Extra 1

The Alliance.
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  Taehyung groaned, flailing his limbs as he tried to get out of bed, his hand sufficiently landing a hit to his husband's face, but Taehyung attention was on his daughter that was crying as though some one was ripping her stomach open. Though Yoongi didn't even move a finger, he was still sleeping despite the chaos. As he placed his feet on the floor, Taehyung stepped on something that he couldn't tell what it was and one of his feet got stuck in it causing him to crash on floor as a series of curses left his mouth. Looking down he realized it was one of his daughter's toys. A weird apparatus used for molding. Groaning and flinging the toy to the side, he stood up and stumbled on his way to the crib, he managed to avoid his daughter's toys that were laying in every corner of the room. Just as he reached his little girl and was about to pick her up, one of Yoongi's discarded robes got tangled between his legs and Taehyung lost his balance again as he fell face first on the carpeted floor and he let out a cry of his own. Because Damn that hurts. "The is happening?" He heard Yoongi's voice, probably awaken by the sound of Taehyung's heavy fall. Taehyung didn't bother to answer his husband as he managed to stand for the second time and this time he was fortunate to reach his daughter without clumsily falling again. "Shh" he soothed, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "What's happening?" Yoongi asked, coming to stand beside him. "She's been crying and i fell two times before I could reach her." Taehyung told him, pouting and one of Yoongi's hands came to rub at his back. "You're always falling my love." Yoongi said as matter-of-factly, reaching to take the girl from Taehyung. Taehyung wordlessly passed the girl over, after all Yoongi was far more better at caring for their daughter than Taehyung. He watched as Yoongi soothed her with a little fae magic and the girl instantly went back to sleep. "I think we should take her to bed with us." Taehyung suggested but Yoongi shook his head with a small chuckle.  "Not with the way you sleep." He said, leaning to place the girl back into her crib. "You're going to ing crush my princess while we slept." Taehyung pouted again, but he knew his husband had a point, because it wasn't in his nature to sleep in a certain way all through out the night. Rather he preferred to roll around in bed and that would definitely end up in a disaster if their daughter was in bed while he did that. "Whatever." He turned around and headed for the bed, only to fall once again after taking a few steps. He heard Yoongi snickered behind him. "See, it would have been two of you on the floor right now." Huffing, Taehyung decided to ignore the truth in his husband's words as began crawling back to bed instead of walking since it seem he couldn't take a few steps without loosing his balance tonight. When Yoongi joined him, Taehyung shifted closer so he could lay on Yoongi's chest. "Should we ?" He asked. "Now?" Yoongi said and Taehyung lifted his head to look at his husband. "Yeah, you don't want to?"  "Not that I don't want to but we have to wake up early in the morning to go see Mama and you know we usually don't stop with one round." Taehyung hummed in agreement, their love making section usually take more time than it would for normal couple, because they'd several times like rabbits and both wouldn't get tired. And tomorrow like Yoongi had said would be the day they're to visit the former monarch in her eastern palace. A place where she had chosen to live in after passing the throne over to Yoongi when their daughter Mina was born. "And besides, I think there's a chance we're going to wake Mina up." Nodding, Taehyung rested his head back on Yoongi's chest. "You're right. Let's just sleep then, I also want us to visit Enchancia after visiting your mother. I missed my family. Especially Soo-Jung." A smile curved his lips at the thought of his niece. "Whatever you want my love. And I also miss Sehun. I haven't seen him since told me got pregnant again ." Taehyung chuckled. "That's only a month ago. " "And a month is quite long, don't you think?" Taehyung only shook his head in affection. Sehun and Yoongi had become best of friends for a while now. It had been almost a year that the two swore their friendship and since then Yoongi would ask Taehyung to portal him to Enchancia every week or two to meet his friend or Sehun would come visit. "I agree, it's been long this time. I wonder why he hasn't to come see you instead." "He's an emperor Tae, he have four kingdoms to rule, he's pregnant and has a baby to take care of at same time." Yoongi said defensively. Though Taehyung hadn't said the previous sentence in accusation. "Yeah." He began playing with Yoongi's and Yoongi groaned. "You're asking for it darling."  "Of course I am asking for it." "We're traveling tomorrow." Yoongi reminded. "Yeah, I know, but it's not like we need Pegasuses or . I can portal us there in a heartbeat. So you don't have to worry you might fall off your ride from lack of sleep." Grinning and shifting to pin Taehyung down, Yoongi placed a kiss on Taehyung's lips. "You're right there." He said. "But you have to be quiet, let's not wake our daughter while in the middle of ing." Yoongi punctuated his words with a roll of his hips. "I think I am going to make you pregnant like my friend." Taehyung's eyes widened and shook his head several times. "No, I don't want to get pregnant while Mina is just five months. Not at least she's a year old." "Alright," Yoongi buried his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck. "I'll continue with the birth control for a while then." Taehyung let out a breath of relief as he spread his legs to give Yoongi better access.
"Grandmother look, they're trotting." Luhan pointed at the dragonets, trying to walk on their tiny legs. It was Saturday, his and Zitao's free day and Luhan had decided to drag his husband to visit his grandmother, Chunyi in a village– not so far away from Dracoland capital–where the old lady had chosen to live. His grandmother despite being a noble blood had chosen to live a life as a commoner. She used to be a powerful business woman with lots of influence, the matriarch of Xi house. But she had given up all of those when she lost her son and daughter in law. From what she told Luhan. His father Xi Qinghe had met his mother Lui Zihua during one of Qinghe's visits to Banxanda, his father was invited to attend a friend's wedding and when Qinghe got back, he brought back a woman he said to have fallen in love with and gotten married to in Banxanda during his four months stay in the kingdom. Luhan's mother was an orphan with no any family member and that had made it easier for her to follow Qinghe to Dracoland wholeheartedly. The old lady didn't question her son's choices and accepted Luhan's mother into the family with opened arms, according to Chunyi, Zihua was the daughter she never had. They were living happily until one day another highly influential Lord set his eyes on Zihua and became infatuated with her and back then she was already seven months pregnant with Luhan. His grandmother tried to use her influence to keep Lord Su in check. It worked only for a couple of months. Then one day when Lord Su learned that the Xi matriarch was out of town on a business, he sent six of his men to kidnap Luhan's mother and his father couldn't stand and watch his wife being taken without a fight. The fight resulted in his father getting killed and his mother being taken. When Xi Chunyi got back, she was met with a burned house, with nothing remaining of its old glory, a missing daughter in law and a dead son. Having the ability that allowed her to see the events that occurred with a single touch of an object, she was able to find out what happened. With immense grievances and rage that she had never felt before, Chunyi buried her son and set out to retrieve her pregnant daughter in law. When she got to Lord Su's house, Chunyi tried to control her temper knowing her daughter in law and grandchild's life were at stake. But despite trying to resolve the issue in a diplomatic way, she still lost it when she realized her daughter in law had given birth and the child had been sold to a man and taken far away from Dracoland, while her daughter in law had lost her life in the process. Chunyi ended up killing a couple of men while she succeeded in severely injuring Lord Su. It was in the process that Queen Artemis(Sehun's mother) learned about the issue and sent her guards to arrest Lord Su with a promise to bring justice to Chunyi's family.  After burying her daughter in law with a heavy heart, Chunyi couldn't stand it when she heard Lord Su had been sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the dungeons and– not just Lord Su but–  the whole of Su family had been stripped of their rights as Nobles since the snowlanders didn't sentence their own to death. Chunyi felt it was unfair and the justice she had hoped for hadn't been served, because Lord Su had taken away her family in a span of days. That was why she took the matter into her hands.  With the help of a guard she had paid handsomely, Chunyi was able to sneak into the dungeons and slit Lord Su's throat. And only then did she felt the satisfaction of justice being served even though she knew it wouldn't bring back her family back but it should be that way. A life for a life. And surprisingly the queen(Sehun's mother) did not ask her to give up her rights as a Nobel for going against her orders and had instead offered to compensate her by rebuilding the house that was burned. But Chunyi had politely refused, because she couldn't bring herself to live in that house anymore, so she left in search of her grandson and she spent fifteen years wandering around from cities to villages and kingdoms until one day she met a seer that told her, her grandson had escaped his foster father's clutches and was living well and he'd come find her when the time was right. She thanked the woman and offered her a lot of goodies but the seer had declined and had said she was given the ability to help others not make fortunate out of it. Hearing that, Chunyi finally returned to Dracoland, but instead of living in the capital like she used to, she had decided to live in a small village, where she built a cottage, helping the village folk with anything she could. Like helping their animals and dragons since she also had the ability to heal animals and she had been doing so since then. Luhan let out a deep breath when he felt Zitao's presence as his husband hugged him from behind. His gaze landed on Chunyi whom was looking between her grandson, his husband and the dragonets with a warm smile. "Of course, they're trotting, in a few days they'll terrorize me to no end." She said, picking up a baby dragon into her arms. She looked younger than her actual age, no one would think she was his grandmother, but rather his mother. Even though she looked nothing like the fierce woman she once was, there was still that power radiating from how she carried herself.  And despite not knowing of her existence until a year ago, Luhan felt that he had known her his whole life. Having her in his life had numb the pain of not knowing his parents.  "Are you okay love?" Zitao whispered into his ears. Smiling, Luhan leaned back against his husband's chest and Zitao tightened his hold. "More than okay." And he meant it because he was happy to have a family member and a husband that he loved and was certain would help expand their little family very soon. "Let me clean up and make dinner. How about you boys spend the night again? I would love it if you stay a little longer." Chunyi said, putting the dragonet close to its mother before turning to face them. "We'll love that too." Zitao answered for both of them, dropping a kiss to Luhan's shoulder. Clasping her hands like an excited child, Chunyi led them both into her cottage her smile never leaving her face.
***** "So Lord Wu, that's your family name right?" Minseok asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin as he stared intensely at Yifan. Yifan nodded, placing his fork down before he spoke. "Yes Sir." Yifan had been invited to have dinner with Jennie's parents, and sitting with her two fathers made him nervous. They had been in a relationship for a year now and Yifan had proposed to her a week ago. This was the first time he was officially meeting Jennie's parents as her fiance. He had expected the Kims residence to be extremely extravagant, but despite the lavish splendor, it gave off a cozy homey feeling. The decorations were limited, only a few paintings were hanging on the walls. His lady was seated close to him, but she had her attention on her father(Minseok), who was watching every move Yifan made. She knew her carrier father could be exc
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!