Thirty three

The Alliance.
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  This is the longest chapter, but please do read it carefully or else you might miss some important things.    
Kai watched with bated breath as the last of the dead walked over to join Junmyeon's army.  Waiting for his brother to start sending his minions, Kai took a defensive stance, beside him Sehun had joined along with Blink, fire and ice ready at his finger tips. Joo-hyun, Seulgi, Yifan, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jennie, Minseok and Jongdae all took the front line on either side of Kai and Sehun. Some of the revenants were snarling, wanting to kill and obey their master, some making wired sounds while the others just stood there doing nothing, truly like the dead they were. Some were familiar faces that Kai had just fought alongside moments ago and it made anger bubbled inside him. Kai vaguely noticed the warriors of Ilda, Uxtan and the Enchancia taking positions behind them. He was truly expecting Junmyeon to attack but what he never expected was for his brother to raise a hand and the noises coming from the revenants stopped as he began to speak. "Disappointed enough brother?" Junmyeon said, body slightly swaying in delight. "But let's not talk about your disappointment on how you couldn't kill me and get down to business. Being the kindhearted and honorable man I am," he continued and Kai didn't know when a scoff escaped his lips. Junmyeon looked at him, his eyes darkening as though Kai had offended him. "You do not think I am honorable?" Kai didn't bother to waste his breath on his brother and instead waited for Junmyeon to finish whatever it was he intended to say. "Very well, I will prove to you that I am an honorable man. " He grinned, eyes flickering to Sehun and the dragon. "I will give you a day to prepare. None of my revenants are going to harm any of you today. But tommorow! Be ready for a battle by the river just outside the capital." He fisted his hands. "I cannot wait to wash Enchancia with your blood. All of you." His eyes darted to each and every royal of Enchancia, Ilda and Uxtan. "My soldiers and I are going to camp a little far from the city, in the mountains and I dare any of you to try sneaking into my tent.The battle horn will be blown before the first light."  He made a gesture with his hand."See you in battlefield brother!" and the beast he was riding on top turned its enormous body around and just like that he was gone. The revenants made way for their master to pass as they immediately followed after him. Kai watched, still not letting his guard down until Junmyeon and his army were out of his sight, only then did he turned to face his uncle. "Uncle, send words to Banxanda. Now" he ordered. "Yes your majesty!" Minseok bowed in a playful way and Kai sent him a glare. "Okay, okay, I will do so nephew." "Namjoon bring the rest of our warriors to Enchancia." He then looked to Jimin. "You open a portal and let them through." Both Namjoon and Jimin bowed before walking away to carry out their orders. Kai then turned to face his husband and the others standing beside him. "The rest of you follow me." Kai only slowed down when they reached inside the palace as Taeyeon, Sooyeon and Hyoyeon joined them. He paused to look at the palace for a while before he led others into the council room. "Sehun how are we going to get the snowlanders here quicker? I've never been to Dracoland and I am afraid none of the Warlocks have." Kai said swirling around to look at Sehun. "Warlocks cannot create a portal to a place they don't know or have never been to." Sehun gave him a smile, and Kai watched as his husband placed a hand on his bump. "Do not worry my love. The Draco royals have a special gift to open a door way similar to a portal from anywhere around the world. Though I've never tried it before but my cousin told me all I have to think of is home– Dracoland and the door will open." Sehun told him. Kai hummed. "Can you try bringing Baekhyun over now?" Sehun nodded and he closed his eyes in concentration. And they all waited for something to happen but even after several minutes nothing seemed to be happening. The pregnant male groaned and opened his eyes. He stared at Kai for a moment before taking a deep breath and Kai watched as Sehun's eyes changed from deep hazel to gray and red. The same color they changed when Sehun was using his powers but now there wasn't any trace of fire or ice on Sehun's fingertips. A cracking sound made Kai to avert his eyes from Sehun and looked to the source.  Behind him a screen like a door way had formed and he could see the things happening from the other side. The first person he saw was Chanyeol gripping his sword as he paced back and forth with an expression that one could name as helplessness. Next to Chanyeol was a girl not more than ten years of age, she had a similar expression on her but only more intense and it looked more like anger than helplessness. "Chanyeol!" Kai called before he could stop himself. Amidst the heavyweight in his heart, Kai felt a little lightness. He was happy to see his knight, it had been quite a while since he set his eyes on Chanyeol. Chanyeol upon hearing his name quickly turned around and his eyes instantly widen before jumping into the council room Kai was standing in. "Your highness!" He bowed and Kai waved a hand before pulling Chanyeol into his arms.
"Oh Hecate! I missed you." Chanyeol said gracefully retuning the hug. Patting Chanyeol's back a couple of times, Kai broke the hug to look at his knight. "How have you been my dear friend?" "I am good and–" Chanyeol began to say but was cut off by the girl that was still standing at the other side of the doorway, her eyes darting around as though to make sure the people there weren't going to harm her. Her eyes lit up the moment they landed on Sehun and she instantly crossed over. "Uncle Sehun!" She called enthusiastically and trotted to where Sehun was stood. "Bong-Cha! Look at you, you've become even taller from the last time I saw you." Sehun held the girl, smiling warmly at her. Kai wasn't surprised to see such sight, he was very much aware his husband had been good with kids. "Where is Baekhyun?" Sehun asked, lifting his head to look behind her. Chanyeol stepped closer and bowed to Sehun. "Your majesty!" Sehun inclined his head in response.  "Baekhyun is currently with his father." Chanyeol said. "Apollo was me met with an unfortunate situation this morning when some one broke into the dungeons to get Yixing out. He was stabbed." "Yixing had been out?" Luhan asked suddenly and everyone looked towards him. "It must be Junmyeon then." He nodded to himself. "After all Yixing is his lover." Kai vaguely remember who this Yixing person was but he was extremely surprised to hear he was Junmyeon's lover. So even people like Junmyeon were cable of love. "By the angel! How is he now?" Sehun asked and even a child could tell the concern in his tone. Of course he would be worried, after all this Apollo must be Sehun's uncle, his mothers only brother. "We don't know, but papa is giving him some of his spiritual energy. He is going to be alright. He ing has to be– ow Dada, why are you hitting me" Bong-Cha scowled looking at Chanyeol. "Language Bong-Cha!" Chanyeol scolded. "Dada?"Jennie was the one that asked, amusement shone in her eyes. "You're her father?" Chanyeol nodded, and there was a blush dusting his cheeks. "Yes" "He's going to be my Papa's future husband. And they're going to have more babies just like uncle Sehun and his husband– papa doesn't know though but I still call Chanyeol my Dada and he never protested." Bong-Cha explained, grinning up at her future step father. "I am clairvoyant." She finished with a proud grin. Kai wasn't much interested in all that she said, the only thing that made him react was the middle and end of her statement. He and Sehun are going to have more babies, that meant neither him nor Sehun were going to meet their end tomorrow?. "Goddess above!" Jennie smiled. "That's wonderful Chanyeol." She patted his shoulders with both hands. "Thanks."  Bong-Cha then turned towards Luhan and jumped on him, giggling as she did."Uncle Luhan! I thought I wasn't going to see you again. How have you been? Where is Zitao, have you found him, are you two married now? Is he pregnant already?" She rambled on and Luhan chuckled, patting her head before slowly putting her down. "Now, now little warrior. He's right beside me and I am going to wed him after all this is over." He said pointing at the blushing man beside him. Bong-Cha made a 'Yi' sound as she stared at Zitao. " he's pretty– ow ow, ow, come on Dada." She protested, shifting from side to side to avoid her step father's hand as she landed into Joo-hyun's arms.  It really seemed Chanyeol had his hand full with such energetic child. Bong-Cha let out another Yi sound as she grinned at up at Joo-hyun. "Hey beautiful!" She winked and Kai's almost had a heart attack from the girl's antic. "Missed me?" Princess Joo-hyun actually blushed, turning her head slightly to look at Seulgi who was staring unblinkingly at her. "Uhm how are you Bong-Cha?" She said, adjusting the girl to stand properly. "Good! And how are you?" Joo-hyun looked over to her lover and smiled before nodding. "I am great." Bong-Cha whistled, eyes going to Seulgi. She watched her from head to toe for a moment before nodding to herself. "She's perfect for you." She told Joo-hyun. "Thanks!" Everything seemed normal, like a happy reunion between friends if only Kai forgot about the impending war. And Kai watched as the energetic girl, move from one person to another, chatting animatedly and making new friends untill finally Baekhyun joined them. Sehun and Baekhyun shared a heartfelt reunion, hugging for a very long time as though both afraid to let go, until finally Bong-Cha joined the two in a group hug."So good to see you are well" Baekhyun said as he finally pulled away. "It's good to see you too cousin." Sehun smiled. "How's Apollo doing?" "Sleeping, But he's better." "That's good." Baekhyun brought a hand to rest it on Sehun's belly and Kai could not help the growl that left his throat. Baekhyun turned around , fixing him with a deep glare and Kai instantly recoiled, suddenly feeling like a kicked puppy. Damn! This man was truly scary. He looked like a scary mother-in-law, that no one want to mess with. "Don't bully my husband!" Sehun said with a small laugh and Baekhyun eyes softened as he turned his attention back to Sehun. "Sorry." He smiled at Sehun. "Your husband is being unnecessarily over protective." "Yeah, I cannot help it, it is in my instincts to be over protective of my pregnant mate. But let's focus on the most important matter right now." Kai said and Baekhyun turned to face him once again."The war is about to begin!" Kai told Baekhyun. "The war? What war?" Baekhyun asked looking from one person to another. "The war between the five kingdoms and the army of the Dead." Hoseok said. "Have mercy my goddesses!" Baekhyun gasped. "The Armageddon is truly happening?" "That's right. I've heard of this war as a child but I never knew it would really come to be." Hyoyeon spoke and anyone could see the sorrow in her eyes. "And to think my son is the evil force that needs to be defeated makes it even more unbelievable." She sighed. Kai felt like hugging his step mother to comfort her but knew now wasn't the time, thus he refrained himself. Baekhyun inclined his head in greetings. "Your majesty!" And Hyoyeon nodded back. "I've never heard of this Armageddon before." Minseok said, walking into the room with Jimin and Namjoon. "Not many heard of it. But it was prophecied that the war between good and evil would happen when a dragon's Lord walked the earth again." Jimin said and everyone turned their gazes to Sehun. "What? So my existence is the course of this war?" Sehun asked and Kai could see that his husband seemed confused. "No," Hyoyeon shook her head. "It was a sign to warn us that the war is going to happen and with that we have high chance of winning with the help of the dragons Lord." Sehun slowly nodded and Kai took a closer step to hold his husband. "We're doing this together." He said looking at each and every person in the room "all of us." Kai did not care if the fate of the world revolved around his husband for being a dragon Lord, all he knew was that he would fight to the death to protect the people he loves. It wasn't Sehun's burden to bear alone, moreover Kai's brother was the cause of this mess. He would fight. "Alright let's get to work." Namjoon ever the serious regent said and everyone gave a nod in agreement. No one took a seat and Kai didn't bother to ask them to. He himself only stood by the rounded table, holding Sehun close as he pulled out the needed maps from one of the drawers. Spreading the map on the table, Kai allowed his gaze to wander around the people present and suddenly he felt something heavy weighing in his chest. These people here all believed in him and trusted him with their lives and Kai would do everything in his powers to keep them alive. Even if he would have to give his own life in the process. He have to keep them alive, especially Sehun and their unborn child. But before he did that, he needed to make sure the world was a safe place for his husband and child to thrive in. At least this was a war, a field where he was good at and Kai promised to fight to death if he had to. Taking a deep breath, he pointed at the location Junmyeon chose to camp as he began to explain all the positions they needed to take and how many generals they needed for each troop. "Sehun and Baekhyun would lead the dragon riders. Chanyeol and I would take the front line and would be in charge of the Ildans and Dracoland warriors on foot. Namjoon and Hoseok would take the left side and lead the werewolves." He pointed at the right sight, his eyes fixed on Jongdae. "this should be your area, uncle Minseok should be with you and you're to lead the archers of each kingdom." Jongdae gave a curt nod in response. "Princess Joo-hyun and Dame Seulgi are to be   beside me" he continued, looking at Yifan. " Sir Yifan, Jennie and the other knights should pair yourselves and take care of the back when the battle begins–" Yifan made a disapproving sound at that and Kai quickly began to explain. He did not want Sehun's brother to feel less important. "I do not mean any disrespect towards you, I promise. I am suggesting you attack the revenants that I am certain would creep from behind, wanting to take us by surprise. Trust me I've fought enough wars to know how this works and if you look at it in a different perspective it's like fighting in another front line. And I need someone I trust with my life to take care of me and my people from the back." He looked deep into Yifan's eyes as he spoke the last line. "Will you have my back Sir Yifan?" Yifan smiled and Kai did not miss the way his eyes darted towards Jennie for a brief moment before he nodded. "Of course!" "Good." Kai then turned to Jimin. "Jimin and Taeyeon would be in charge of portaling the reinforcement from Ilda and Uxtan. Also Jimin take a few Warlocks to put a protection ward around the city, I do not want civilians to be involved." Both Taeyeon and Jimin nodded. "Also since you're the most powerful telepath I want you to try controlling the revenants, like make them fight against each other or just take control over the ones you can and make it easier for the warriors to finish them off." "But are you sure Jimin can control the dead?" Chanyeol asked. "I think I can, since they still have consciousness. Even though they're technically dead, their souls are still in them but not just in the right way.  It might not be easy but I will do my best." Kai nodded before he continued."Sooyeon should take the little ones and stay in the castle. Mother!" Kai called and Hyoyeon smiled at him. "You'll be in charge of taking away our enemies' powers. Can you do that?" He asked and the queen nodded almost immediately. "alright. You'll stay out of site, because I am sure they'll target you if they're to find out you're responsible for taking away their powers." "I understand!" She said. "Mother is like another form of Adamas, but instead she takes away someone's powers not their magic. And since some revenants still have the powers and I know
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!