Zhou Zhen's Story (Part 1)

Cruel Romance Stories

   "You're so damn careless! How the hell do you expect to act the way that you do and not suffer any consequences? You know, one day you're going to get screwed over, and I'm not going to be there to save your ." His voiced echoed all around his office, surrounding me in my all ready shameful state. "It was one mistake!" I shouted back at him, "It was a risky business move and it went bad. Stop trying to act so righteous all the damn time!" I was bold, bolder than I ever had been around him. The great Er Ye stood in front of me, his power shadowing over my sitting figure. Earlier that week I made a risky business deal with the Xiang family. I asked for some access to their imports and trading partners, and in return I would get them access to Er Ye's docks. It was risky because now I had to find a way to persuade Zhou to do just that. 


   "So... Er Ye," Ying Dong said in his usual playful tone, "What is this lovely lady doing here with such scoundrels like us?" I shot him a glare as I sipped my tea. "Business, nothing more." Short and blunt, a typical response from Shanghai's most infamous dock leader. "Yes, now if memory serves me correctly, it is a business transaction, between Er Ye and myself. Forgive me if I'm being bold, but I don't see where you fit into that specific equation." Zhou Zhen chuckled at this, and I wish there was someway I could have caught that very moment in a photograph. I guess the life of an almost-gang-leader toughens you; I don't even think emotions are in his vocabulary let alone his behaviors. "Now don't be like that," Ying Dong said holding his heart as if I had severely damaged him, "Is it such a crime to visit my good friend?" I wish I could have slapped that stupid look off of his damn near perfect face, but I guess that would be bad for business. "Leave her be Ying Dong. This is technically a professional meeting," "Classified," I added, glaring daggers at the young man in front of me. "Yes, indeed," Zhou Zhen continued, "Anyways, you shouldn't fret, Ying Dong won't do anything to interfere with your business." A feeling of safety overcame me knowing that I had his support in my work. 

       "Anyways," I began, turning to look at the bane of my existence,  "Enough of this petty child's play, Ying Dong. I am here to conduct a professional business meeting and nothing more. As I am very aware of your relationship with Er Ye, I will not be a burden anymore with my complaints." "Well look who's using her big girl words today!" Ying Dong exclaimed. The sarcasm that laced his voiced carried over, wrapping its filthy arms around me. "That's enough Ying Dong!" Zhou Zhen barked. Both him and I stood at an immediate attention, almost to scared to breathe. "Apologies," Ying Dong said, his usual playful demeanor gone. "What do you want from me?" Zhou Zhen asked, turning his attention back to me. "I need access to your docks," I began, "I have foreign imports coming in, and I don't have any other option, nor do I trust anyone else with this." "Foreign imports?" Zhou Zhen asked. "Yes Er Ye. It's my first time dealing with foreigners. I know that you have a great amount of experience with Europeans, so please help with this." In all of my years working in the business industry, I've never been so scared just for asking for a favor. Zhou Zhen looked at his friend, then back at me. "This is quite a favor that you're asking,"his voice drew out. "As a matter of fact, I don't even think I know what business you practice in. How do I know that you won't just try smuggling in drugs?" He leaned over as his question came to an end. As his face drew closer to mine, I began to notice every single detail that it held. I studied his eyes, which seemed to hold so many secrets; I studied his strong jawline that would probably cut me if I were to touch it, but then I began to study his lips. They were so close to me that I almost wanted to lean over and...

     I quickly stood up, backing away from him. "Why would I do such a thing?" My voice was to high and my question was rushed,but that's all I could come up with. "I don't know you." He simply responded, leaning back into his large chair. He brought his drink up to those beautiful, smooth lips. The same lips that nearly made me lose my sanity. "In fact, I don't remember hearing your name on the streets of Shanghai until very recently." "My business just recently flourished," My reply was still shaky, but I was able to keep my tone level. "We specialize in domestic exports, this is the first time that we have had any affairs outside of the mainland." His eyes grew even more skeptical as they traced up and down my body. "That's quite a large step," Ying Dong intervened. "I mean, think about it Er Ye,  she's brand new to the business world, she hasn't even traded with another Asian country, but yet she's willing to trade with some shady European company. I don't think it's worth your time sir." Zhou Zhen's eyes never left mine. He continued to scan over my figure, as if he was slowly trying to decode me. "No." His answered surprised both Ying Dong and I. "You don't look that way," he stood up and began stalking towards me, like a predator to his prey. "You're too innocent," he began, "I don't think you could deceive me, even if your life depended on it." Zhou Zhen's face was so close to mine once again. No amount of air could be enough, as it was nearly impossible to breathe. "I'll cut you a deal, you may have all access to my docks, as long as I am informed of exactly ever, single thing that goes in, and out of there." My mind barely registered the words that escaped his perfect lips. "Yes sir!" I quickly exclaimed. "Thank you sir!" I bowed, nearly toppling over from the loss of balance. "Sir!" Ying Dong drew Zhou Zhen's attention away from me. "Are you insane?! What's wrong with you?" His face grew redder with every word. "This is none of your concern," Er Ye replied, almost too calmly. It was a pleasure doing business with you." The smile that overcame my face would not go away as he spoke those words to me. I quickly thanked him again, said my goodbyes, and quickly exited the office. As I shut the door, I couldn't help but stay when I heard Ying Dong raise his voice once again. "What the hell is wrong with Zhou Zhen?! You've done thousands of business deals, and I've never once seen you half a deal!" "I honestly don't know," Zhou Zhen replied, "There's something different about her...I don't think she'll be an issue in the future."

Oh if he only knew.

       This memory filled my mind as Zhou Zhen threw me over his shoulder and began running. "Put me down !" I screamed at him, as I began kicking and wiggling around. Luckily, we were close to to his estate. Once we arrived to his office, he set me down, but immediately pinned me to a wall and covered my mouth with his large hand. I saw the shadows of the men who were chasing us flash by outside the window. Instead of letting me go, he roughly shoved me into the closest chair and then stood right infront of me to prevent any sort of escape.

Oh .

       I realized my situation instantly. His figure, towering me, leaked power and once again I felt the fear that I had experienced when we first met. "You're so damn careless! How the hell do you expect to act the way that you do and not suffer any consequences? You know, one day you're going to get screwed over, and I'm not going to be there to save your ." His voiced echoed all around his office, surrounding me in my all ready shameful state. "It was one mistake!" I shouted back at him, standing up to face him "It was a risky business move and it went bad. Stop trying to act so righteous all the damn time!" The world vanished around me as he slammed me up against the wall. His intense gaze left my mind completely blank and I didn't dare to speak. Zhou Zhen remained silent for what felt like an eternity. "You won't cause any trouble," he quietly mumbled to himself, just loud enough for me to barely make out. "How could I have been so foolish?" His question startled me as I had no idea what he was talking about. All of a sudden, I was pulled back to that exact moment outside of his office doors. His voice filled my memories, with the words that he spoke to Ying Dong. I remember now how he once trusted me to not cause him any trouble,yet here we are, in his office, hiding from the same people that I had made a deal with a year before. Just then,  Er Ye's voice pulled me back to reality. "You stupid girl," that perfect face of his began leaning closer, and his devilish smirk widened, "Look at the horrid mess that you've gotten yourself into." 

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Chapter 1: I can't wait for the update.