Thirty four.

The Alliance.
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    At another end of the field,  Taeyeon looked out over the battlefield.  It was awash with color, blue, purple, yellow, and green. It all bled together into one massive blur. Taeyeon realized her brother had opened the doorway for this. He had given aid to those who should be imprisoned or dead…all for a damn throne. Taeyeon trembled gripping her sword tighter, “I never want to be like you.” she murmured, she knew her brother couldn’t hear her…but she hoped deep down, her brother would never stand tall again. Brandishing her sword proudly, Taeyeon dove into the fray. She would protect Enchancia for the honor of her clan, for the honor of her wife, and for the honor and future of her daughter. She would defend it to her last breath, which was why Taeyeon went against her brother and borrowed swordsmanship from the people near by. She wasn't just going to hide and help Jimin open a portal like how Kai had said, Taeyeon was a princess and would not stand by and watch other people fighting for the Royals while she didn't. As she landed the first strike to a revenant, Taeyeon felt as though she had been librated and she continued to fight her way until she reached Junmyeon, until she was standing in front of her brother. Taeyeon stood opposite Junmyeon. She was bloodied and the gold of her dress was covered in dirt. Her deep brown eyes stared at her brother with a look of disappointment and deep-seated hatred.  “It's enough Junmyeon, stop this madness, you won't win.” she spoke calmly despite all the emotions inside her heart.   “Why stand against me sister? I’ve done this all for us. For mother, Taehyung and you.” Junmyeon stated holding his own sword in a loose grip. He looked like he had seen much better days but he was deluded into thinking he could still win, that there as something waiting for him after this was all done.   “Mother, Tae and i didn’t need this!” she shouted fingers tensing around her sword's pommel. “We are fine the way we were!” she yelled, “are you just that greedy brother? Was all you had not enough! Was your royal status not enough! Was your family not enough?” Junmyeon's eyes widened, “Of course you were! I’ve done this all so you would never have to worry for status! You would have never had to want for anything!” he outstretched his arms as if it made sense, “You would have everything at your feet! Money, Power! You could have had it all!” his eyes darkened just slightly, “and then you went and married that useless fae wife of yours.” Taeyeon's own gaze darkened, “Leave Sooyeon out of this!” she took a defensive stance, “She and Soo-Jung are all I could have ever wanted!” Junmyeon stared, “You would raise your sword to your brother?” he growled and stepped forward, “YOU UNGRATEFUL HATCH-“ Junmyeon was knocked onto his back with a swift hit. So far he hadn’t seen it and his sword was knocked away from him. Taeyeon foot standing upon her brother's throat pinning him down. Taeyeon pointed her sword at Junmyeon's throat a look of pure anger on her beautiful features. “You really shouldn’t talk too much when you fight brother.” She pressed the tip of his blade to her brother's neck. “You taught me that.” she told him. "Besides I knew that you were responsible for my abduction." Junmyeon had a look of disbelief on his face for moment, then he burst out laughing as if a sword wasn't pointed at his neck. "You've really grown Taeyeon." He continued to laugh as though she he was the older one. "I never thought I would see a day when you'll point a sword at me. I am sorry I had to abduct you to rile father not because I wanted to hurt you." Taeyeon's hand shook slightly. "Do not speak about father."  "Very well. Then kill me sister. End this brother of yours." He said in an oddly calm voice. No matter how she so badly wanted to, Taeyeon couldn't. No matter how bad Junmyeon was and what he had done, he was still her brother. No matter how much she hated him at the moment, the blood coursing through her veins was still the same as Junmyeon's. "You locked us up, you–" "I had to, that was the only way to ensure my plans wouldn't be ruined. If I hadn't you could have told our precious brother about it all." "There's nothing you could possibly say to justify your actions. Surrender and face your punishment you selfish bastard." At hearing those words, Junmyeon's eyes darkened and with a flick of his fingers, he sent Taeyeon flying across the field. It seemed Junmyeon had only allowed Taeyeon a few moments to herself not because she had really overpowered him but because he let her. "When Sakura came to me with the offer, the first thing I said was you, Tae and mother shouldn't suffer. Yet you still doubted me." "Who is Sakura?" She managed to ask. Junmyeon laughed loud like the manic he was. "A very powerful Necromancer, he had a grudge against father. Father was the one that banished him to Necroland." He said.  "You fool, you allowed some Necromancer to manipulate you?" "No one manipulated me, he gave me a chance to rule the world and all he wanted in return was to harvest more dark magic. He taught me how to make revenants while he feeds from their darkness." "You bloody idiot–" she coughed out a mouth full of blood. "I hate you Junmyeon. I so much wish you're not my blood." Junmyeon's eyes darkened even more as he sent series upon series of dark magic into her system causing Taeyeon to be helplessly in pain. She couldn't do anything and she could feel her life energy slowly slipping."How dare you say that to me, all I've ever did was for you but since you do not appreciate it–" he had yet to finish when he was suddenly engulfed in dragon's fire. The pain in Taeyeon abruptly stopped and she lifted her head weakly to see a red head man– Baekhyun riding towards her, atop his enamours dragon and the fire consuming Junmyeon never ceased. Her heart stopped beating, her breath hitched because if earlier Junmyeon wasn't powerful enough now with dragon's fire fueling his powers, he would be unstoppable. This was a mistake, Baekhyun shouldn't have used the dragon's breath on Junmyeon, it might be effective on the revenants and other necromancers but to her brother– Taeyeon knew, she knew it was like a boost to his powers. Not only he was immune to dragon's breath but it served as turbocharger to him. This was the method he used to kill that Dragon, that it skull served as Enchancia's throne.   ***** The air was heavy with the cries of battle: men clashing violently on the ground while dragons roared and clawed at revenants and beast alike. Junmyeon's flying beasts flew towards them in a long, bedraggled line, slightly thicker in the middle, no formation at all. At Sehun's signal, Chanyeol's dragon and another higher dragon that had the ability to breath ice –whose name Sehun didn't know– flew in to flank Blink, flying a little behind her on either side, and Pashíu brought up the rear, so that the four dragons formed a loose diamond. “There’s a knot of flying beasts over there that  Epona and Laise can break up,” Blink told him inside his head. “And mother– Pashíu can sneak in while they’re distracted.” Sehun pressed a hand against Blink's neck and reached out with his dragon Lord ability to the two dragons in question. “Laise, Epona, I need the two of you to focus on those yellow beasts over there.” He visualized the plan that Blink had thought of. He never knew it was this simple to control multiple dragons at time and it had happened a few hours back when Blink spoke to him clearly for the first time, Sehun had been surprised for a short moment, then he patted Blink's head and continued to communicate with her telepathically and that was how she showed him how to reach to the other dragons through her, until he was able to command them without needing her connection as a greater dragon to give his commands. The dragons called back their agreement, and wheeled off from the main body of their forces. Sehun had another dragon moving forward to fill the gap they left behind. He ordered several more adjustments to the group; the dragons followed instruction well. The distance between the two draconic and beasts forces grew less and less, and then Blink was grappling with a huge flying beasts almost as big as her. The impact jarred Sehun briefly, but he quickly became more concerned about the beast's sharp claws, which were attempting to tear at Blink's underbelly. All around them, Sehun could hear the other dragons and beasts locked in close-combat. “Blink, the formation,” he reminded the Greater Dragon. Blink snarled and pushed off the Blue beast, ignoring taunts to get her to follow. She managed to stay in formation with Epona, Pashíu, and Laise right through the line of beasts, scattering the huddle in the middle. Junmyeon was still on the ground instead of riding on of those flying beasts, Sehun noted. He had no time to wonder what sort of mischief he was up to, because once there were no more beasts in front of them, the dragons formation wheeled around, so that this time Epona was the one at the head. The beasts who’d turned around to engage them were clearly not expecting the maneuver. The closest one flew right into Epona's path; she opened her jaws and released her acid breath. The unfortunate beast immediately veered away, scrabbling at its eyes and emitting loud cries of pain that made Sehun wince. Two of the enemy decided to go at Epona at once, both of them almost larger than her. Without hesitating, she folded her wings and dropped down. Blink put on a burst of speed while Pashíu and Laise drew in tighter, and thus the two would-be attackers were met with a trio of sharp claws and greater bulk. One, a black ugly looking beast bearing many scars, retreated with deep wounds along its flank; the other, a smaller beast, somehow got one of its long wings caught between Blink's bulk and Pashíu's tail, and began plummeting right after disentangling itself but Blink was quick to engulfed it with her fire breath, and Sehun watched as it caught on fire, falling down to its death. Pashíu suddenly looked alert as she made a U-turn but Sehun didn't bother to check where the dragon headed. He knew she could protect herself. Sehun took the opportunity to cast a look over the battle. Only a couple hours had passed, though it felt much longer after the dragons and beasts multiple engagements; the battle on the ground had hardly changed. He spotted Yifan and somewhat felt that the Knight was still fighting the same two opponents as he had been for the past couple of hours but Sehun knew it was because almost all the revenants looked the same save for a few with different kingdoms uniforms.  The rideless dragons were holding their own, though without the protective benefits of a formation, most of them were sporting wounds but they're doing good. And suddenly there was a burst of light; Sehun instinctively ducked as a very forceful energy seemed to cover his entire view. A nearby beast, one of the enemy, gave a loud cry, clearly heartened. Sehun looked over Blink's shoulder and saw Pashíu, cradling Baekhyun in her claws, slowly moving to the nearest safe place. Taeyeon was laying not so far from them and Sehun squinted his eyes to see Junmyeon standing not so far from his sister, his body emitting and vibrating with energy that looked like he was trying to contain. What the hell just happened?. ~*~ Sakurai stood from where he had been casually sitting since the beginning of the battle. He watched as humans and revenants fall, but the more dead that occurred the more powerful he became. Sakurai wasn't at all interested in the people around him, he knew the foolish wannabe king would do his bidding just the way he had hoped. No one scared him, because Sakurai knew he was the most powerful man standing in the whole of this battlefield, not even the greater dragons scared him. The two persons that he could not have an advantage over were the fae royals, prince Yoongi and Queen Chaerin. And both were far away from here. Sakurai had made sure any missive prince Kai had sent wouldn't be delivered. The only person at the present he was a bit wary of was the dragon Lord, the Ildan King seemed really hard to read, and Sakurai didn't like it one bit if he was unable to read a person, which was why he brought the boys mother to distract him if need be. However Sakurai was calm since he knew the Ildan King wouldn't come at him without knowing what or who he was dealing with. That was something he had noticed so far about him. Maybe it was because of the child he was carrying. Ah Sakurai couldn't wait to rip that child out and watch it take its last breath. Then he would enjoy watching the horrible face of prince Kai when he realized he had lost his husband and child. Titling his head, Sakurai glanced at the dragon Lord, but no matter how hard he tried nothing was open for him to see. People like Junmyeon were perfect, easy to manipulate and make fool of. Prince Kai too hadn't been hard to get ,since Sakurai knew his weakness. But this dragon Lord was somehow similar to Heechul, they hardly display what was truly in their minds. His heart darkened at the thought of Heechul. All this was because him. It went back almost three decades ago. Sakurai used to be a powerful and righteous noble and very good friend with king Heechul. Their friendship had extended to their spouses, Hyoyeon being good friend with his wife. But It all came crashing down a few years later when Heechul met and fell in love with that despisal werewolf. At first Sakurai had tried to keep his dislike for those creatures and become friendly with the concubine for his friend's sake but no matter what he did, Heechul's husband never liked him and that was when Sakura realized the feeling was mutual.Despite their mutual dislike, none of them tried harming the other. Oh how wrong he was. When Sakurai's wife had a child after so many years and plenty miscarriages, Sakurai was jubilantly delighted and thus invited all the royals and close friends for a grand celebration. Heechul's husband came as well, with a couple of his werewolves guards that had lingered around his new born child. But still Sakurai didn't see anything unusual until after the next day when his son was suddenly diagnosed with a terrible werewolf curse. Sakurai had tried looking for a cure but couldn't find any, all the best physician couldn't save his son. The only option he had was to turn to the dark side and after trying for years to have a child, Sakurai would do anything to save his child.  A few months later he was able to successfully cure his son  with the help of dark magic but by then the darkness had already settled deep within Sakurai. Hence he tried to sate the darkness by absorbing people's dark energy and it led to series of unpleasant events with his friend. Despite knowing that Heechul's consort was responsible for the curse, Sakurai didn't act on impulse. He confronted the lycanthrope and asked why he did it but the filthy animal promptly denied it, claiming he had nothing to do with it. Sakurai lost it and began fighting the man in a fit of rage. The lycanthrope had had a child then, he was clutching the baby with one hand while he fought Sakurai with the other. Sakurai had to give it to the man, he was a good fighter but he still wasn't a match for someone that used black magic and therefore Sakurai was able to injure the man and the baby in the process. It was at that moment Heechul walked in, at first he was shocked to see the two fought but when he saw his beloved husband and child injured Heechul pounced on Sakura and with a single strike he took off Sakura's right hand. Realizing that Sakurai had been practicing black magic and was responsible for so many Warlocks' death, coupled with his injured family, Heechul didn't wait to hear Sakurai's explanation and banished him and his family to Necroland. Heechul was a powerful man and Sakurai knew he wouldn't be able to take the king down, which was why he wordlessly obeyed his friend and left Enchancia. Unfortunately due the heavy dark energy in Necroland, the son Sakurai had tried so hard to save couldn't survive in such environment and he died within
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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Not a big Kaihun shipper but the story seems interesting!!
Chapter 49: Again, this story is gold. All of your stories are gold. Thank you authornimm
747 streak #3
Chapter 47: I really enjoyed this story, it’s kept me entertained while being home from work with the flu for the last few days. I absolutely loved all the characters but my favorites were the dragons. Blink reminds me of Saphira, but with parents.😁 It was quite a journey but I am glad that Arkan was able to bring Artemis back and everyone had closure and a happy ending. Even Junmyeon felt remorseful for his crimes against his family and others whose lives he ruined.
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 16: Let me recall who Luhan really is
Eu já li essa história há algum tempo, inclusive é a minha preferida, seguida bem de pertinho por Pirate Of The Galaxy.
Parabéns pela maravilhosa escrita!!
Chapter 47: This is real I am so obsessed with your stories. I’m close to finishing all your stories
Chapter 33: I am so excited to read the ending of thjs.
Chapter 14: He finally met Blink!