falling in love

Our Love Never Ends No Matter What

Morning : 

I woke up this morning and saw n in the kitchen making breakfast. N : oh good morning ravi how are u feeling. R : I'm fine thx n. N : abt what hyung we are brothers u no need to thank me sweetie. I saw leo coming down stairs he was still feeling sleeping. He say hi to us and starred at me with worried eyes. N : guys wash ur face and brush ur teeth and set on the table but don't eat yet imma go wake up the rest of the members. Leo was going to go brush his teeth but I called him. R : leo. L : yes R : leo can I tell u something don't be mad at me and let's be friends again and forget everything plz. L : ravi I forgot everything already I'm not that tips who keeps darkness in my heart I'm ....I'm just worried abt u are u fine. R : y..yes really I'm more then fine trust me. L : that's good. He smiled at me and went to the restroom. Hongbin came down stairs and he seems he didn't sleep well he was tired. HB : oh ravi did u sleep well yesterday hyung. R : oh hongbin yes I did are u OK u seems tired of something HB : OH im....I'm fine its just that I slept late yesterday. I'm going to brush my teeth. R : hongbin wait.... HB : yes ravi


R: hyung I wanna thank u abt yesterday with out u I couldn't be like that I really needed ur friendship hongbin ur so kind and made me change a lot stuff inside me and make me strong hongbin thank u very much. HB : no no u don't need to thank me we are more than brothers OK and anything u want just call me and I'll be there for u let's comeback like before alright u can tell me anything and I promise u that I will keep it secret even angle I won't tell him R : what !? Angle who is angle HB : oh hhh its hyuk but I call him my angle R : oh hhh yes hongbin thank u . we all set on the table and and enjoy our breakfast. Suddenly n asked hyuk what's that on ur neck. H : oh..I..its a...ahhh HB : I did that N : what? What did u did H : hongbin ( whispering) what are doing leo and I stared laughing n stop asking stupid questions leo said and let hongbin and hyuk escape.


N : guys today we have practice and some of beast and got7 coming to cheer us up. I was surprised and I wished Jackson to come 

Practice Time :

Suddenly some of the members of beast came and got7 too I was nervous and exicted and suddenly Jackson's face appeared and make my whole body was on fire. And I stared to get sweaty. They all say hi to each other and hug to jackson came up to me and i didnt know what to do. J : hi ravi whats up i thought ur ganna call me. R : ah i...i lost ur  paper I'm sorry. Its OK dude I can give u another paper.                                   It was practice time me and n show the members a great hot dance and I can feel Jackson was on fire and also the rest of the members were


screaming and enjoying it. After I finished we all got separated like some groups talking and discussing things ken and hyuk were talking abt something important and having a big conversion. I went to wash my face cuaz I was feeling dizzy and and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulders J : hey ravi u did very well. We are going in like abt 15 mint so I came to talk to u and give u my number.                                                   R : oh ...yeah sure I was melting cuaz his hands was on my shoulders. J : ravi u are so hot when u were dancing I really didn't know what I do every one was freaking our ravi do u know that ur beautiful and hot. I gatta go now here is my number and ravi can we one day try to hung out on a date with me. I was shocked and don't know what to do I think he really like me. R : y..yeah ...I mean ....n..ahh. J : shshh u don't have to say anything he put his finger on my lips and make me freak out I became hot all I've the sudden.  He gave me a smile and whisper I'm my ear


call me all my body started shaving and I was harden. He go and make dying here. He is totally in love with me I say yes!! With.                             Happiness. And jumped high i m really in love with Jackson did he just ask me out on a date with him. I can't believe it I'm really nervous and he want me to call him. I'm ganna call him tonight. I really can't believe myself I'm ganna talk to hongbi everything so he could help me.

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YoungKaiSoo #1
Chapter 4: I really didn't know how can this be so great
YoungKaiSoo #2
Chapter 4: Woohoo this awesome
YoungKaiSoo #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god Ravi
YoungKaiSoo #4
Wow I love this alot
YoungKaiSoo #5
Woo this is so cool yes
Chapter 10: I love this story I'm glad that you have part two to it I'm checking it out
Chapter 10: Oh god Ravi is a really sick person jeesh
This is good
40 streak #9
I'm so starlight and army fans and Exo L these are my top main best groups I'm in love with
40 streak #10
Omo Ravi baby what's happened to you that your crazy like that.