To Cry A River Of Tears

Best Friends Forever



"Hyung, can I borrow your-"

"Get out," Jinki interrupted his housemate upon entering his room to see the other there. Realizing how rude he had been, he sighs in regret. "I'm sorry, Kibum, I've had a really bad day, could I be left alone tonight?"

"Sheesh, what's got you so worked up, man?" Kibum teased, not fully understanding how distressed the other was. "I just wanted to borrow your-"

"Please, not today. Just leave me alone, Kibum," Jinki hissed through gritted teeth, trying to hold himself back.

"Wow, what's gotten on your nerves, dude?" Kibum seemed to be growingly frustrated as well. "Did Taemin dump your or what?" That was the last straw. Kibum knew of his pathetic crush on the younger, but to use it against him like this, was simply adding oil to the fire.

"I SAID GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM! NOW! WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT ME WANTING TO BE ALONE?! PLEASE!" Jinki screamed at the other. "I BEG OF YOU, PLEASE... Please... Just leave me alone..." He wiped at his eyes furiously to brush away the falling tears that didn't seem to have an end before eventually burying his entire face in his palms, sobbing.

"H-hyung, I'm sorry- I didn't... What's the matter, hyung?" Kibum choked out, taken by surprise by the elder's outburst.

"Kibum, please, I beg of you, just leave me alone... I'll be fine by the morning but just for today, okay? Just don't bother me today, please?" Jinki pleaded with such sorrow that Kibum could feel himself tearing up as well.

"I-I'm sorry, hyung. I'll go. If... If you need someone to talk to..."

"I know, Kibum. Thanks for the offer," Jinki mumbled into his own hands half-heartedly. It was only a heartbeat after he heard the click of the door close, did his legs give way to his weight. He sank down to the ground sobbing and cursing his fate. The worst part was that he knew he had no one to blame but himself. He should have asked Taemin out, should have tried harder, should have joined the younger in gym so that no random hot athlete could steal the younger's heart away. His fingers found their way to a grocery bag he had just brought back with him from the convenience store below their apartment. Within, were bottles of alcohol usually bought by the party animal housemates he had; but Jinki figured that for once, he was the one who needed to get drunk.




Jonghyun returned to their shared housing, swinging a bag of food back and forth. Throwing the keys on the counter, he noticed his housemate sitting on the couch, biting his nails in deep thought.

"What's up, Kibum?" He greeted only to receive no response. Finding it odd, especially from such a talkative and lively person, Jonghyun removed his shoes by the rack and made his way over. "Hey, Kibum," Jonghyun greeted again; this time waving a hand in front of the man. That successfully broke Kibum out of his daze.

"Oh, hey. You're back," Kibum responded, shaking his head lightly to get his focus back in place.

"I bought Jinki hyung's favorite chicken back," Jonghyun announced, bringing the bag by his side up to eye level. "I'll heat it up. Can you call hyung out for dinner?"

"Um, hey," Kibum hesitated, grabbing Jonghyun's wrist to stop him from walking away. "I... I don't know about that. Jinki hyung's really upset about something and he said he wants to be left alone tonight..."

"Well, but he's still got to eat, right?" Jonghyun frowned worriedly.

"I don't know, Jjong. I've never seen hyung this upset before. Maybe it's something I said, but hestartedcryingandsobbing and I-... I don't know what's wrong..." Kibum explained frantically. "What should we do? He's been locked in there crying for hours now, Jjong."

"Should we... Should we call Taemin over? He'll know what to do, right?" Jonghyun asked, soothing Kibum on the back.

"I think- I think it might be because of Taemin. I mean... I was just kidding, but I said something nasty. I-I asked if he was so moody because Taemin had dumped his and that was when he started shouting and crying and... He just looked so broken, Jjong."

"What if it's true?" Kibum asked worriedly. "What if he actually finally gathered the courage to ask and got rejected but all I did was mock him for it? Jjong, what do I do? He's going to hate me!"

"He's wouldn't; it's alright, Kibum. He knows you didn't mean it. Let's just try and think of how to make him feel better, okay?" Jonghyun proposed. "I'll go check on him and see how he's doing. Go on and heat up our dinner in the meantime, will you?" Kibum nods sullenly in agreement, taking over the bag of food from Jonghyun.

Jonghyun walked over to the eldest resident's room carefully, trying to listen for any signs of the sobs Kibum spoke of, but he heard none. Maybe he's already calmed down, Jonghyun thought, after all Kibum did say it has been hours since. Jonghyun cracked the door open silently, carefully not to make the door squeak as he took a peek into the room.

There, Jinki sat on the floor beside the bed, resting his head between the edge of the mattress and the bedside table. The lights were not , and the only source of light came from a laptop where the elder seemed to be watching movies on. He was huddled up in his thick comforter, empty bottles and bags of chips laying in his surroundings, and the bright lights of the computer shining on his face. Jonghyun could see the moist tear tracks staining Jinki's cheeks, and occasionally, a new tear would trace along gently through the made path. At random intervals, he would bring up a bottle of beer to his lips, taking in gulps at the same time; and every time he puts the bottle down, he'd let out a big heavy sigh. The beer was but a considerably light option compared the other empty bottles Jonghyun can make out, and he gets quickly amazed at how Jinki was not passed out drunk by the amount of alcohol he had already taken; at the same time, he understood what Kibum meant when he said he had never seen Jinki this upset before - neither had he. He gently closed the door with a small sigh, leaving the elder to his privacy.

"Is he okay?" Kibum asked urgently when Jonghyun approached him in the kitchen.

"I think he's calmed down a little but he was still crying a little silently. He's just sitting on the ground watching movies and drinking his sorrows away but he was visibly upset about something," Jonghyun explained.

"He's drinking?" Kibum asked in surprise.

"Yea, I know right? Something really bad must have happened for him to resort to drinking," Jonghyun agreed to the abnormality of their mutual housemate. "Are you sure we shouldn't call Taemin? This looks really serious. I mean what if we got it wrong? What if it wasn't because of Taemin?" The microwave dinged and Kibum started to pull the plate out.

"Well, we could call and ask if they had a fight or something... See what he says," Kibum suggested.

"Yea, let's do that," Jonghyun agreed, pulling out his phone to dial for the younger while Kibum set the food on the table. The phone rang, and rang, but no one picked up on the other side. Jonghyun sighed and settled in his seat. "I guess you're right... He's not picking up."

It was only an hour after they had both finished their dinners, did they finally get a call back from Taemin.

"Sorry, hyung, I was in the movie theatre," Jonghyun heard Taemin sigh softly. "Is Jinki hyung home? He has not been answering my calls since earlier. I'm getting a little worried."

"Yea, he's home but... Taemin-ah, did you have a fight with Jinki hyung or something? He's not acting right," Jonghyun asked.

"Me? No, we didn't. We were hanging out when he got this call from his mum about some family emergency. He said he'll call me to update me on things but he has not been responding at all. What's wrong? Is he alright?" Taemin asked. In the background, Jonghyun heard another voice going 'hey, Taeminnie, let's head over to the arcade."

"I don't know, Taemin-ah. He's calmed down by now but he has been crying for hours and-"

"He was crying?!" Taemin repeated in alarm. "Aish, I told him to call me if anything props up. He must have not wanted to interrupt me."

"Yea, he's been crying and drinking and he told Kibum that he just wanted to be alone so he's been in his room since he came back in the afternoon... What are you doing anyway, Taemin?" Jonghyun asked, curiosity winning over him. He could already hear the sounds of the arcade machines echoing in the background.

"Aish... I'm on a date with Minho hyung, you know the gym guy I told all of you about?" Taemin explained.

"Oh, the guy who stares at your ?" Jonghyun teased lightly.

"Um, well... Yea. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm coming over. If Jinki hyung is drinking, it must be something serious," Taemin concludes. "I'll be there soon."

"See you then." Jonghyun cuts the call, stares at Kibum and breathes slowly

"You were right; it was because of Taemin."







Oops,I was supposed to upload this the day after the first chapter, but apparently I never my laptop since then, so I just never got to it. I ended up uploading this on my phone anyway so...

Anyway, again with the title of the chapter. Couldn't think of something good so I kinda (despite the seriousness of this chapter) pictured Jinki as those manga characters who squat in the corner with a gloom over them, crying a river of tears - the very same one who would recover immediately after hearing something that they agree with (if any one knows Ouran High School Host Club, I basically thought of Tamaki Suoh).

Like this: 

Now I wanna rewatch Ouran again xD

Somehow rereading this chapter makes me feel really dissatisfied with it but then at the same time I can't find anything I really want to change about it

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Chapter 5: awww fantastic job I love the fluffy ending, I really hope that they get together one day soon, but until that day at least they both know that they have each other and that the other will always be there for them, best friends forever, that no one will ever be able to come between; ontae fighting. XD
Chapter 5: awwww the fluffy ending so sweet and cute. Maybe one day they'll get together. And even if they don’t they are going to be best friends forever and ever; Taemin is perfect for him and so understanding. They have such a strong bond, to be so dorky, funny, and sweet, and caring and *sighs happily* they just fit each other so well.
Dorky otp fighting!!!!
Awesome job as always, Pearl! *hugs*
Chapter 5: Okay... Where's our sequel??? I need closure!
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwww I loved this so much! It is sooo ontae. The humor is daebak! so dorky and cute just like them. love love love love it!
wearing a cape kekeke.. *Smling like a dorky fangirl*
Chapter 3: *HUGSSSSS* keke yay!! gifs for me! *does happy dance, shakes booty with jinki* THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YOU! *HUGS* ;akldjf;akldfj He looks so hot in those clothes ;alkdjf;alkdjf. He kills me. *faints*

Taemin is so soft and sweet with Jinki my ontae heart is all fuzzy but yet sad. poor jinki. :'(
I like the way you write JongKey btw, very mature and understanding towards ontae.
yaleON #6
Chapter 4: WAhhhhh-hhhh, i need an update for this...! What will happen next.. Can Onew confess???
Chapter 4: awwwww you can see Tae feels the same, it's so obvious; I wonder what Jinki was sorry for, bless him, it nearly mad me cry seeing him like that; I really hope that they get together one day soon. ;-D
Chapter 3: Updaateeee please! Gosh this chapter is short! I wonder why Jinki was saying sorry tho...
Chapter 2: I wonder how he is going to feel when Taemin does come over. JongKey are good friends to call and figure out what is going on. Great update!
*frowns* poor Jinki :(
Chapter 2: I want to hug Jinki and make him feel better! Please update soon please!