Twenty nine

The Alliance.
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Sehun must have fell asleep at some point, because he woke up the next morning to fingers running through his hair, causing a smile to curl on his lips, bringing his arms up around Kai from where he was still lying beside him. “Morning my love” Kai mumbled and kissed the top of his head. At some point in the night they must’ve changed positions because Sehun was now further down the bed and Kai seemed to follow him. When he made a move to scoot back up he felt a soreness in his body and swallowed, smiling up and kissing at Kai's bare chest. He thought of last night, how amazing it felt to give his body to Kai once again and receive the Warlock’s in return. The soreness just made him blush and it wasn’t as painful as he thought it might be considering how rough Kai was.  “How are you feeling?” Kai's hand moved down to circles on Sehun's lower back, and to his belly, he’d been worried before they cuddled up to sleep last night. He knew Sehun felt pleasure but the fact Kai had been rough was a concern. Maybe he had felt just as content as Kai had? He was snapped out of his head as Sehun batted his chest with his palm. After his sleepless night Sehun was drowsier than ever this morning, struggling to stay awake. "I want to sleep some more." Sehun watched Kai's eyes flutter shut and closed his own, feeling a hand on the back of his neck and into his hair before their heads tilted and their lips met. Breathing in, Sehun placed his hands on Kai's shoulders and welcomed his husband's hand that wasn’t in his hair, onto his waist, their kiss unhurried and in complete contrast to the kisses they had shared last night. Kai hummed into it and circled his arms around Sehun, fingers between his shoulders. “Did I hurt you?” Kai let his hand rest on the small of Sehun's back as he spoke, letting their lips stay simply resting together. Sehun shook his head slowly, frowned and nodded then proceeded to shake it once more. "A bit, I think?" Kai only chuckled at the mixed messages, hoping that he wasn’t hurt.  "I’m a little hurt but i enjoyed it…" Sehun hummed and sat up in the bed, wincing only slightly at the feel of the pressure on his lower body before he rubbed his neck and sighed. "It's healed." He closed his eyes as Kai pushed up to him, taking his chin between his thumb and finger and pushing it to one side where he then began to kiss at the scarred skin. "Of course it's healed. My saliva aided with that." Kai told him as he continued to leave kisses on the bite mark. Sehun felt his stomach flutter as he gripped one hand to the sheets over Kai's leg, the kisses were sending tingles through him because of how sensitive his neck was, the moment he felt a wet tongue over the shape of the mark he swallowed and clenched his eyes shut, letting out a moan he couldn’t control. Kai chuckled and moved back, his fingers over Sehun's face. “We need to be careful or I’ll only want you again” Kai grinned and Sehun gave him a shove to his chest as Kai got out of the bed and out of reach. "You’re the one with the problem keeping your hands to yourself" Sehun said but Kai didn’t miss the way Sehun's was looking over his body as he stood there.  "Same as you my love, I bet you want me beside you right now." Sehun continued to stare, eyes lingering on Kai's body This only proved Kai's point even more and he folded his arms laughing and shaking his head "Hopeless" He smirked and walked towards the window. Sehun stayed where he was, he was half hard but that was mainly because he’d woken up with it. Kai's body beside him only kept it going, now he was gone he couldn’t get the image of the Kai's body and the way he’d reacted to him out of his head. Sighing and rubbing his hands over his eyes, he turned to the window to see Kai stood leaning against the window frame with one of the shutters cracked open and letting in mild air. He was looking outside, his back to Sehun, body limned in white light blowing in through the opening. “Did it rain?” Sehun asked, curled up on his side, and tugged the blanket a little higher up his thighs. “I think it did.” Kai was smiling when he turned around to look at Sehun, pushing the window shut and using a hand to rub at his shoulder. Sehun blinked, his thoughts groggy as he suddenly remembered Kai's injuries from the day before. “How are your injuries?” “My ankle has healed, but my shoulder still hurt a little,” Kai said, walking over toward the bed and crawling on top of the blanket toward Sehun and settling in beside him. Sehun shifted so that he could press his cheek against Kai's shoulder, his eyes falling closed again. "Glad you're better."  Kai made a noncommittal sound and slip a hand into Sehun's hair, fingertips massaging small circles on his scalp. A tingling sensation ran through Sehun's skin, first just his head but spreading down to the nape of his neck and down his spine, and he couldn't help but make a small sound of pleasure, every muscle in his body relaxing at once. “Mmm. S’good….” “You need breakfast,” Kai said, his tone brooking no argument. “I’ll tell your sister to have something brought up. What are you hungry for?” Kai placed a hand on Sehun's belly gently caressing the little bump.  Sehun looked at Kai for a long moment before he reluctantly got out of bed. "I'll go see what is in for breakfast!"he said, heading over to his wardrobe to fetch his clothes. When he caught his reflection in the long, precious mirrored glass that hung on the door Sehun paused again, just looking at himself, trying to see any differences. True his stomach was now bigger, and there were more flesh on his bones than before, but that was it. He didn't look pregnant. He tried to imagine himself round and gravid, heavy with child in a couple of months or so. “I’m going to be fat,” he said finally opening the wardrobe door and pulling out a tunic, slinging it on, hiding his body away. “Don’t be absurd,” Kai said, and Sehun could feel his eyes on him, even without looking. Kai was mesmerized by Sehun. His body was illuminated by the daylight, his face was softened and natural while his dark red hair was flopped to one side. “You’re going to be more pregnant. It’s hardly the same thing.” “I’m already pregnant. I’m going to be fat,” Sehun said looking over his shoulder at where Kai was sat with his back propped up against the headboard, and felt a fine shudder of attraction run through him, similar to the feeling of having his head before, just looking at Kai. His husband. “You like the way I look now,” he said, making it a statement instead of asking the question he wanted to ask. “I’ll love the way you look when you’re nine months pregnant, too,” Kai said firmly. “I love you-in-general.” And Sehun smiled, pleasure and affection running through him from head to foot, toes curling against the cold flagstones as his eyes crinkle at the corners, a palpable feeling of happiness flooding his body and warming him from the inside out. “I love you, too,” he turned around to face Kai. "How about I take you to see Blink after breakfast? Joo-hyun had asked me a few days back, she wanted to see Blink again." An even brighter smile curved Kai's lips as he nodded vigorously, clearly pleased at the thought of seeing Blink again.“Thank you, I would love that.” he said still smiling. "How has she been doing? I miss her." The last time Kai saw Blink, she was the size of a horse and he was sure she had grown bigger over the months.  "Oh, you won't recognize her now, she has grown really big. And now I do ride her." ****   As they walked deep into the mountains, Sehun suddenly came to a stop and unhooked a polished horn from his belt as he gazed up at the rocky mountains with its wide clumps of twisted trees. “Remember don't get scared and run. Running triggers hunting instincts. She might be familiar with you but that wouldn't stop her from chasing after you if you run." Kai frowned. Sehun had been saying that since the moment they left the palace, but this was Blink and Kai had known her since she was a dragonet. He hadn’t attempted to back away from her since the day he met her. “I know it's just Blink, we're familiar with each other. and I know she wouldn't be as big to frighten me. Besides I've met Blink's mother and I guess there isn't any dragon bigger than her, ”  “You say that now.” Sehun smirked and raised the horn to his lips as Joo-hyun snickered. Kai began to feel a little nervous about how much bigger Blink was. Now. More over he wasn't sure if the dragon would recognize him because the last time they've seen each other, Kai was still a dwarf and now he wasn't any more. The blast from the horn was louder than Kai expected it to be. It easily carried over the distance and echoed up the mountains. Sehun blew long bursts of sound, one after another. Hearing him blow the horn so many times with nothing happening was oddly eerie. It set Kai's nerves on edge, anticipating what was to come. The silence stretched, only the rustling of the wind could be heard after the echoes of Sehun's horn tapered off. Kai wondered how far the dragon regularly flew. Did she stay on the mountain or did she travel? What if Blink was out hunting and was nowhere near by to hear Sehun's call? A resounding roar rumbled down the mountain. It was a sound unlike any Kai had heard before, as if the mountain itself was responding. A chill ran up his spine. Sehun blew the horn again and the roar answered, louder and closer this time. Joo-hyun shaded her eyes and looked at the sky. Kai couldn’t bring himself to look up. All he could do was focus on the large shadow racing along the side of the mountain. His lips felt cold. He desperately hoped the sun was playing tricks on him by stretching the shadows beyond what they should be. Surely a dragon could not be so large. Another roar rumbled overhead. Too loud. Too close. Kai's feet stumbled backwards on their own accord. Joo-hyun's hand shot out and gripped his wrist. She shook a finger at him. Whatever words she meant to scold him with were lost in the pulsing beat of wings. Great gusts of wind raced along the scraggly grass, kicking up dirt and dust. Kai and Joo-hyun both brought their arms up to protect their faces from stray pebbles. Kai peered between his arms to see Sehun standing further ahead, calmly watching his dragon as it landed before him. It was gigantic, bigger than the size of the biggest dragon Kai had seen. Its wings were massive and took up most of its body, stretching from the base of its neck to the base of its tail. The sun backlit the thick skin of its wings, making them glow. Five long bones worked through the wings, ending in deadly hooked claws. The landing process was long. Blink's tail whipped around wildly, trying to balance as she pitched forward and folded her wings, letting them wrap around themselves to form long folded arms that ended in those giant claws. In comparison, the torso was thin, as if it was made to always be in flight and have as little room as possible for the rest of its body. Still, it was as big as two massive tree trunks. When the dragon finally settled, Blink tossed her head back and blew out a breath that made the air shimmer with heat, bits of fire at the tough skin around . The dragon was breathing fire. It was big enough to see humans as barely a snack. How in the stars could Sehun ride such a thing? This wasn't the dragon Kai was familiar with, this mighty beast look nothing like the cute dragon he knew. The only thing that made Kai believe it was really Blink was her scales color and horns. Kai continued to stare at Blink with his mouth agape, now Sehun's warning did really make sense. “Hey, sweetheart. How are you?” Sehun grinned up at the terrifying beast like it was some cuddly pet. A muted rumbling echoed in the dragon’s chest as Blink bent down to look at Sehun. Long horns spiraled off the back of her head, causing it to appear all the larger for it. The dragon's skull was as big as Sehun was tall, minus those giant horns. Blink's head dropped down and pushed against Sehun's back, pressing him into the long curved neck. Kai had a wild mental image of Sehun being swallowed whole. Sehun's arms reached up and wrapped around the giant head, hands firmly rubbing against rough and bumpy skin. The dragon rubbed her face along Sehun in return, over and over again, causing Sehun to stumble more than once. He didn’t seem to mind, if his grin and laughter were anything to go by. “I missed you, too. Have you been good?” The dragon just rumbled and flicked her tail in response. Kai realized they must be having a telepathic communication or something. Kai felt rooted to the spot, his body arguing with itself on whether or not to run. He was completely certain that there was no controlling such a dragon. None at all. If one day someone irked it in the slightest, it could toss its head and end a life. A single thrash of its tail could decimate a house. Become partners with a dragon? It would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. It was a miracle– according to Kai– that Dracoland still exist and those Snowlanders were still alive in the face of such a creatures.  The dragon tilted her head, one large eye gazing hard at Kai. Sehun turned to Kai and held out a hand. Kai let his face show what he thought of that gesture since his lungs refused to fill enough to allow him to speak. Sehun frowned. “I have to introduce you to her again, she still knows you but now that you seemed different I think it will be good to let her know it's still you.” A thousand incredulous remarks rushed through his mind but none managed to force their way out of his mouth. Joo-hyun, the little betrayer that she was, planted her hands against Kai's back and pushed, forcing his reluctant feet to stumble closer to his obvious death–if Blink refused to recognize him. A very unmanly noise built in his thro
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!