
The Alliance.
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  Healing had never been Sehun's domain, and after he managed to carry Jungkook all the way up to prince Kai's chambers, he came to the sickening realisation that he might have merely brought his knight to a quiet place to die. Jungkook's eyes had swollen shut, his lips were split, and they had broken one of his legs and all his fingers. But from the strange whistling sound in his chest when he breathed and the blood in his mouth, Sehun was sure something inside his body was broken as well.  Rummaging through his clothes, Sehun found a shirt flimsy enough to tear up with his teeth and bare hands to make bandages for the open wounds lest they began to fester, but there was little else he could do for his friend. Sehun's thoughts turned to the wooden pin that had been fastened on his cloak, which he had later transferred to a hidden pocket in his belt where he had previously kept his adamas wand. His sister had carved it specially for him as a wedding present; it was hollow, and the top could be pried open to reveal a small measure of powder inside. "Painless, traceless, something for if things ever became unbearable. Ingesting it would be like falling into a deep, dreamless sleep he would never have to wake up from, and it would just seem like his heart had given out, as it was known to happen." His sister had said. Sehun didn't think it was a path that he would have ever chosen - not for his own sake, at least, only if Enchancia ever tried to use him against the interests of Ilda - and in fact he had considered slipping it in Heechul's food or drink. But he knew how much it had cost his sister to concoct this particular poison with him in mind, how much love she had put into it. As much as it felt like he was being ungrateful, he knew she would understand if he used her gift to put an end to his faithful knight's suffering instead.  Sehun already had the pin in his hand when there was a knock on the door, and he realised with alarm that he had neglected to bar the door when it swung open easily. He tensed; a man entered the room, and perhaps some sort of nobleman, judging from his fine clothing. "I am the court physician, Kim Seokjin," he introduced himself. He had a soothing manner and warm smile, and Sehun found the tension draining out of him. He let him approach without challenge, feeling oddly calm. Seokjin knew what he was doing, and Sehun had nothing to worry about. He was someone he could trust... but he had given him no reason to trust him, so why did he? Magic. As his fear returned, he found that he could feel the grip of Seokjin's magic on his mind, holding him down much the same way that one might restrain a cat by the scruff of its neck. "Don't fight me. I mean you no harm," Seokjin said patiently; it just made Sehun push back harder, but the force of the physician will was like an iron fist in a velvet glove.  There was nothing he could do to stop Seokjin as he moved to examine Jungkook, the pin with the poison clutched uselessly in his hand. Seokjin's lips pursed unhappily as his hands passed over Jungkook's prone form, and Jungkook stirred, groaning in pain.  "They cracked his ribs, and it pierced his lungs - I can heal him, but he will need rest to truly recover," he told Sehun.  Waves of pink mist flowed out from his hands and settled over Jungkook, fixing broken bones and healing cuts and bruises right before Sehun's eyes, and gradually even Sehun could tell that Jungkook's breathing sounded normal again. When he was done, Seokjin released his hold on Sehun as well, then quickly stepped out of his reach even though Sehun hadn't moved - as if he was a feral beast that might bite the hand that fed it.  "Thank you, Lord Seokjin," Sehun told him sincerely, and that seemed to please the physician. "Just call me Jin," he said warmly, although his smile faltered a little when he saw the rune branded on his wrist. "I know magic does not work on wounds inflicted by adamas, but is there anything I can do for that?"   Sehun shook his head mutely; Joo-hyun had concocted a cooling salve which countered the pain a little, but Sehun did not know the ingredients.  Just then, someone else came in through the door - the guardswoman from earlier, bearing a tray heavily laden with food and drink. Like the dinner from the night before, most of the food looked foreign to Sehun, but just the smell of it was making his mouth water and stomach growl in protest. How long had it been since he had last eaten properly? A day? Two? Certainly not since the farewell feast at Ilda. The woman paused, eyes flashing bright green, like how Sehun had seen earlier, head turning to look towards his trunk, were Blink was hiding inside as if sensing an animal presence. His heart pounded against his ribcage, fear building up inside him. He had seen how the animals reacted when she did that and Sehun was certain her powers have something to do with animal telepathy which meant she could control animals. Taking a shaky breath, Sehun tried to control his fear for his little friend, even though dragons were telepath, he feared Blink might be too little to know how to block anyone from reading her. He just wished he could do something– luckily he didn't have to do anything when the guardswoman blinked a few times before turning to face him and now her eyes were no longer bright green. Taking it as sign she didn't succeed, Sehun let out a sigh in relief.  "This is Jennie - she is the head of Kai's personal guard, and it was she who came to find me when she noticed that your friend was injured," Seokjin explained.  Jennie tapped the image of the black wolf on her chest. "All of us who wear Prince Kai's insignia will make sure that you come to no harm in the castle, but perhaps it would be safer if you stayed in the prince's chambers. I will see that someone trustworthy brings food up for you." Sehun didn't answer; he could already feel the stone walls closing in on him. "I have other duties to see to, but I will be back to check on your servant tomorrow," Seokjin told him. "His not my servant! He's a knight." "Oh forgive me then" Seokjin bowed.  "And I must make my report to my prince," Jennie agreed, already heading for the door.  Sehun wondered if Jennie had been sent to keep an eye out for him, or if it had just been coincidence that she had noticed him wandering around the castle. Seokjin must have seen something in his expression, or perhaps part of his magic was the ability to read minds– no, even if he could read minds, Arkan had put a ward around his mind. No telepath would be able to get through.  "Kai's anger is directed at his father, not you," Seokjin said gently. "It may not seem like it, but Kai has his reasons for the things he does. When he has decided on what to do with you, he will return." On that slightly ominous note, the two Enchancians took their leave. The moment they were out Sehun moved towards his trunk and pulled it open, only to find Blink sleeping soundly as she wrapped her little wings around her body as if to warm herself up. He smiled and reached to her face, she opened her eyes and blinked at him before closing them again and let out a little huff of smokey air.  Not wanting to disturb her more, he slowly close the trunk, with a mental note to feed her later. Jungkook woke up just after sunset when Jennie came by with more food, this time borne by a man dressed in servant's garb, whom she introduced as Taemin. Sehun helped Jungkook sit up to drink some broth to build his strength, but his knight was so discomfited by having his prince play nursemaid to him that when night fell, Sehun retreated into the bedchamber to save them both the awkwardness. He fed Blink and made sure she was comfortable and back in his trunk before moving with the intend to sleep. Looking around at the carved chests and wardrobes disgorging garments everywhere, a dressing table littered with jewellery and unidentifiable fragrant potions, and the immense bed fat with down pillows, Sehun was tempted to go back out to the main chamber, for it was not uncommon for men-at-arms to sleep around the same fire while on the battlefield, despite the difference in their stations. He felt like an intruder in someone else's private space, even if this was a space he was expected to share with his husband. And wasn't that a strange thought - that after a whole life of being resigned to the eventuality that he might be forced to marry and attempt to bed a woman so that there would be an heir for Ilda, he was now wedded to a man, all expectations lifted off his shoulders. Even if his husband was out gallivanting with the many bedfellows he had boasted of, being left alone was preferable than the alternative, and Sehun convinced himself that his current circumstances were the best he could ever have hoped for. He rested a little better that night, even though he still refused to sleep in the bed, and by the next morning Jungkook was well enough to feed himself. Seokjin came by as promised and was delighted with his progress, and by the next day declared his patient mostly recovered. Sehun introduced Blink to Jungkook and his knight was surprised to see her."By the Angel!" Jungkook gaped at the tiny being rested comfortably on Sehun's lap. "She's beautiful." Sehun smiled and pulled her close to his stomach, running a hand down her little body. "She really is" he agreed. "What are you going to do when she grows and won't fit in the trunk?" Sehun looked at his friend for a moment then back to his dragon. "I will take her out of the palace and find a safe place for her to stay and will make sure to go see her from time to time." Jungkook didn't look at peace with the idea. "What if you aren't able to leave the palace?" "I will find a way. I won't let her suffer." Knowing how determined Sehun could be, Jungkook nodded and reached to touch her but he paused and look at Sehun. "Can I touch her?"  Sehun nodded and that was all the knight needed, he gently rub his hand down her neck and she rumbled happily. He looked up at Sehun and smiled. Sehun returned the smile as he watched Blink raised her head to look at Jungkook. "I uhm–" Jungkook cleared his throat. "I know it's not my place but as a friend I want to ask how you're holding up?" He glanced briefly at Sehun before dropping his head down. But it was enough for Sehun to see something he had never noticed before, the look in Jungkook's eyes seemed different– yearning? What was he yearning for? Perhaps there was something bothering him?. "I am okay," he said observing his friend. "Is something bothering you Kook?" "Huh?" Jungkook lifted his head to look at him. "No, no, nothing is bothering me, why would you think that?"  Sehun shook his head and decided to let be, if something really bothered his knight he knew Jungkook would talk to him about it when he wanted. "Nothing."
After that, Jungkook seemed doubly determined to repay Sehun for his care when he had been ill. Unfortunately, while Jungkook was a brave warrior and excellent swordsman, he was no servant and had little idea of how to go about being one, which made Sehun thankful that he had always been self-sufficient. Still, Jungkook was eager to learn the ropes from Taemin, who seemed friendly enough and didn't seem to mind that they had once been the enemy, even going so far as to procure spare servant's clothes to replace Jungkook's bloodied garments.  Sehun found his days falling into a dreary pattern. Jungkook would rise before the sun was up to collect a breakfast tray from the kitchens, decorated with a flower - probably something Taemin had taught Jungkook was custom in Enchancia. It did not escape Sehun's notice that they were never provided any utensils sharper than a wooden spoon. The two would spar in hand-to-hand combat as best as they could in a space they had cleared in the room, then Jungkook would draw water for Sehun to wash, and collect their midday meal - and another flower. Sehun had instructed Jungkook to report on anything he managed to overhear, but his knight told him conversations amongst the servants tended to die abruptly when he was around.  He also reported that the other guardsmen and servants mostly left him alone, only daring to plague him with small cruelties such as making him trip and drop the things he was carrying. Every time Sehun tried to venture out of the room, Jennie would eventually appear to herd him back into the prince's chambers, so Sehun was effectively a prisoner, with even less freedom than his knight.  Sehun tried to find relief from his restlessness with Blink, exercise and by reading the various scrolls in the room, most of them beautifully illustrated treatises on the plants and animals native to Enchancia. At sunset there was another flower and another meal, for all the people of Enchancia seemed to do was eat. Then Sehun would retire to the bedchamber to lie awake on the cold stone floor, hoping that his family was safe and did not still grieve for him, and wondering why he had been allowed this relative peace.    ***
"May I remind you that I am not your servant?"  Kai jerked awake at hearing a voice so close by, eyes flying open to see Jimin setting a basin of steaming wash water on the nightstand, a scattering of fragrant lemon balm leaves floating on the surface. He relaxed into the bedclothes again, then yawned and stretched out until some of Jimin's fussy, ugly woven throws fell off the bed, much to his
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!