Losing Balance

The Perfect Reason


When Jangmi sat, Chanyeol's smile became even more wider that before. Baekhyun could see how in latter's eyes flashed short but visible admiration. It wasn't something new for the smaller boy, he has seen this expression everytime when the girl was with them.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" she asked, her eyes becoming thin lines when she flashed a big grin towards Chanyeol "I bet you forgot your English homework again?

"Not this time" Chanyeol said and for the first time since he sat down and then looked at Baekhyun "Baekhyun's nagging motivated me enough to do it."

Baekhyun only nodded, Chanyeol laughed and hugged him in friedly manner. “Why are you doing this to me?" the smaller boy thought lowering his head in embarrassment as he felt his cheeks getting redder. Poor Chanyeol didn't have any idea how much he was hurting the other boy with something so small and trivial like embrancing latter in his arms. But Jangmi wasn't Chanyeol who wouldn't notice anything even if he had elephant before his eyes. She immediately spotted the sudden change in Baekhyun's behavior, how the older boy flinched whenever between him and Chanyeol came to physical contact. Seeing how Baekhyun's eyes haven't met even once with Chanyeol's and feeling a tense atmosphere around the smaller boy she quickly said.

"I don't have a whole day Yeol" Chanyeol turned his attention towards her and Baekhyun sighned in relief when the other's arm slipped out of his small frame.

“Well.." Chanyeol blushed “I wanted to ask you, if you want to come with me somewhere after school... Sehun told me that there was a nice restaurant not so far from here."

"I don't remeber telling you that." Sehun said with full mouth but when he saw Chanyeol's deadly stare he immediately shut up.

"Your friends told me that you didn't have any plans for today." He continued and smiled awkwardly but didn't take his eyes off the girl. The table became silent, even Sehun stopped eating wanting to hear the girl's answer. Baekhyun could see various emotions appearing on her face. First, it was shock as if she couldn't belive that the boy just asked her on a date. Then she looked around just like she wanted to find the response in the other's faces. Her eyes stopped at Baekhyun and when their eyes met he already knew what she was going to tell Chanyeol. “Just smile like nothing's wrong, pretend like everyrthing is alright, act like it's all perfect even if you hurt inside and you'll survive Byun Baekhyun, just a little more"

"Okay" Baekhyun closed eyes trying to ignore the pain of his breaking heart "But under one condition."

Chanyeol smile brightened, Baekhyun could swear that he had never seen so large grin at the other's face. Not even the smile that giant directed to the smaller boy when they met for the first time, a smile promising him safety and protection from the all the evil of the world couldn't be more beautiful. How funny was the fact that this two beams were almost the same. There was only one difference between them, Baekhyun thought. One of the smiles was directed to the most important person in Chanyeol life, for a person who was always in the taller's mind and dreams, for the girl that he loved with all of his heart. What an irony, that the second one was for his best friend, who smiled to Chanyeol the same way younger did at Jangmi.

"I'm all ears" Chanyeol said. Jangmi one last time looked at Baekhyun, but this time the other didn't turn away. He must face nightmares, even if they just became reality, he has -

"I'll go with you only if Baekhyun will be there too" Baekhyun jaw dropped, the same reaction visible on his friends' faces.

He takes everything back. The girl sitting next to him was more stupid than Chayeol and a few minutes ago Baekhyun was sure it was immpossible. Why would she take Baekhyun with them (he always was the third wheel, but this time it's exaggeration) when it was clear that Chanyeol wanted to be with her alone.

"I don't think it's a good ide-"

"Nonsense! I hope you don't have anything against it." Jangmi interrupted Baekhyun in mid-sentence and looked at Chanyeol who was just opening and closing his mouth in disbelief. "And Yeol... please close your mouth, it's rude"

Before the two of them had time to do anything, Jangmi got up from the table and waved before heading to her own table. Baekhyun couldn't make himself to look at Chanyeol, but the latter didn't seem to mind, his mouth still open. Kai looked from giant to the smaller boy, still not beliving how much happened it this two minutes of conversation.

And then the silence was broken by Sehun's laugh, the boy holding his stomach at the same time trying not to fall of the chair. The rest of the table only stared at him like he just cut off his arm and told everyone that it would be ideal scratcher for his back.

"Chanyeol I'm sorry for you man" maknae said not realizing how serious was the situation "I think that you'd climbed on the highest level of a friendzone I have ever seen."

"Sehun!" Kai warned him seriousness wrote on the face " Can you please shut up for a second?"

"Did you see his face when she..." Kai seeing that his friend didn't want to stop stream of words, kicked Sehun's leg and a second later was met by hiss of pain from maknae's mouth.

"We have to go Sehun" older boy said pleased with the fact that something finally shut him up "Now"


"Now" Kai's patience run out so he grabbed his friend by a collar and pulled Sehun off the chair dragging him to exit.

Now only Baekhyun and Chanyeol remainded by the table, none of them uttered a single word. There were moments when they were siting in silence but unlike relaxed atmosphere at that times, this was different kind of quietness. The air around them was heavy and Baekhyun felt like it was suffocating him. Finally he looked up at Chanyeol not sure what to do or say next.

"Chanyeol" he managed to squeeze out and when he didn't hear any response he repeated "Yeol"

Baekhyun couldn't bear seeing his best friend like this. Chanyeol haven't cried since his parents divorced and now when he looked at the elder he saw boy's eyes glistening with tears, it was breaking his heart in million pieces.

"Baek" Chanyeol said, his voice was somehow hollow and distant "Can you give me some time alone? I need to think."

"Yeol I-"

"Just go Baekhyun" usually Baekhyun could read from Chanyeol's face like from open book, but now his friend's expression was blank, unreadable "I'll see you later... I will text you the adress."

Baekhyun thougt that listening to Chanyeol was the best thing he could do right now.



The dark clouds were hanging in the sky since the morning as if promising that it'll be only matter of time to start raining. But of course the downpour started when Baekhyun was on his way to the restaurant. Without an umbrella all he could do was to wrap a coat tighter around himself and try to hide from the strong wind. It was a gloomy evening and a trees next to him seemed to be wheeping just like his soul and deafening bustle of the city.

Chanyeol sent him a message a few minutes ago with an exact location and it could be only Baekhyun imagination but it was more formal than usually, almost emotionless . Some of the passersby threw him curious glaces, wondering why the boy didn't do anything to protect himself from the rain. Baekhyun raised his head up hoping that the rain could wash his tears-stained cheeks and looked at the sky. If people were rain, the boy though, Chanyeol would be the sun that sometimes looks from behind the clouds and he would be rainbow that can't exist without a bit of light.

When he finally reached the place he was drenchend from head to toes, but he didn't seem to notice it. The place that Chanyeol choosed was a small restaurant which served the best traditional food in town. SamCheongGak, 'cause that's what the place was called, wasn't too crowded as always on midweek's nights. It was located in the center, in the same area as their school a so the way up there didn't took long, but still was long enough for Baekhyun to get wet.

He was welcomed by beautiful music which made him fall in love the first time he heard it. Even if the atmosphere of the place was warm and peaceful, his thoughts weren't. He had a feeling in his gut that something bad was going to happen. He felt uneasy with this situation. He thought a lot but couldn't find a valid reason why Jangmi would do something like that. Perhaps she didn't like Chanyeol in a certain way, he wasn't sure. The boy squeezed between crowd of people and searched for his friends.

"Baekhyun!" someone shouted from the end of the room "Here!"

He saw Jangmi fanatically waving her hand, she was alone already sitting by a table. As always she looked like pure happiness, when he reminded of something more like a wet dog. He wanted to smile at her but all he could do was slightly raise the corners of his mouth. He just wanted to talk to her and go home, lie down in bed and think what to do to make Chanyeol talk to him again.

"Why did you do this to Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked even before he took off his coat and looked at the girl who stopped smiling.

“I wanted to see you" but she knew that Baekhyun wouldn't accept her excuse, the other looked at her betrayed while sitting down on a chair. "Maybe it's not the main reason"

"Jangmi!" Baekhyun was furious, he didn't mean to rise his voice but when he saw that the girl was avoiding answering his question he exploded. "You know very well that Chanyeol is head over heels for you, how cou-"

"I know!" she shouted, several people who were the closest have turned heads towards them searching for source of noise "I love him to." Jangmi said this time a lot quieter, blushing.

"Then why?" Baekhyun whispered trying to meet her eyes, searching for a reply in her face.

"But I can't be with him" she looked up, he could see tears in her beautiful eyes, one of them rolling down her cheek leaving a darker track 'cause of mascara that she was wearing. "I'm... I'm leaving Baek, next week I'm going to America."

Baekhyun looked at her in disbelief but when he wanted to tell her what he thinks about it and his language for sure wouldn't be one of the nicest, the waiter walked over to the table interrupting him

"Your order miss" he said and looked over to Baekhyun "Can I have something for you?"

Baekhyun was sure that right now he couldn't utter even one word so he just shook his head then turned all of his attention back to Jangmi.

"Why did you do something so stupid?" he asked her. "Here you have your family, your friends, me and the most important, you have Chanyeol. So why did you decide to go to a school on the other side of the world?"

"Baekhyun" Jangmi took chopsticks in her delicate, long fingers and carefully looked at them, thinking of something intensely "Do you really think that I haven't noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"Every time I see you and Chanyeol..." all her attention was now on her plate, but she hasn't touched the food, she only stared at it like she didn't want to look at Baekhyun "You always blush when he touches you, you've stopped making fun of him so much like you once did."

"W-whta do you want to tell me?" Baekhyun stuttered.

"I want to tell that I'm not the only one who loves Chanyeol" she said, Baekhyun paled. He was hundred percent sure that he did everything to hide his feeling for the certain giant, but apparently it looked like he seriously ed up. Now it was his turn to look in girl's eyes.

"So that's it?" he laughed hysterically "Because of it you're moving to America? Because you think you'll hurt my feelings?

"Baekhyun, just listen to me... you're my friend " Now Jangmi's tears were freely falling from her eyes. "I can't be with Chanyeol knowing that I'm hurting you in the same time!"

"Jangmi-ah!" Baekhyun grabbed her cheeks in his hands forcing her to look at him "I can love him, I can worship him but I can't have one thing... his heart. He gave it away few years ago. To you"

"Do you know what is the most interesting and at the same time the most scary thing about distance?" she whispered, her voice husky from the effort of crying "That you'll never know if the other person you left is still caring"

Baekhyun took a deep breath and decided he can't stay there any longer. Without saying anything he stood up and put on his still wet coat. Right now he couldn't control himself and if he stayed just a little longer he would for sure hurt his friend. No by actions, no... Baekhyun wasn't this kind of person, but by using words that for him were the most painful weapon.

"Now let me ask you one question" Jangmi said, her eyes piercing through latter's body "Why didn't you tell Chanyeol about your feelings?

"I thought you are wise person Jangmi" Baekhyun turned around, his voice was distant " Don't judge my choices without understanding my reason" He looked at her the last time, she seemed depressed and overwhelmed with all of the situation "And please don't tell Chanyeol about our conversation, it might hurt him more that the both of us taken together."

Then he left, again squeezed between tons of incoming people and when he was opening the massive doors he collided with someone.

"You're already going?" It was the said boy's deep voice "Listen, I'm sorry for today. I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright Chanyeol" Baekhyun interrupted him just wanting to get the hell out of here as fast as possible "I'm leaving you two alone. You can ask her to date you, she'll agree for sure" He said when in thoughts he was screaming "She will reject you, break your heart and then she'll leave you with me to heal what she has destroyed."

"Well thanks. I'll call you later to tell you what's happened" Chanyeol grinned and hugged Baekhyun but when he saw that his friend didn't hug him too, the taller asked "Is something wrong? "

"No." Baekhyun smiled, just to stop the tears from falling "Nothing at all."

After the last words he left the restaurant, Chanyeol's concered eyes following his every step, only when he was out of the younger's sight he leaned against the wall and whispered






Thank you all for subscribing ! 

I hope you liked this chapter, and for those who are here because of angst and abuse, don't worry! ʘ‿ʘ 

Have a good day...or night (it's freaking 2am here but who the hell cares...for sure not my beta)

Love u all (๑•  •๑)♡”



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This is soooooooo good!
Can't wait for the next update >u<
Darkness96 #2
Chapter 3: Woah woah woah...a breakheart baekhyun is sad but I luv it...hey hey hey make baek lost memories and serves Chan right...hahahhhahaha...update pleaseeeeeee..please make a krishoooooo
Mangoesarelife567 #3
Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN?!?!?!??!
Chapter 2: Please!! update soon I'm in love with this story! it's all what I've been waiting for!!