Twenty one.

The Alliance.
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Kai didn't understand why Dracoland were attacking them now. They had bordered each other for as long as Enchancia had been known but neither of the two kingdoms had ventured Into the other. He could say they lived in peace despite not knowing much about one another. But why now? Of all those centuries and decades why was Dracoland only interested in Enchancia now? So many questions with no one to give him answers.  The disturbing part was that most of Enchancia's soldiers were in Ironhide. It was where their main military bases were, most of the battalions. Never in history had Enchancia ever been attacked like this. It was usually a war and they were always ready for it before it happened, never like this. The soldiers that remained in the capital were mostly the Royals personal guards. This wasn't going to be a fair fight because they were caught off guard. Kai didn't want to think of how they were going to fight the barbarians off. He'll have to believe in himself and the little soldiers they have in disposal.  He tightened his hold on Soojung as he continued to run down the stairs. The queen, his sister and her wife were behind him as he lead the way to the secret vault only the Royals knew about. Kai was relieved Sehun wasn't here, because he knew they were going to disagree with each other because Kai would insist on keeping him safe in the vault and he was certain his husband would be against it. Sehun would want to fight and Kai wasn't sure if could allow it. He knew Sehun was strong, a warrior but he rather have him inside the vault knowing he would be safe then outside with the unknown enemy. As the reached the double metal doors, Kai used his ability to push it open."I am going to seal the vault from outside, nothing can get through and I am the only one who can open it." He moved aside for his family to enter. He made sure they were all settled, and handed Soo-Jung to her mother before turning to leave.  "Be careful!" The queen called after him and Kai could only nod as he made gestures with his hands, feeling his power responding to the strong metal as he shut the doors tight, twisting the handle In an odd angle he knew no one would be able to access except him. When he deemed his family were safe, Kai hastily turned around and headed out of the palace. What he saw was something Kai wished to never see again, it was a mixed of dead bodies and injured soldiers sprawled out on the place ground. Sighting a discarded sword, Kai extended his arm and the metal flew into his hand on his command. He turned to the left and saw Jennie fighting skillfully, then to his right and saw Jimin fighting off a group of barbarians with his powers as he placed one hand protectively on his belly. Without thinking twice, Kai pushed his way through and towards his best friend, swinging his sword as he went. Jennie could handle herself but Kai doubt his best friend could. He used his power to seize their weapons and Kai didn't give them time to register their weapons had been taken as he swiftly them down. He could feel the slice of flesh and the taste of metal in their blood. Some of the barbarians weren't using weapons, they were using their natural abilities which mostly have to do with fire. Kai refused to let fear take over him as he continued to strike every barbarian in his way. Jimin gave a nod of thanks. "Got anything?" He asked, flinging his sword into the next barbarian. "What?" Jimin snapped his fingers, lifting the next opponent up in the air before dropping him hard to the ground and Kai winced slightly at the sound of bones cracking. "Why they're suddenly attacking" Kai threw his sword to the ground and shifted to his half wolf form, now using his claws to rip off throats or any part of the body he could reach. "Their prince, they're here for him" Jimin twisted around, exposing the man behind him and Kai extended his hand towards the man, ripping his throat in the process. "What prince?" To his other side, Kai saw his father, Jongdae and Minseok fighting off their share groups of barbarians. Minseok was using his Cryokinesis while his father and Jongdae were fighting with a swords. Heechul was fighting but his eyes were wide as looked at Kai with a small smile on his face. Kai understood why his father was looking at him with wide eyes, it was the first time for years to see his son being a normal person.  "I have no idea Kai. But I've seen it in their minds they believed he's been kept prisoner in our kingdom." Kai averted his eyes from his father and turned his attention to his friend just in time to save him from another attack. What Jimin just said didn't make sense, why would the barbarians think Enchancia was holding their prince. Behind him, the ground shook and Kai quickly turned around to see a dragon approaching and for a moment he vaguely noticed how the dragon looked so much like Blink. But he didn't have much time to think about that because the dragon was coming for him and Kai had to think fast on how to get away from such magnificent beast. There was a rider on top and the man look very tiny sitting on the enormous dragon's neck. He was muttering something that Kai believed to be a command and the dragon shuffled closer, raising its massive talons. Kai held his breath waiting for the impact because there was no way out right now. He could never outrun the dragon, it would be foolish to even try. But just as the dragon was about to rip him to shred, it stopped midair and titled its head to the side, staring intently into his eyes. A moment passed with the dragon staring at him as though it was reading his soul, then it dropped its claws and took a step backwards.  Confused, Kai turned around to see if someone or something was responsible for the dragon's change of heart, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Again he turned his gaze back to the dragon and he heard Its rider called out. "Pàshiu" in an exaggerated tone, but the dragon only shook its head as it closed its eyes for a moment. Kai thought about using that opportunity to flee, but then again if the beast had wanted him dead, he would've been by now. Instead he stayed rooted and waited. There seemed to be some communication going on between the dragon and the human on top of it. And Kai almost got bored as he waited for them to decide what to do with him. Suddenly out of the corner of his eyes, Kai caught movements and quickly turned around to see a man– blond charging at him. He quickly dodged the attack, and readied his claws to send the man to hell. But as the man charged again, the dragon roared hard and loud in what Kai assumed to be a warning– but to whom exactly he wasn't sure. He stood his ground, and Kai could hear the rider shouting. "No Yixing don't" and he looked up to see what the rider meant but that was a mistake because whoever this Yixing man was, didn't seem to want to listen. The next thing he registered was a body shielding his and Kai was thrown to the side as Heechul took his place. "Father!" He bellowed, eyes going wide as he watched his father being stabbed in the chest in his stead. The rider elegantly jumped down from the dragon's neck and ran to where the blond barbarian had Heechul still in his grip. He grabbed Heechul and carefully lowered him to the ground, before he took the sword from the blond and punched him in the face, speaking angrily in a foreign language. The two immediately started arguing, the red head making gestures furiously as he spoke. Averting his gaze, Kai's eyes landed on his father and his brain registered what had just happened and he hurried to get to Heechul. "Father!" He called, heart thumping in his chest, crawling to kneel before the King's body. He gathered his father into his arms and instantly checked for a pulse. Letting out a breath of relief when he felt it, Kai shouted for any Enchancian close by. Jimin and Minseok were already rushing toward them. "Oh brother!" Minseok said, bending to take a hold of Heechul's hand. He placed a finger on the wound, and quickly use ice to stop the bleeding. "Jimin open a portal I am taking him to Seokjin." He said, before turning to nod at Kai. "Stay here and handle them, I need to make sure Heechul is going to be alright." Minseok stood up, taking Heechul with him as If he weighs nothing. Jimin standing on his right had already created a portal, holding it for them to pass through. Kai made sure his father was being taken care of before he turned to the two barbarians still arguing and now everyone on the field had stopped fighting and watching the two instead. The Enchancians were more gaping at the dragon warily than focused on the two. Kai gave his people a signal to hold on and only fight when the barbarians attack them. When he was certain they understood him he turned to face Jimin. "What are they talking about?" Kai asked. "I am pregnant!" Jimin blurted. "What?" Kai gaped at him as if he had grown another head. "What are you talking about?" "I've been wanting to tell you but couldn't find the perfect time to do so. It's Jungkook's." He said, raking a hand through his silver locks.  Kai nodded. "How far along?" "Four months.And it's a boy" "Congratulations Jimin. Damn you got impregnated the in the second month the Ildans came." He patted his friend's shoulder. And his friend scowled." How did you know it's a boy?" "I am telepath Kai of course I'd know." Kai hummed. "Congratulations once again. Now I understand why you always have a hand on your belly lately." He smiled as best as he could in the situation. "Now please focus on what those two are talking about." He said and Jimin glared at him. "Why don't we go ask them." And with that Jimin began to walk towards the two barbarians. Kai hesitated for a moment before following his best friend. The two Dracolanders stopped talking the moment Kai and Jimin reached them. The red head turned to face Kai but Kai had his eyes on the blond. He had the sudden urge to twist the metal in the blond's blood and see him choke to death.Or use the metal necklace around his neck to choke him with it Instead. A lot of scenarios were playing in his head on how to kill the blond with every metal he could find. Jimin elbowed him and he snapped out of his death plans for the blond to look at his friend. The red head opened his mouth to speak but before he could say what he intended to say Jimin was already talking. "You just missed him." His friend said and Kai knit his brows in confusion. "What do you mean?" The red head asked, his abrupt northern accent clipping at his words. "I believe you're looking for prince Sehun." "Jimin–" Kai warned but his friend ignored him. "Your prince has left for Ilda, if you're fast enough you might catch up with him." "The am allowing anyone to go after my husband. You don't even know if Sehun is the prince they're looking for or not." Kai snapped,  if Jimin wasn't pregnant he could have surely punch the senses back to his friend's head.  "But I do now, they already know Sehun is the prince they're looking for, the dragon had seen through your mind, that was the reason it didn't kill you." He turned to the read head. "I am wrong?" Jimin asked and the red head shook his head. "No you're right. Pàshiu showed me some part of your prince's memory that he shared with our prince. And she saw her daughter in his memories as well." Kai quickly turned around to where the dragon was. "She is Blink's mother?" He asked and now it made sense why the large dragon looked so much like Blink. "Yes she is." The red head said. "I am sorry about this mess and your father, it was a misunderstanding. But we must leave now and I am sure we'll meet again. My name is Byun Baekhyun." He bowed slightly and turned to the dragon. "Wait Baek, you cannot just– we have to finish what we started" the blond began to say but the red head– Baekhyun turned around o
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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!