Before The Fall

The Perfect Reason

"Yeol!" Baekhyun's voice from the downstairs woke Chanyeol up "Get your up. Do you realy want to get late to school again ?"

"Don't wanna" Chanyeol muttered under his breath and rolled to the other side of the bed. "Leave me alone you wretched version of my mother!"

Byun Baekhyun wasn't patient person, so it took only one minute before the door opened with a loud thud. Chanyeol groaned and opened his eyes. In the door frame was standing short troll who liked to call himself Chanyeol's best friend. Even with small frame Baekhyun could look scary and right now he was using perfectly his inner charm.

"How did you get here?" Chanyeol asked, his voice hoarse from sleepness "I don't remeber leaving the door opened last night"

"Well , your mum gave me spare key so I could help her by putting you on your feet, because you are a big baby and you can't do it by yourself." Baekhyun walked up to the bed where Chanyeol was lying and without wasting a chance he smacked his head. Right now Chanyeol was sure that his peaceful sleep won't last long. "Moreover, I was calling you for five minutes and I doubt that you can answer you phone when you're sleeping, can't you?"

"I would answerew me phone, only if you were more important than sleeping and you know that's impossible." Chanyeol said, massaging a place where a moment ago landed Baekhyun's hand and looked at his phone" But why do you have to come so early? It's freaking six am!"

Baekhyun seeing that Chanyeol didn't intend to get up in the near future, grabbed his quilt and tried to pull it off him. Chanyeol knowing what Baekhyun was going to do, hid his head under the pillow and strengthened a grip on the material that the boy wanted to snatch of him. He couldn't allow Baekhyun to take away his only protection from the cruel reality.

"I won't repeat myself, get up! We have only half hour to get you ready to school" Baekhyun said beetwen gasps, still trying to pull the glif off Chanyeol "Do you want to stay after school again because you got late on the calculus? Oh come on Yeol, do you really want to repeat the situation from last week?

'Two hours of Hell', like his friend liked to call them. Last week, Chanyeol got late on his first period. To Chanyeol's despair it was led by Mr. Choi who was famous between students for his sick punctuality and long hours of detention for those who liked to come a few minutes later. And in this way (to his friend's delight) Chanyeol stayed two more hour longer in school. But Mr. Choi had no intention to waste his time dealing with his student's so he handed the boy over to the janitor. Chanyeol, for the next few hours, was forced to clean the male washroom and let's be honest, this kind of places aren't one of the cleanest. But life is a and when he was scrubing the last toilet he heard the sound of the phone's camera and giggles. At the door stood his stupid best friend who shamelessly was laughing his off. When Chanyeol left school few minutes later not only with hurting back, but also with wounded pride and half-crying , half-laughinf Baekhyun by his side. Next day everyone could admire photos with Chanyeol on knees, wielding the toilet brush.

Chanyeol shivered and was hundred percent sure that he didn't have any intention to repeat it.

"Okay, you convinced me." he said at the same time loosening his grip on the glif and making the poor boy stummble on the floor together with it.

Chanyeol laughed and got up. Morning without pissing Baekhyun off was a lost morning. The other boy only glared, eyes piercing him from the floor. "Is my pain really that funny to you?" Wips of his dark hair fell and Chanyeol had problems with stopping another explosion of laughter when he saw the smaller boy's expression who was unsuccessfully trying to blow them out of his forehead. He might looked angry, but Chanyeol could see that the corners of his lips were twitching. "Well, if I recall correctly, it was you who found my two hours misery hilarious. So my answer is yes." He walked up to Baekhyun and pulled out his hand, gesturing for the younger to take it. "I'm up, happy now?"

"Very" Baekhyun's voice was dripping with sarcasm "It's the best day in my life, after getting my hurt when I was trying to get you out of the bed, I ended my mission with success, now I only have to plant a tree and I can die in peace."

"Hey, why so serious?" Chanyeol grinned seeing Baekhyun's furious face and started to collect part of his uniform. "It's too early for me to handle so large dose of your roughness, you have to divide it in such a way that it'll be enough for the whole day"

Baekhyun sighned and looked at happy giant, who pulled hands up in a gesture of victory, in one of them he was holding his second sock that magically appeared from under his bed. Pleased with himself Chanyeol began to search for his pants.

"I'll be downstairs" said Baekhyun, who was pretty sure that he would broke all contact with the younger if he knew where was lying his underwear. "You have fifteen minutes to get yourself decent enough to leave this room."

"Yhmm" Chanyeol only hummed too busy searching for other parts of his wardrobe to continue the conversation with Baekhyun.



Chanyeol's kitchen hadn't changed much. After four years there was the same cutlery set and the same horrible chipped cup with almost invisible giraffe's drawing on it. Oh, how many times Baekhyun tried to throw away this ugly thing. But no matter how much effort he had put in it, when he opened cupboard the next day, the cup was there again, so after a years of attempts he simply gave up.

Baekhyun remembered like it was just yesterday, the first time when he walked into this room.

"Yeol come down!" Mrs. Park's shoe was impatiently tapping on the kitchen's tiles "I want you to meet someone!"

Baekhyun's parents were sitting in the living room, havinga small talk with Mr. Park when he and Mrs.Park were in kitchen. Of course the first thing after moving in must be meeting a new neighbours who lived across the street. It was pure luck that Mr. and Mrs. Park had a kid in the same as Baekhyun, so it was impossible for him to stay in home when he could 'socialize with other kids.'

Baekhyun could heard someone's steps on the stairs and a few seconds later tall boy, with curly hair bouncing lightly with his every step, was standing in front of the smaller boy. The first thing Baekhyun noticed was bright and a creepy smile on the other's face that made him take a few steps back and hide behind the elder woman.

"This is Byun Baekhyun" Mrs. Park said and pushed Baekhyun towards Chanyeol ruffling his hair. "He's just moved here and was kind enough to visit the new neighbours so be nice Chanyeol.. and please don't scare him off."

"Hey, my name is Park Chanyeol" he said in a cheerfull tone, shaking vigorously poor boy's hand "It's really nice to meet you Baekhyunnie, I hope we could be a good friends"

"Yah, Park Chanyeol his older than you" said the woman and gave him warning glance. Chanyeol looked at her in disbelief "Show some respect to your hyung!!!"

"Impossible, he's so small!" then he turned to a smaller boy " Are you really older than me?"

Baekhyun only nodded, in the same time trying to release his hand from Chanyeol's strong grip. The giant was too loud and too touchy for Baekhyun's liking. He just wanted to say hello, go back to the house and unpacke his things. Now he found himself stuck in small kitchen with some creepy kid.

When the other finally loosened his hand, Baekhyun immediatly pulled his own from the grip and hide behind Mrs. Park. The older woman only sighned and looked at her son who didn't look affected by the fact that he just has been clearly rejected, still smiling at the other boy.

"I'm going to talk with your parents Baekhyun." Then she asked " Do you think, that you can spend a little more time with this stupid son of mine?"


Baekhyun knew that he didn't have choice, so he only nodded and looked up, his eyes meeting with Chanyeol's. He quickly turned his head, hiding his spreading blush.

"Yeol, take care of Baekhyun when I'll be in the living room. Will you?" she send his son the last glare and walked out of the kitchen.

"So..." between them fell awkward silence. It was evident that Chanyeol was trying to find some topic to support his nonexisting conversation with the other boy. It really frustrated Baekhyun. Couldn't they just sit there in peace without talking about unnecessary things? Or asking some stupid questions such as "What are you doing in the fre-". His thoughts were interrupted by Chanyeol's voice.

"Do you want someting to drink?" the taller boy looked at surprised Baekhyun but then he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head visibly embarrassed "Or to eat, today we have ramyun. If you're hungry or something I'll-"

"Orange juice" Baekhyun took pity on clumsy boy and decided to stop his uncontrolled rumbling "It would be nice, If you have it"


When Chanyeol was busy searching for a carton of orange juice, Baekhyun looked around . The kitchen was small but cosy and the smaller boy preferred more to sit there than in too spacious living room.

"Here. I was really scared that you are mute, you haven't said even one world. I think that you have really nice voice. You should-" Chanyeol stopped talking when he saw Baekhyun's face. Since he met him, the other didn't change his facial expression even once, now his lips created thin line as he frowned "What's wrong?" the younger asked

"It's ugly" Baekhyun looked at him and then he pointed his head at the cup that he was holding in hand. "I won't drink from it"

"Oh, come on!!!"



"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol's deep voice snatched the smaller boy from his thouhgts. "Have you seen my tie? I'm pretty sure that it was somewhere here the last time I saw it"

"I have no idea." Baekhyun shrugged and patted Chanyeol back "But knowing you, you have to consider every possibility. Check in the fridge "


"You know I'm right, so stop denying facts and eat the damn breakfast or we'll be late." Baekhyun watched as the younger grabbed a toast in his teeth and started looking around for something to drink.

"Please Yeol!" Baekhyun moaned and covered his eyes when he saw what his friend was going to take in his hand. "Why do you always have to use it when I'm here? There's so many cups. Why it must be it?!

"Because I know that you know how much I like to annoy you" Chanyeol poured juice into the cup and sat on the kitchen counter before taking a closer look at the mug "Besides, I really like it"

"I give up" Baekhyun said in defeat, putting his head on the table "Just hurry up or we won't catch the bus."

"Suho hyung isn't going to take us?" Chanyeol asked suprised

"Nope, he's trying to find some place to stay near campus." Baekhyun said. His brother was a few years older and now when he got into his dream college he didn't spend much time in home. He was too busy with paper work and the other important things that Baekhyun didn't know much of. "We just have to take bus Yeol. I think that Suho hyung spoil you too much."

"I know" Chanyeol put on his shoes and slung backpack over his broad shoulders "It's like that because I'm his favorite dongsaeng. He loves me more than his little brother"

"In your drems, Yeol" Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol towards the door impatiently, sometimes he had enough of his clumsy best friend and his slow movements .

When they finally left Baekhyun sighned in relief and looked at his phone. Good, they still had ten minutes to get to the bus stop. Baekhyun smiled, of all things, the one he hated the most was a thought of getting detention from Mr. Choi. He grabbed Chanyeol's hand trying to drag the giant with him, but the other stopped abruptly making Baekhyun stummble on his chest.

"Chanyeol, what the hell!" Baekhyun stared at the taller boy, annoyed expression visible on his face when Chanyeol was looking for something in his pockets in a hurry "Please don't tell me you have forgotten something, I swear to God Yeol.."

"Baek..." Chanyeol looked at the smaller with apologetic smile after last time checking his pocket. Baekhyun was pretty sure that if looks could kill, his dumb friend would be dead already "I didn't take my keys."

"You ing idiot!"

Before Baekhyun could do anything, Chanyeol had already run towards the house.



Baekhyun haven't talked to Chanyeol until lunch and even when they sat in their usual place with their friends, the smaller boy was still throwing not very pleasant words towards the other.

"Hey, what with this ty atmosphere around you two?" Kai asked when he saw that Baekhyun sat across the table, as far as possible from Chanyeol. The taller boy only shrugged and went back to eating from time to time casting glances at another table.

"Well, this dumb here forgot to take his keys in the morning and we missed a whole calculus." Baekhyun said and buried face in his hands "Now, because of him I have to hide from Mr. Choi and if I got caught, I would have to spend the rest of my free time in detention"

"I feel sorry for you man" Sehun took the last bite of his cupcake and looked at Chanyeol's tray stilll full of food "You're going to eat this?"

Chanyeol didn't give him a spare glance and was still looking at something in the other part of the lunchroom.

"That's sad that we're not going to the same highschool" Kai took advantage of the fact that Chanyeol was not too interested in the conversation and whispered in Baek's ear "Are you sure that you want to go with Chanyeol hyung? It will be even harder for you when we won't be ther-"

"I will be alright." Baekhyun cut him and tried to smile as bright as he could. "Don't worry too much Kai, you'll get wrinkles."

Kai only nodded and went back to eating, but Baekhyun's smile dropped when he realized what his bestfriend had his eyes on, or rather on who.

Baekhyun didn't know much about Chanyeol and Jangmi's friendship. He heard that before he and Chanyeol met, the other boy and girl were always together. They went to the same elementary school, then they became neighbours and it was the matter of time for them to become friends and then best friends. She was that kind of girl who was always smiling and there were always sparkles of happinnes in her half-moon eyes. She was that kind of girl who all the boys in the neighbourhood wanted to date, so it wasn't anything unusual when Chanyeol's heart started to bit a little faster when he saw one of her beautiful smiles.

Then Baekhyun met Chanyeol. When they opened to each other, Baekhyun would always make fun of Chanyeol's visible crush. But when Chanyeol's voice became deeper and he appeared taller and more masculine, Baekhyun quickly realized that this was someting more than a simple crush. The three of them often hanged out together but every time Baekhyun felt like he was a third wheel.

But then she moved to the other part of the town, met new people and made new friends. It didn't take long for them to stop spending time with each other like they used to. Chanyeol was more and more depressed, especially when his best friend was missing at the most difficult and saddest time for him. But after they ended in the same middle school everything went back to normal, well mostly everything.

"I think I'll do it" Chanyeol finally said, not even turning back to look at his friends "It's the last week we are here."

"Do what?" Sehun asked while stealing Chanyeol's muffin and pushed all at once in his mouth.

"I'm going to ask here on a date."

All of the muffin that was in Sehun's mouth just a moment ago, landed on Kai's face when the younger screamed "What!?" not even paying attention to the fact that he was chewing something. The other grunted in disgust at the same time trying to wipe the food from his face and hit Sehun on the arm. Only Baekhyun remaided still, only opening his mouth in suprise, eyes becoming slightly bigger.

"Well it's our last week here, and I don't have any idea what highschool she has chosen" said Chanyeol and when Jangmi turned head towards him, he waved at the girl and gestured for her to come to their table.

"Good luck Chanyeol" Baekhyun finally came back from his thoughts and even a blind person could say his smile didn't reach his eyes. “I hope she'll say yes” said in unnatural and forced voice

"Me too" Chanyeol only smiled, unafected by his friend's tone, too busy with watching the walking girl.

Baekhyun clenched his hands up in fists under the table, so hard that his nails dug into the skin. Kai threw concerned glance towards his friend but didn't say antything. He knew that it was unavoidable, a few weeks ago Chanyeol told him about his plans and now he was trying to stop the tears that appeared in the corners of his eyes. He knew that it was coming, but he was still hoping that his best friend would change his mind in the end. Chanyeol wasn't coward, Baekhyun was sure about it, but at the same time he knew how important Jangmi's frienship was to the taller boy.

Right now the love of his life, has choosen someone else and all he could do was not to cry and look at Jangmi's hearty face and smiling eyes when she sat next to Chanyeol.

"Hey "






So it was my first chapter I hope you liked it.

I want to thank my lovely beta kirarose0809 ( more like scary as ) and my friend, Gabi who was my inspiration for thr scene with the cupcake ( without you two I'd write it too but I know that you're greedy so I just want to please you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), don't kill me !


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This is soooooooo good!
Can't wait for the next update >u<
Darkness96 #2
Chapter 3: Woah woah woah...a breakheart baekhyun is sad but I luv it...hey hey hey make baek lost memories and serves Chan right...hahahhhahaha...update pleaseeeeeee..please make a krishoooooo
Mangoesarelife567 #3
Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN?!?!?!??!
Chapter 2: Please!! update soon I'm in love with this story! it's all what I've been waiting for!!