The first day of forever

Love at first sight


I can't believe it. He kissed me! He bloody kissed me. When he kissed me it took about 2 seconds to realise what was going on but when i came to my senses i was not going to waste this golden opportunity and deepend the kiss striaght away. Okay, so i wanted to be in charge when it came to kissing Chanyeol but this boy wouldn't let me so i let him ( just this one time ).I was kind of sad that we had to stop for air but when we did i realised that i was such an idoit for not making a move before and not knowing that he had a crush on me.I never knew he could be so forward it kind of had to control my thoughts and actions so this would continue to be PG. We looked up at the stars and at that moment of time i knew that this was the MAN i wanted to be with for the rest of my life. So when we got back to the dorm we were filled up to our necks in questions because our faces were really red and we made up an excuse everyone believed apart for Chen. Chen just gave me his ' I know everything , you can fool the others but not me' look and to end it he added his famous little smirk. For the rest of the night me and Chanyeol couldn't look at each other or else we would start to blush crazily. Man this boy is just so cute (but not cuter than me).

After just chilling everyone decided it was time to head of to bed and on our way to our bedroom i could see Chanyeol in the cornor of my eye blushing like crazy and a smile on his face. When we entered the bedroom i went straight to bed because i was tired from all of today i didn't have the energy to continue what we started in the park.I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow but then i suddenly woke up to Chanyeol getting into my bed but i pretended to still be asleep to see what the boy would do next.He cuddled with me which felt like it lasted for about hours then he kissed my head, this boy is just too sweet, then he whispered into my ear

"Baekhyun i will make you one of the happiest people in the world if you let me love you". I don't think he understands how happy he makes me already i could of just kissed him just there and then. I do love him i just need to find the right moment to tell him. He walked over to his bed which made me sad because i wanted him to sleep with me for the rest of the night. It dosn't matter because tomorrow we have the all day to do what we want *smirk* because it would be just the two of us. I can't wait to go to sleep to wake up to the first day of me and Chanyeol lives together.


"Wake up sleepy head" I shouted at the younger as walked over to his bed. I should of just let him sleep and today was our day off but i couldn't wait a second longer to be with him.

" I'm up no need to shout i'm not deaf" Chanyeol said in his deep y morning vocie. Oh the things this boy does to me without even knowing me. I grabbed his hand lead him downstairs he made breakfast while i watched him. I never noticed that when Chanyeol is focused on something he sticks his tongue out it's super cute. 

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Chapter 6: So cute... But they are sure now: they love each other.
Chapter 5: They did it! They kissed... So cute!
Chapter 3: Wow! Some confession?
Chapter 2: Ah, sometimes you need a little push to make the next step. Right, Chanyeol? :)
Chapter 1: Good start.
I'll wait for the rest.