Extra 4

The Alliance.
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      Sehun stared ahead, his hands slowly running over Blink's scales as she drifted into the clouds. He could feel the happiness and contentment coming from the dragon through their bond and Sehun couldn't help but wonder what had caused such emotions to surface.  She came to him this morning with a never ending smile, saying she had a surprise for him and Kai. After taking care of a few matters that needed their attention, Sehun and Kai sent the kids to Ilda before setting off with Blink. Kai was sat behind him, both hands holding firmly around Sehun's waist as though his life depended on it. Knowing his husband's wariness for riding on Blink, Sehun used his free hand to Kai's hands in a soothing manner. Meanwhile, Blink was humming an unusual song as she slowed her ascend.  Curiously studying the dragon, Sehun couldn't help but ask. "Blink what Is wrong with you today?" Blink paused with the song, titling her head to side."Me? Why do ask?" "You're acting strange." "Oh" Sehun swore he heard the dragon's giggles. "Nothing something wonderful happened to me yesterday." "Ah" Sehun's curiosity perked even more. "What is it?" "You're not going to believe." She said, taking a few turns before she continued. "But promise me you won't be upset." "I promise" Sehun said without giving it much thought. Why would he be upset about something that made his peer happy? "I lost my ity yesterday." Blink said. "Oh goodness Sehun I can't believe that was how you felt when you and Kai did it." "What? Blink did you really say you lost your ity?" Blink bobbed her head. "I did" "By the angel! Who dared to take your ity away? Who dared took advantage of my little girl?" Sehun asked, feeling his protective instincts taking over. "No one took advantage of me. It was consensual." "What?" Sehun asked in disbelief. And Blink felt he was going to do something that she wouldn't like. "Sehun, Sehun, Sehun Sehun. No no Sehun don't–" her words died in when she felt a cold sensation on her neck. " that's not pleasant." Knowing dragons were creatures of fire and using fire wouldn't give the effect he wanted,Sehun used his ice on her instead. Kai burst out laughing while Sehun was even more mortified. "Who the hell taught you how to curse?" Sehun asked. "You did." Blink said as a matter-of-factly. And Sehun couldn't retort to that, because he knew Blink was right. She learned that word from him."I am going kill the dragon that–" "He's Kai's peer" Blink blurted out of desperation, ruining the surprise she had planned. Kai abruptly stopped laughing as he asked. "What did you mean my peer." "Details Blink I want details." Sehun said, pausing his ice attack on the dragon. And so Blink began telling on how she felt the pull, to how she discussed it with her parents and how she ended up there and finally the events that followed– "Geez Blink I didn't ask you to tell me how you lost your ity." Sehun said with a grimace. "But you're the one that asked for details." Blink retorted. "I Know but eww, I don't want to know that detail." Blink waved her tail. "Okay." They were silent for a while, all of them lost in their own thoughts until Sehun rubbed his hands down Blink's neck as he spoke. "So tell me did he hurt you in anyway?" His tone was soft and Blink felt touched. "It was unpleasant at first but I later began to enjoy it." Letting out a breath of relief Sehun smiled. "That's good." He patted her head. "Do you like him?" "I do, he's nice and more importantly he's Kai's peer. It seems we're meant to be." "I have a peer?" Kai finally spoke."Like I get to ride my own dragon– by the angel Sehun I don't think I can do it." Kai had picked up on several of Sehun's ways of exclamation and Sehun found himself smiling hearing that. "You're going to be just fine, the bond will guide you." And Sehun was right because it took only a few minutes for Kai to bond with Aigialeus like it was the normal thing to do, like they had know each other for all their lives. It warmed Sehun's heart to see their interactions, especially how Aigialeus showed overt affection towards Blink. Aigialeus was an intelligent and humorous being despite his old age and Sehun couldn't deny the love Aigialeus held for Blink and the respect he saw in those golden slitted eyes. Sehun wasn't expecting it but the golden dragon had bowed to Sehun like how the other Greater Dragons had done. "Dragon Lord, am I worthy to be your peer's mate?" Aigialeus asked after a moment of Sehun carefully studying the dragon. Sehun's eyes immediately went to Blink that was settled next to her mate with Aigialeus's wing curled around her. Blink gave Sehun a pleading look, blinking her eyes like how she liked to do. Rubbing his temple with a sigh Sehun finally turned his attention back to Aigialeus and nodded. "I see that she's happy to have you as her mate and as you have noticed by now, I have a soft spot for the brat." Sehun said and Blink glared at him. "Just treat her good and keep her happy." Instantly Aigialeus nodded and bowed once again at Sehun. "I must express my gratitude for the dragon Lord's acceptance. I sincerely thank my Lord. And I would never do anything to bring harm intentionally to my mate." Sehun nodded. "Ah, you're too polite and formal." Sehun said and Aigialeus's eyes widened. "I Know it won't be easy since I guess that's how you've been from the start but at least don't be formal with me. And I am sure Kai wouldn't want that as well." Kai nodded firmly beside Sehun. "Forgive me my Lord, but how could I not be formal with a dragon Lord?" "Were you like this with the previous dragon Lord?" Aigialeus firmly nodded. "I was." Sehun made a dismissive gesture. "Well I am a different person, can't you see how I am with Blink?" "Yes, I have seen and it was a great surprise to see." "Like I said I don't mind." His eyes went to Blink's. "I am sure Blink will help you loosen up a bit." Aigialeus bowed once again. "Thank you my Lord." Sehun made an impatient sound. "Stop addressing me as your Lord, you're Kai's peer, Blink's mate which makes you family. You're now my family Aigialeus and I don't do this – like my best friend would put it– with family." Sehun smiled widely at the thought of Yoongi, he was certain his friend would pat him on the head with a proud expression and say 'you've learned well.' Aigialeus stared unblinkingly at Sehun, then he threw his large head back and a loud laughter resonated inside Sehun's head.  Their interactions became more family like from then on. Aigialeus would answer to every whiny sound Blink made and Sehun resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the brat's antics. They spent a few hours leaning things about Aigialeus until eventually Aigialeus asked Kai to ride him. Kai had almost freaked out but with Sehun and Blink's assurance and persuasion he finally agreed. Thanks to the times Kai had rode Blink he was able to ride Aigialeus effortlessly for a couple of times until he decided he would vomit if gone for the third round. Afterwards, they asked Aigialeus to move in with Blink, in the mountain close to the castle and like Sehun had expected the Golden dragon agreed, thus they all set back for Enchancia with Kai riding atop Aigialeus and Sehun riding Blink while the dragons flew side by side occasionally allowing their wings to touch.   ****
Fourteen years later.
The royal announcer gave the call. The double doors swept open, revealing the two Emperors to their Court, and people. The Great Hall had been decorated as expected; lavish carpets, food piled high on long tables, and musicians sweeping cheerful music across the room. Sehun caught the first melody being plucked out and instantly relaxed. The sight of Luhan leading the piece made Sehun smile. One by one, he picked out his friends and family in the crowd. Half the places at the long banquet tables had been taken. The rest of their people were standing and chattering loudly, wine loosening tongues and laughter. As soon as the Emperors were announced, the volume quietened. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Sehun knew this now. It was respectful, and he didn’t shy away from his court’s glances. He walked beside Kai, matching the warlock’s strides. As they approached their place at the dais platform, the ever-present thrones awaited them. Aurora stood to the right of her Papa's throne, resting a hand on the arm, beaming down at him. His eighteen year old daughter looked as beautiful as ever tonight, lovely in a gown of maroon velvet. Golden leaves were stitched into the collar and sleeves. Beside Aurora, stood his sister Joo-hyun, her whip was coiled around her arm, glistening almost as fiercely as the pride in her eyes. Dae'in was standing next to Kai's throne, beside him was Scott- now the leader of Dae'in personal guards. Jae'in was standing close to his brother as he rested his head on Hyoyeon's shoulder while the woman wrapped an arm around her grandson. Yifan stood beside Donghae. He gripped Sehun's forearm, embracing him with a warm grin, and then Sehun turned to his waiting father as he hugged him tight. Standing close to Donghae were his wives. Sehun pulled away from his father's embrace to face his mother. Artemis smiled, and he returned it, relaxing. Tonight was a night for harmony.  Tonight, they’d celebrate. Sehun simply raised his mother’s hand to his lips. He placed a chaste kiss to the back of i
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!