Official Ending.

The Alliance.
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Kai paced, anxiously waiting for Seokjin to tell him something. He had been waiting for hours for news of what was happening. Not being there, able to hold Sehun's hand in his and keep his sweaty hair out of his face, to smell his scent and know for certain that whatever was going on wasn't killing Sehun, made Kai even more anxious. When Kai closed his eyes he could see blood on the wooden floor, Sehun's skin pale and cold, an infant gray and shrivelled and still. Such had been the fate of too many carriers to count. Kai should have stayed.  An hour ago he got fed up and ended up running up and down the long flight of stairs at the end of the hall, down to the ground and back up, over and over again until his legs were trembling and his lungs ached with every breath. And there was still nothing. Joo-hyun wasn't any better, she had been pacing anxiously and Kai couldn't even comfort her because he was anxious himself. The worst thing was, Seokjin had asked a few guards to make sure Kai didn't come barging in. But Luckily Jimin had joined them, leaving Jungkook to look after their son. “Childbirth takes a while,” Jimin offered, his eyes tracking Kai's form. “I can’t hear anything,” Kai huffed in annoyance, pausing by the door, stilling his movements just in case. He could hear Sehun's quickened breath and the murmurs of Seokjin and the healers, but nothing else. No cry of a baby, nor the telltale signs of labor continuing. “You should have told Seokjin you wanted to be present,” Jimin replied. “He told me I would be a distraction,” Kai admitted. Sehun's scream tore through the door. Pleas for it to stop followed by another tearful scream. Kai quickly moved to open the door, slightly surprised when the guards remained in his way. He glowered at them, not at all sorry for the way they both cowered. “I’m sorry, your imperial Majesty,” one of them quickly started. “But Master Seokjin specified that he didn’t want you barging in.” Kai looked from one guard to the other. “I’m not going to reprimand you for following Lord Seokjin's orders,” he started, appearing calmer than he was, especially when another one of Sehun's screams was muffled behind the door. “But I will be going into that room. The question remains, which one of you will try to stop me from entering.” Both guards looked at one another, evaluating their feelings towards such a response. They stepped aside, concluding that it wasn’t worth getting into a fight with their emperor, much less a werewolf. Kai didn’t waste a moment before shoving the door open, not at all surprised that Seokjin didn’t even look up from where he tried to examine a struggling Sehun. Sehun's eyes were clenched closed, his hands at the sheets of the birthing bed. His legs were wobbling from the strain of him kicking every time a sharp pain hit him. His whole body was covered in sweat, the shirt he wore was twisted around his partially flailing body. “I told you to stay outside,” Seokjin answered, eyes focused on his hands inspecting the low curve of Sehun's stomach. “And I thought you said, everything was in order– going they way it should” Kai growled, annoyed when one of the healers got in his way. He moved to get beside Sehun, examining him. "What's happening now?" He asked but looked down when Sehun spoke. “Kai,” Sehun weakly called, his eyes groggily opening to see Kai moving closer to him. “Shh, I’m here,” Kai calmly silenced Sehun's attempts to speak, knowing it hurt him to even breathe. “Your imperial Majesty, inhale this,” one of the healers instructed, offering a small bottle to be placed under Sehun's nose. Sehun batted his hand at the bottle. “No,” he protested, weakly turning his head away. “It could hurt the baby …” “It won’t,” Seokjin stated in reassurance, taking the bottle from the healer. “It’s given during all birthings,” he explained as he offered the bottle for Sehun to inhale. “I don’t trust the healers, I Know something is wrong and Seokjin wasn't saying what.” Sehun partially quipped. “Trust your husband, you know I won't let anything happen to you or our child” Kai replied. A soft ache pulled at his heart when Sehun looked up at him, his eyes slightly evaluating him. Sehun weakly nodded, turning his head towards the bottle as a sign that he trusted Kai wholeheartedly for this. He slowly fell into a euphoric unconsciousness, the sedative working fast in his weakened state. “What’s wrong with him?” Kai demanded, moving to place a hand to Sehun's forehead. “He’s male, and this is his first time giving birth.” Seokjin deadpanned in response. “All carriers have worse labors than women. Especially when he has Ildan blood and you know they don't have carriers. But I assure you it would be easier the second time.” Kai's features darkened as he tore his eyes away from Sehun, evaluating Seokjin. “You said he’d be fine.” “I said he should be fine,” Seokjin corrected him, removing his hands from Sehun's stomach to look up at Kai.  "You told us that you felt the child's head." “I swear I felt the child's head when I told you so, but I also felt the child moving sideways– I didn't think much of it, didn't think it would become a problem until an hour ago." Seokjin paused, rubbing his temple." The child had suddenly changed its position. Now in a breached position,” he stated, as if he expected Kai to know what that meant. “Meaning that even cutting the child out at this point might result in injury for either of them.” He drew in a steady breath, watching Kai's expression soften. “Or death.” “Why bother telling me any of this?” Kai snapped, feeling helpless as he held onto Sehun, to feel him as much as he could knowing that Seokjin was bound to kick him back out of the room. “Because, as his husband, you need to make a decision,” Seokjin solemnly stated. “You have to decide, should it come down to it, between Sehun and the child.” Kai looked down at Sehun, watching his features grimace at the pain even in his unconscious state. “That should be Sehun's decision—” “Sehun isn’t in the right state of mind to make that decision,” Seokjin answered. “You know how much he loves this child. From that knowledge alone, it isn’t hard to estimate that Sehun would die to bring a child into this world.” Kai stared at Sehun, knowing Seokjin was right. “Even with the child being a werewolf … Even then, what are the chances?” “The child has a higher life expectancy than others,” Seokjin explained. “The healing factor is weak in newborns, but still present.” He noted the way Kai was unwilling to look at him or offer any answer. “If I cut through the top of Sehun's abdomen and pull the child out that way, it has a near complete possibility of survival.” Kai finally looked at Seokjin, waiting for the inevitable catch. “But Sehun will die,” Seokjin simply stated. Sehun whimpered through his unconsciousness, his body involuntarily trembling through the pain. “Kai,” Seokjin pressed. “I need an answer. The longer we wait, the smaller their chances of survival.” “Sehun,” Kai finally stated, turning to look at Seokjin. “If it comes down to it, save him.” Seokjin solemnly nodded, knowing it wasn’t an easy choice, for anyone to make. “I will do my best to save both.” Kai silently nodded in reply, turning his sight back to Sehun. "Now please step outside. I will do my best to save them both." Kai nodded once again as he existed the room with a heavy heart. "He'll be alright, both of them." Kai heard a familiar voice the moment he stepped out and he lifted his head to see Bong Cha smiling at him. Behind her Chanyeol and Baekhyun stood. "She's seen it, that's how we know Sehun was in labour." Baekhyun said. "Now let's wait for a couple of more hours and you'll meet your child. I've sent for Aunt Artemis, she'll be here soon." Subconsciously, Kai felt a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He nodded and took a seat beside his best friend. Jimin's hands instantly came to rub his back. A few minutes later, the hallway had been crowded, all of Sehun's knights, his family and Kai's own family were all there waiting. It was a couple of hours later just like how Baekhyun had said, that Seokjin walked out with a bundle in his hands."its a princess." He exclaimed with a smile. Kai didn't bother to hold his child as he rushed inside the room to check on his husband. Sehun was still sleeping but he looked better and, a healthy color dusted his cheeks. Kai gently lifted Sehun's shirt, sighing in relief when he saw the faint scar. Seokjin must have used a lot of magic to heal Sehun and Kai was truly grateful.  Bowing, Kai kissed Sehun's forehead. "You did well my love." He whispered lovingly, taking one of Sehun's hands in his. "Thank you." Sehun stirred, gripping Kai's hand. "Kai?" He called in a sleepy voice. "I am right here." Sehun blinked his eyes open as he rested a hand on his flat stomach."The baby?" "She's alright." Kai smiled at his husband. "With the family." Sehun smiled back at him. "Is she beautiful?" "I haven't been able to see her yet, I wanted to see you first." "Oh" Sehun's smile grew bigger. "Now I want to meet our daughter." "Tell me how you're feeling first?" "I feel fine. Just a hollow." His hand squeezed his belly and Kai understood what he meant. As if on cue, Seokjin walked inside holding the child in his arms. His eyes fixed on Sehun with a smile on his face. "I didn't expect you to be awake so soon." He commented walking over to them. "Do you feel any pain?" Sehun shook his head lightly. "No, just hallow and weak." "It'd take time but you'll recover in no time." He said gently passing the girl to her parents. "I'll take my leave now. Send for me if you need me. Your families are waiting to meet you but I guess you two wants to have a moment to yourselves." "Yes, tell them to give us half an hour please."  Seokjin nodded before walking towards the exit. Kai allowed Sehun to hold her first, after all he was the one that did all the work, so he deserved to hold their daughter first. Still laying down, Sehun accepted the baby and placed her gently on his chest, a smile never leaving his face. "Hello there." Sehun said, the baby's head.  Kai watched them with a smile of his own as Sehun continued to speak to their daughter. A moment later Sehun turned his attention to Kai. "What do we call her?" "Aurora." Kai said, he had the name in his mind for a while, if their child turned out to be a girl. Sehun hummed. "Aurora. I like the name." Kai grinned, his hands itching to hold his child now that he made sure Sehun was fine. As if reading his mind, Sehun wordlessly passed the baby over. The first look Kai took at his daughter almost made him drop her out of sheer love he never thought was possible to feel. She had Sehun's dark red hair and nose, but her lips were plump just like Kai's and her completion was also Sehun's. Bowing slightly, Kai placed a kiss on her little forehead and she slowly opened her eyes. His breath hitched at the sight of silvery gray eyes, it was something unique, something Kai had only seen on one person. His papa. His daughter have his Papa's eyes and Kai felt the love for his daughter increased. He had been so scared to think about losing Sehun that he hadn’t thought for a second about losing her. He grieved his decision in his in heart at the moment. He could never forgive himself for making that decision, regardless of having her in his arms now. And Kai felt so much emotions swirling around his heart. He didn't realise what was happening unti
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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!