Chapter 23- Proper Conversation.

Married To Ms. Employee.

*Congragulation, Jisoo. Your wedding is in a week time.*

Jisoo rolled her eyes as she sipped a cup of warm water at her balcony alone.

She couldn't believe that right after she accepted Kai her parents annouced that their wedding will be in a week time, Jisoo had to admit she regretted and she would have just ran away and embarrassed the eldest for all she didn't care about. Those decision was way too fast and absurd for her to absord in that short amount of time.


Someone spoke and covered Jisoo with jacket.

Jisoo turned back and gasped when she saw Kai. He stood next to Jisoo and folded his arms as he enjoyed the night breeze with his eyes closing beside her. Jisoo took this opportunity to admire his well-defined features, his nose and his long eyelashes that were beyond perfect.

"Stop looking at me, will ya?"

Kai spoke with his eyes closing because he could feel someone was looking at him.

"W-what? Who said I was looking at you?!"

Jisoo frowned and looked away from him.

"Stop lying to yourself, Kim Jisoo."

Kai smirked.

"What Kim Jisoo?! Excuse you, it's Ha Jisoo. Don't change my surname as and when you like, stupid hole."

Jisoo rolled her eyes and pouted.

"You accepted me just now."

Kai raised his brow and pointed out.

"So? It was arranged remember? Beside.... you're with Krystal."

Jisoo reminded with her voice full of disappointment.

*Oh yeah.... Krystal...*

Kai sighed because he always forgot about Krystal when Jisoo was around.

"You're avoiding me lately."

Kai changed the topic and he could sense that Jisoo became stiffed.


Jisoo acted blurred.

"You're sure? I checked with the company that you didn't return to the office....."

Kai frowned and looked at Jisoo.

"You what?! How could you check on me like that?"

Jisoo asked with disbelief, she didn't know Kai would check on her.

"What? Is checking my wife wrong?"

Kai asked.

"Hey, hey, hey.... what do you mean by wife. I'm not your wife."

"Shut it, you're my wife in one week time."

"I know, but not your wife YET."

Jisoo frowned and argued.


Kai called.


"Will you regret for marrying me?"

Kai asked.

"I don't know...... We are on contract anyway, 6 months later and we are done."

Jisoo shrugged.

"Yeah.... bear with my nonsense for that 6 months."

Kai chuckled but he was disappointed inside him.

"Don't worry, I got no time for your nonsense."

Jisoo rolled her eyes and chuckled too, she wasn't that nervous as before.

"and by the way.... thanks for the "proposal" ealier on, I enjoyed the little performance."

Jisoo beamed and she meant every words from her heart.

"You enjoyed? Is that why you cried?"

Kai asked surprisingly.


Jisoo didn't know how to answer since she cried because she was afraid but she couldn't let Kai know since he would most probably .

"It's okay, you don't have to answer me."

Kai stopped Jisoo when he knew she had a hard time answering him.


Jisoo was confused.

"I know you have your own reason but it's okay if you don't want to tell me."

Kai looked down as he felt a little disappointed about that.

"O....kay....? Anyway, the song was nice and I love it. Did you wrote the song? I never thought you could...."

Jisoo praised.

"Well, I got help from the Exo."

Kai shrugged.


Jisoo frowned, she didn't know who was them but she was pretty sure she heard every day in school.

"Yeap, my friends. You don't know them?"

Kai was suprised since they were the most popular team in the school.

"Heard of them in school but I don't know who are they."

Jisoo admitted.

"Well, they were there just now but I'll introduce you to them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? It's Saturday."

"Yeah... the guys wanted to come tomorrow. You don't mind right?"

"Ani, as long as it's not Krystal."

Jisoo smirked, she just hated Krystal.

"You hate Krystal, uh?"

Kai chuckled since he knew that all along.

"Are you.... perhaps... jealous?"

Kai teased.

"Aniya! Why would I be jealous?! She's your girlfriend anyway. Just that I hate how she ruined my first day in school with that pasta sauce, I had to get new set of uniform because of her."

Jisoo rolled her eyes when she remembered the incident.

"Oh.... so it's her...."

"Huh? What?"

"Nothing. I just knew since the beginning that Krystal was the one who did that to you but you didn't exactly revealed who was it, so I didn't want to jump into the conclusion and said it was Krystal who did it."

Kai shrugged and smiled.

"And why are you so happy about it?"

Jisoo eyed at Kai suspiciously.

"Erm.... well? You will find out on Monday?"

Kai smirked.

"Araso.... I'll go sleep now."

Jisoo nodded her and left the balcony first.

"At the play room again?"

Kai grabbed her wrist and stopped her for leaving.

"Yes why? Is that a problem?"

"Yes. Aren't your back sore? I saw you rubbing your own back in the class, your eyebags grew heavier. I don't want a panda as my wife on OUR wedding day."

"Whatever Kim Jongin. Isn't that good for you to have the entire king-size bed for yourself?"

"Well, I felt lonely being alone on the bed. Wanna sleep with me?"

Kai wiggled his eyebrows and teased Jisoo.

"Oh my god, stop! This sound so wrong!"

"It was supposed to be wrong."

Kai laughed at how flustered Jisoo's face was.

"But seriously just sleep on the bed, it's not like I'm gonna do something to you. I don't want you to have back problem before you get old."

Kai convinced.

"Araso, you better stay away from me!"

Jisoo gave in since her back was aching like hell and it seemed like it was time for her to stop.

Kai let go of Jisoo's hand as he watched her going up the stairs. He couldn't help but grinning from ear to ear like an idiot, no offence. It was the first time he had a proper conversation with Jisoo and no doubt that it was the best conversation he ever had so far.

It wasn't like the past time when Jisoo would here and there about him and gave him all sort of attitude that he had to deal with. He liked the way how Jisoo talked to him now and he felt more comfortable than ever!

The sincere smile that Jisoo gave Kai was the precious thing he ever got from her and he would remember it for life. Jisoo never smiled to him like that and she never spoke to him so calmly before.

*Ha Jisoo, you're driving more and more crazy.*

Kai thought and laughed silently at himself.


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193 streak #1
Chapter 44: A aaw it's over already... This was awesome, I really enjoyed this!
Chapter 40: KRYSTAL!!!! I hope there's camera in that area!
Chapter 38: Even I got the goosebumps!! So FLUFFYYYYY
Chapter 33: Is was B-Bomb who did it right???!!!
Chapter 28: Why do I get the feeling Krystal is going to take advantage of B-Bomb.. Like she can use him and hurt Jisoo or somethings like that..
Chapter 27: Wow, B-Bomb got it bad for Krystal.. After everything that happened to them, he's still so in love with her.. Kinda pathetic.. I hope he won't hurt Jisoo..
Chapter 25: I don't think that's the last time we'll see Krystal...
Chapter 23: When will he man up?! Wait and see in Monday you say... Well, we'll see about that!
Chapter 16: You better keep this up, Jisoo! Hit back when she's causing you trouble! And Kai, man up!!