I'll take some time to sort out my clothes."

Sehun takes it as his time to leave. After a month of being ‘married’, they had finally found an apartment suitable for the both of them and although he had to move out of his housing facility inside the campus, he couldn't help but be a little excited. They were still extremely awkward around each other but that was a given since they had met about only twice before their engagement and marriage and that too with their parents.

Perhaps it would have been good if they were given sometime to know each other better than this… but, he shrugs, it has been done anyway. Besides they were going to be with each other and have plenty of time to get to know each other.

He sighs and goes to the kitchen in case she would like something to drink.

"Ahmm..." He goes back into her room and saw her taking her suitcases inside the closet to arrange her clothes. "I was wondering if you would like anything to drink."

Her eyes awkwardly shift from him to the door and then back at him.

"I wouldn't mind some water. Thanks."

"Okay." He gives a tight smile and goes into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.




She sighs deeply looking at her bare, bare bedroom. There was so much to buy, so much to do. A half empty water bottle was the only thing that occupied her table. Perhaps in an hour or so, her books and other small things she need will be here.

It wasn't surprising or anything. She clearly told herself beforehand that this was going to be like moving into a dorm room. She had a roommate which in this case is her newly wedded husband who also happens to be a professor in her university. Seriously, what were their parents thinking not even checking anything before rashly marrying them off? But then again, she married him when she had already been accepted by the university and also that they were ‘betrothed’ prior to any of this university thing.

The apartment was fairly big. It was a good place. Their university was unfortunately about 40 minutes’ drive away but then they had to ditch the apartment near the university which was their first choice after the shock of finding out they were actually in the same university and moved to this one so that they are not found out. This new apartment couldn't pass as a family apartment but it still had a nicely sized, well-equipped kitchen, and a sitting room. There were two sufficiently spaced rooms and a bathroom each so it wasn't that bad... just too empty at the moment.

After arranging her meagre amount of clothes, having nothing else to do she had walked around the house seeing and noting what needs to be purchased. The kitchen was bone dry save for a couple of electrical appliances that came along with the apartment. The fridge had some water bottles, some leftover take-away and a big box of Kimchi which she was sure Mrs. Oh has left.

Seriously, hasn't he moved in about a week ago? How was he still living like this?

Taking out her phone to add her increasing lists of things-to-buy, she sighs knowing how her entire weekend was going to go by.

"We need to buy a lot of things," she tells him plainly as she eats a mouthful of black-bean noodles to commemorate her moving in.

"Huh?" Sehun looks up from his iPad in surprise, "Oh..." He mouths after he had processed what she said. They were currently eating in their kitchen, sitting far apart with the kitchen island as their table.

"We don't have anything to cook with or to decorate the house with. We don't even have a dining table so after lunch I am going out to buy some things and perhaps order most of the things online."

Putting down his iPad, Sehun blinks looking straight ahead almost like he was in deep thought.

"What sort of food do you prefer?" She says after waiting for him to say something but receiving nothing from his end. He had gone back to eating.

"Food..." He shrugs and scratches his head, "I don't really... I don't really care much. If it's eatable, I eat it."

"It's good that you are not picky." She shrugs. "I'm kind of picky so..." she trails off as she picks up her cup of water to drink.

Sehun simply nods though and goes back to eating and reading whatever he was reading in his iPad.




Sehun had buried himself in his study and getting ready for his weeklong lectures when his phone buzzed.

Lee Kina was calling and for a moment Sehun wondered who Lee Kina was and how her number got saved in his phone. Ignoring it, he was just about to return to his work when he stood up with a shock remembering that he was now married and it was his wife who was calling. Shoot.


"Um... I... was shopping things... Elevator, you know-"

"I'm sorry? What?" His eyebrows scrunched together to comprehend what she was trying to say. She was speaking nonsense.

She paused for a moment and seemed to have taken a gulp of air.

"I brought some things but there are a lot so can you kindly help me take it up to our apartment?"

He smiled a little at that. She seemed to have struggled stringing that sentence and if he hadn't known better maybe that was rehearsed.

"I'll be down there in a minute.”



"This is a lot of things." He couldn't help but be surprised at the amount of things she had bought. It had taken them two trips down and up to get it all here.

"There's literally nothing in the apartment." She s

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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970 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
970 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
970 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
970 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
970 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.