Meeting him

Talented Rapper


It was like every other Sunday night. Taewoon, Zico and I are in the club. Zico was waiting for his turned to perform. It was going to be freestyle again. We three are siblings. I am the youngest though. Our similarities are that, we love to rap. The difference is that they are way better than me. It was a band performance before him. The guitarist attracted my attention. He seems hot but I could not take my eyes of him. Their performance was done and now it was Zico’s turn.


“All the best Zico Oppa!” I said and gave him a hwaiting sign. He smiled in returned.

When he is on stage, he isn’t that fun and lovely Zico, he is that one badass rapper. Almost all is raps are wonderful and I am jealous of it. I have still a lot to learn. With his mono tone rapping, he amused people splendidly. The audience gave him an uproar applause and cheer. The results were in. Zico was nervous.

“The winner is, ZICO!” They announce.

“OH YEAH BABY!” He said and spins me around.

“Congratulation Zico, this is your third win in a row.” The announcer said.

Zico went up and took the money. Today is a great Sunday night.

Next Morning


I went to the bathroom and did my morning routines. I wore my ironed uniform and when to the dining table. I was there before my brothers. Slow pokes. My mom serves me breakfast.

“Where did guys when yesterday night?” She asked me.

“The usual place and Zico Oppa won again.” I said in a happy tone.

“How long you guys going to do this?” My mom asked.

She didn’t approve us going to the club. She was scared that we going to be kidnaped or something but that doesn’t stop us from going.

“I don’t really know mom, until we become rappers?” I said.

She just shook her head. She is a single parent. My dad died when I was 2. At that time Zico was 3 and Taewoon was 4. Mom took over Dad Company. She didn’t think of marrying again. She really loves dad. Sometimes, I feel bad for her.

After 5 minutes Zico and Taewoon came at the same time.

“Eat fast; if not you guys are late.” My mom warned them.

I was eating my last bread and they were just starting to eat. I am better at eating than them. After 10 minutes, they finished eating. We went to mom’s car as she already waited for us there.

About 25 minutes later, we reached.

“BYE MOM!” We said as we went out the car.

All of us went to the same school, sadly. Taewoon is a senior and I am a junior. Zico, he is in the middle. Even our lockers are near each other. I took my clothes and I went to the ladies change into them. I am having dance class first with Taewoon and Zico is having producer class. I meet Taewoon at his locker.

“You ready to go?” I asked him.

“You go first. I have to meet someone.” He said and kisses cheek.

I went to the room and find Hana, my closes friend. She is a quiet person with a great voice. Unlike me, I can’t sing. Therefore, I choose rapping.

“Park Hana!” I called her and waved at her. She waved back.

“You are early.” She said.

“Is that a compliment or sarcasm?” I asked.

“Compliment” She said.

“I’ll take that as sarcasm” I said.

Did I tell you that she loves to use sarcasm? Now that I did, sarcasm is her language. Just in time, the teacher came.

“Okay class, today we going to mix the junior and seniors.” She said.

Oh great, going to Taewoon again. Even though we used the same dance room, it will be divided into two groups, junior and senior.

“You are going to work in pairs. It must be a senior and a junior. Get moving!” She said.

Suddenly, I felt arms securing my hips.

“We meet again.” The voiced said.

It was my own brother. It seems that Hana was also backhug by her brother, Park Kyung.

“You guys scare us.” I said while holding my chest. The guys were laughing at us.

“That was so funny. Hahaha.” Hana sarcastically said.

“We are sorry.” They said in cute tone.

“Stop doing that. It is disgusting.” I said.

“You are just jealous.” Kyung said to me.

“Eww will never be.” I said.

“Okay class, seems that you guys have a partner, one of you come out here and take a paper in the container. You guys going to work on the dance for a month.” The teacher said.

Taewoon and Kyung went to take the paper while Hana and I continued talking.

“I wonder what I am going to get.” I said.

“Me too. As long it is not hard.” She said.

Taewoon came running and hugged me while Kyung was dragging his foot.

“We got pop.” He said. I was smiling. I love pop.

“What we got?” Hana asked his brother.

“Salsa, we got a freaking salsa.” He said and sighed.

I bite my lips preventing myself from laughing. Salsa isn’t that bad.

“It isn’t that bad. It is y.” I said

“I think Minhee is right. We can do it.” Hana said while waist hugging her brother.

“Are you sure princess” He asked his little sister.

“Yes, I am sure.” Hana said giving a smile.

We were given time to choose a song to dance too. Taewoon oppa picked the songs and I started listening. He really has a sense of music. After choosing, we were sitting around the teacher. There isn’t a lot of student. There are only 30 of us, senior and junior.

“Since you guys already choose the songs, I am going to dismissed you guys early. You guys can go now but don’t forget, only a month to finish it.” She said and we all went out.

As I went to my locker, I receive another backhug. This time, it was Zico. I remembered his class finished first.

“Is it back-hugging you sister day? You guys keep back hugging me.” I asked.

“Taewoon hyung backhug you just now?” He asked.

“In fact, we are partners for our dance class.” I said proudly.

“I am jealous.” He said while pouting.

“Too bad, too sad” I said mocking him.

“Stupid baby” He said and ruffles my hair.

I rolled my eyes. Now is music class. As for Hana and Kyung, they are having singing class. For my class, it is a mixture since there are only 20 people in it.  I went to class and sat on my usual place. The instrument that I learnt to play is Piano. I am a rapper who is interested playing the piano. My class only offers the piano or the guitar. I picked piano as my mom told me that my dad used to play the piano. The teacher came in and the class when quiet. He brought a new student in. He reminds me of someone who I just met. I shrug it off.

“Class, we have a new student. His Kim Myungsoo” the teacher said.

“But I rather be call L” He said

“Well, okay. He is going to play the guitar. Now, you may sit beside of Minhee. Minhee, please raise your hand.” The teacher said.

 I raised my hand. He then came to the place and sat down.

“Hi! I am Minhee, let’s be friends.” I put my hand out.

He ignored my hand. He seems cold.

“Well, it is okay than.” I face the front.

He still didn’t respond. He really has a cold personality. He reminds me of Hana but she still talks. This guy seems mute but he talked just now.

“Class, today we are going to do a short song. You will have to discuss with your partner.” He said.

Pair works? Are you kidding me? He barely even said a word to me.

“Hello? Are you there?” I felt someone shook me.

“Ah, yes.” I replied.

“We have to get started so we can finish fast.” Kim Myungsoo or L said to me.

“Oh okay.” I replied.

‘Crazy women’ I heard him whispered to himself.

“YAH! I am not crazy. It is normal for a person to daze out for a while.” I was annoyed.

“Whatever, just get on with it.” He said

I have a feeling that I am not going to like this guy.


Hello. The first chapter. Sorry if it kinda . Hmm, a close friend mine met with a car accident and cried. I can't meet her since she is in Canda and I am in Singapore. I hope she is going to be fine. Help me pray for her? Thanks. Anyways, byebye. Hope you like the chapter. (:

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Chapter 17: That was the sweetest ending ever! ;____; I love how you named their child Hyunsoo ^^ haha! Great story <3
Chapter 17: waaahhh, I feel like i was in heaven already hahahah, ahem it was like having 3 hubbies here ^^ L,Sunggyu and ZICO.. ^^
Chapter 17: ummmmmmm im 11 im young emiria
Chapter 17: “Don’t look at him like that. I the only guy in there” He said pointing to my heart. OMFG ZICO WHY DO U HAVE TO BE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: I finally get to read this... Its finish already T__T Who did Jiho married with? Me? Hahhaha XD ohhh they got a baby ^^ Its good that ____y girl did not disturb them were young..
Chapter 13: Kyaaaaa-!!!!!!!! So sweet >w< minhee moment with myungsoo........... I love it! Did they made out already? ㅋㅋㅋ XD I couldn't stop squealing like crazy reading this update.. Muahaha Minhyun, you deserve that *Hi 5 Minhee*
damnitlrh #8
Chapter 13: nae!update soon and hwaiting!~XD
damnitlrh #9
Chapter 11: Woah,I love your story and hwaiting!
Im sorry about your father.. rip.. i thought you going to update *pout* hehe nah~ study come first.. you should focus on your exam first ^^ hwaiting!!!! we understand you :')