
The Alliance.
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"Sehun!" Sehun heard his name being called the moment he stepped out and he knew only a few were bold and close enough to call the king so casually. Stopping in his tracks, Sehun turned to face Yifan. "Yes what is the matter?" He asked, smiling at his brother. "It's Lord Jeon." Yifan said in a low voice as though afraid someone might hear him. "Lord Jeon?" He tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what Yifan meant. "Yeah, the one behind the attack." Yifan's voice dropped even lower. "Oh" Sehun made an understanding face, then he nodded. "I Know." "You do?" Yifan's eyes widen a bit. "Of course you do." He shook his head affectionately. "Queen mother suspected as much but she said she doesn't have anything to prove it." Sehun leaned against a wall. "Did Jungkook know?"  Yifan shook his head. "No he doesn't." "Good" Sehun patted his brother's shoulder. "Let's keep it that way. I will see you later." He began to walk but Yifan held his hand. "I have everything ready to prove he was behind it."  Sehun paused, then shook his head."Thank you brother but I am letting it slide this time." "Sehun are sure?" Yifan took a deep breath. "Are you going to be alright?" His eyes darted towards Sehun's stomach. Sehun nodded." I know what you mean Yifan, I am ready for the challenge and I won't let my pregnancy stop me. And as for the matter regarding Lord Jeon–" he pinched the bridge of his nose. " For the sake of Jungkook I'll let this slide now but if Lord Jeon tries something else again I won't be so generous. He'll pay for what he did." With that he strode down the hall and headed for his and Kai's chambers.
Kai was a Prince of Ilda through wedlock. It had taken a while to get used to it. He thought Enchancia nobles were difficult, the ones in Ilda were impossible. Judgemental, racist and some extremely homophobic. Sehun was oblivious to it all– or so Kai thought– they’d never be so public to their King. But to the King’s “seducer” as they would call him...It was no secret their hatred for him and his people. The only Ildans that treated him with respect were Sehun's knights, a few other nobles and the former king. Kai had met Sehun's father a few days ago and the man had held Kai's hand in his pale ones and asked how he was doing with a smile on his sickly looking face. Kai had responded with smile of his own and had thanked the former king for his generosity.  "No need to thank me my child, you're my son's husband and I know how Sehun adore you. You're my family." The king had said and Kai's face with a father like affection that brought warmth bubbles within him. "Just make sure to keep him happy. Always." "I will" Kai promised. "And help him continue to be the good King he is. Rule by his side for the time you can– I mean until you leave for your kingdom." "I promise.'
“Kai…” Sehun was leaning on the doorframe to their room and Kai blinked out of his thoughts, “You okay?” He looked concerned. Which wasn’t surprising. It was one of those days where it was all too much for him. Kai had been sat in their room since after breakfast, busying himself with plans on how to get back his kingdom and free his people from Junmyeon's clutches, it helped him through the days where he was homesick. “Not exactly” Kai saw no point in lying. They were too in love for that. Sehun walked over and sat beside him on the bed, resting his head on his shoulder and his fingers up his arm to entwine their fingers. “I’m serious...tell me their names.” “There’s no point my dear...I’ve been called worse…” Kai picked up the medicine he had Seokjin prepared for Sehun and passed it over to him. “Please tell me what I can do to help" Sehun looked at the green concoction, sniffing it."what is it?" “Trust’s good for you.” Kai his thumb on the hand holding his own and kissed the top of Sehun's head, then watched him with warm eyes as he drank it, wincing. “It tastes like...cherries?” He smiled and put it down. “That’s perfect then...just the right distribution. I had Seokjin prepare it for you, it would help with the baby's growth.” He nodded and kissed Sehun's knuckles. “Will you sit with me in the throne room today?” "What? Sehun do think it is a good idea?" Even though he had promised Sehun's father that he would help Sehun but being in the throne room might not be the best considering how the people of Ilda despised him. Sehun nodded. "Yes, I want them to understand I am never going to leave you. If they accept me as their king then they must accept you as my consort, their prince." Kai thought for a moment, he was being a little unreasonable hiding away all this time, leaving Sehun when he promised Sehun's father that he would help him rule his people. “Very well” He rolled his eyes huffing out as if it was the biggest thing he’d ever been asked to do, earning him a thankful kiss, being pressed back a little with the force of it. Kai might be having a miserable time with Ilda but to have moments where he could feel, embrace and love this man overpowered every negative feeling. Just seeing Sehun made him forget why he was upset in the first place. Looking at the potion and the empty cup his stomach fluttered. Excitement for what was to come, he couldn't wait to meet their child.
Kai spent the afternoon by his love’s side, watching and helping chip in when he could with decisions and hearing the people of Ilda spill their problems for him to assist with. Sehun was such a caring King. Everyone had his ear and he involved himself in every problem brought to him. He was a lot like his papa but with less difficult situations. Sehun put a hand to his stomach, his face creasing a little as he felt a small gurgle within, a popping sensation before it was gone, did the baby just moved? He continued listening to a farmer discuss the price of tax. Moving his hand from his stomach he took Kai's hand and held it on the arm rest between them. Kai was his pillar of support and every day with him was as amazing, if not more, than the last. Looking to Kai for a moment he gave his hand a squeeze before looking back once more to the one speaking. He wished his people could see Kai how he did. Trust him as he did and understand he was so kind hearted and beautiful inside as well as outside. Him being an Enchancia prince was hard for them to look past, many people despised him. If Sehun caught anyone badmouthing him, they’d feel his wrath. Kai had protected him in Enchancia, now it was Sehun's turn to protect him here in Ilda. *****
After sitting with Sehun in the throne room for a while, Kai had excused himself to go see his best friend(Jimin). Yifan, Joo-hyun, Seulgi, and her fathers were there as well. They were half way through their discussion and just then, Jungkook burst into the room without waiting for permission to enter, his face pinched and pale. "Princess, and Prince Kai - they have invoked the old law of challenge against King Sehun." "What?" Joo-hyun said and her face paled as she glanced at her lover. "They cannot" she shook her head vigorously. "What is that supposed to mean?" Kai asked, taking closer steps towards Jungkook. "Fight to death for the throne." Yifan supplied. "It seems seeing you with Sehun in the throne room hasn't been the best idea, it provoked the Nobles much enough to invoke their old law." Jimin said, holding his son closer to his chest. "I will fight for Sehun–." Kai began but Dame Seulgi was already shaking her head. "You cannot, king Sehun must fight if he wishes to keep the house of Oh ruling Ilda." She said and Kai had open his mouth to speak again but she continued. "Believe me, a lot of us would fight for Sehun if we could. Yifan, Luhan, Zitao, Jungkook, Yuri, Wendy and myself. But we can't, that's not how it works." Dread settled inside of Kai, fear gripped his insides at the thought of his pregnant husband fighting to death. He knew Sehun was a strong warrior and very much capable of fighting his opponents and he also have powers that Kai was sure the other champions didn't have, but still, it was different. He was with child and– "I understand your worries but you just have to trust your husband. Your child will not be harmed." Jimin placed a hand on Kai's shoulder in a comforting manner. "But you should know, Sehun will not be able to use his powers, it would be considered unfair since the other champions does not have special abilities. More over only a few knew about his powers." "Lord Jimin is right." Yifan said with a nod. "I Know my brother wouldn't resolve to his powers even if he is going to lose, which I am sure is impossible." Yifan let a small smile graced his face. "Sehun is the best fighter I've ever known." He gave Kai's shoulder a tiny pat. "Worry not prince Kai. My brother and my niece or nephew will be fine." Dame Seulgi stepped closer, her hands still holding the princess."The house of Kang, Jeon and Wu would not participate in the actual fight even if our elders wishes for us to fight, but we will all have to stand by our houses. That leaves four Houses, I am not sure about the Kims but I am certain the rest three will fight." Seulgi said, tightened her hold on Joo-hyun's hand. All Kai could do was nod and hoped for the best. "Let's go, the challenge is going to take place in the Seraph, located deep in the mountains."  Princess Joo-hyun was the first to move, as she rushed out of the room and Seulgi trailed after her.  It didn't take long for the others to follow. Kai had been too ill to remember the first time he passed through those particular mountains, but he remembered very little of his second trip as well, distracted as he was by his fear for Sehun and their child. With Jungkook in the lead, they hurried through a maze of dark tunnels until they reached a steep spiralling staircase delving deep underground, just wide enough for three men to walk abreast. Now as they made their way down, a path would branch off from the staircase into another dark winding tunnel leading to parts unknown, but they met nobody else on the way down, just like how the city had been when they passed. The open market place was almost empty and so were the streets.  Kai was vaguely aware that the ceiling seemed to get a little higher the deeper they went, the air a little colder, and the pull of the adamas began to get strong enough that even breathing took more effort than it should have, but he was too anxious about Sehun to care much about himself. Yifan had been too distraught to speak, so it had fallen on Jungkook to explain the law to him and the other Enchancians as best as he could. According to Jungkook, the law had not been invoked since Sehun's great-great-great-grandfather had been king, and rightfully so, for it had been decided that it was a waste for the best warriors of each House to meet their ends at the hands of their own brothers-in-arms. But before Enchancia had declared war on Ilda, the city had been prosperous and burgeoning with life and energy, and every House had wanted the honour and glory of ruling the kingdom.  The challenge had been held every five decades, with everyone in the kingdom so eager and excited for the bloody spectacle that minstrels still sang of the festivities that led up to the murderous show of brute strength and fighting prowess. Each of the seven Houses would send a champion to challenge the ruling House, and any House that abstained from participating would have been greatly shamed and ridiculed.  The rules of the challenge were simple - only two men could be inside the ritual circle at any one time; no armour or weapons were allowed save for what they had been born with; once a man stepped into the circle, he could not step out again until he had killed his challenger; and only one man could be left standing at the end. It was this last rule that sent a chill down Kai's spine, for although he had no doubt that his Sehun was the best warrior amongst his people, but he was pregnant, and Sehun was only human.  The challenge was to be held in the Seraph, which was the heart of the mountains. As Kai understood it, the Seraph was Ilda's equivalent of a town square - some of the time, especially during war it served as a special underground bazaar or marketplace, but important occasions and festivals were also held in it since it was the largest cavern in the mountains. They have land for goddess sake, why wouldn't they just pick a different place to build the town square? The reason why Ilda chose to hold such occasions in a cavern was lost to Kai. Sehun's coronation had been held there, and now it was where he would have to fight to keep his crown, his life and their baby's life. As they drew nearer to the Seraph, the reason for the empty feeling in the rest of the city became obvious - everyone who had been able to leave their duties or chores to watch the challenge was gathered here. Monstrously lar
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!