Thirty six

The Alliance.
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A rippling light of amber broke through the entire battlefield, rippling across the valley. It was a single circle of glistening, dark light, and as it washed over them, it wasn't just the wind that shifted.  After the deafening whistle that accompanied it had silenced, the battlefield transformed.  Zitao stared, stunned. Beside him, Luhan was also gaping. Revenants in clusters separated, scrambling away, and crawling into the ground, or away from the fighters. The masses parted. The beasts took up flight again, screeching as they ascended back into the blue skies above. It all happened quickly, and the revenants or beasts that did stay were taken down easily, their harmony broken, finally. They did it, Zitao thought. They destroyed Junmyeon. In the small, safe spaces of his heart, Zitao felt pride spill into his chest. It warmed the cold fear, softening the blows of loss.  Everything was enhanced. His relief was comforting, but his guilt and pain was tormenting. He didn't know what to feel, or how much to let in. Zitao just watched, keeping an eye on his lover as the valley quietened. After a battle that had seemed almost hopeless, in the end, they had won. But not without losses. Zitao hung back, exhaustion beating against his chest like the desperate fists of a dying child. It throbbed, and he let the pain in. It was a reminder that he was alive after all. He felt weakened to the point of collapse. His arm ached something terrible, and he could barely feel his feet as he stumbled across towards those left standing. Luhan was bending nearby, helping a wounded knight to his feet. Warlocks from the medical tents had begun to portal down, assisting those who couldn't stumble up the hill. Zitao turned, spinning wildly as he remembered the fallen warlock, Lord Jimin. He glanced around, but couldn't find either Jimin, or Jungkook. They're getting help, Zitao soothed himself. They'll be okay. They had to be. Zitao couldn't bear to carry the weight of anymore loss. Not today. Thinking about his king then, Zitao looked around, surveying the side of the battlefield he sighted Blink and Arkan. All around him, the aftermath of battle unfolded with surprising calm. The friends who had survived were gathering, desperately embracing, or simply gazing, and forcing themselves to accept the outcome; to count the losses and count the survivors. Injured warriors, werewolves, warlocks and faeries alike were being helped up to the tents. A sweet-looking faerie was assisting a werewolf, and two Ildans were balancing a hurt warlock between them, as he cradled his arm and groaned. Blood and death swam across the field, but unity remained. A peace of sorts had survived, and Zitao prayed that it would be the hopeful force that would help them live to see the next rising sun, helping them want to see it. That was the second fear; that those who made it, wouldn’t want to get up, would be too heartbroken and afraid. His attention was drawn when he heard a sorrowful scream from a familiar voice. Zitao quickly began to run toward the source, he didn't need to turn to know Luhan, Joo-hyun, Yifan and Seulgi were trailing after him. His heart almost beat out of his chest when he came to a stop and at the sight that greeted him. Behind him he vaguely heard princess Joo-hyun cry of anguish as she rushed to bend in front of her brother's lifeless body that was cradled in Kai's arms and Blink's wing. No! Zitao shook his head. This cannot be, king Sehun cannot die. His feet gave out and Zitao found himself falling to his knees, watching as all the others knelt before their king. Sir Yifan was furiously shaking his head, clearly not wanting to accept the outcome as tears streamed from his eyes and it was the first time Zitao had seen him shed tears. "Zitao!" He heard in his head and he hastily turned around only to be met with dark slitted eyes. It was the greater dragon Arkan. And the dragon was wrapping something– someone between his wings. "Listen to me very carefully. The battle is not over." The dragon told him. "What?" Zitao glanced around to see what the dragon meant and that was when his eyes landed on a figure in black robes standing on a rock not very far from them. The man had an eerie and contented smile on his face. Shivering at the sight, Zitao glanced away. "Who is that man?" "That is Sakurai. The one behind all of this." "Sakurai? I thought prince Junmyeon was behind all this?" "No, Junmyeon was merely a puppet to Sakurai's play. Sakurai was blinded by vengeance and it was just one big misunderstanding. Kai's father never cursed his son. His child got the curse by accident but it was never Kai's father. " Arkan then proceeded to show Zitao a little from Sakurai's past. "Then we have to kill him." Zitao said even though he somehow felt pity for the man. "True he must die but he cannot be killed by any of us, he is too powerful, the level of his spiritual power could rival that of a God, all the death that happened here today only made him grow in power." Arkan said, looking toward Sehun." But you can change this. The fate of Sehun and kill Sakurai."  Zitao fell on his . "How?" Arkan had just said this Sakurai couldn't be killed, then how could Zitao be able to kill him and more importantly change Sehun's fate? "You're the last time bender." Right! He had the powers to manipulate time and space, but the problem was, how was he going to do that because he had never tried changing anything that fate had brought upon him or anyone else. He wasn't even sure if he would be powerful enough to change his king's fate."How is this going kill that man?" "You can do this, do not doubt yourself. You are to erase Sakurai from existence and turn the time before Sehun died. I will be here to help you enhance your ability." "How am I supposed to know the exact time to return to?" "I will show you" the dragon simply said and that was all the warning Zitao got before he felt like his brain had been zapped for the second time as he began to see the moment his king was stabbed in the belly. He gasped, clutching his head when Arkan released the telepathic hold on him. "You're to return us to the moment where Sehun was still standing next to me, when I extended my wing to shield Kai from my peer's assault." That was before Junmyeon was killed. "Do not worry, my daughter had shown me the way to kill him. I will take care of it before he reaches the dragon Lord." "But how? I mean I thought I would be the only one who could know the ebb of time to had been altered." "Do not concern yourself with that. I have my ways. You're powerful but I am also the third most powerful greater dragon alive. From this moment I will keep my consciousness awake." "I am curious to know, who is the most powerful dragon? I thought it was you." "My daughter's mate is the second most powerful and as expected of a dragon Lord's peer she's the most powerful, not at the moment though because she still have not reached maturity." Arkan let out a little breath of fire. "Let's not talk about my daughter and her mate and concentrate on the matter of importance." Zitao nodded, pushing down all the questions he wanted to ask about who Blink's mate could be and why the dragon didn't join the fight today."Then how do I erase Sakurai from existence? And if I can erase him from existence can't I erase Junmyeon as well?" "No, you should not erase Junmyeon, without his existence it would be impossible for prince Kai to meet Sehun. All that Sakurai had made him do will not be erased but instead be tied to him and that way things shall be the way they are meant to be. Do not worry about Junmyeon, I will be the one to end him and I have my reasons. Being a demigod have it's perks." Zitao could only watch and listen as Arkan continued. "The power of time and space is a very complicated one. With a set of your mind, you have the ability to erase any being from existence or send them to another dimension or timeline. But I rather you erase Sakurai than send him somewhere because I am not certain if he would not be able to come back, but with him being erased we will be certain he would not be able to come back." "For me to be able to erase such powerful man from existence, I am a God? a demigod or something?" Zitao couldn't help but ask. If Arkan a demigod could not end Sakurai, then just what type of powers did Zitao have to be able to do so? Arkan chuckled in his head. "No, you are neither a God nor a demigod but one of those rare people that were given the power of a God." Zitao listen but he still was unsure if he could pull it off. He looked back to where Sakurai stood, then to his king and the people that now surrounded Sehun's dead body. The most pitiful looking one out of them all was the husband and just watching as the man– Kai held Sehun's body with a look of hopelessness and deep sorrow was enough to motivate Zitao to give it a try. Talking a deep breath, Zitao closed his eyes and followed each instructions form Arkan as he allowed his mind to connect with the dragon's. Zitao molded reality to how he wanted it to be. Pushing the images flowing around his mind and reached for the one he needed, the moment Sakurai was born. "NO!" Zitao had a man's voice that he believed was Sakurai's. "Do not loose concentration. You have to hurry, he is coming towards you. It seems his powers are beyond what I thought, he was able to realize that you are about to change his destiny." Arkan said to him. "I will not let him." Zitao said. With a strong will, Zitao pulled Sakurai and crushed him to dust just like how Arkan had told him to and replaced the new born with a girl that he knew wouldn't cause any trouble. That way he still kept the balance and gave Sakurai's parents a child, and made sure she had a good happy life and never met the Enchancia's Royals. When he was certain that was done, Zitao changed his focus to Sehun. Now it was time to turn back time. He could feel the world spinning around him, feel the spatial extent shifted, slowly but surely and then slowly he opened his eyes.He wasn't on the ground anymore, he was standing surrounded by revenants and necromancers. Luhan was beside him fighting off the ones closest to him.  Zitao turned to the direction he had just been a few moments ago and he let out a shaky exhale when he sighted Sehun, Kai, Junmyeon, Yoongi and the dragons. Then he looked beyond them, to the rock Sakura had been stood. The man was no longer in sight instead it was one of the beasts that stood in his stead. "You have done well knight!" He heard Arkan's voice in his head. "King Sehun is alive and Sakurai is no more and I would do everything in my power to keep it that way." A smile curved his lips and Zitao nodded. He did it, he had altered the ebb of time for the first time in his life and it had worked. "Now I must concentrate and end this." With another smile, Zitao swung his sword and continued to fight, he was so pleased with himself that he didn't mind reliving this certain moment. ****
"Arkan shield him." Sehun cried out. Fear gripping him like a tide as he watched his mother hurting his man. Kai had been forced to his knees and the grip he had on his sword loosen allowing the metal to fall to the ground.  Kai place a hand on his chest but the action seemed to only cause him more pain, if the way his face contorted was any indication. Kai lifted his head to stared at Sehun's mother that seemed to be enjoying torturing him and it made Sehun sick to his stomach.  When Arkan extended one of his large wings to shield Kai from the frost attack, Sehun let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "Kai!" Sehun rushed and held his husband. "I am so sorry Kai, I am so confused right now, I don't know how mother is here– and she, she's under Junmyeon's control." He rambled. Sehun was so confused, everything felt surreal. His mother was alive– Wrong, she was a revenant and Sehun couldn't tell how Junmyeon came to have her body in his possession. And he was still trying to wrap his mind about everything happening right now. Because of his mother's sudden appearance, both Arkan and him had lost control and now he wasn't sure how they're going take Junmyeon down. That strange feeling from earlier now made sense, his body and powers were responding to his mother's. It seemed the bond between mother and child was there even though the mother was a living corpse. Coughing to regain his breath, Kai managed to rise to his feet with the help of Sehun. He shook his head slightly and Sehun took his husband's hands in his, holding him like his life depend on it. Damn! He was shaking like a leaf. Sehun felt some movements behind him and quickly turned around only to see Junmyeon extending a hand with a sword and it looked like he was about to stab Sehun but was held by Arkan. Arkan had his mouth full as he slowly, very gently pulled Junmyeon into his teeth filled mouth.  A crunchy sound made Sehun wince. By the angel! Did Arkan just ate Junmyeon? Sehun felt his stomach churning and he bent to vomit the content in his stomach. Kai was instantly by his side. Around them a dark rippling light of amber broke through the entire battle, rippling across the valley. It was a single circle of glistening, dark light, and as it washed over them, it wasn't just the wind that shifted.  After the deafening whistle that accompanied it had silenced, the battlefield transformed.  Revenants in clusters separated, scrambling away, and crawling into the ground, or away from the fighters.  The flying beasts took up flight, screeching as they ascended into the blue skies above. It all happened quickly, and the revenants and beasts that did stay were taken down easily. It seemed the spell holding them to do Junmyeon's bidding had been broken now that the man was dead. They did it. They destroyed Junmyeon. Sehun felt grounded with Kai holding him, resting a hand on his belly and he could have swore he felt some movements in his stomach. Sehun lifted his head to look at his husband, unsure if Kai had felt it but judging from the look on Kai's face it seemed his husband had felt it as well. "It moved" Kai said with a huge smile. "Our baby just moved." "That it did" Sehun agreed, with a smile on his face, resting his head on Kai's shoulder. Suddenly his smile dropped and he turned to where he believed his mother was, now that the man controlling her had been defeated Sehun wondered what would become of his mother. She
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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
740 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!