
Mickey Mouse

It’s been two days since the lesson with P’Ohm (and of course I still can’t stop thinking about him). Now I’m sitting in the music clubroom and practicing my horn. I see P’Ohm and P’Film sitting near, talking and staring at me. Why are they staring at me?  I have a feeling that they’re talking about me.  I decided to stop play and pack my horn (my stuff is about one meter behind these two guys, so I should be able to hear them speaking).

 „Surprised, aren’t you?” 

„He was playing really well. Very focused.”

“Naturally. He’s my student” Said P’Ohm proudly. “I taught him myself”

“You’re more like a nanny!”

“Oi. This kid is playing this well because this P’Ohm molded him with his own hands.”

“You’re right. But how did you manage to make this happen anyway?”

“Plenty of one-on-one sessions.”

“Even by the balcony?”

“I’m talking about playing the horn!”

“Why don’t you get started on Ngoi too? Take on that guy.”


“Yeah, him. Every time I see his face I’d think, he’s so dumb!”

“I might not look like it but I’m picky when it comes to my students. I’ll pass on Ngoi. I’d rather teach someone cute like nong Mick.”

So P’Ohm enjoyed teaching me! And he thinks I’m cute! Now I see he’s about to leave the clubroom. I think it’s time to pay him back for the lesson so I follow him outside to the corridor.


“What’s up? I’m dying to get my breakfast..” He seems kinda bored. Was it a good idea to talk to him right now? While ago he told the other guy that I’m cute and now what?

“I just wanna tell you that I’ll do whatever it takes to master playing C.”

“I doubt you’d be able to pull that off. I’m not underestimating you or anything, but you’re too new at this.”

“Still, I want to be able to play it. After all, I’m Master Ohm’s disciple.”

“Oi. That’s great. It better not be all talk though. Mister Ohm’s disciple.. I like that.” Yeah, he likes what I said! “Just be sure to actually achieve that goal. I’ve gotta run. I’m starving.”

“P’Ohm krub…” Okay, I will do it now. I take it out of my pocket my “pay back gift” (I would give it to him anyway, no matter whether it’s as a thank you or just a normal gift.  If he likes it, I’m willing to do it everyday.). “Thanks for the lessons.”

“Monster Lantern?! How did you know that I’m collecting these cards?!” He likes my gift!

“Well, I saw them on the side of your fridge when I was at your house. I wasn’t sure if you already had this one or not though.”

“It’s genuine too! I don’t have this one yet. Thank you so much! Thank you.. – While thanking me he did something that I’d never expect from P’Ohm. He hugged me. I felt warmth of his cheek on my cheek and I wasn’t able to move. I couldn’t do anything, even hug him back. P’Ohm was happy like a little kid. Thanks to me. “Seriously. Thanks, bro. Thanks a lot.”

“Emm, I’m glad you like it..” I said all the while being so embarrassed. He was still hugging me. My body was starting to drive me crazy. I felt so hot, even if it’s just a normal hug. I guess little long to be normal bro hug. It looks like P’Ohm finally realized what he was doing because he slowly  took one step back and thanked me again (this time in English) without looking in my eyes.

‘Then… I should go get my breakfast.. Anyway, remember to work hard” He tapped me on the arm.


“See you around.” He left scratching his head while I was still standing in the same place, still feeling hot. P’Ohm hugged me, it was real…


Today is the day of tryouts for the Live Contest. As a member of school music club I can watch it. P’Ohm  and P’Noh are judging . It’s gonna be kinda long, so my ma allowed me to stay only if someone will  drop me off afterwards. It’s not a problem since P’Ohm is going to drop off all the juniors that are staying for the tryouts.

The bands were pretty good.  One guy even sang a song (“Too Close”) for our club president, Noh. So I see I am not only one like that in this school,  it was very brave though. When everything ended it was almost 22:00, so P’Ohm took me and few of other boys home. All the way I was quiet, while P’Ohm was joking around with others. I’m just not that type who do that with friends. Maybe that’s why I never had so many friends.. My home is the last one so I was with P’Ohm in silence for nearly 30 minutes. I felt really awkward.  Finally, we reached my home.

“P’Ohm krub.. My house is right here..”

“Oh.. We are here already?” You felt asleep or what??

“P’Ohm.. You didn’t have to pay for the cab fare.”

“Oii, we’re bros. Don’t worry about it.”

“Soo.. are you heading home now or you do you wanna come inside for a bit..?” Oh god, why did I say that?

“Oiii, you’re inviting me inside?” said P’Ohm with a big grin. “Aren’t we moving a bit too fast?” Okay, now my face is all red! When P’Ohm realized that I was embarrassed he added “I mean… I should just get home. It’s that time of a month for my mom” What is he talking about? I don’t understand .  I glance at the sky. It’s not even full moon now.. Whatever.

“You didn’t have to drop me off. You live pretty far from here.”

“It’s not that far!”

“Emm, P’Ohm.  We’re in Minburi. You live in Praram 2.”

“Ah, I had to drop off all the other juniors anyway. You just happened to be the last one. “

“What if… I was alone? Would you still drop me off?”

“Of course. It’s my duty. If I don’t, Noh’d have my head. I’m.. gonna get going then. See you.”

Now I got sad.. I thought it was a pleasure for him.

“P’Ohm! “


“So were you just doing your job?”

“Yeah. See you around.”

When he left, I head inside to see my mom in the kitchen.

“Mom, hi..”

“Oh, Mick. You’re home? How was your day?”

I was tired and not actually in mood to talk, but my mom was happy to see me, so I decide I will sit for a bit and eat with her.

“It was good. The contest was exciting. “

“Did I see someone dropping you off just now??”

“Ohh.. That was P’Ohm. He’s been giving me horn lessons.”

“How nice of him. We live pretty far from the school but he still dropped you off here. You should invite him for dinner at our house sometime when he’s free. I want cook for him. Let’s eat!” She gave me plate with a lot of rice. “Are you hungry? Eat up, sweetie!”

“Dad’s not home yet, Mom?”

“No, probably not for a while. We can start dinner without him.”


“Hm, what is it?”

“Are you tired? “

“Of what?”

“Making dinner for dad like this every night. Is it.. because you feel it’s your duty?”

“I suppose it’s my duty. But I’m happy when I see you and your father happy. Eat up, I did my best today.” She put more rice to my plate. “Don’t worry about this. It’s nothing. Just focus on your school.”

“Jeez, Mom. That’s a lot of food.”


Now I’m sitting on the couch in my room with my phone in hands. I want to text P’Ohm on Kakao.

[Are you home yet?]

No. I delete it.


I just don’t know what to write.. I know I want to talk to him, to thank him for dropping me off or to ask if he is home or something, anything. But I don’t know if we are close enough to send these kinds of messages. I feel my phone starts to vibrate. P’Ohm is calling.


“Hello, yes?”

What’s up? Were you already asleep? I bet you were”

No. Not yet”

Oh. I shouldn’t have called. I could’ve send a Kakao. I just wanted to tell you that… I’m home now. Yeah”

Oh, I see”

Well.. That’s all I wanted to call you about. You should head to bed”

“Yes.. Sweet dreams..”

Wait, Mick”


“Um, I wanna say that.. It wasn’t just my duty. I dropped you off… but it wasn’t something I feltl I had to do. Even if it was just you, I would’ve dropped you off anyway”

In this moment all my sadness gone. What he said just now was exactly what I wanted to hear from him this evening.

Yeah, that’s all I wanted to say”


I hang up and lay back on the couch.  Now I know that we ARE close enough to do this kind of things.  We are friends. For now, just friends.

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marlan44 #1
Chapter 5: Realy nice written story. Would love to read the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Love your story ! Hope you update !
ryein27 #3
I like it...cute..
306yuzu #4
Chapter 5: eaaa . . . . maybe i'm the ert for hoping om take mick's innocen. . . but ommick is too cute . . . i can't help it . . . next please . . hwaiting . . .
YinYao #5
Chapter 5: cute! Mick is still innocent
Chapter 5: Whew... I'm so relief Mick still keep his "innocence" :D
Thank you for your response/fast update.
M9ture #7
Chapter 5: <3 <3 <3 Miiiick.... I think you should include teacher Arm(or maybe it was already there? I forgot XD).
GingerCake #8
Chapter 5: Very sweet! I like it.
Chapter 4: Wah so fast, I bet you make this chap after watching ep 24, hahahaah....
But please....don't make Mick lose his innocence too fast....I will smack Ohm if he act like ert also. Being hard like he himself is still tolerable, but being ert to cute Mick is a no-no :D

Oh well, it is just my opinion.