Thirty five.

The Alliance.
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After making sure lady Jennie was being attended to and was going to be alright, Yifan regrouped with Luhan, Jungkook and Zitao, trying to search through the fray and spot anyone in need of assistance. The sun was edging towards the middle of the sky now, and Yifan knew that they were all, in fact, running out of time. There was a brief flash of dull, blue light. Yifan took up his arms, turning towards it. His shoulders sagged – momentarily – in relief. It was a familiar face. “Lord Jimin!” For a moment, Yifan almost didn’t see him, or recognise him. Jimin was standing a few feet away, his cheeks and hands faintly covered with blood. His eyes widened. He didn’t appear to be wounded, and Yifan realised he’d been helping with the injured after the stunt he pulled controlling those thousands of revenants. A sting of pity, and remorse, hit Yifan. How many fallen friends had Jimin already seen today? Which was why it surprised Yifan when Jimin approached them in a few, long strides. Determination coloured him in fierce courage, his brow furrowing and his arms swinging by his sides like weapons. “Lord Jimin, you cannot be here,” Yifan hissed, but even as the man came closer, a part of Yifan knew that he had no right to instruct him to bow out. Before anyone could say another word, another figure noticed him. Jungkook let out a choking, torn sound as he flew over, grabbing Jimin by the forearm. For a moment, Yifan thought the knight was going to kiss him. Or hit him. Maybe both. The visible pain on Jungkook's face was like an open wound. His voice was just as torn as he cried, “Why are you here in the open?  You’ll…” “Please, Kook, I have to-“ “No,” Jungkook cut off whatever the man was going to suggest. He shook his head, strands falling across his forehead like whip lashes. His lip curled in anger, but his eyes gave him away; the raw fear, the yearning for Jimin's safety. "You've done your part Jimin, to the extent of exhausting your powers." “I can help even with my powers being exhausted. I can't sit in there and watch people suffering– people that I know. Jennie and Taeyeon– my good friends.” Jimin insisted, his fingers gripping Jungkook's arm fiercely. “Please.” “Don’t you dare,” Jungkook snapped. He looked around, eyes hastily searching for something. After a long moment, he growled in frustration. “Damn it, how the did Yuri let you out?,” he cursed. When he faced Jimin again, Jungkook had lost some of his anger, but he still looked ready to throw Jimin over his shoulder and march him up the hill. "I asked her to join the fight after I left the command tent." Jimin said. Jungkook stared at Jimin for a while, in his heart he knew how Jimin was, how he would want to be useful with or without his powers or magic. Finally he gave in. “Listen, I am taking you back to the tents the moment I see fit, I can't have you around here for long. In the meantime, take this,” Jungkook instructed, withdrawing a smaller blade from the leather strap tied to his thigh. He shoved it into Jimin's hands, and to his credit, the warlock was ready, and gripped it tightly as he nodded. “If something happened to you, and I was…I wasn’t with you…” Jimin broke off, anguished. “I would rather be by your side. That’s all.” he looked incredibly sure of himself. Jungkook lifted a hand, cupping Jimin's face with a tenderness that seemed to overthrow the blood-soaked battlefield. For now, there was just this brief moment of comfort. “Defend yourself, for Scott and my sake” Jungkook implored. “Please.” Yifan was unable to hold back any longer. “Uh, guys,” he called out, waiting until they were looking in his direction. “We might have a bigger problem right now…” A real big problem. Lots of them. Some of the creatures in the sky swooped down, landing with a heavy crash at various spots across the field. They were huge beasts, but they manoeuvred in slow, long movements. They snarled at anyone who approached, and Yifan caught sight of the one nearest to their group. Its beady eyes narrowed, focusing on them.  "Oh, great," Yifan muttered. He heard the clanking of armour as Jungkook, Jimin, Luhan and Zitao pressed in close. They moved into one, single line, swords raised, and waited for the beast to move. Yifan glanced at the battlefield and he realized the fallen warriors were now rising, to join the remaining revenants obviously under Junmyeon's command. Damn it, he had no idea where the man was, but Yifan couldn't steal anymore glances. The creature demanded his full attention now.  They were all going to die, or surrender. There was no mercy to be had. Not today. The hopeful beginning had reached a conclusion of blood and fire. With a ear-splitting roar, the creature's head reared back, and from its gaping mouth, a cry shot out. Something that sounded like ‘forgive me’ and ‘run’. And then, it attacked. Frost seared the ground as ice tore from the creature's jaws. It didn't seem to be aiming, but the spray was a wide arch. Yifan and his group lunged out of the way, but the fierce cold scalded Yifan's cheek and he hissed, wincing.  He was scrambling to his feet, just in time to see the creature thundering towards them. Yifan, Jungkook and Jimin moved to the left; Luhan and Zitao, to the right, and the creature stilled, its huge frame sending tremors into the earth. Just as it began to swing around, Yifan tried to formulate a plan. Or spot its weakness. Perhaps the belly underneath had scaleless spots. Perhaps he could pierce the flesh, or become a distraction to give his friends time to- Oh, hell. Far too late, Yifan realised where the true weapon was.  He'd been so focused on spotting a weakness, that he'd missed the dangerous strength.  The creature didn't need to move to gain victory. At least, not all of it did. The tail. “JUNGKOOK!” Jimin screamed. He dived in front of the other knight. Yifan was horribly frozen in shock. He was forced to watch as the spike-covered tail slashed across Jimin's chest. The man fell, his entire body seizing as the pain tore into him. Blood covered his hands, and Yifan couldn’t bear the screams, and so he did the one thing he could do. With his friends falling so quickly, Yifan was determined to go down beside them. While Jungkook crouched, protectively covering Jimin's body with his, Luhan and Zitao had gotten lost in another revenants hoard. They faded back into the flood of people and creatures.  Yifan was alone, staring down the creature with tears in his eyes, and blood on his hands.  But in the next moment he wasn't alone anymore, as he looked to the side, there were thousands upon thousands of faeries, riding atop flying horses into the battlefield with a cry, cutting down revenants after revenants with Spears, swords and magic. Any revenant that came in contact with a fae weapon would crumble like dust. At last, they showed up. He felt like screaming out a prayer of his own, anxiety mixing in with the relief. Taking a deep breath, Yifan diverted his attention from the faeries and dived underneath the beast’s wing, turning, and trying to gain his balance as he pushed up onto his feet again. Narrowing his eyes, he found the soft, fleshy belly of the creature right above his head. The creature didn't move fast enough, and Yifan did not hesitate. He also didn't have the luxury to apologise. The creature was just as helpless as Yifan was, but in that moment, the knight knew what he had to burden himself with. His Axe sliced into the creature's belly, piercing the heart on its first stab. The creature didn't crumple, or slowly fumble to the ground. It collapsed like a star: blindingly violent. It fell with such a heavy thud that the ground cracked again, and Yifan was almost caught by the falling wings. He was still thrown backwards, landing on his back. For a single, long moment, he was blinded. Ringing sung in his ears. He came to quickly, but the shock still knocked the air from his lungs. Someone was standing above him, reaching out an arm. Yifan grasped it, thankfully, and as he climbed shakily to his feet, he looked up, and found the faerie Prince's face staring back. "Glad to see you," Yoongi said, greeting him with a tense, but pleased smile. "Sorry we're late." "Yeah," Yifan began to agree, "I'm glad to see you guys made it." Yoongi gave a curt nod. "Where is Sehun?" Yifan pointed to the sky only to realize Blink wasn't among the dragons up there. "I have no idea." "Whatever! Let's get this over with." Yoongi said, swinging his sword a few times. "Stay behind me Nephilim." With that he roared and charged into the battle. Yifan watched, impressed as the faerie Prince effortlessly kill beast after beast as if there were mare puppies. With mouth slightly open, he swung his axe and join the fight. Yifan was in the middle of taking down a group of revenants when a huge shadow appeared above his his head. He quickly looked up and was met with sight of the biggest dragon he'd ever seen flying towards a specific direction. ****  
Plucking a couple of new swords from where they had been embedded into the ground as if thrown, Kai picked them up and swung them in wide yet precise arcs to slice off the heads or hack in half any revenants that he came across. Since they were already dead and insentient, he had no qualms in ruthlessly cutting them down. The blades in his hand danced through the air, slicing through flesh and bone with swift exactness and efficient motions. The thick smell of old blood and the sour stench of ruptured intestines permeated the air around him as he hacked through the bodies of the dead, and yet his armour stayed pristine, not a single drop of red having managed to stain it. All around Kai, the hectic whirlwind of battle raged as the warriors charged towards the revenants. In this vast area of land spread out under the grey skies, rotten blood misted the air as torn off limbs with waxy skin flew around. People both dead and alive churned with uncontrolled frenzy, painting a picture of chaos and violence as far as one could see. Surprisingly, even though they took the initiative in chasing after the warriors, some of the revenants didn’t offer much resistance at all even when attacked. However, since they currently outnumbered the warriors a hundred to one due to their unceasing flow into the Battlefield, their presence certainly served to be an unpleasant hindrance.  As Kai swept through the hordes of revenants while cutting a bloody swath, he kept collecting the weaker men and asked them to stick close behind him. Putting up a shield barrier around the people under his protection, he used both physical and magical attacks to dispatch the approaching revenants. Many of the other Warlocks had begun to do the same. Some of them had even started setting up traps and formations to gather and annihilate the revenants in large numbers. Yet the tide of incoming revenants was endless. It seemed that unless they were cut off at the source, they would be unceasing. As his mind churned with thoughts while his body worked to cut down every revenants in his path, Kai suddenly heard a piercing scream from a bit ahead. Increasing his speed and pushing through a dense swarm of revenants, Kai saw a woman from Ilda struggling on the ground as a revenant held her arm in place with its hands, its jaws unhinging and descending hungrily over the terrified young lady. Vicious teeth chomped onto her forearm with a wet crunch as the lady let out a shrill shriek in pain and horror. Gritting his teeth at the distance between them, Kai was nonetheless about to rush ahead when a quick blade and lightning flashed bright gray and sliced cleanly through the revenants near the young lady, reducing them to pieces. As the revenants fell, a figure was revealed. Jongdae. Kai offered a nod to his uncle and Jongdae nodded back as he helped the lady to her feet before swifty cutting the woman's arm clean to avoid getting infected. A few feet away from where Jongdae was, Kai saw a group of necromancers using dark magic in form of black vines to inflict pain on some Ildans. Of course Ildans would be the easy target because they're the only ones without magic to defend themselves with, if an Ildan warrior wasn't good in swordsmanship then there was no any other way out for them. With a roar, Kai descended on those necromancers, taking them down effortlessly.His style was inconsistent yet fluid, always changing, adapting, ever unpredictable like the direction of the wind. His footwork was lighter than air, his toes barely touching the ground as he leapt and dodged, swerved and ducked, constantly in motion and slippery like an eel, always evading capture with the most elegant yet efficient moves, floating between those grasping black vines like smoke, untouchable. Untill all those necromancers were nothing but another pile of dead bodies. After that the fight intensified, and Kai lost track of time. It all blended into one long, endless smear of blood and metal and snarling, screaming, dying warriors, the ground churning into mud under their feet and Kai's arms aching from the motion of swinging his double swords over and over, his legs tired from stepping over the bodies of the fallen. Kai didn't stop to take a break, even when a sudden blast of energy lightened the area he still continued to fight. ***
Sehun was still watching as Pashíu tried to hold the unconscious Baekhyun with difficulty due to how the sudden blast from Junmyeon had effected her, while princess Taeyeon was taken away to the medical tents by a Warlock. Suddenly Sehun remembered that there was still one powerful greater dragon that wasn't on the field. Especially seeing the fallen warriors rising to join Junmyeon's army, in other words Junmyeon's army were multiplying in numbers while theirs were decreasing. It was like the battle was taking a bad turn. They need help and they needed it now. Arkan. Arkan had told him he would fight for Sehun when the time was right and Sehun felt that now was the best time to call for the Greater dragon. With that though, he placed a hand on Blink's head as he tried to get through Kai's mind using Blink's immense telepathic ability to communicate with both Kai and Arkan as he coaxed Blink to land on a nearby mountain. Then jumped down and sat on one of Blink's talons to watch the battlefield from afar, his hand still placed on Blink's head that was bowed to keep the connection. I’m going to call in Arkan. he said to Kai when he felt as though he could keep his ragged breathing from bleeding over and distracting Kai. I’ll instruct the men to fall back or they’ll get crisped, but that means you, too. "Already?" Kai thought at him, but it was tied to an acknowledgment that Sehun had a better sense of the battlefield dynamics than he did on the ground. "All right," he said, after he turned his opponent’s– a Necromancer– sword against him and sent him gagging to the dirt. I’ll -- He broke off a
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!