Twenty four

The Alliance.
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The palace was silent, save for the little sounds the servants made as they shuffled around the castle. Kai stared at his hands that were still stained with  Heechul's blood.  Beside him, Taeyeon shuffled and rested her head on his shoulder, sitting next to her was her consort (whose arms were full as she held Soojung) The queen was stood by the window, staring blankly into the night. Next to her stood Minseok whom had one of his hands in his daughter's (Jennie) hair, gently as she cried silently. Jongdae was behind his husband, resting a gentle hand on his waist.The only family member who wasn't there was Junmyeon and Taehyung(who was obviously not in Enchancia) Jimin and his son were also present, as they all waited for Seokjin to come out of the king's chamber and deliver Heechul's progress. Kai wasn't sure how much time had passed until he heard Hyoyeon cleared and Kai lifted his head to look her way. She was staring back at him as she spoke with an expression that showed how much she was hurting from what had happened to her husband. "I have sent words on your behalf, the nobles should be here by now."  Kai could only nod, he glanced down at his sister and she lifted her head off his shoulder.
"Come with me" he told her. Taeyeon gave him a tight smile before rising to her feet.  The meeting had been less tense than Kai expected. Yet he didn’t miss the nervous glances exchanged between lords and ladies of the Court. When they announced the king’s declining health, murmurs began to dance around the throne room. Minseok, Jongdae, Jimin and Taeyeon flanked the four corners of the room; his eyes and ears to observe any suspicious signs, but their strength gave Kai the resilience to keep going, and so he did. "I will let you know the king's progress once Kim Seokjin confirms it" Kai didn't anticipate the reactions. While they were not outraged, the people of the Court appeared to be confused. He levelled his gaze with their frowns, casting a cool look over the people he would – and very soon - rule over. “As you all know I am king in waiting, if anything happens to my father I am to rule in his stead. If anyone would like to speak up, I open the floor up to ideas.” It was now, during moments like this, that Kai's thoughts turned to Sehun again. His husband would know how to appear powerful, but approachable. He would be smiling, but also confident; radiating energy, and kindness.  Kai feared that he couldn't do that. Was he still just a boy playing pretend in a castle? No, he thought. He caught memories of gentle eyes in his mind, and smiled. I can do this. Although no one spoke, the tension was still surrounding the gathered council. Kai inhaled slowly, counting down from five again, and then said, "Very well. Thank you for your time. Council dismissed." Kai closed his eyes as he walked out of the throne room, his mind wandering to his papa and the thought he might lose his sire father as well, sadly getting used to the familiar pang of loss. It was a part of him now, just as his papa had once been. Where the werewolf's laughter and love once warmed him, there was now a hot spark. Sometimes it would flare up, but often it just sat there, unmoving but an ember of sharp, burning reminder. Deciding that it was time, Kai headed to the East Wing, towards his wounded father’s chambers. The sun was setting, and fairly soon, Jimin, or someone would come and beg him to rest. Reluctantly, Kai would surrender. The last thing Enchancia needed was a dying king and a stumbling ghost of a prince who refused to sleep. The halls were strangely empty. No one flank him. Kai wondered, with a soft, fond feeling, if Taeyeon had demanded that they let him go alone. The castle was quiet, but by no means calm. 
As the prince reached the chamber door – guarded by two, stern-faced men and Kim Seokjin – Kai braced himself. It was time to be brave one more time tonight. "Kai, I am sorry. The arrow had pierced his heart. There's nothing I could do more than what I've already done." Kai took a shaky breath before he spoke. "How long does he have?" "He might not last the night." "What about his powers? Can't he use them to heal." Seokjin shook his head. "I am afraid not. Maybe he's ready to go. Go say your goodbyes." Kai nodded and turned to the door “Your highness, the king, he’s…weak,” one of the guards said, a hesitant hand on the door. “Are you sure…?” “Yes,” Kai quickly said, and nodded briskly. The guards parted the double doors, revealing the awaiting chambers with the sound of stone grating against the marble floor. They closed behind Kai, shutting him off from the outside. He stepped towards the bed. The kingdom needed a leader, but as soon as he stepped into Heechul's chamber, Kai felt himself become a boy again. He was young and wide-eyed and listening to his father’s voice boom across the Great Hall. Kai remembered the looks on his father's face, Heechul always had his eyes on his papa and a smile usually accompanied those looks. Maybe Heechul did really loved his Papa after all. As Kai came to quietly sit by the bed, Heechul's crown was discarded on the table, and the king’s smile was no more. He didn’t speak for a while, and simply sat by his father’s side. He listened to the croaking breathes that fought their way out into the air. Heechul's head was resting against a pile of scarlet and gold-threaded pillows, but still, Kai fussed, and added another one, placing it just behind Heechul's right shoulder. If his father lasted the night, Kai would be surprised. “Kai.” “Father?” Kai's head shot up, the voice – no matter how quiet, and cracked – commanding his attention in a heartbeat. His father’s eyes were half-open, but they were focused in Kai's direction. His thin lips even pulled into a half-smile. “Can Seokjin's… magic not heal me?” Heechul asked in a voice that could be said a joke, but the amusement didn’t reach his unblinking eyes. As he tried to sit up, Kai reached forwards, assisting his father as he tried to reposition. When he was more comfortable, Kai swallowed. In the silence, an answer was born. Robert sensed it, somehow, and his brow drew closer together in concern. "Son?" Kai stared down at his hands, studying his knuckles, and dry skin at the heel of his palm; anything to avoid meeting the king’s gaze.  “No,” Kai quickly said, after enough silence had lingered for it to become painful. “he can’t. And you Know he can't” He carelessly pressed a claw into his palm, a dull throbbing pain blossoming. It was better than the ache in his chest. The king coughed once, and then asked.“Oh,” he quietly said. Heechul shifted, clearly feeling uncomfortable from more than just the injury. “I’m sorry for sending prince Sehun away.” he said. Before he could stop it, Kai blurted out, “Are you?” He hadn’t come here to fight with Heechul, especially not when it was possibly his final night, but Kai couldn’t hold back the hard, defensive edge. He felt it constricting his throat, forcing the harsh question out. Either Heechul didn’t notice, or didn’t care, because he simply nodded. “Yes,” he said. Kai wondered if it pained him to even speak at all. If so, why did his father care to waste his words on a Nephilim he didn't care for? And then, Heechul surprised him. “He wasn’t my first choice for you, admittedly. I wanted you to marry someone from Enchancia like your late beloved at the beginning, but then the moment I saw him I realized he would be good for you, i wanted you to become a worthy king with prince Sehun's assistance and guidance. I wanted you to be whole again and something within me told me prince Sehun was the one to make it possible.” the king said. A quiet cough vibrated from his chest. It took Kai a few moments to realise it was supposed to be a laugh. "I am happy I was right but too bad i sent him away before making sure things had turned out the way I had wished for from the start. And my pride had stopped me from asking for him to come back to my son ."   Finally, Kai lifted his head and met his father’s gaze. His ashen face was searching his son’s, with an earnest guilt that surprised Kai. Taken aback, the prince relapsed into silence. Heechul's almost smiled then, forlorn, as though he’d found the answer, yet again, in Kai's expression.  “Now i know you both….cared for each other,” Heechul quietly said. “I wouldn't have sent him away if I knew he had lifted your curse. I was angry because I thought he was just really using you. I am sorry.” The kindness was desperate; a child’s playing at forgiveness. Kai didn’t scold him, but he couldn’t bring himself to embrace his father either. Too much had happened between then and now. “It’s too late now.” Kai said, as blunt as stone. He looked away, and when his father’s hand rested atop his, he slowly pulled it away. "Who attacked you?" He finally asked the one question he had been dreaded to ask. "I– i didn't see their face." The way he spoke told Kai that the king was lying. Heechul was a powerful man, too powerful for anyone not close to him to do something like that. Kai knew for sure his father knew who attacked him and he was refusing to say the person's name "Father–" he began but the king shook his head slowly. "Do not ask me please." "Why? I have to know– i need to know who was brave enough to enter your chambers, kill your guards and servants and shot you"  "Let it be Kai." Kai rubbed at his temple. "I can't let it be" "You must" Heechul said, and there was something in his tone that told Kai he shouldn't push it. Instead he nodded and vowed to himself to find the culprit on his own.“I should leave. There are funerals to arrange.” He froze. “I didn’t mean….” Yours. The unspoken question had finally come to pass, but Kai hadn’t meant to slip up. He was planning on leaving his father with a smile, or at least a hug, and a ‘thank you’ of sorts, but Kai felt anything but grateful. Raw grief was biting at his insides. Heechul was the first one to speak again. “Kai,” he began, and patte
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!