
I Leave You To Save Your Life [ONE-SHOT]


I looked around the house we used to stay in. The way we cuddle together at night, having pillow fights and cooking together was still in my memory. I don't want to leave you, but I had to. God gave me a chance to save you, and so, I will cherish the chance.

~ That Day ~

"Youngki, will you marry me?" Soohyun oppa asked.

"Yes!" I agreed immediately.

Soohyun oppa smiled at me and put on the ring for me, on my fourth finger. It was plain, but it was full of love. Full of our love.

With that, we had a hug and finished our lunch together. It was supposed to be a sunny day, but it was raining suddenly. We don't have our umbrella with us and so we decided to run through the rain, since Soohyun oppa's car is near. He held my hand tightly as we ran together. We only have bliss of happiness at that moment. Running in the rain with our beloved, I wished that moment could last forever.

Soon, we finally reached the car. Soohyun oppa was a gentleman. He opened the car door for me and I got in. I waited for him in the car. He walked to the other side of the car but he did not get in. I shifted from my passenger seat to the driver seat. Both of us placed our hand on the car's window. We smiled at one another.

"I'll be back." Soohyun oppa mouthed.

I waited for him at the driver seat. It was not long that he came out, with a bouquet of red roses on his hand. It was full of red roses, for he know, red rose were my favourite. I smiled at him and beckon him to come over. He crossed the street, without looking at the incoming car coming at the top speed.

He was just about to reach me. Just that short distance. But no, he never got in that car. The car bumped into him. I saw Soohyun oppa rolling off the road. Just like that. My heart raced, I was afraid. Afraid to lose him. Afraid to lose my oppa.

"Oppa! Soohyun oppa!" I screamed in the car.

Tears flowed down my cheek. I was about to get down the car, when the other side of the car door opened. When I turned my head, It was Soohyun. I thought it was ridiculous. I looked at the other end of the road, there wasn't any accident, no car, no dead bodies. I saw the time. It was paused at when Soohyun was being knocked down. And then I knew, god had given me a chance.

I took Soohyun's hand and everything started to rewind. It pains my heart and I tighten my grip on his hand. I tried to remember his touch, so that I will never forget it. It could be the last time I ever hold his hand and run in the rain. We were back to the restaurant, back to the time where Soohyun proposed to me. I wasn't wet anymore. So is he. There in the restaurant, he took out the ring.

"Youngki, will you marry me?" Soohyun oppa asked.

My heart raced. I want to cry. I don't feel that happy anymore. Because my decision later on, will save his life. But my decision, will break our relationship too. He was never mine again.

"Sorry, Soohyun oppa." I said, blinking back my tears and dropped the ring to the ground.

I can't accept him another. Why? God gave me a chance to save him. I will reject him, to save him. There would be another chance, will it?

With that, I ran out of the restaurant. It then began to rain. It was the time where he was supposed to be dead. But he is alive, because I rejected him. My heart ache. I'm dying of pain, but it was to let him live.

~ Back to present ~

I saw Soohyun walking around in the room. He is packing his camping items. He is off to camping again, but this time round, without me. I watched him packed and carried his backpack. I held out my hand to stop him, but he pushed my hand away. He left the house, not even a goodbye. I had to make this decision. God is kind enough to give my life a second chance, so I will cherish it. To reject his proposal. I thought everything would be the same after that, but it didn't happen.

I looked at the kitchen and touched the counter slightly. We used to dance around in the kitchen. I walked over and look at his guitar. He used to play it, while I sing along with it. I loved him so much. But we had to end up like this.

To save you.


Author Note :

I got this idea from a MV by Zia. I did add some of my own part in it, like the part whereby he asked her for proposal that wasn't stated in the MV. I see many people confused by it, so I decided to write a fic about this. I don't mean to plagarise of anything. >< Please enjoy this and support my other fic.

Kamsahamida ~

The MV featured WooJung couple ~ I loved them alot. Kekeke ~ Don't you think they look cute together?

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xXdamagedrox #1
Chapter 1: that was soo good but so sad too, I Love it!!!
KayyhM #2
Nice story!! T_T
if you could continue this story, please do.,<br />
i'm really interested as to what might happen.,<br />
i'm just hoping for a happy ending though., ^-^