Ying Dong's Story (Part 2)

Cruel Romance Stories

I should've expected this honestly...being shoved up against my own damn office wall by some filthy brat shouldn't have surprised me. You know you've lived in Shanghai way too long when you start expecting this kind of ....

        And that's exactly what I did...I expected it.

While he was busy staring at me, victory lacing his whole body, I quickly brought my hand around his wrist, and freed my throat from his death grip. In a swift motion, I twisted his arm, causing him to turn so that his back was facing me. During all this confusion, I used my free hand to grab the small switchblade that was tucked away in the garter I wore around my thigh. The cool blade made contact with his throat, and my now free hand forced its way into his soft, short hair, keeping him in place. Another cackle, passed through my lips and rang throughout my office. "You?" I began, "Winning? Ohh...poor, poor, poor Ying Dong. I can't tell if you're full of jokes today or just plain stupid." My voice dropped dangerously low and my lips slowly moved closer to his ear. When he didn't respond, I applied more pressure to his throat, nearly breaking his skin. The laugh that spilled from his lips surprised me for the second time today. "You won't kill me," he said, "You could never kill me." "What the hell is stopping me?!" I asked, shaking him slightly. He chuckled one more time and simply responded with, "You." My mind went crazy. I couldn't comprehend what the hell that one small word meant when it came from this brat. I turned him around and pinned against the narren wall, keeping the blade snug against his neck. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" My face loomed dangerously close to his, and my eyes never once left his. "You know exactly what I'm talking about," a smirk slowly stretching across his face, and his voice dropping to a soft whisper. I scoffed, "Would care to explain your thoughts, before I paint these walls with your blood?" His smirk grew wider.

        "Because you love me." The knife in my hand almost fell to the floor as shock coursed through my veins. When he felt the released pressure, he wasted no time in pulling himself away from the wall, causing me to lose grip on the blade. Grabbing both of my arms, he forced me into the soft confines of a chair, and then proceeded to cage me there using his strong arms. "Look at you...talking all that big again. Doesn't this position seem familiar sweetheart?" A loud smack resonated around the room, as my hand came in contact with his face. I didn't even think about it, the slap came naturally, as my goal was to wipe that stupid smirk off of his face. "Screw you Xiang Ying Dong." My emotions had completely left my voice, nothing remained but a slight rasp that probably was a result from my earlier screams. "I bet that's what you dream about," he responded, still facing away from me. "Ow...damn babe, why would you hit me?" he asked sarcastically, slowly turning back to look at me, "I thought you loved me." A pout settled on his lips, and a hand came up to hold his newly wounded cheek. I scoffed, "Who told you that bull?" Ying Dong slowly stood up and began circling me. "Nobody, I just took a wild assumption." He stood directly behind me before continuing. "Maybe it's the way that you always look at me," He began, slowly leaning down. "Maybe it's the way your eyes trace my body, like they're searching for something." I could feel his breathe getting stronger on the back of my neck as his face grew closer. "Maybe it's the way you lean into my touch," the back of his hand came up to gently caress my cheek, and I couldn't help but to lean into it slghtly. "Maybe it's your body's reaction to me. Is it my hands?" He applied more pressure to my cheek. "Is it my voice?" His voice dropped to a whisper. "Is it my lips?" His lips began slowly tracing up and down my neck. My heart began racing and my breathing became shallow. I couldn't think straight, so I did the only thing that came to my mind. I tried to grab the blade that I had dropped earlier. 

This smart bastard.

         As soon as I tried to run out of the chair, a large hand came down on my shoulder and pulled me right back. "Don't," he rasped in my ear, continuing his previous actions against my neck. Why wasn't I fighting this? I knew our situation was so screwed up, but I couldn't find it within me to make him stop. My mind was brought back to reality when I began to realize that Ying Dong started replacing the lines that he drew on my necks with small kisses and bites. "Ying...ah...Dong...this is...ahh...very inappropriate," my statement was broken apart by a series of moans that I couldn't contain anymore. I felt him smile against my neck before he stopped and stood up. He walked back around the chair slowly so that he stood towering over me once more. Ying Dong leaned down to cage me again, bringing his face directly in front of mine. "What are you going to do to stop me?" I was expecting his statement to be very cocky, or at least his prized smirk to make a reunion,but no. The question was surprisingly sincere. There wasn't a drop of sarcasm hidden in his voice, nor a gleam of mischievous laced in his eyes. All I saw was a man, no longer joking around, but looking deep into my eyes, pleading for something I couldn't quite figure out... I never answered his question, I just began leaning slowly towards him. Hesitation crossed through my mind, but it was immediately pushed away when I felt his fingers lace through my hair and began pulling me closer. His breathe, light with the tea he had previously drank before our meeting led to this crazy situation, fanned over my skin, causing it to rise slightly. My nerves were on end...any form of stimulation felt amplified almost to the point of insanity. Thoughts were racing through my mind, yet not a single one was even slightly comprehended. His lips softly brushed against mine...

Knock Knock

        "Excuse me Miss, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Er Ye is here for the meeting." My assistant called through the door. I quickly turned around around to my clock, only to see that I was now twenty minutes late for a business meeting with the great Er Ye. Ying Dong's hand slowly turned my face back to look at him. "You have to leave," my voice was barely a whisper. He quietly stood up, fixed his composure, and began walking towards the door. I made my way back to my desk, fixing my appearance as well. Ying Dong opened the door and greeted his good friend as if nothing happened. Zhou Zhen made his way into my office, greeting me with a bow, before turning to close the door. "Wait!" Ying Dong's voice stopped Er Ye's actions. He peered through the door, and with a prize-winning smirk adorning his face, he decided to leave me with these words.

"I believe I won."

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Chapter 1: I can't wait for the update.